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Post by Fairweather Pure »

My wife picked this up for me today. I'm pretty hyped to get home and play it! I've been following several threads on different boards and it is getting great reviews from fans.

Zombies > Spec Ops, dive to prone, the abilty to play vs bots, and pushing innovation within the series make Treyarch the better of the two CoD studios IMO. They have also always had better maps, starting back in CoD:W@W.

I played the single player in MW3 but didn't care for the multiplayer at all. There was way too much shit flying around at all times and only a few of the maps clicked with me. MW3 was the very first CoD that I didn't buy the extra map packs. Taking away bots cost them my money!
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Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

While WaW sucked, the Black Ops got a whole lot better IMO. MW2 and MW3 both were horrendous. The multiplayer vids I have seen from today look like the movement and guns have the same feel that Black Ops 1 had....which is a good thing. I am hoping that the maps are at least as good as the original BOps maps.

I do hate all the AI killstreak rewards, which MW2 and 3 both overused in a massive manner. I think the MW1 perks and killstreaks was damn near perfect with its simplicity.
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Post by Aslanna »

I liked WaW at least from the Single Player perspective. I didn't mess with the MP stuff other than to get the trophies. As tired as people were of WW2 shooters I'd think they'd be doubly tired of all this realistic modern war crap by now. Maybe not since a lot of them have you killing brown people. Can't go wrong there!
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Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

Do you really have to bring political bullshit to the games forum you worthless fuckstain?
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Post by Aslanna »

How is it political? Just stating facts!
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Post by kyoukan »

kilmoll is only happy when he's shooting pretend muslims in the face. the closest thing he gets to it in real life is locking his car door when he sees one nearby on the sidewalk.
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Post by Winnow »

Don't expect kyoukan to compartmentalize. It's a douche on every forum. Squeezes in another racist remark any chance it gets.
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Post by Funkmasterr »

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.. Ops. There, I posted about the game.
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Post by Fairweather Pure »

I played the first chapter of single player, 1 public game, and 3 games vs bots. It's all "same ol, same ol" so if you like CoD pick it up! The one big difference and notable improvement for me is that there ate now multiple game modes to play with vs bots. Before it was simply TDM and FFA. I played a domination map with bots and it was great! My single public game was plagued with lag. My kill cams were hilarious. I stright up shot people in the face on my screen but the killcam had me standing still not even getting a round off! I think I'll let the net portion of the game chill for a week or two. Lots of UAVs but other tgan that I don't recall any annoying killstreaks at all. Previous weapon unlocks are now buried deep in the higher levels too. For instance, it's going to take awhile to get a simple silencer. It's a whole different game when no one has a silencer, lol!

The maps are solid, as expected from Treyarch, but the ones I have played have seemed smaller than usual. I've only played 3 of them, so take that observation with a grain of salt.

For single player, they replaced Ed Harris with Micheal Keaton for one of the main characters and that sucks. Graphics are the same as ever, great mixed with...not great. Halo 4 really improved itself over the previous releases in it's series while CoD is just doing more of the same (that I happened to love so no biggie).
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Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

The maps are mostly small, but even some of the smallish one are very snipery. I will predict that this will be a shotgun festival once the general population figures out that they are one hit wonders on a big chunk of the maps.

Grenade throwing distance has been reduced in a major manor. That is good and bad for me as I was extremely fond of semtex from the original. Explosion radius all seems to have been made smaller. Sentry guns are absolute map rapers and people better learn to take them out fast.

The weapon attachment system is an entirely new concept. You get to pick 10 total slots. You can end up taking no attachments and run 6 perks....or run no perks and run multiple guns and attachments. It is a whole lot more choices there now than ever in the past. Silencers and such unlock at different rates for each type of gun, so SMG would unlock way before assault rifle.

The lag so far from multiplayer has been kinda meh. Some rooms have been great and some have sucked. We had a last kill on the cam for everyone to watch in hardcore capture the flag game last night where the dude was hit 5 times before he dropped. I know for a fact that I got hit by someone twice with the hit markers indicating and did not go down. All I know is that you want the worst connection in the game and you will beat wholesale ass. Hosts are getting lag-fucked like all the rest of the COD's.

If you liked Black Ops and hated MW3, then you should like BO2. It has the same feel with just about just might wish you had some familiar guns.
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