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Post by Boo »

Minfetter wrote:True. Fimo thought it would be kewl to have a shammy, so he finally ended up buying Juctice. Bout 3 months ago. Juctice wasn't brought on raids till bout a month ago tho. Not till Joramile quit EQ and our main shammy wasn't online as much as he used to due to RL. So that's not really the issue. Juc hasn't really done much of a difference to the guild other than PL'ing Fimo to his insane aa points (80 or so I believe, and same numbers on Aorna his sister I believe. ) U don't see more ppl joining the guild cuz we can show off that we have a 60 shammy in the guild? Might be wrong on that.
RoW is in need of shamans? Lvl 60 shaman here and have had lots of experience buffing roughly 40+ people by my own self on raids before so I'm pretty efficient at it. Also if I join I can bring on board lots of other players too. They all good well -almost- as good as me! References are available upon request...
Boo. Oogah Boo. Double Uh-Oh. Licensed to slow.
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Post by beasted »

when questioned by ebumar about the loss to feshlak, you said:
The numbers 32 comes to mind
now, if i'm not mistaken... nobody, not row, not ixtlan, not legion, not jesus christ reincarnated, has any right to claim any mob for themself unless they have (the ever so popular term) "reasonable force" present.

if having 32 people wasn't enough to kill feshlak, then why are you arguing that we steamrolled your mobs? obviously that presence of 32 wasn't your "reasonable force", for anything. not even that first flurry drake i guess, right?
perhaps if you had shown yourselves capable of moving ahead instead of struggling and dying to the first mob you engaged after your drop-in to aary's pit, it would have been more believable that you and your guild had "reasonable force" present.

i don't think i'll be replying anymore; this is getting stupid, and i'm getting tired. but i must say ... all in all, minfetter, you confuse me. first you blame it on lag, then you blame it on not having enough people... make up your mind.
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Post by devereaux »

I speak 3 languages fluid, how many for u guys? - Minfetter

Did you mean to say you spoke 3 languages "fluently"? Tell me, what does it say about a guild when Cobs is their raidleader and you're their spokesperson? You obviously don't know jack or shit about semantics, it's no wonder half of your logic is pulled out of your ass. Go back to the kiddie pool and take your ball with you.
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Post by Drolgin Steingrinder »

English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?

Minfetter, for fooks sake. Shorthand english (U, rdy, rem, etc etc etc) is fine for fast, in game communication - but on a board such as this it makes you sound, well, stupid.

And unless your spoken English is a lot better than your written one, then no, you're not "fluid" in three languages.

I wonder if your Danish is as bad ... walla billa?
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Post by Gaklek »

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Post by Joramile »

Okay, let me set this straight...

I was a new level 60 aka not much in the AA dept. I had to do all that stuff and i'm the ONLY shaman around, and then RoW being blamed that they get prepared and shit slow becuz i'm sorry but even Shamans with uber fast mana regen couldn't keep up with all of that. After a wipe out it'd take forever just to get back, and often made a mage for MR2 and a cleric to CH me, my bitches.

Yeah buffing is part of my job didn't bother me much until my first attempt at Zlandicar got fucked over by Ixtlan becuz I just finished buffing everyone and whamo Ixtlan retard monk pulls him away killing a few of us and they got the kill...so yeah no one said it directly but i'm sure it was my fault knowing that they were SO impatient becuz i've been the one and only shaman there for a while...occasionally for Britain but there's a language barrier and he just winds up redoing all the buffs becuz he just plain didn't understand me.

I guess I can blame it on the fact that I felt I was wasting my time doing a 3 hour raid and having it all screwed up becuz I was too slow...i'm sure i'm gunna hear "it wasn't your fault" but yeah fuck it...i'm gone goodbye.
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Post by Lleinen »

Anyway, enjoy your raiding experiance Ixtlan and whoever, we're gonna continue doing things how we've been, but faster...since this is another learning experiance from the...lleinen language? damn they beat us to it? laugh...or steamroll how I say it...

But GL Ixtlan, have fun, stay outta our way and we will yours, have fun.
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Post by Rikk Wolvenkin »

Why is it that in these situations, the ones who come whining, whine about being lagged out, as though thats the reason they lost their fight. Just a little bit of info for ya.

"Lag" isn't something some people can control and direct at others. If you were getting lagged out, you can bet Ixtlan/Legion was too.

RoW was wiped out by a single flurry drake with ixtlan/legion "lagging" them out, Ixtlan/legion handled 2 flurries and a regular drake without a single death, with RoW "lagging" them out.

Maybe ixt/legion should have waited the three or four hours for you to die to fesh and CR before they moved onto kill the rest or ntov?

Maybe since you couldn't handle the yard trash (you had more than enough people, ixt/legion has done it with less) you shouldn't complain that another guild cleared the yard trash up to Lord F for you and then left him up so you could try to kill him without the yard trash interferring.

I didn't want to post to this thread, its too stupid. But I must be stupid today.
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Post by Lleinen »

Rikk, a little while ago some stuff came out called the internet, there were many ways to connect to the internet, 3 mainly...

56k - Cable - DSL

...big difference when a few of your clerics are on 56k along with some of your melee...just an fyi
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waste of time?

Post by Anaeran Silvermoon »

"Why is it that in these situations, the ones who come whining, whine about being lagged out, as though thats the reason they lost their fight." -Rikk

Who started the whining thread?? i believe it was Ixtlan. Maybe Ixtlan/legion can get shit done through massive lag, but row's experience hasn't been with more than 35 people on a given raid. We normally don't have to deal with the lag that you guys caused when you coh'd on top of us. Maybe you guys are better than us? who gives a fuck, its a game and people seem to be forgetting that.

Experience is how you get better in this game. That raid was RoW's 2nd time ever in Ntov, how many times have you been there? Ixtlan/legion has been around for a lot longer than row, and has experienced a lot more than RoW. Obviously you guys are going to have less trouble with shit that we're just trying for the first time. Does it really matter??? Its a game, not life or death here. We fucked up a mob that we should have owned...shaman went LD what can we do. I don't get why you people insist on reminding us of our failure.

You can go ahead and flame us here for it but does anyone honestly really care??? Does it make you feel better to laugh at another guilds misfortune?? I'm sure you guys haven't ever made a mistake. People fuck up and learn from their mistakes, and come back and kick ass.

So if you insist on flaming us, go for it if it makes you feel like you're better than us. We're going to continue doing what we need to do to get better, and Ixlan/Legion will continue doing what they do. Itd be nice to see some of the "flamers"(what do you call someone who flames other people???) grow up and quit acting so fucking immature about a video game.

oh and Minfetter doesn't speak english as his first language, if you're going to flame him, flame him for what he says, not how he says it. thx

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Post by Spectrez »

English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?

Minfetter, for fooks sake. Shorthand english (U, rdy, rem, etc etc etc) is fine for fast, in game communication - but on a board such as this it makes you sound, well, stupid.
::sigh:: Drolgin, I didn't think you of all people would go out and insult someone on the way they talk. Heh you think you know a guy :? I always looked up to you ::grumbles:: oh well :?

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Post by Rikk Wolvenkin »

You're right, I guess you didn't start the thread, I had forgotten who started it after wading through all this nonsense.

I guess I'm just tired of whoever it is continually complaining that we lagged you out, as though we did it on purpose. My point is we had to deal with the same lag, so there is no point in using lag as an excuse.

The reason people keep bringing up that you failed on Lord Fesh is that RoW people keep complaining that we steamrolled you. The fact is you didn't even kill the mob we skipped over for you, and in fact we cleared the way to that mob for you. So why complain about the rest of the things we killed that you had no hope of killing since you didn't even kill Lord Fesh.

I realize you didn't come here complaining about it until others baited you into it.

This thread should never have been started and only was because of a few bad apples in RoW that used illegal methods to try to disrupt our raid. (opening trade windows with our clerics during flurry fights and dispelling mobs)

On the other hand we had people say things they shouldn't have.

If it weren't for those two things this would be a non issue.

I don't represent anyone, and shouldn't be replying here, but today I am weak.
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Post by Nylith »

Sargeras wrote:IT NYLITH!!! PLEASE PLEASE POST IT!@#$%&
I'll get in trouble :twisted:
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Post by zotha »

Shitty english and shorthand are fine with me, if he would only use PARAGRAPHS. Trying to read a 10+ line solid block of text makes my eyes bleed. :?
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Post by Rekaar. »

And once again we gave you the chance at a mob - Feshlak (although you obviously dind't deserve it, wiping to drakes) and every one of you manages to find a messageboard to sound off about how fucking evil we are. The good people in RoW I can count on one hand, why you're suffering with these duschbags for friends should be the subject of some sociological experiment. Try your local university, I'm sure someone would be intrigued. If any guild is guilty of zerg it's you lamers, guilding anyone that breathes so you can have enough unskilled level 50s to manage a 350 Dain after 6 hours. Probably wouldn't be so weak if you didn't brag about it...

You couldn't goad us more if you tried. You claim to be like us, even better than us. Grats, you've got everyone saying "who the fuck are these guys anyway?" Guess you just wanted attention, wtfg on the limelight!

You want us to stay out of your way? Want us to just pack up and leave because you're somewhere about to wipe on yard trash? Keep posting here, sure fire way to get what you desire. Want people to give you props for an accomplishment? Best you manage to do is behave like 14 year-olds and piss off the people around here you want respect from.

Fuck off. Play by the rules. Play with some respect. You've managed to piss on me everytime I've tried to be easy on you adolescents, now you can expect all of us to tell you to fuck off. Wonder how many ignore lists Cobs has made it to by now, bet he's got Blanky beat.

In short: stfu and gtfo :arrow: Especially to those of you officers I've tried to work with...to see you posting here a few hours after I talk to you trying to smooth things up some is real A+ caliber personality. The only one of you I don't think is a waste of space now is Carnon, only because I haven't talked to him yet? Sweet...
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Post by Anaeran Silvermoon »

"Especially to those of you officers I've tried to work with...to see you posting here a few hours after I talk to you trying to smooth things up some is real A+ caliber personality." -Rekaar

->My post was a feeble attempt to make you people realize how pointless it is to be fighting about this on these boards. In no way did i flame your guild, call you zergs or any of the shit you claim was stated in your post above. My posts have all been an attempt to stop this crap.

"You couldn't goad us more if you tried. You claim to be like us, even better than us. Grats, you've got everyone saying "who the fuck are these guys anyway?" Guess you just wanted attention, wtfg on the limelight!" -Rekaar

->Did you even read my last post????

"If any guild is guilty of zerg it's you lamers, guilding anyone that breathes so you can have enough unskilled level 50s to manage a 350 Dain after 6 hours." -Rekaar

->And this would be your "real A+ caliber personality"???

"The good people in RoW I can count on one hand, why you're suffering with these duschbags for friends should be the subject of some sociological experiment." -Rekaar

->I don't judge you based on who your friends are, so i would expect not to be judged based on mine.

->You talk about maturity, yet you don't seem to be showing much of that now yourself. I agree with Rikk, both sides didn't show much maturity that night, or on these boards now, but for the love of God can we end it?? All this shit does is piss people off and it really doesn't help anything.

Edit: spelling, my bad ;)

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Post by Canelek »


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Post by CobsTheWarlord »

/cry everyone hates me =( ..Also one thing strikes me as funny is how the next day someone in ixtlan who's name I will keep secret actually told me that someone admitted the whole thing about us opening trade windows etc..during flurry drakes was a lie. Just a nice little hoax to make us look bad in yout time of fault.

Just my 2 cents on the matter..

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Re: NOO!

Post by Kaluden Stormblade »

CobsTheWarlord wrote:..Also one thing strikes me as funny is how the next day someone in ixtlan who's name I will keep secret actually told me that someone admitted the whole thing about us opening trade windows etc..during flurry drakes was a lie. Just a nice little hoax to make us look bad in yout time of fault.
Let me be the first one from Ixtlan to reveal your secret source, everyone in our guild knows who this moron is, his name is Your Fucking Imagination...Don't worry though, we're gonna /guildremove this sob soon as he logs on next time.
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Post by Aorna »

Ixtlegion, I'm glad you guys think you are so uber. Too bad you think it also gives you the right to ignore other guilds.

Oh, and about those two flurries you took on at once? You almost wiped yourselves, and RoW members actually HELPED you kill the mobs. My roommate is a 60 monk (with like 80 aa or so), and he was one of the RoW who started helping to attack the flurries. I asked him why he was helping, and he said because if Ixtlegion wiped, it would just be a longer CR for everyone. I told him that Ixtlegion would just use the victory to try and put down RoW, and whadda know, I was right.

Nice of you to say we were opening trade windows and dispelling the debuffs on your mobs though.

What I remember is Ixtlegion members trying to talk down to RoW members. Things like "I have more AA than you have levels" blah blah blah.

Hope you made yourselves feel better :) (btw, who *doesn't* have more AA than levels these days :P)

Oh, and finally an interesting thread on these boards!

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Post by Xouqoa »

I tried to read this thread but the stupidity level is so high I'm tempted to move it to the Retards forum.

I have a headache now. =(

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Post by Canelek »

/agree ZooCow

Also, Ixtlan as well as Legion are made up of good folks. I can hold no merit to bullshit thrown at them. Thanks, try again with non-runon.....
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Post by kyoukan »

even i can't troll this hopeless piece of shit of a thread.
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Post by Gnomies »

Oh, and about those two flurries you took on at once? You almost wiped yourselves, and RoW members actually HELPED you kill the mobs.
Ok....wth is dispelling our buffs helping? And no, we didn't come close to wiping.
My roommate is a 60 monk (with like 80 aa or so)
No fucking way!1!!1 My dad can beat up your dad!!1

Also one thing strikes me as funny is how the next day someone in ixtlan who's name I will keep secret actually told me that someone admitted the whole thing about us opening trade windows etc..during flurry drakes was a lie. Just a nice little hoax to make us look bad in yout time of fault.
When did we fault? Ooohh, Is this the time we didn't wipe? Mmm hmm, Ok, I see now.
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Post by Winnow »

Joramile wrote:Okay, let me set this straight...

I was a new level 60 aka not much in the AA dept. I had to do all that stuff and i'm the ONLY shaman around, and then RoW being blamed that they get prepared and shit slow becuz i'm sorry but even Shamans with uber fast mana regen couldn't keep up with all of that.

I guess I can blame it on the fact that I felt I was wasting my time doing a 3 hour raid and having it all screwed up becuz I was too slow...i'm sure i'm gunna hear "it wasn't your fault" but yeah fuck it...i'm gone goodbye.
Try being the only shaman on CT Zerg raids back in the day : ) You would have crapped your pants, quit EQ and regressed back to your feeble Pong days after one raid with that whiney attitude.

I'd rather suck sled dog spluge out of kyoukan's hairy ass than do that again though.

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Post by Drolgin Steingrinder »

Spectrez, I'm sorry to have disappointed you. The "English, motherfucker ..." quote is a quite well know one, and I thought it fit the situation pretty well.

My point was simple: If Minfetter paid just a little bit of attention to what he wrote, he wouldn't come out like a dumbass. Right now, he does. I didn't have the time or the energies to go into the obvious fallacies in his posts, but thought I'd just give him some friendly advice; namely that grammer, punctuation and http://www.dictionary.com are your friends if you want to get a point across in written form. That's all.
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Post by Minfetter »

Okay Rikk... I had planned to stop posting here, but since u haven't learned to read still or whatever ur deal is, then I'll say it again just for u. We DID have 36 or 37 ppl there, but then u CoH'ed in on us, ppl went left and right and we lost 4 or 5 ppl in the process cuz they simply couldn't get back on. Did that clarify it for u? We got Fesh to 2% AKA if we'd had the last 5 ppl we WOULD have won. And for the record the big troll with the name Gaklek lied dead long before u were done with the 3 drakes as u say u took at a time. :)
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Post by Minfetter »

lol okay Drolgin. :) Thx for enlightening me. It's grammar dumbarse. :P
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Post by Fairweather Pure »

Minfetter "U are a SAD" (from the SS posted earlier)

Man, that's priceless. That may just go into my sig. Now go. Go to top.
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Post by Sargeras »

Nylith wrote:I'll get in trouble :twisted:
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

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Post by MortaniumIxtlan »

Your just sounding like a broken record now Minfetter, the whining is making my head hurt.

EDIT: Saying the same shit over and over doesnt make it any more true.
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Post by Rikk Wolvenkin »

Minfetter wrote:And for the record the big troll with the name Gaklek lied dead long before u were done with the 3 drakes as u say u took at a time. :)
Well, DUH. Its not a good raid if Gaklek doesn't die on every other pull.

Aorna wrote: Oh, and about those two flurries you took on at once? You almost wiped yourselves, and RoW members actually HELPED you kill the mobs.
What a stinking pile of pure lies, also, horseshit.

We never once "almost wiped" when we were anywhere near you guys. The only time we "almost wiped" while i was there was when Lord Koi Doken added on a drake pull, half our force was dead before we got our shit together. Even, then we didn't wipe and killed him after a long fight with a large chunk of our force dead. So I think we can handle a couple drakes, even with trade windows and dispells.

I think I've been subverted to the evil ways of this MB.

fyi, you look pretty silly calling someone with 8 to 10 more people than you, a zerg force.
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Post by Aabidano »

Rikk Wolvenkin wrote: Well, DUH. Its not a good raid if Gaklek doesn't die on every other pull.
Bah, Gakk is slacking off. You used to be able to see his calling cards all over the world.

I always thought it was just a trollish method of marking his territory. :P
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Post by Hammerstalker PE »

This thread is getting VERY GHEY!!
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Post by Nick »

Drolgin, it's no use anymore, too....many....retards......argghhh
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Post by Samila »

What I remember is Ixtlegion members trying to talk down to RoW members. Things like "I have more AA than you have levels" blah blah blah.
Selective memory? After your people rezzed, some started talking shit. "hehe.. i am more elite than any of you can even dream". The AA comment, was for that uber 58th monk with the rez effects. Don't talk shit unless you want a reality check.

Cobs...pull the cob out of your ass. You do have some children doing nasty little things in RoW and your sekrit friend shit is too funny. BTW, I have a sekrit friend in RoW that says they all hate you. I must keep this persons super sekrit identity to myself. Its true!

What fantasy world were you in claiming we almost wiped to the two flurries? ROFL. People have to die (gaklek never counts) for there to be a wipeout. Trade window spamming clerics and dispelling aren't helping btw.

Being somewhere in NToV doesn't give you the rights to all the NToV mobs no matter how much Cobs wants to cry "We're in NToV..RESPECT THAT!". A deal was made to leave Fesh for you and we'd move on to other targets.

You were given Fesh wrapped up in a neat little box. Everything cleared right up to him and him left behind. We did this AFTER you did the trade window and dispelling shit because we said we would. We didn't sit around and "lag" you while you attempted him. I think we were at the prep area for our second kill by the time you finished buffing and engaged him. It was close to a win though. I'm sure you'll get him next time.

Btw...how did Cobs manage to live when all your clerics died?

PS. - I blame Xyun for this!
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Post by Kilrain »

Hrm... this thread sucks. Although I did find a few interesting posts that I'd like to comment on.

/duel Raistin (I was drunk last time so that doesn't count)
/duel Gaklek (I owe ya one for the arena ffa battle)
/duel Leyor (I owe you one from that arena ffa battle as well ya bastage :) Plus he always uses too many smiles in his posts :))
/duel Drolgin (Simply because I haven't had my ass handed to me from you in a long time)
/duel Spectrez (Simply because you haven't had your ass handed to you from me in a long time )
/duel Hammerstalker (Because he's my brother and we're supposed to aren't we?)
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Post by Hammerstalker PE »

Minfetter STFU and go away you have made your fucking useless point 20 times already! or better yet make a new character and go duke it out for a Shiny Brass Shield in Crushbone ya fuckin NOOB!
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Post by Aslanna »

Minfetter wrote:The thing with doing trades to clerics wasn't good I'll admit that. But neither is steam'ing.
And then Cobs goes on to say someone in Ixt/Legion said it never happened. I'm confused!
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Post by *~*stragi*~* »

Jesus shouldn't have died for you people :/
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Post by Rekaar. »

lmfao Stragi
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Post by Gaklek »

I wasn't in the zone, I was CRing a dorf friend in WW, and tho I did die doing the CR, that is beside the point!
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Post by Denadeb »

Minfetter wrote: And for the record the big troll with the name Gaklek lied dead long before u were done with the 3 drakes as u say u took at a time. :)
As Gak said he wasn't even in ToV so how he was lieing dead there is beyond me.
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Post by Lleinen »

Either talk about to topic or shutup. Amazing how it turned from us saying your wrong and your answer being ...WELL...well...MINFETTER IS STUPID...

smart...gonna tell my guild to stop posting on this piece of shit, get a life or stay on topic.
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Post by Laliana »

Good idea! :idea:
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Post by Bratly »

Try being the only shaman on CT Zerg raids back in the day
back in the day?

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Post by VariaVespasa »

Nods Gaklek,you did die in WW on CR, but Xyun died THREE times on that, so you're still slacking off!... :P
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Post by Minfetter »

Gaklek. So u weren't the Troll SK with Petrified Heartwood Flamberge there? I doubt that Ixtlegion have more than 1 troll SK with that weap. I might be wrong? :)
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Post by *~*stragi*~* »

Probably wouldn't be the first time.
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