EVE Online?

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Re: EVE Online?

Post by Winnow »

Chidoro wrote:flying in eve doesn't use a stick. it's not like xwing or wing commander.

EVE-VR would. Did you watch the linked video? It's like an arcade game.
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Re: EVE Online?

Post by Winnow »

EVE's next expansion accounced. "Rubicon" Some early comments on what will be in it:
Highsec customs offices


4 new type of structures

This is all early, things may changes, they are working on it and want feedback rumour has it (more mechanics to mess with each other especially 0.0 and lowsec), and from what I understand within these types will be more structures.

Siphon Unit - steal resources from star base's.

Depot - Mobile home base, personal you can put it out in space, allows you to have your own little spot to hold your stuff, and a cheap fitting service, bunch of different uses (can be killed, all these things can be destroyed you can shoot these in highsec, you will just get a suspect timer).

Deployable Automatic tractor beam and looting device (won't salvage).

Deployable Temporary short range cyno jammer, disposable one time use, around a 100km range they are working on that.

Fixing warping acceleration, warp speed will affect acceleration, anything below a t1 cruiser will be warping faster, bigger will be slower although may adjust some warp speeds like freighters.

Ship balancing changes (more stuff that hasn't been talked about will come), marauders(will transform, ewar immunity, can't move and tank a ton), inceptors(will get bubble immunity, will get a thread open about it, they stole this idea from a player on the forum) and interdictors.

New bubble graphics.

New missile launcher battle ship sized, rapid launcher.

New ships - Sister Of Eve Faction Ships - Frigate, Cruiser, first t1 faction ships that get covert ops.





New certificate system, better & cleaner, certificates will be organised together for ships, and have only skills and no other certificates as pre-req's.

A kind of in-game map of all EVE ships to see how good you would be at flying them with your current skills & certificates.

Changes to character selection screen - Completely new / easier to use, more information about your character, more to come on that.

Integration Twitch TV into the EVE client, no 3rd party, all in-game integrated and you can share a lot easier.

I believe this is it for now, but mentioned there will be more in the expansion. Personally am looking forward to the personable deploying base, this is going to add some new ways to WH daytripping, or soon weektripping?

Oh and 23rd October the collection edition will be shipped out.
I'm liking the Depot - Mobile Home Base and the Deployable Automatic tractor beam thingy looks great for L4 Mission cleanup.

Hope the depot has enough space to be useful to store crap as well as refit ships. Sounds like it will be able to be boosted if you are actively nearby awhile can be taken out if you leave it unattended. Also can get out of dodge with it somehow without fighting if you choose.

Like the variable warp speeds. Will make getting around in a Blockade Runner even easier.

The changes to the Marauder class ships look interesting.

Sisters of Eve faction Frigate and Cruiser look really interesting with cloaking and exploration focus. Maybe I'll go that route if they're cheaper than decked out T3's so I can blow off losing one or two.

Here's the video:


Need to skip a ways into it before it starts. Comes out Nov 19th so not too far off.
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Re: EVE Online?

Post by Winnow »

If you ever wanted to try out EVE, today would be a good day to sign up.

http://community.eveonline.com/news/new ... -99-cents/

99 cents for game plus 30 days. Nov 29th only.
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Re: EVE Online?

Post by Spang »

Spaceships worth $200,000 destroyed in biggest virtual space battle ever:
EVE Online has its own economics, politics, and trade systems, built almost entirely by players in the ten years the game has been running. It also has its own wars, as huge alliances vie for control of tracts of space in the massively multiplayer online game. One such conflict came to a head yesterday in the biggest battle in the game's decade-long history. More than 2,200 of the game's players, members of EVE's largest alliances, came together to shoot each other out of the sky. The resultant damage was valued at more than $200,000 of real-world money.
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Re: EVE Online?

Post by Winnow »


Blue line is number of trial accounts opened. Showing how much interest the recent mass battle brought to EVE.

I'm not currently playing EVE. I didn't renew my monthly subs for any of my Pilots as of a month or so ago. Perhaps I'll go back at some point but it's too much work and not enough fun for my play style (which consists of not running around constantly worried about being scammed and being blown up by bored pilots that turn asshole because there's nothing else to do.) I'll keep an eye on things. If PvE every improves I'll head back to give it a go, also if they ever actually implement the full avatars into archeology and hacking sites, I'll head back to play around. The little entertainment gained from building your ships and enhancing your skills isn't enough to offset losing it all to bored people in the game. Of course, if PvP is your thing it's still a good game for space combat. Right now, it's a game for the mega alliances to screw around in. I'm really looking to just explore. Hoping some of the new games like Star Citizen, etc will cater more to non PvP or at least integrate PvP and PvE better than EVE does. EVE is what it is with no sign if it changing anytime soon.
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Re: EVE Online?

Post by masteen »

I'm still playing. The velvet cocoon of Goon space communism makes this game so much more tolerable.

We're so rich that they just doubled reimbursement for ALL ships lost in PVP in our active areas (which is pretty much the entire galactic north and west). The original amount was already above replacement cost. So we're being paid space cash for getting blown up in the name of the swarm.
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