Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Jice Virago »

On my second playthrough. Did 2H Reaver on first run, now playing Lightning Force mage this time around. Couple pointers for anyone doing Nightmare:

1) Guard is the most abusive mechanic in the game. Any time you need to drop a dragon on Nightmare, pop in all of your warriors and manually run the distance/crowd control guy. The warriors will close in and not get AEd and their little guard circle jerk means they are basically immortal the entire fight. This is especially true once you start crafting guard on hit items.

2) Only one kind of Warrior or Rogue is viable on Nightmare for the NPCs. All of your party warriors should be setup as sword and board tanks. In fact, if you are a warrior on NM, then being one as well is not a bad idea as there is not a lot of damage dropoff in the endgame. Your rogues should all be bow users and only taken when you actually want to unlock something or you are clearing portals (archers are good and dropping the stupid ice ghosts). The AI for ranged combatants is so bad and they are so frail that running dagger rogues or 2h warriors means constant res fests. On the other hand, the AI is really good at running tanking characters and archers will follow a manually controlled character around in a fight, making dodging AE effects a lot easier.

3) If dispel is crucial in the fight, you better run the mage- Seriously, the AI just spams this so in fights where dispelling is critical (several debuff and AE trap spells are brutal), you need to manually operate that wizard or it will end in tears. In fact, generally speaking, it is really easy to actually be a wizard as your main on nightmare, because the AI is so terrible at running them anyhow and you can slot things like Fade Step to easily avoid AEs.

4) Crafting breaks the game. Just like Skyrim, once you get the top recipes and enough components, crafting uber gear breaks the game wide open. Most of the best stuff is actually easy to get early, as well. The simple act of slotting master corruption runes early in the game and changing them out of purifying runes later drastically pumps up everyone's damage output. Stacking damage resistance on tank specced warriors makes them virtually unkillable. Slotting bonus critical out the wazoo on anyone massively ramps up damage in most fights. Basically, if you have the three NPCs set up to tank while kitted out with Guard on Hit plus Damage Reduction items, it almost does not matter who the fourth guy is in the fight.

5) Dagger Rogues rule in hard, but die in Nightmare. The amount of damage that these guys can generate, especially in burst damage, is pretty insane. The problem is they simply cannot life long enough to do it in prolonged fights and the short fights are not lengthy enough for the tanks to keep things off of you. If you don't mind having to chain res constantly, the damage output is beyond insane (especially assassin or flask based setups) but most of the harder fights revolve around sustained strategies against enemies with AE mele.

I have to say that this is probably my favorite RPG I have played in years and with the possible exception of Last of Us might be the best game of the decade so far.
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Funkmasterr »

I'm playing dagger rogue again as my main on nightmare and disagree with you regarding them. I read a few posts about how it was tough on a few other boards, then a slew of posts about how that was bullshit and it wasn't bad at all, so I decided to go with it and have been fine so far. Seems like the biggest mistake people make (and I made it early on) is thinking that as a dagger rogue you should be constantly auto-attacking something. If you pop in and out of combat and dodge AoE cleave, you'll be fine, and even though that means you aren't attacking fairly often, you'll still be doing more damage than any other character.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Jice Virago »

I tried manually running Cole in one of the simpler dragon fights (the Wastes one) and the AE mele just kept snuffing me out. Plus chasing floating shit around half the time got old as a warrior, who have the chain and charge moves. I cannot imagine playing an entire game as a rogue and trying to chase stuff down.

I guess my point would be, if you spend half of your time not fighting with the rogue, why not just add another warrior (or use a bow) instead?
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Free Tavern Songs from Dragon Age:

http://www.dragonage.com/en_US/news/inq ... s-giveaway

Nothing spectacular but these were very good for a game as background songs played by bards in taverns.

Sera is my favorite song so far.

Another game that had good music was Conan.

Nothing beats the Hero of Canton song from Firefly though!
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Animalor »

In searching for tips to help in nightmare mode, I came across a thread about a dupe bug that essentially gives unlimited money and can be used for crafting resources. I've confirmed that this still works on the Xbox One version of the game.

I could cheese the game pretty hard and buy all the expensive armor plans and craft nice gear and armor but where's the personal satisfaction in that. If I just want all the achievements with not a lot of effort though.. =)
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Aslanna »

Aslanna wrote:$20 or bust!
The physical version is currently on sale at Amazon for $15 (PS4/PC). The XBO version is about a dollar more for some reason. They also have the GoTY version with all the DLC but it's $36. Pass! I might wait for that to hit $20 as I don't really have time to play games at the moment let alone 100+ hours for an RPG.

Boom wait (roughly) a year and a half and save $45. And still get the same game.

I did pick up Assassin's Creed Syndicate for $20 and Far Cry 4 for $16. So that would be less than $60 for all three. Buy one Triple A game get two free!
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Animalor »

FWIW - I thought that Syndicate was fantastic and a return to form to how the game was with AC2. That said, the story was interesting but not as good as 2.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Aslanna »

Animalor wrote:FWIW - I thought that Syndicate was fantastic and a return to form to how the game was with AC2. That said, the story was interesting but not as good as 2.
I heard it was decent. And no MP crap. And a fairly easy platinum. $20 is in my "why not" bracket so figured.. uh.. why not!
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Kluden »

I picked up syndicate when best buy had it for $15 like 2 months ago. Its definitely a return to form. Its a lot of fun, can get repetitive at some points, but the more fluent controls and actions of the toons more than makes up for all that. Traveling around london is great.
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