Banned from companions message board by the Cowardly Tosari

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Banned from companions message board by the Cowardly Tosari

Post by Setrutysewet »

It is normally not in me to flame =c) but in this case I feel its appropriate. The following is what I posted on the private section of Companions message board that resulted in me instantly being banned access to read/ post to that form. (I found this very amusing if you dont who cares)

Most of the reason I am posting thisd here is I feel that Tosari is trying to hide this from other Companion Guild members.

Cowardice of this type triggers something in me.

<<<I awoke around 3 pm PST today to a big change.

My wifes was 2 boxing Set and her Char at a Mini raid in POS and left the raid when drops were awarded in what she felt was an unfair manner for the umpteenth time, Tosari then deguilded my Char when he discovered that she was 2 boxing my char at the raid. (she had left the guild a week earlier)

(Let me just say, my wifes way of handling it would rather be to keep her mouth shut and move on, so I know there was no reason for him to think she was a threat or treat her as one.)

If he had a problem with my wife 2 boxing my toon he should have spoken to me earlier about it or waited to speak to me about it. He lost big on this one.

The way loot was awarded was fishy once again 3 medallions and 1 spectral parchment all to officers and Tosari's 6 boxed chars (his boxed chars get better loot then a good portion of his guild)

This is not surprising to me in the least, Last several Mini raids I have attended only Officers and 1 non guildie were getting medallions awarded to them, I remember one mini raid in particular where after the mini's were killed and officers looted their Medallions an AE TL to bind was cast without anything being said in /gu or /rs about the raid being over and people at the raid still needed pieces other then medallions, what it looked like to everyone that gave half a damn was that the officers got what they came for and everyone else had to fend for themselfs for BOT key parts, my jaw literally dropped when I saw the AE tl to bind cast.

This wasn't too different from when officers and such got POV/POS flagged. Unless there was no line you would receive none of their help (kind of says "yeah you can sit their and wait in line but if I am having none of it)

There is NO POINT in the Officer's and L33t crowd of peeps in guild getting their bot keys before anyone else, HOH and BOT require a whole guild to do anything real their beyond killing zone mobs everyones key pieces should have been awarded equally and not based on guild status.

I'd like to see BOT key holders help the rest of the guild get keyed once all the officers and thier friends get keyed.

The ST key list last I looked was all officers on the top as well.

On my wife leaving the guild.
She had Emailed Tosari with some things that she was concerned about and that were bothering her, She was hoping for him to respond with something that would acknowledge her concerns and make her feel better about her place in the guild.

2 days later Tosari responded to that email, this is after she felt he had ignored her email and posted on the board that she was leaving. In Tosari's response to her email IN NO WAY did he address her concerns instead he was defensive, dodged around the issues, and near the end of his letter became conditionally offensive and rude.

Here is a quote from Tosari's responce to her email.

"90% of the people that have ever left this guild are asking to return within a short period of time, or end up quitting the game. The other 10% were people that really did not belong in this guild to begin with and are only after the next quick fix of phat lewt or raid challenge and care nothing whatsoever for the people they do it with"


Basically he is saying if you are not part of the 90% that comes back to the guild or quit the game you're a selfish lootwhore with no heart.

ANYONE in the guild who knows my wife knows she is shy and this is not who she is in any way. He completely did not read her email or respond to her concerns he just blurted out what he felt she should know and passed conditional judgment, Who would this not make feel uncomfortable with speaking to a person who treated you as such.

After that she was loath to speak to him and when he messaged her in game she stated to him that he didn’t understand her email at all and that she didn’t want to talk to him about it further. He then /guildremoved her without any warning or allowance for her to say goodbye to her friends in guild. (COLD ASS SHIT DUDE).

I spoke to her dug all this up in her emails to see what was going down over the last few weeks and attempted to speak to Tosari about it in tells as I had some questions for him that I felt needed answering, He misunderstood what I was saying and did not reply back to me and removed my access to post on the private section of the boards.

I spoke to Tosari about my access being removed, turns out he didnt understand what I was saying anymore then he understood what my wife was telling him, and he jumped the gun, assuming I was leaving the guild as well. He appologized and reinstated my access (which I felt shouldnt have been removed in the first place)

Dis me if you like this is what went down I feel some of you should know what went on, particularly those who care about my wife and I and are confused about why we are not in the guild anymore. >>>

.. considering Tosari\Silvaril made it so I cant see this post view on any part of the message board (it was a IP address ban) Ill put it here where I know our friends in the guild can se it and responces to it if they care to do so.. Very cowardly of Tosari imho , I bet he deleted the post from the board too.

I have nothing against the companions, Many of them are very cool people who I enjoy kicking it with, thier leader is a piece of work though imo that needs some retooling.

(pssst. try to keep good people in the guild dont drive them away..)

For all you would be flamers ready to hit reply with some snide remark or meaningless hatefull comment addressed to me or the subject. I have so enjoyed reading your posts in the past please feel free to flame away. good for laughs it is
Last edited by Setrutysewet on January 14, 2003, 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Funkmasterr »

this could have been condensed to:
Tosari is teh bich, I no like her.
For real though- this is the same shit all of us on these boards have seen posted about damn near every guild on our server and some imported by unnamed morons from other servers.
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Post by Bojangels »

You still play Funkmasterr?
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Post by miir »

hehe, Setrutysewet.... Me parezco recordar un gimp por ese nombre que nos sigue en miedo una vez (no convidada)... También me parezco recordar el entrenar de usted y el reír de mi asno apagado porque nadie rez usted... y usted debía limitar en alguna parte en kunark.
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Post by Gurugurumaki »

exactry my sentiment`
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Post by Sabek »

Multilingual retard pharming, that is a new low for you Miir. :)
Just Sabek
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