The Official PS4 thread!

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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:A lot of kids probably disappointed because their parents picked the cheaper of the two, not what they actually wanted. Imagine the horror of opening up your xmas present and it turns out to be a Wii U. I wonder how many kids got stuck with 360's and PS3s as well.
Yeah 'disappointment' over getting free shit. More than likely they are XBO owners just thinking they are being cute. Either way AdBlock was able to remove those images for me and clean up this thread!

Regardless, Sony doesn't care why a PS4 was sold so it's a win for them whether entitled brats get what they wanted or not.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Dakanaf »

I'd rather the wii u of the three, honestly.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

The point is people should be grateful for what they get not bitching about what they didn't. That's what's wrong with the world today. Entitled fucks. ANGER SHARKS!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Dakanaf »

Oh I know what your point is, Aslanna, and I agree 100% with you, and it's very valid. Just pointing out the stupidness of what Winnow said about the horror of opening up to find a wii u.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote:The point is people should be grateful for what they get not bitching about what they didn't. That's what's wrong with the world today. Entitled fucks. ANGER SHARKS!
They should be happy that all of their friends are having fun together while they have a different console? If you aren't sure what your kid wants, give them a gift certificate! That or give them a telescope. That's what I got when I was a kid! I was checking out the moons of Jupiter and getting up at 4am to view Venus when I was 10 years old, learning to ski, to play the piano (fuck that, feel free to skip musical instruments) playing soccer, and reading all the books I could check out from the library about dinosaurs, asked for and was given a metal detector for another xmas gift and spent weekends digging up old coins, researching ghost towns to find good locations to explore.

Game consoles are for older people. Kids should be doing other stuff. When I was 13 I didn't get an Atari 2600, I got a Commodore 64 and learned how to program it, and ended up with an entirely different set of friends where I learned how to hack, phreak and run a BBS. Games weren't handed to me. I figured out on my own how to "obtain" Sprint and Metro codes, hack into the phone system, set up my own bbs on a 300 baud modem and had people upload games to my floppy drives overnight, all in the mid 80's before 99% of the population had a PC. Made friends with the valedictorian of my high school who also happened to be great at hacking. Met my life long friend via a C-64 BBS, ending up in weekend visits to share games and programs, introducing me to my first girlfriend who knew fuckall about computers but it was the beauty of the baud that caused the connection. My friend ended up going to Stanford and working on Spy satellite guidance systems for the CIA...another successful pirate!

The point? Ferris Beuller's sister got a car while he got a computer. As a parent, I'd be much more impressed with the kid that figured out how to use his PC to play hooky than a brown nosing kid expecting a car for good behavior.

Give your kids something that makes them think and at least use their brain to get into trouble. Spark their imagination. I met the smartest people I know through hacking/phreaking, not from playing Space Invaders on the Atari 2600. Ignoring gaming/pc's altogether, kids should be encouraged to read, discover, and find hobbies that develop their minds. My fondest memory of Ultima III wasn't beating the game, it was figuring out how to hack the game, understand the code and create my own bridge to cross the lava pit, bypassing the final boss to win the game. These days people just use a cheat lame.

Console games...pffft! In a round about way, that answers your question about what's wrong with the world today. Lazy people that just want to sit on their ass and be entertained instead of finding ways to entertain themselves while maybe learning something along the way, which is much more satisfying.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:They should be happy that all of their friends are having fun together while they have a different console?
Yes. Considering the alternative: Nothing.

They can make new friends and shut the fuck up.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by kyoukan »

what a great childhood. yet you still ended up as a trolling pedophile that can't afford to buy their own games and who measures their self worth by how successful their favorite video game console is.

I guess the nature over nurture argument has been settled.

although as soon as your said "girlfriend" I knew your entire post is just another one of your fantasies so maybe not so much. the idea of anything with a vagina being anything but utterly revolted by you is absurd.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

kyoukan also had the same opportunities as me although through a different path. Slowly working her way up the fish canning chain of command from slop cleaner, to gutter, to canner, to becoming a supervisor over 4 other canners, she had a choice to make....would she use these extra wages to buy a ticket to the big city to visit a library and learn something or use it to pay off the bouncer at the local pub. The life changing moment came after "working" her way through a few bouncers, managed to score a waitress job and met the triple A sports player of her dreams that would solve all of her financial problems.

You could have chose another path...designing energy efficient igloos or hybrid snowmobiles but took the easy way out. Now look at you, the pinnacle of success, sprawled out on your couch accusing people of being pedos on forums. Bagged the whale as they say on Wall Street!


Liking both the PS4 and Xbox One although the Xbox One is getting all the play time with Forza 5 atm. Good thing Xbox One had a couple decent launch titles as both consoles are pretty dead through March for new releases.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Today, Michael Pachter revealed his mathematical model's predictions for the new console generation.

- We expect Sony's and Microsoft's new consoles to thrive over the next three years, with cumulative worldwide sales of 37.7 million PS4 and 29 million Xbox One consoles by year-end 2016. We do not expect Nintendo's Wii U to fare as well, with cumulative sales of under 20 million by 2016.

- Our overall forecast is based upon several assumptions: first, we expect console prices to decline only modestly over the next three years, with PS4 pricing in the U.S. dropping from $399.99 at launch to $299.99 by 2016 and with Xbox One pricing in the U.S. dropping from $499.99 at launch to $349.99 by 2016; second, we expect new release software pricing to remain at $59.99 in the U.S. for the next three years; finally, we expect Nintendo to continue producing the Wii U. Should any of these assumptions prove to be incorrect, hardware and software sales will be affected, and it is highly likely that the ultimate results will differ significantly from our forecast.
Guess we can call the next-gen war right now. PlayStation wins again!

Full disclosure: I think Pachter is a moron who just throws shit out until it sticks. I mean just look at their 'assumptions' where if any of them are incorrect the "results will differ significantly". Significantly! What are the chances that both consoles will be exactly the price they are assuming? Gives them an easy out when it ends up being wrong.

In other news:
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the last generation consoles were all big sellers over the Holiday season. According to retailers, the PS4 outsold the “Xbone” almost two to one. It seems Microsoft just made too many mistakes to even outsell the console that reinvented the launch hardware failure.
Even with MS supposedly having the upper hand on the supply side Sony is outselling them two to one!

I wonder how many of those people actually wanted an XBO for Christmas? There are going to be a lot of kids running away.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote:
In other news:
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and the last generation consoles were all big sellers over the Holiday season. According to retailers, the PS4 outsold the “Xbone” almost two to one. It seems Microsoft just made too many mistakes to even outsell the console that reinvented the launch hardware failure.
Even with MS supposedly having the upper hand on the supply side Sony is outselling them two to one!
link? This sounds totally bogus to me. Any real numbers released?
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

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According to retailers.. Retailers are the source!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Dakanaf »

As always, the winners in the so called console wars are the gamers themselves.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

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DERP Hacker Group ‘Unintentionally’ Takes Down PSN, DCUO, After Targeting PlanetSide 2

January 1, 2014

The incredibly pointless hacker group known as DERP, who have targeted a host of gaming servers, has apparently taken down the PSN for many.

While the PlayStation Network has struggled all holiday season, that was because of the large influx of new PS4 gamers. However, today, it’s down to something far more sinister.

We’re currently being inundated with reports of the PSN being down, so it’s hard to judge just how widespread the problem is. DERP has taken responsibility for the downtime, just after attacking PlanetSide 2 and Sony servers
Sony's weaksauce network cracks me up.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Your weaksauce posts crack me up!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

At least it can play Blu Rays like the Xbox One can! (while you wait for the service to be restored) ... 1493314762
PS4 Owners Watch Three Times As Much Porn As Xbox One Owners

You may be familiar with the Pandora of porn, but did you know that there's also a Netflix of porn? Probably! Assuming you're the proud owner of a Playstation 4, that is. Because according to online porn rental service SugarDVD, three times as many PS4 users as Xbox One users signed up for the site's console app.
PS4. For gamerz!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:At least it can play Blu Rays like the Xbox One can! (while you wait for the service to be restored)
I've had no issues logging to PSN yesterday or today so I'm not sure where you dragged that article up from. So there is nothing to "restore".
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote:
Winnow wrote:At least it can play Blu Rays like the Xbox One can! (while you wait for the service to be restored)
I've had no issues logging to PSN yesterday or today so I'm not sure where you dragged that article up from. So there is nothing to "restore".
Yeah, I dug real deep for this one.

Simple search for Playstation Network on google news brought it up as the first article on the list (and 4th and 5th) I didn't have to add "sucks" or anything else to my search, just "Playstation Network" ... on+network
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

An online group or person going by the name DERP is currently attacking EA's login servers, taking Origin down and preventing players from accessing the digital distribution's services.

DERP claims on its twitter account that it's "directed the Gaben Laser Beam" at the EA login servers, taking Origin offline. At the time of writing players can't log in to the service, play EA games on various platforms or make purchases through the storefront.
EA's weaksauce network cracks me up.

Because in Winnow's world you can really defend yourself against a DDoS attack...
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

EA Makes Worst Company In America History, Wins Title For Second Year In A Row!
Not sure using the most hated company in America for two years straight makes a good point, especially with their incompetence with Sim City and so many other things. Try comparing PN to XBL. Seems like that would be a good comparison.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:
EA Makes Worst Company In America History, Wins Title For Second Year In A Row!
Not sure using the most hated company in America for two years straight makes a good point, especially with their incompetence with Sim City and so many other things. Try comparing PN to XBL. Seems like that would be a good comparison.
Just as one group is claiming to have brought down many of EA's servers, another is boasting of having taken down much of Valve's mighty Steam network.

A pair of Twitter users are claiming to be behind a series of DDoS attacks that, if they're the actual cause of disruption, have rendered Steam's marketplace and community services patchy (or indeed inaccessible) for much of the day.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Tyek »

I decided to buy a PS4 for myself. My little reward for an amazing year at work.

Cannot find them anywhere.

I could have gotten an XBOX One at virtually every store. They are everywhere, but hearing PS4's are almost impossible to find. Not sure if that is telling or not. I know the guy at Gamestop tried to get me to buy the XBOX One, and I could have. I really don't have a horse in the PS4 vs XBOX One, but with the game backlog I have I figured 1 game system is best for now and I want a PS4 right now.
When I was younger, I used to think that the world was doing it to me and that the world owes me some thing…When you're a teeny bopper, that's what you think. I'm 40 now, I don't think that anymore, because I found out it doesn't f--king work. One has to go through that. For the people who even bother to go through that, most assholes just accept what it is anyway and get on with it." - John Lennon
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Either one is ok for the future but if you want to have fun now, the Xbox One is the system that has the launch titles worth playing. Dead Rising 3 and Forza 5 are great titles. Knack, not so much. You can get an idea of how much the games are actually being played by checking out the posts on this forum regarding the exclusive launch titles. The good news is you can wait on the PS4 as there's not much to play on the system yet that can't be played on the Xbox One, 360 or PS3.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:Either one is ok for the future but if you want to have fun now, the Xbox One is the system that has the launch titles worth playing. Dead Rising 3 and Forza 5 are great titles. Knack, not so much.
Based on you playing Knack I take it?

Dead Rising 3 - Not much different than DR2 just MOAR XZOMBEES
Forza 5 - If you're into racing I'm sure it's a solid choice so no criticism there.

Either way you're not making much of a compelling argument for "the launch titles worth playing" especially since most people know launch titles mean pretty much nothing in the grand scheme of things. Neither system really has a plethora of exclusive launch games.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Winnow wrote:Either one is ok for the future
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

Tyek wrote:I decided to buy a PS4 for myself. My little reward for an amazing year at work.

Cannot find them anywhere.

I could have gotten an XBOX One at virtually every store. They are everywhere, but hearing PS4's are almost impossible to find. Not sure if that is telling or not. I know the guy at Gamestop tried to get me to buy the XBOX One, and I could have. I really don't have a horse in the PS4 vs XBOX One, but with the game backlog I have I figured 1 game system is best for now and I want a PS4 right now.
You just have to keep checking. My cousin was looking to get one for her boyfriend for his birthday about a week ago, and Best Buy got "a ton" of them in (according to the sales person that told her they had plenty and she didn't need to rush in) well, she rushed in anyhow and got the last one they had. I happened to be at the store that same day buying my Vita, and bumped into her. They had most of the registers in the store reserved just for PS4 purchases, and this seems to keep happening whenever they get more in.

On the other hand, every time I've been to Best Buy since the One came out, they've had some sitting on the shelf.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:
Winnow wrote:Either one is ok for the future
Either one is also ok for the present.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

The two games I've mostly played on my PS4 are DC Universe Online and Warframe. Both games have been out for some time on other platforms.

No major exclusives for either platform until:

Titanfall - March 11
Infamous: Second Son - March 21

That's three months away for both platforms.

So you've got:

78 Dead Rising 3
80 Forza 5


55 Knack
74 Killzone

Neither spectacular but Xbox One definitely has the better exclusives. At least Xbox One has the better multimedia experience while you wait even though 3 times more porn is watched on PS4s than Xbox One...wonder why...maybe because there's no games to play! "For gamerz" Sure doesn't seem like it. One company actually took the time to put out some decent exclusive launch titles while the other was busy with their marketing campaign.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Winnow wrote:At least Xbox One has the better multimedia experience while you wait even though 3 times more porn is watched on PS4s than Xbox One...wonder why...maybe because there's no games to play!
No one wants the NSA watching them jack off I guess.

There are more PS4 exclusives coming out this year than Xbone exclusives. Also, don't forget that all the 3rd party games will run better on PS4, so when you talk about launch games on each console don't forget to put all the 3rd party games in with the PS4. At least that's the way I see it.

MS has Titanfall coming up which I think looks like a great exclusive, but other than that their slate is barren other than Sunset Overdrive.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote: So you've got:

78 Dead Rising 3
80 Forza 5


55 Knack
74 Killzone

Neither spectacular but Xbox One definitely has the better exclusives.
Based on.. Metacritic scores? I don't see what's definite about that.

Basically you proved my point that both are ok for the present AND the future. Thanks!
At least Xbox One has the better multimedia experience while you wait
Better multimedia experience.. What does that even mean? I don't have cable and Kinect is a gimmick so what else do you have.. Ability to play audio CDs? lolz.
One company actually took the time to put out some decent exclusive launch titles
Well they do say time equals money so I guess that's technically accurate. I'm not sure how much 'time' MS actually took since they just gave dollars to others.
while the other was busy with their marketing campaign.
Seems like time well spent since PS4s are sold out everywhere yet you can walk into nearly any store and find an XBO. Or maybe it's that superior supply chain MS has which keeps the shelves full with fresh stock. That seems more likely.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:Try comparing PN to XBL. Seems like that would be a good comparison.
Ask and you shall receive:
After attacking many famous services like Steam, PSN and Origins and also targeting game related servers for Battlefield 4 and League of Legends; Hacker group DERP shifted their focus to Xbox Live and decided to take it down.

On twitter, DERP posted a tweet about bringing down Xbox Live and people on various gaming forums are already facing issues with being able to sign in Xbox Live or use its services. Over at reddit, people were also reporting issues in comments. According to this site, there seems to be a surge of reports relating to Xbox Live being down or facing issues.
Ha. Microsoft's weaksauce network cracks me up. Good to see those 300,000 servers are being put to good use!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Nice! Microsoft actually has the resources to catch this dude. Thank them later. From reading the Reddit thread, it looks like there were issues for about 20 minutes.
Microsoft, Feds Disrupt ZeroAccess Botnet

Microsoft today announced that it has "successfully disrupted" the ZeroAccess botnet, which has infected nearly 2 million computers all over the world, and cost online advertisers more than $2.7 million each month.

Redmond worked in conjunction with Europol's European Cybercrime Centre (EC3), the FBI, and tech firms like A10 Networks to take action against ZeroAccess, also known as Sirefef.

Microsoft also filed suit in Texas district court that seeks a preliminary injunction directing U.S. Internet Service Providers and other entities in control of the Internet domains and IP Addresses to disable access to the botnet and preserve any content and material associated with it to help with Microsoft's case.

In June, Microsoft also disrupted more than 1,000 botnets used to steal people's banking information and identities. The malware, dubbed Citadel, resulted in losses of more than $500 million and affected more than 5 million people.
Probably not a good idea to fuck with Microsoft since they have more than one guy monitoring their network like some of these other play networks. Again, you'll most likely have Microsoft to thank for catching these guys.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

lolz thank Microsoft. You really are delusional. Not to mention that article has nothing to do with the DERP retard(s) and the current DDoS shenanigans. You might want to do some more research on that.

Apology accepted.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote:lolz thank Microsoft. You really are delusional. Not to mention that article has nothing to do with the DERP retard(s) and the current DDoS shenanigans. You might want to do some more research on that.

Apology accepted.
Not a fucking chance. Of course it had nothing to do with DERP. Thought you were smarter than that. It demonstrates that Microsoft takes the time and spends the resources to track shit down. Sony would need to sell several more buildings to even make an effort.

The DDoS attack affected XBL less and they've never been hacked like weaksauce Playstation Network that was down for two months.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:The DDoS attack affected XBL less and they've never been hacked like weaksauce Playstation Network that was down for two months.
Years ago. And the outage was 24 days you might want to get your facts straight. Oh that's right you don't pay any attention to facts when they don't suit your stance.

The point was this time it had nothing to do with their security or whatever you were trying to make it look like since the same thing happened to Microsoft. And EA. And Steam. A DDoS isn't being hacked. So why don't you stop making stupid statements every time you troll the web and see something negative towards Sony and you're like "OMGZ I have to run back to VV and post this, stat!" So every time you post something stupid I'll continue to make equally, if not more-so, valid responses. Saying Sony has a "weaksauce" network because they were affected briefly by a DDoS is one of the most ignorant things you've said. At least at far as this week goes. There's still time for you to top it.

Or take your weaksauce trolling to the XBO thread where it belongs.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Sony's network is so weak it "inadvertently" got taken down. No one anywhere said a DDoS attack is a hack. What are you smoking?

Of course, back in December Sony had to reset an undisclosed number of Playstation Account passwords due to "irregular activity". Too long ago? What's the cut of for it mattering? They've come a long way since being hacked in 2011. I guess XBL's outage in 2007 is stuff of myths and legends it was so long ago.

I'm scared to hit "retry" too fast if I can't log onto PN for fear of crashing the entire network due to overload.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

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Blah blah blah.. Your act is tired. As am I. Enjoy!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Yesterday Microsoft announced that it had sold 3 million Xbox Ones as of the end of 2013, and today Sony has revealed an even bigger number — as of December 28th the PlayStation 4 has sold 4.2 million units. The news was announced by Sony's Andrew House at today's CES 2014 press conference in Las Vegas, and it's double the number we last heard, when Sony revealed that it had sold 2.1 million units as of December 3rd.
It doesn't sound like they'll miss their 5 million before March target.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

Aslanna wrote:
Yesterday Microsoft announced that it had sold 3 million Xbox Ones as of the end of 2013, and today Sony has revealed an even bigger number — as of December 28th the PlayStation 4 has sold 4.2 million units. The news was announced by Sony's Andrew House at today's CES 2014 press conference in Las Vegas, and it's double the number we last heard, when Sony revealed that it had sold 2.1 million units as of December 3rd.
It doesn't sound like they'll miss their 5 million before March target.
Grats 4.2 million stupid people that bought a lesser product and could be playing a world class exclusive from a genre that is totally not a dead horse!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

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I'm not sure what you're trying to say there!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Funkmasterr »

I suppose you could apply that to either of the xbox exclusives, but I was referring to anything zombie. Or in this case Dead Rising. I'm not as good at being winnow as winnow :(
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Tyek »

Funkmasterr wrote:I suppose you could apply that to either of the xbox exclusives, but I was referring to anything zombie. Or in this case Dead Rising. I'm not as good at being winnow as winnow :(
I found the PS4 at Costco. Had to buy a bundle, but was $489 with a second added controller, 10 dollars added to wallet, a year of PSN and a couple of extra little trial things (Month of PSN, Video/Music Service for a month)

I almost bought the XBOX at the same time, it was $479 and was bundle as well, so you got more items for less than the actual retail price. I have a HUGE Bonus next month, so may go buy it then. I just figured I would spend some time with the PS4 this month, then try the XBOX One next month.

So far I like it a lot.
When I was younger, I used to think that the world was doing it to me and that the world owes me some thing…When you're a teeny bopper, that's what you think. I'm 40 now, I don't think that anymore, because I found out it doesn't f--king work. One has to go through that. For the people who even bother to go through that, most assholes just accept what it is anyway and get on with it." - John Lennon
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Last generation I had all the consoles. But over time I only ended up playing only one and that ended up being the PS3. So this generation I'm going to save my money and pass on the Nintendo and Microsoft consoles. I'm sure there might be a few exclusives I'll miss out on but I can live with that. More power to those with more money that me!

As far as other news goes, Sony announced some more info on their streaming service now called PlayStation Now
PlayStation Now is Sony's Gaikai-based game streaming service, which will allow players to stream PSOne, PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 3 titles through both PlayStation and non-PlayStation devices. The service will begin with PS3 and PS4 before launching on Vita, and is set to go into beta later this month. The service's full rollout will begin this summer.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

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Why Sony's PS4 Is Crushing Microsoft's Xbox One In Sales So Far


Although I'm not really sure he answers the question. Unless the answer is a Kinect nobody wants that is adding $100 to the price of the XBO.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

PS4 - 48 Territories
Xbox One - 13 Territories

Make the territories equal and you sell about 10-12 Million Xbox Ones. Xbox is still rolling out into new markets. Things will even up as Xbox One localizes their better OS to new countries.

Christ, PS4 sold in 35 more territories than Xbox One. I'd be worried if I was Sony especially with that CES keynote that had me nodding off more times than the CEO said, "Wow".

Hell, just look at the people on Veeshan. People are using their Xbox One's more than their PS4s and like the games better while the PS4 seems to be used mostly to watch porn or to play games you can find on three other platforms.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:PS4 - 48 Territories
Xbox One - 13 Territories

Make the territories equal and you sell about 10-12 Million Xbox Ones. Xbox is still rolling out into new markets. Things will even up as Xbox One localizes their better OS to new countries.
You mean like Japan where nobody wants an Xbox? Yeah Sony will CRUSH Microsoft there tooooo. XBO is only in "13 territories" and they already have stock sitting on the shelves while PS4 is still sold out everywhere. Wow, I'd be worried if I was Microsoft.
Christ, PS4 sold in 35 more territories than Xbox One. I'd be worried if I was Sony especially with that CES keynote that had me nodding off more times than the CEO said, "Wow".
You spend too much time on Kotaku. I doubt Sony is worried.
Hell, just look at the people on Veeshan. People are using their Xbox One's more than their PS4s and like the games better while the PS4 seems to be used mostly to watch porn or to play games you can find on three other platforms.
Yep. 5 people sure is representative of the whole user base. Have fun living in denial with your more expensive, less powerful, NSA-approved console.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote:
Hell, just look at the people on Veeshan. People are using their Xbox One's more than their PS4s and like the games better while the PS4 seems to be used mostly to watch porn or to play games you can find on three other platforms.
Yep. 5 people sure is representative of the whole user base. Have fun living in denial with your more expensive, less powerful, NSA-approved console.
Those five people include you. I don't see anyone talking about Knack except about how hard or frustrating it is. I don't see anyone talking about Killzone. I do see people saying Dead Rising is a fun game, and even replaying the game. I see discussion about Forza. I find myself wanting to play the multiplatform games on Xbox because the achievement system is more interesting. For whatever reason, pursuing achievements on the Xbox is more entertaining while PS4's trophy system feels thrown on. I've never cared about achievements/trophies in the past so with a fresh perspective, it seems XBL has that down better.

I'll be following the progress of PlayStation Now. Microsoft will have it's own streaming services. Pricing, performance and selection will make the difference between the two. XBL is starting to even things up with the freebie games on their premium service. People praised Sony for doing that but lets not forget that Sony had jack shit for an online service for years while XBL provided an outstanding multiplayer service during those years Sony ignored online. It's nice to see competition in this area.

With both consoles being capable machines, it will come down to exclusives. Pickings are slim for both consoles (XB1 having the better launch exclusives) for the next six months. Titanfall vs a sequel Infamous Son 2 is the only real thing to compare for the next quarter. Maybe a year from now one of the consoles will start to emerge. Sony is a desperate company that depends on their console while Microsoft makes tons of money with or without the Xbox One so that may play into Sony's favor unless they company crashes. On the other hand, we need to wait and see what the new CEO of Microsoft has to say about their plans for the Xbox One.

I can't stand that fucking wire recharge for the PS4 controller. Having to mess around with plugging in a controller daily to recharge it and the wire hanging off the front of the PS4 console sucks. Poor design. I've changed my Xbox One controller batteries once and it took a few seconds. Way less hassle. You won't hear me complain as much this generation about the controllers but that difference bothers me the most. Less wires, not more = progress.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Winnow wrote:Those five people include you. I don't see anyone talking about Knack except about how hard or frustrating it is. I don't see anyone talking about Killzone.
I've already gave my opinion on Knack. Why would I keep going on and on about it? I seldom talk about a game again once I give my impressions.

I don't own Killzone so I have nothing to talk about.
I find myself wanting to play the multiplatform games on Xbox because the achievement system is more interesting. For whatever reason, pursuing achievements on the Xbox is more entertaining while PS4's trophy system feels thrown on. I've never cared about achievements/trophies in the past so with a fresh perspective, it seems XBL has that down better.
An old argument but I like Trophies more than Achievements. Personal preference so nothing to talk about there.
I'll be following the progress of PlayStation Now. Microsoft will have it's own streaming services. Pricing, performance and selection will make the difference between the two. XBL is starting to even things up with the freebie games on their premium service. People praised Sony for doing that but lets not forget that Sony had jack shit for an online service for years while XBL provided an outstanding multiplayer service during those years Sony ignored online. It's nice to see competition in this area.
The problem with all your arguments is you can't ever say why something you like is good without trying to make the other product look bad. And that's where you end up looking like a fool.
With both consoles being capable machines, it will come down to exclusives.
No it wont. Not any different than the last gen. And who ended up beating Microsoft? Oh yeah Nintendo AND Sony. And Sony was a year behind the 360 with the PS3. That's not a factor this time. Unless you're saying Sony had the better exclusives on the PS3. Which is probably the case. And they are still releasing them. Has there even been any exclusives released lately on the 360? I'm sure there's been some but they can probably all be counted on one hand.

Personally exclusives don't matter to me. So I don't get to play a few games that others can oh no! Do you know how stupid and trivial that sounds? Lots!
I can't stand that fucking wire recharge for the PS4 controller. Having to mess around with plugging in a controller daily to recharge it and the wire hanging off the front of the PS4 console sucks. Poor design. I've changed my Xbox One controller batteries once and it took a few seconds. Way less hassle. You won't hear me complain as much this generation about the controllers but that difference bothers me the most. Less wires, not more = progress.
Cry more about insignificant things why don't you!
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Just get a D4 dock. They're like, $25. Sheesh.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Winnow »

Fairweather Pure wrote:Just get a D4 dock. They're like, $25. Sheesh.
That's just more crap to have laying around and plugged in somewhere! I've got one centralized place with a small wall recharger for 4 AA batteries. Whenever any AA batteries die I just swap them out and am on my way.

A cable and controller hanging off the front of your fancy new console or a totally separate charging station with separate power needs is not the answer.

eneloop. get them and be happy for many years. I've been using the same ones for around 6+ years. Well worth it. Today's eneloops are even better than the one's I have.
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Re: The Official PS4 thread!

Post by Aslanna »

Nobody cares!
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