Donkey Kong Country Returns

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Donkey Kong Country Returns

Post by Funkmasterr »

So, until like a week ago I wasn't aware this was even coming out. The first Donkey Kong Country is one of my favorite games ever, I downloaded it on the Wii and played through the whole thing not too long ago. It's one of those games that always kicks ass.

Anyway, the new one for the Wii came out yesterday. It's gotten really good reviews, and sounds great. Totally picking it up after work today, I'll update with my thoughts once I've got some time in.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country Returns

Post by Funkmasterr »

Got mid way through the second world last night, liking the game a lot so far!

It's very similar to the games for the SNES, with new game mechanics thrown in here and there. There are a few new moves added in too, which add a little more complexity to things if you are trying to find all the secrets.

The only complaint I have so far is the controls.. I started using the control scheme where you hold the wii remote sideways, but this didn't work well at all. I'm now using the wii remote + nunchuk, and it's easier to control, however if I could use a classic controller or my gamecube controller, I would be whipping through this game.

It's really frustrating that Nintendo doesn't get the point here, this game is difficult enough that it doesn't/won't appeal to the casual retard crowd that makes up the majority of the people that have bought wii's. It appeals to more of the hardcore gamer crowd, and I'm pretty sure I'm a long way from the only person in that demographic that wants to use a real fucking controller for games that require good control over stuff.

Oh well, rant aside it's still a really good game.. Very likely will end up being my favorite Wii game yet! If you were a fan of the Donkey Kong Country games back in the day or just want a good challenging platformer (even if part of the challenge is using the fucking controller) - give it a shot.
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