Problems with crashes

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Problems with crashes

Post by Anuin »

I was just wondering how many of you suffer from constant crashes? I know this is a beta, and that is acceptable, but it seems that i crash every 30-40 minutes, and that I need to do a hard reboot in order to connect again. How about you all?
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Post by noel »

I crash from time to time. Definitely not a specified interval, and definitely a rare occurrence compared to earlier in beta. I have never needed to do any type of reboot to get back into the game. I have in the past hit the taskmanager to make sure the planetside.exe was no longer running, but I rarely do that anymore.
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Post by Ebumar »

I crash periodically. I recently upgraded to DX9.0a, and got the latest video drivers for g4 ti4200. I went probably 3 hours without a crash tonight.
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Post by mrbojangels2 »

i seem to crash most frequently on loading screens. In between gates, during a hack, ya know all the critical times but usually only once or twice every 5 hours or so
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Post by kurzweil »

Most recent crashes have been when continents get full and go down. And when they had just tweaked the cap XP and there was that bug where your hack finishes and your entire squad gets dumped to desktop.

I've had to alt tab and kill task a few times during logout, of all places, but never had to reboot.

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Post by Ebumar »

I just alt+f4 out, I don't use the /quit command.
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Post by Homercles »

I dont crash that often, but I freeze up ALL the time. Theres times I cant turn two corners without freezing up or having my screen go black. Its terribly frustrating. I have no idea how to fix my problem. I probably averege a freeze/black out every 15 minutes...if Im lucky. Even though I have to restart my computer every time it happens, I rarely get dropped from my squad. I think I actually get xp while Im rebootig from blackouts, but thats besides the point.

I freeze up constantly and Ive tried everything Kilmoll could think of to fix it.

No luck. Pure frustration. I rarely get to experience any gameflow since Im always rebooting.
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Post by Ebumar »

Go to start> run> type dxdiag, then go to the sound tab. There's a slider bar for sound acceleration, set it to no acceleration, or basic. Try both out. If that doesn't work, upgrade to DX9.0a, and be sure you have most up to date video drivers.

Most of the crashes in planetside are sound related, so try that out.
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Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

It won't hurt to try it, but I think he has some problems with video drivers. It is a geForce 4200 and a ton of people are having problems with the nVidia cards. Have tried a couple of different sets of drivers. Not sure if he went and tried the omega drivers yet though.
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Post by Ebumar »

Get the detonators. I use the detonator drivers for my GF4 ti4200. They rock. I don't have any problems video wise, it's mostly sound bugs and the such. Another thing, make sure that he's using at the very lease, 512mb DDR.