Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

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Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Looks like they learned from their failures and took this release seriously.


Might be fun. Hope they took the time to make the Xbox One and P34 versions look better than 360/PS3
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Well, it certainly has nice graphics. No one can argue that.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Fairweather Pure wrote:Well, it certainly has nice graphics. No one can argue that.
The entire 12 minutes is commentated as well by one of the developers so you can get an idea about other considerations that factored into the game as well. I'm not a Dragon Age fan. The second one was horrible and the character models are really bad (still). Not sure why Dragon Age (Bioware) still has horrible character models when even throw away f2p developed-over-night Korean games now have great avatars and creation systems.

The environment and special effects look very good. The dragon fight animations, etc were impressive. UI looks solid and there appears plenty to keep you busy for many hours as long as the story is decent.

I'm thinking (hoping) this game will turn out pretty good as the new platforms need a decent RPG.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:I'm thinking (hoping) this game will turn out pretty good as the new platforms need a decent RPG.
Haven't you heard? Neverwinter will be coming to the XBO. At least in China. Launch title! No word on other platforms or if it will make its way other places than China.

As far as this game goes, glad it's not an obvious cash grab like DA2 that was released a mere 16 months after the first one. I mean sure Assassins Creed and Call of Duty come out every year but they have massive teams, and even multiple studios, working on them so I'm sure much more resources than Bioware had for DA2.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Aslanna »

Delayed until November 18th. I'm sure there will be Winnow outrage saying how much Bioware sucks because they delayed their game. Obviously it means their studio is in turmoil. Or something.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote:Delayed until November 18th. I'm sure there will be Winnow outrage saying how much Bioware sucks because they delayed their game. Obviously it means their studio is in turmoil. Or something.
I'll give them a few weeks grace period. Most likely it's due to way too many AAA games being released at the same time in October. Perhaps they are consulting with Japanese game developers on how to make avatars less ugly.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Aslanna »

Confirmed: #DAI resolution is 1080p on PS4, and 900p on Xbox One. We maximized the current potential of each platform.
Sensing a theme...

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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Aslanna wrote:
Confirmed: #DAI resolution is 1080p on PS4, and 900p on Xbox One. We maximized the current potential of each platform.
Sensing a theme...

I knew I could count on you to post this :P

EA kicking Ubisoft while they're down, that's for sure. There's no reason Unity needs to be hamstrung by the weakness of the Xbone.

This game looks great btw.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Seems (at least I'm hoping) that they've finally learned their lesson from pumping out two awful games prior to this one. Avatar faces still look like they went through a meat grinder but otherwise it looks good.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Jice Virago »

The first one was a good game, just tedious as fuck if you mained mele. The second was button mash central and the end plot sucked complete balls. The characters and voice acting were awesome, though. I remain optimistic about this game, especially on the PS4.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Reviews etc, continue to be good for this game. I haven't decided what platform to buy the game for yet. Might go PC with this one.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Funkmasterr »

I'm tempted to go with PC, but will be getting it on the PS4 due to the fact that I'd like to check out the co-op, and my friends will be getting it on PS4.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Funkmasterr wrote:I'm tempted to go with PC, but will be getting it on the PS4 due to the fact that I'd like to check out the co-op, and my friends will be getting it on PS4.
Good point on the Co-Op. I'll most likely go Xbox One although I'll check the reviews between Xbox One and PS4. Current Scores: 85 Xbox, PS4 89. I need to see if the reason behind that is PS4 have less exclusives and are desperate for a good game or if there's something significantly better like no stutter 1080P graphics.
Speaking about the game’s install size, Johnson set out to answer the question as to why the PC version takes up only around half the room as the current-gen versions of the game take up. He noted that the PC version takes up approximately 24gb of space, while the current-gen console versions take up around 40-46gb of space.
big game.

from Polygon:
PlayStation problems

Most of my time with Dragon Age: Inquisition was spent on the PlayStation 4 version. Despite my high praise for the game's content, I encountered some frustrating bugs that are hard to ignore.

Notably, the PS4 version of Inquisition frequently froze, locking up the entire system and requiring a full reboot. In a few instances, this reboot process led to corrupted save files.
Looks like I'll stick with Xbox One. 1080vs900 doesn't bother me. If effects, etc were enhanced on PS4, it might make a difference but it appears to be just resolution.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote: from Polygon:
PlayStation problems

Most of my time with Dragon Age: Inquisition was spent on the PlayStation 4 version. Despite my high praise for the game's content, I encountered some frustrating bugs that are hard to ignore.

Notably, the PS4 version of Inquisition frequently froze, locking up the entire system and requiring a full reboot. In a few instances, this reboot process led to corrupted save files.
Looks like I'll stick with Xbox One. 1080vs900 doesn't bother me. If effects, etc were enhanced on PS4, it might make a difference but it appears to be just resolution.
Nice selective quoting on the Polygon review. There will be a patch out by release date that addresses those issues.
According to representatives from EA, this issue is related to Sony's PS4 2.0 firmware, which has caused problems for other games on the console as well.

Near the end of the review process, Sony sent Polygon a PS4 that had an upcoming patch pre-installed, ostensibly fixing the 2.0 problems. We played approximately 15 hours on this patched PS4 and did not experience any crashes. EA says this new PSN patch will be released prior to Dragon Age: Inquisition's release date.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

I grabbed the PS3 version to play around a bit before Tuesday.

Some very early observations:

1. PS3 Dualshock controller is fucking awful. My god it's bad.

2. There's no way to make a decent female character. Dragon Age female characters have always been bad and nothing has changed with DA3. I created a male character which I rarely do and may actually go gay and bang a dude in this game because the females are fugly.

3. There's no going back to last gen graphics. They aren't acceptable anymore. Skip ps3/xbox 360 versions.

4. The hilariously bad blood splatters are still around, but they keep the blood off of the face which I guess is better than before.

5. Mages have gay looking hats/helms which, considering observation 2 above, might not be a bad thing.

6. This game is going to be a lot of fun. Good voice acting, good presentation, good UI/Inventory, looks like it's not linear with tons of opportunity to go off path and find random loot/stuff, good mapping/quest system, lots to work on to improve your character and equipment.

7. While you create a character, you can switch to and play any character in your four man party anytime you want so depending on the encounter, you can always play the class most useful in the group.

8. I really like switching to tactical mode. It's like converting the game into turn based strategy while in it.

This should be a sure buy for anyone that likes this type of game on Xbox One, PS4 or PC. I'd avoid PS3/Xbox 360 versions if possible.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

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FYI, this is one of those games that takes a few hours before you finally get the opening title screen, "Dragon Age: Inquisition".

I don't think I'll play much more before Tuesday but getting through the intro was helpful. I'm going to cut the game some graphical slack because the presentation is well done. Notably, I actually turned the music back up. I usually turn music way down in games, but I left this one at 60%. Nice soundtrack and it's pleasant to hear actual songs being sung by bards that sound decent.

I created a black male character because I want to be popular and all big screen male leads are black these days. I hit up the bald elf Solas as bit already. If I'm going gay, he looks like he has the least hair to get in the way.

Really hard to decide on race and class. Mage seems fine so far but all races and classes/sub classes have peaked my interest. I found a poofy shirt that looked OK for Mage outfit.

I'm 90% sure I'll get the PS4 version of this game. With this generation, I'll lean toward PS4 for RPGs and Xbox One for action games. The graphics aren't amazing but FPS and AA might be a bit better with the PS4. I just watched a tech demo of Final Fantasy XV and wonder why some US companies still have their heads up their assess when it comes to character graphics and graphics in general. Again, I'll be cutting some slack when it comes to characters in DA3 but man, the facial hair is comical it's so bad and they're still stuck in the EQ updated clay hair look from around 2003.

First boss fight was fun. Give the game a few hours to settle in (at least up to the Title Screen intro)

Verdict: worth paying for and appears to be 60-80 hours minimum even if you rush with 100+ hours of stuff to do. (Not counting multiplayer)
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Yeah, definitely excited for this.

Side note, I've watched a few videos for final fantasy 15 lately too, that game looks amazing.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

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I bought it on PS4. It's pre-loading.

5.27 GB to be playable out of the 44 GB. Some small update file already downloaded as well. I don't think I'll be playing at midnight tomorrow night but at least it will be ready to go.

I logged 9 hours Saturday in the game but a lot of the was non playing time staring at the skills for each class and wasting another hour creating my character and some afk so probably more like 6 hours. At first picking skills will be slow going as you figure them all out, especially since you pick all of your companion skills as well as they level up. Crafting looks straight forward, worthwhile, and not too much hassle if you have the items needed.

I didn't worry too much about the main quest and wandered about. Died a few times running into NPCs a little too high for my level 3 mage and crew.


Still undecided on class/race/gender but one thing is for sure, playing a mage makes it easy to kill the wildlife that you need to kill for crafting items etc. Archer would work as well I suppose but the mage has a 9 meter range on some spells.

Lightening is a nice skill tree. The first two skills at the top are good. Left one is a chain lightening skill that hits for 250% weapon damage and then arcs off to 3 more enemies doing the same damage if they they are within 4 meters. the right skill fires off 12 lightening bolts that do 66% weapon damage to targets in the direction you cast it, making it nice because if your first target dies, the rest of the bolts hit another mob if nearby. The first passive skill (round icon) on the left is also good. It brings down a thunderbolt around every 15 seconds hitting a random enemy nearby within 9 meters for 300% weapon damage. This is good for finishing off fleeing wildlife and enemies.

So, if nothing else, Lightening is good for killing critters.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Aslanna »

I think I would have preferred that you got the XBO version. PS4 firmware 2.02 is out so I'm surprised Polygon hasn't updated their review. Oh wait it's Polygon no I'm not surprised.

How about that Assassin's Creed Unity fiasco?
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Animalor »

I've you've played any Dragon Age before, log in to https://dragonagekeep.com/en_US/ using your origin account and setup your world for Inquisition. It'll scan your profile and Achievements for DA:O and DA2, will then keep your decisions and allow you to make changes you may not have liked.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote:I think I would have preferred that you got the XBO version. PS4 firmware 2.02 is out so I'm surprised Polygon hasn't updated their review. Oh wait it's Polygon no I'm not surprised.
Yeah, I had to update my firmware yesterday. At least it updated straight to 2.02 so i didn't have to deal with buggy earlier versions.

I'm a little worried about the rubber thumbsticks on my Day One PS4 controller melting or causing thumb cancer, but otherwise the controller should be fine as long as a certified masseuse is available for hourly anti crab-hand massages.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

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http://forum.bioware.com/topic/519261-p ... itor-here/

screenshots of avatars created in DA3. Not the style of avatar I like but if you try hard enough you'll probably create something you can live with.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Aslanna »

Trailer thingie. Not really a fan of the music selection though.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote:Trailer thingie. Not really a fan of the music selection though.
Wow they completely destroyed a great song in Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World

The game will be great but that trailer fails. Never been a fan of tweaking great songs. The TV series Defiance did that at the end of their shows the first season and it sucked hard.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

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Stating the obvious, but DA3 looks way better on next gen. PS3 had low textures, major texture popping and long load times. PS4 version looks really good. It would suck to have to play this on PS3/Xbox 360. The better graphics allow you to concentrate more on the story and be less distracted by bad textures, lighting, etc. I also noticed more NPCs in certain places. (crowds of NPCs in towns where there were no NPCs in PS3)

Made a female elf mage that I'm not happy with but don't want to waste more time creating another character. I chose British female voice of American accent voice. For Male, I'd go American over British.

I like the way they present the item comparison in inventory. (double tap a button to bring up comparison with current weapon/armor item, but doesn't otherwise take up space on the screen)
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

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While some of the loot from drops are static, a lot is randomized. I found a much better staff my second trip through. Also, it is worth grabbing elfroot and other harvestables before hitting a major quest cut scene area as those things refresh so you can grab more afterward.

Not sure if this is one of those games that you can save right before looting and then reload if you don't get what you want but I do know that the same chest had different loot after I died in an area (you lose your progression when you die, including loot) I doubt I'll save/reload, but it's probably worth saving your game if you do get something nice out of a "chest" in case you kick the bucket.

This also isn't a surprise to anyone, but the "Staff of the dragon" you get for buying the standard bundle game isn't that special. 5 minutes after getting it, I found another staff equally as powerful in a random chest. Same stats but 2 levels higher although you only need to be within 4 levels to use an item so it was usable. The Rare staff was only better in it being a lower level with same stats but by the time you get it, you might be fining similar higher level weapons.

This game is a keeper.

You can easily miss locations/loot on your first pass through the game which makes for a great non linear game unlike where everything is crammed down your throat to make sure you don't miss it.

Biggest complement to the game I can give for now is that I don't power through dialogue choices and enjoy roaming around the areas discovering things. (even on my 3rd trip through the intro) Cut Scenes and dialogue are interesting.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Yeah, I only got about 45 minutes past the prologue, but was already having a blast. I'll be sinking some serious time into this game in the coming days and will expand on my thoughts more too, but so far I love it. Definitely no way you should pass up on this game if the genre is to your liking.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

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After the intro, you can jump right into the main quest but there's also like 90 minutes of things to do around the town you're in. Loot chest/plants/ore spread all over the place. It's worth exploring. Even small keeps discovered end up being places you might spend 45-60 minutes discovering things, worth exploring every nook and cranny.

This game is ridiculously fun once you get into the main story after the prologue. The snowy initial areas don't do the graphics justice. I didn't think there would be any loot chests in hard to find places but now that I spotted one I'm looking harder. No way you find all the chests etc in this game unless you go back with a strategy guide. My second trip through I wandered off in a different direction and it's a totally new experience, all in the same "small" first main campaign area. Tons of things to do combined with an excellent map/quest tracking system.

Quite an impressive turnaround from DA 1 and DA 2. The world appears to be massive from what I can see while not being generic. I lot of time was spent making the world look interesting and unique. Exploring is fun and not a chore. Without the map you could easily get lost. I find myself wandering and eventually chasing wildlife that takes me to new places I wasn't heading toward. All sound effects (ambient, combat, music etc) are excellent.

This may end up being the best game of its kind I've ever played. It's already GOTY for me. I haven't had this sense of open exploration with so much to see and find in a long time. It also keeps you busy with lots of upgrades for your character and companions at a near borderlands lootfest pace at times. It's the entire package.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Yeah, this game is the bees knees. I spent probably damn near 2 hours going through everyone's optional dialogue in Haven last night, and enjoyed every bit of it. The only slight gripe I can come up with so far is that when you're using the tactical camera, it gets stuck on terrain a lot, which shouldn't happen. I can see that being more of a frustration in harder difficulties where you need to make much more use of the tactical camera, but it's also something they can patch. Other than that, solid game; if you aren't already playing it, you should get on that!
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

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I've focused on the electricity mage skill tree for my main character. This game plays ranged classes well IMO. Opening up a battle with chained lightening is a good way to get the party started!

I'm in no rush to blast through this game. I've been taking my time enjoying the story and characters. It's rare to have a good RPG these days.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Funkmasterr »

I'm not necessarily trying to rush, but I have put 15 hours in already. I went dual dagger rogue, and I'm liking it. I did a bunch of questing in The Hinterlands, and got to around 7 before doing the next story mission. I decided, after much consideration, to side with the templars. I also made the mistake of starting this quest at 12:30 last night, and it took 2 hours, but it was fun. I spent a lot of time in the final area making sure I'd found all the loot, and as a result I had only one potion when I got to the boss, and I barely beat it, so I guess maybe that can serve as a warning.

The completionist in me wants to finish everything in The Hinterlands before I move on, but I don't want to out level the next few zones as a result, so I'll probably move onto the Storm Coast tonight.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Aslanna »

You two should co-op. Do some VV bonding!
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Funkmasterr wrote:I'm not necessarily trying to rush, but I have put 15 hours in already.

The completionist in me wants to finish everything in The Hinterlands before I move on, but I don't want to out level the next few zones as a result, so I'll probably move onto the Storm Coast tonight.
yeah, I didn't mean rush with hours played, I meant rush by blowing past quests, dialogue etc. I'll be spending a lot of hours in the next few weeks as well exploring.

I was reading the forums and some are saying that two-hander skill tree is beast mode in the Nightmare difficulty setting but it's a little early to tell since they haven't gotten to the later parts. I'm happy with being a mage so far.

I do like the fast travel options in this game. Porting to camp works great for refreshing potions and hit points.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Funkmasterr wrote:I'm not necessarily trying to rush, but I have put 15 hours in already. I went dual dagger rogue, and I'm liking it.
I've been reading up on classes and dual wield rogue is the least fun/hardest to play according to the masses so if you're enjoying the game with that class it's a good sign. You can re-spec your character for 1 gold at the smith and then 345G each time after that if you want to try archer. Ranged seems to be the best fit for how DA3 is designed. I'm thinking of trying a two-handed weapon character though for a change my next play through or as a simultaneous trip through with different companions in my group.

The diversity of environments is impressive once you decide to leave the Hinterlands (which itself looks amazing). I spent a lot of time gathering shards in a desert oasis and ended up getting a ton of power points because I gathered up all the crap needed for the camp requisition quests. Sometimes I'd turn in my quest and already have the materials for the next two or three quests in my inventory. I'm about to finally unlock the rogue inquisition perk that lets you get behind those special locked doors scattered around the game.

Nice thing about the game is that while massive, it backs it up with unique dialogue/story/quests/environments to keep it interesting.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Mine came with a pretty nice handheld Prima strategy guide. I was surprised to see it's full color and everything.

Having to install everything is making me pretty picky about what is on my systems at all times. I hate that part of this generation. Basically, need to grab a 4TB external at some point for my PS4. I'll be looking for sales this week.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Aslanna »

Fairweather Pure wrote:Basically, need to grab a 4TB external at some point for my PS4.
Unfortunately you can't use an external with the PS4 at least as far as installing games and such. XBO and Wii U can do it so hopefully PS4 adds it someday!
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Also, ditch the strategy guide. Weak!
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

I'm having a hard time deciding on what companions to keep in my group. Not for strategy but for entertainment value since they chat so much. There's nine companions and only three slots.

There's a lot of good options and only three slots. I guess that would make for added replay value due to all the chatting that goes on, as well as switching between mage/templar storylines.

This game is massive with a really long play through and yet it still has a lot of content you'll miss no matter what unless you play again. Different class, different companions and mage/templar storyline makes for quite nice replay value on an already worthy game.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Yeah, I switch up companions every so often for that reason - also, because some people fit different situations better. I'm about 40 hours in now, I advanced the story to the point where I have Skyhold and since then have been doing sidequests (trying to make somewhat of a dent in what I have). Still having a blast with this game!
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Kluden »

Iron Bull and Cassandra and Sera are worth it for the conversations...but I hate not having a mage in my group.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Kluden wrote:Iron Bull and Cassandra and Sera are worth it for the conversations...but I hate not having a mage in my group.
I want to go 2 mages and two tanks but want Sera and Iron Bull for their entertainment value. I screwed up Sera's spec and made her a dagger rogue, otherwise I could probably use her as a ranger Archer instead of a second Mage. Can Companions respec just like our characters can? I haven't tried that yet.

Iron Bull is great for his pure two-handed melee DPS and Cassandra is the best for agro/taunt management. Kind of need a rogue for locked things so Sera as an Archer but then that leaves no room for another mage. Hmmm. Probably switching it up is the best. Maybe I'll just swap a rogue ion whenever I come across a locked door needing one.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Funkmasterr »

You can respec anyone, the item you buy to respec (from the blacksmith) is a neck item that resets their skills when equipped.

If I really want to kick ass, I generally have my party as: Blackwall (far better tank than Cassandra, hands down), Iron Bull, Vivienne/Solas and my main character is dagger rogue.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

http://kotaku.com/dragon-age-inquisitio ... 1662653068

Dragon Age Inq PS4/Xbox One for $50 at K-Fart, best you're going to get if you want to play during the holidays!
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Aslanna »

$20 or bust!
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote:$20 or bust!
The opening tutorial is worth that much alone!
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Aslanna »

I hear there's a demo/trial available. I'm sure it has that in there!
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Winnow »

The opening tutorial is actually a poor example of the game's awesome environments. The snowy area is the least interesting of the areas I've been to in the game.

The Storm Coast is my favorite so far. I'm only 20-25 hours into the game though.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Kluden »

Yeah, the amulet is used by anyone to reset. I did the same thing with sera, made her a dagger rogue...they are the worst class in the game, unless its you, because they just stand in the melee and consume 8 potions in 8 seconds. Bull was the same way till you give him a few guard abilities. I used the 1g amulet on her. But at 350g per reset amulet after that, that's no big deal, I have a ton of gold and nothing to buy.

I liked the storm coast as well, but then I did Crestwell (or whatever its called, the place with the lake/damn), and I like that zone best so far...but its kinda small.

I find the gathering materials aspect annoying. I don't enjoy doing it. While you don't have to, you kind of do to get full enjoyment out of the game and the upgrade paths for your castle.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Fallow Mire was probably my favorite so far. I don't think I've been to the place you mention yet, kluden.
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Re: Dragon Age - Inquisition (all platforms)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Finished the game last night. Got all of the trophies except for the two for beating it in hard/nightmare. Clocked in at about 100 hours, so pretty decent. I really liked it and I'll definitely be playing through on nightmare, but I'll probably play a little gta first to mix it up.
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