Plays well, or just a cheater?

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Plays well, or just a cheater?

Post by pyrella »

YOU DECIDE! ... 01095.html

These people crack me up, they are probably the same ones that think you're wall hacking or auto aiming when they just plain suck in CS or UT or any other FPS...
Pyrella - Illusionist - Leader of Ixtlan on Antonia Bayle

if you were walking around and you came upon a tulip with tits, would you let it be for the rest of the world to enjoy.. or would you pick it and carry it off to a secluded area to motorboat them?
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Post by noel »


Given that I only attacked him behind, I'm going to go with, 'He's a far better player than you are, Gaystar."
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Post by Neziroth »

Do you have to be in beta to read that or something?
<a href="">See the other side...</a>

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Post by noel »

Yessir. I'll paste the thread though... I'm still not convinced I was actually invulnerable against him. Also not sure how two kills makes me an EVIL EXPROITER! I honestly thing he just sucks.
Author Topic: Testing vs abusing bugs.
PLS Beta Member posted 04-15-2003 12:20 AM user search report post
Guys, one thing is to test every aspect of the game, and another is to find bugs and abuse them. Databases must have gone down, because global maps died, group members went LD and stayed in group indefinitely, and yet again "invulnerable" chars came up to grief people that no one can see or damage. The 2 newest members of people who abuse bugs WELL knowning that they are abusing this (ie, killing people over and over again that no one can see) are Shame and Halo14 from TR.
Way to go guys. Nice way to "test" the system. Friggin exploiting idiots.

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-15-2003 12:26 AM user search report post
I thought I was accidently abusing a bug earlier this evening as I was hacking a tower cc. I was about half way though hacking when someone started shooting at me, but missed me the whole time (atleast a clip of ammo). Then I realized he was only missing me because I was standing on the CC and he was shooting directly at the console (ugh, the GP's he must have racked up), which was actually below me. He managed to hit me once, but aimed down again after that, continuing to miss me. I managed to get the hack and someone came down the stairs and took him out.
If I was exploiting a bug, I would have jumped down to make it fair. I believe in having fun playing this beta, but also making sure I submit my bugs and make things fair.

PLS Beta Member posted 04-15-2003 12:31 AM user search report post
One thing is to find a bug and do it while you are learning that is a bug. It happens, and that's how you test things. Im talking about these 2 guys, Shame and Halo14, that just killed and killed and killed people, including MAXs, without at any moment taking any damage or being in any danger.
Do it once, you are testing a bug. Do it twice, maybe you need confirmation. Do it 10 times, you are a plain old exploiting idiot.

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-15-2003 12:32 AM user search report post

Do it once, you are testing a bug. Do it twice, maybe you need confirmation. Do it 10 times, you are a plain old exploiting idiot.

Couldn't agree with you more.

PLS Beta Member posted 04-15-2003 12:34 AM user search report post
I was just playing against Halo14 and I was like WTF is going on? Least I know I wasnt crazy I hate people like that. And you know what? ITS A BETA. There stuff will get wipped anyways lol

PLS Beta Member posted 04-15-2003 12:39 AM user search report post
Are you guys playing AGAINST halo? I'm in TR and played with Halo before; he always struck me as a good player. How can he kill and kill and kill on several occasions if this is a server side bug? Can he trigger a DB bugger up? I don't think so. Does he know he's bugged? Maybe not. Maybe he's just a good player.
I just know I've fought along side him without any of these issues.

PLS Beta Member posted 04-15-2003 12:46 AM user search report post
urgh, dont defend him please. It was very obvious, and yes, he can trigger the bug. ANYONE can trigger the bug. It was already posted in the bug section how to trigger the bug. He was killing everyone with invulnerability by abusing a bug. Plain and simple.

PLS Beta Member posted 04-15-2003 12:46 AM user search report post
WickedSoul from VS ... ot0014.jpg ... ot0015.jpg

He went on for HOURS. Trying hacking a base, couldnt because he would drop everyone in the control room from 100-0 in 3 seconds flat, while being invisible.

We went to the next base, thinking if we wait a while he would be gone, but no, he stayed there exploiting for hours.

People like this should be banned from the beta and the retail game. If they exploit thigns in beta, why wouldn't they do it on retail?

PLS Beta Member posted 04-15-2003 12:51 AM user search report post
edit: looks like he came to a tower all the way across the map too. ... ot0016.jpg

don't bother coming to Hossin folks

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-15-2003 12:52 AM user search report post
Excuse me?
I wasn't doing ANY such thing. Don't you DARE accuse me of that. I have posted on EVERY SINGLE bug I have seen since I've been in beta. I have never 'taken advantage' of ANYTHING.

#1, I don't even remember killing you.

#2, yes the server got screwed up as you said, but I wasn't killing anyone during that time. Read it again... I got zero kills. Why? There was no one to kill. The only person I saw was a TR MAX named Divinus in the Dagda CC. He was getting magically killed by some VS Infil named Osiris. During that time, I saw no one in the CC, and I was having to repeatedly hack the CC because even though there was NO ONE in the room, the CC kept getting rehacked.

During this time I was alternating between attempting to recall, firing at walls looking for whomever was rehacking, and attempting to instant action. I never killed anyone the whole time.

The last person I killed this evening was Daystar, a VS in Reinforced Armor. The only reason I killed him was becuase I had superior position on him and I kept moving to avoid him knowing where I was.

I totally resent your implication, and deny it unequivocally.

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-15-2003 12:56 AM user search report post
I just read this thread: ... 01045.html
This is the first I've heard of this bug, and I had no idea it was happening. I really don't care if you believe me or not. I was still taking damage even when I killed the Daystar person in Dagda. After rehacking the CC, I had to go up to the Eterm, hack it and get new armor.

Whatever you think, I wasn't doing it intentionally or maliciously. I did not know about this bug.

PLS Beta Member posted 04-15-2003 01:05 AM user search report post
Halo, maybe, just MAYBE you didn't know you were doing it, but i know for a FACT that you were killign with invulnerability. Name is Raystar btw, not Daystar. Both times you killed me you were nowhere to be found. I have absolutely no doubt of what you were doing, and i was pissed off from Shame doing the very same thing to everyone at Dagda for a good 15 mins before you got there.
Both of you were abusing the bug. Maybe you didn't know what you were doing, but you were certainly doing it.

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-15-2003 01:05 AM user search report post
Just to clear my agreement to Straevan's 2nd post about once to find the bug, twice to comfirm but 20 times to exploit, I was not implying that you, Halo, was doing this. Since I was not there I cannot and will not accuse you of doing thing, I was just agreeing with the fact that if someone purposly and continuously use a bug, that just isn't right.
Even with the screenshots of WickedSoul, I will not accuse him, because I was not there. He may have been having a really good run of luck . I'm also not saying Ioneye is lying. Oh hell, I'll just say it, unless I see an exploit in person, I choose to stay neutral.

The only reason I am posting this is because I have been unfairly accuse of cheating in other FPS's and it bothered me OMGIAMRETARDEDCAUSEALOTISTWOWORDS, just as it is bothering you Halo. I do not cheat nor condem cheating and hate it when I am accused of it.

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-15-2003 01:16 AM user search report post
Dude, I had no idea.
I killed you exactly twice. The first time, you were in the CC with a TR Max named Divinus. He had you engaged, and you were firing on him. I opened up on you, and shot you from behind. You killed him first, then almost instantly died afterward.

After that, I hacked the CC. It made sense to me that you would be coming right back to CC because I didn't think I'd get it hacked before you'd respawn. After hacking, I moved out of the CC to the left (if facing away from CC) and then ducked down in one of the little cubby things in the hall. You ran in to CC with gun drawn, and I fired on you from the side, and from behind. You were turning on me, but I'd pretty much already gotten you. I took armor damage from your gunfire, and slight health damage.

Shortly after that, the CC started rehacking itself with no one in the room. I was fairly certain that if I /quit and tried to log back in, I wouldn't be able to, so I sat in the CC. Osiris must have killed the TR Max (who kept coming back) 6 times. The Vanu were rehacking the base, but no one was there.

I had no idea of the bug at all.

The bugs I noticed were:
*I could not /recall.
*I could not mount vehicles.
*I could not leave my squad.
*I could not kick people from my squad.
*My map was not updating.
*Nanite Silos were not appearing as refueled even though an ANT had just refueled it.

The only reason I was even still staying in the game was because I was hoping the bug would correct itself or the server would get reset. I assure you, I had no idea I was, 'getting free kills'. I was constantly moving around to ambush you (like I do with anyone) and just trying to hack the base. Also, given that I was still taking damage from you, I don't see how I could have been using the exploit your describing.

I don't even play Counterstrike anymore becaue of BS bugs like this. I hate cheaters, and honestly do not aspire to be one.

Btw, my halo14 character has been remade like... 15 times (looking for the perfect combo). I had actually rerolled him tonight as well. When I checked my stats page, shortly before I logged, the numbers were completely innacurate. Earlier in the evening, before things had gotten bugged, I was at the tower to the West (I think) of Lugh, and I had killed quite a few Vanu and NC maxes, while dying several times myself.

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-15-2003 01:21 AM user search report post
FYI, I linked this thread on the 'General Bugs' board in hopes that if the Dev's got both sides of the story, it would help them erradicate the bug.

PLS Beta Member posted 04-15-2003 01:25 AM user search report post
The easiest way to find out if someone is doing this or not is by sending them tells. You can talk to enemies just fine, but when they are in god mode tells do not go thru. I sent you a tell after you killed me twice, and, ofcourse, it didn't go thru. I had spent the last 20 minutes fighting exploiters and i was pissed to all hell, so maybe i did jump to the conclusion that you were doing this knowingly. However you WERE invulnerable.

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-15-2003 01:31 AM user search report post
I was taking damage from you, so I wasn't. Tells weren't working for me at all. I have no magic key, or elite hack to enable this bug. Sorry to disappoint you.
Look at it from my perspective for just a second. I never received a /tell from you. Yeah things were buggy, but we're in beta. I was still moving around, and I had good position on you. How was I supposed to know? What indicator in game would let me know this was a bug had I not seen these threads?

The answer. Nothing. There's no way to know. Empathize a bit before you out and out accuse someone. I really don't appreciate your continued attitude that I knew about it. Again, I had no knowledge of this bug.

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-15-2003 01:45 AM user search report post
Halo, you still take armor damage and stamina damage as normal when invulnerable. However your health remains fixed at whatever level it was at when you first tried to recall and got bugged.

PLS Beta Member posted 04-15-2003 01:49 AM user search report post
Tonight playing TR I ran into a NC guy named Halo. He basically walked into our tower and kicked the crap out of everyone over and over and over. I personally engaged him 4 times, emptied my gun (medium assault shotgun and rifle) into him 3 of those times, and died every time from no more than 2 shots. This was in the reinforced exo skeleton armor (whatever its called cant remember exact name =) ). Just thought it was ironic that Halo14 is being called a cheater on the TR side, but I fight a guy named Halo on the NC side who had to be cheating.

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-15-2003 01:55 AM user search report post
I was in TR all night. I have yet to play NC anywhere aside from their VR area so I could test their weapon systems.

PLS Beta Member posted 04-15-2003 02:15 AM user search report post
You moron. I group with Halo almost constantly, and if you knew who we were and who we squadded with you would think twice about throwing around stupid accusations. Just because a player is better than you doesn't give you the right to log off in a hissy fit and start wasting bandwitdth on the beta board that someone is cheating because they killed you a few times and you are a lousy shot.
And of course as soon as he confronts you, you start relenting. Can't you even have a spine on the internet?

Trying to ruin someone's beta account by accusing them of cheating because you are pissed off is pretty low. This isn't even the bug report forum; you're just outting him to get revenge.

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-15-2003 02:28 AM user search report post
yup, puddles right, halo is the man

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-15-2003 02:29 AM user search report post
Btw, she means me, not 'Halo'.
I play halo14, halo15, and halo16. There's a separate character named 'Halo'.
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Post by Forthe »

lol kyo where were the CAPS!
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Post by Sabek »


Aranuil H@x0r3d me and made me shoot myself over and over. I know the truth now!

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Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

That is it! I knew Aranuil was dirty when he TK'ed Stragi!!!!11!1 EXPROITER!
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Post by Laliana »

Update us Aranuil! :lol:

I wish I could read those, looks almost as entertaining as some of our steamroll threads. :vv_yeahthat:
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Post by Mort »

You should invite that little twerp here for a good VV Lashing....
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Post by noel »

Laliana wrote:Update us Aranuil! :lol:

I wish I could read those, looks almost as entertaining as some of our steamroll threads. :vv_yeahthat:
Update is that I have some great squadmates, and now people feel sorry for the n00b. ;)
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Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

I stuck up for you and let them know that you are a known cheater on Veeshan!
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Post by noel »

LMAO. I seriously think I need to work on my exproits... I'm only getting two kills per exproit... that number seems low.

*goes off to PM Gurugurumaki*
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Post by Boogahz »

half of those threads are legit in the beginning, and then someone throws out a "I got killed by this guy and he must be exploiting too!!!!!1!!"
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Post by Zamtuk »

Not to fucking mention we were grouped with Tygo. :roll:
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Post by noel »

So I'm sitting here at work, kind of bored, and I decide to see what else my good friend Gaystar has posted. The one commonality to all of his posts is that he whines like a bitch... a lot. I am planning on trolling his posts for the rest of beta, just because I'm fucking pissed off he accused me of doing something I abhor to compensate for his sucking at PS.

The highlight of going through his post history was when I discovered that he'd already been schooled by Kyoukan once before:
PLS Beta Member posted 04-14-2003 02:20 AM user search report post
I was killed in 2 seconds flat by one of these. Yep. I opened the door of a CC, as soon as i saw him i strafed to the side of the door away from LOS, and before that happened i was dead. Yep, very much /pwnd. Are you guys SURE these things are supposed to do this much damage? its AMAZING.
I can kite thru NC MAXs, np. Takes time and practice, but its doable. I cant kite dual chaingun TR MAXs at all. I guess its because their COF is so wide that you cant even do that right. I dont think this MAX is in par with the rest. I understand they are supposed to mow down thru infantry and all that, but i ask of you to review and reconsider how balanced the 2 anti-infantry MAXs are, because this one by far takes the cake.

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-14-2003 02:22 AM user search report post
Might want to read the manual
TR AI MAX units in LOCKDOWN mode fire 2x as fast, but cant move

PLS Beta Member posted 04-14-2003 02:24 AM user search report post
go back to everquest.

PLS Beta Member

posted 04-14-2003 02:25 AM user search report post
Nice way to troll puddle.
In any case the TR AI MAX does what its supposed to do.. take out infantry fast. The VS AI MAX is rather good as well, although the NC AI MAX could use some tweaking so its a little better than at just point blank range.

PLS Beta Member posted 04-14-2003 02:27 AM user search report post
kite, strafe, whatever. Thanks for the amazing insightful response puddle.
And yes, the fact that it can kill someone in the time that person opens the door and gets out of the way (ie. <2 secs) means it definitely needs an adjustment.

PLS Beta Member posted 04-14-2003 02:44 AM user search report post
There are ways to open a door in this game so you aren't standing right in the middle of it ready to get blasted by whatever's standing there. A mounted dual cycler max will you kill fast enough but can only turn about 160 degrees so is 100% helpless if you get behind it.
And if you are opening doors to command centers and standing in the middle of the doorway like an idiot and not expecting a bunch of guns pointing at you then maybe you deserve to get shot.

PLS Beta Member posted 04-14-2003 02:53 AM user search report post
Puddle, you truely are an idiot. You provide absolutely NO service to anyone with what you said.
Saying that the way to fix the fact that a MAX can kill you in 2 seconds is by not opening a door standing in the middle of it is about as useful as me saying i like bacon.

PLS Beta Member posted 04-14-2003 03:21 AM user search report post
Youre the one complaining that you're dying to a weapon designed to kill infantry. I rarely come bursting into command centers in the middle of a base fight because the odds are pretty good that there's at least one max waiting for you to do that.
Toss in a couple grenades and get him to unroot, then go and "kite" him. Max's turn incredibly slow and its not difficult to get in behind one.
Last edited by noel on April 16, 2003, 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zamtuk »


Signs point to no!
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Post by pyrella »

good news, grief seems wiped, or a huge knock taken out, come on in!
Pyrella - Illusionist - Leader of Ixtlan on Antonia Bayle

if you were walking around and you came upon a tulip with tits, would you let it be for the rest of the world to enjoy.. or would you pick it and carry it off to a secluded area to motorboat them?
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Post by Zamtuk »

Greif goes down 10x faster than it did.
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Post by Laliana »

rofl...more puddle posts please! :twisted:

Hopefully Saiph will let me in soon. :P
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