Presidential Debates

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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

Newsflash dumbass....I do not like the crazy right at all. I would like a moderate, but don't ever see it happening unless a 3rd party becomes viable.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Zaelath wrote: I still think McCain could win 2016, if he's still alive. Call me cynical, but the republican primaries this year looked like what was left after everyone else took a step back.
I was a big McCain supporter in the early 2000's but there's no way he runs in 2016. He's ancient and has health problems. His crash, beating, and stay in the Hanoi Hilton sure didn't help his longevity outlook and frankly I can't see how it wouldn't affect his attitude toward certain things in a negative way, even if it's subconsciously.

He should have retired after 2008.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Yeah, I didn't vote for him in 2008 because I was worried he would die and we would have President Palin...if he ran in 2016, the only way I would vote for him would be if I just really loved his VP. I would have to like them enough to want them as President over his competition to begin with.

My perfect candidate is someone who is just slightly conservative leaning economically, extremely liberal socially, and wants to cut out military down to a manageable size (I would settle for 50% of current size, but 1/5th or so would be better).
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by kyoukan »

2016 will be Chris Christie v. Hillary Clinton.

He is already being groomed for it. He just needs to learn to control his mouth because practically every time he opens it something monumentally stupid comes out of it, and he thinks he's just "shooting from the hip" and "telling it like it is"

This is a common with Republicans though and will not effect him much with the base of the party. And it will be nice to have a Clinton in the white house again.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

kyoukan wrote:2016 will be Chris Christie v. Hillary Clinton.

He is already being groomed for it. He just needs to learn to control his mouth because practically every time he opens it something monumentally stupid comes out of it, and he thinks he's just "shooting from the hip" and "telling it like it is"

This is a common with Republicans though and will not effect him much with the base of the party. And it will be nice to have a Clinton in the white house again.
Yeah, I would love Hillary to win. As with Obama, I do not agree with many of her ideals, but it is the same with the Republicans. With Hillary (and Obama), I at least believe that she does have the best interests of our country in mind, and I would love to see Bill in the White House again. I love that man. He has a heart of gold.

Bill Clinton actually was part of my inspiration to start volunteering. To see such a busy person, with so many opportunities to do whatever he wants, give so much of his time and self to helping people around the world to improve their lives is refreshing.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

In recent pictures, Hillary has started looking like Benjamin Franklin. That could play to her benefit if people think it's him. Thankfully there are no pictures on ballets.

No chance in hell Hillary gets elected as president. There's even a less chance than that if Obama is reelected in 2012.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Aabidano »

"The only people who do things just to be evil are James Bond villains".

Hillary isn't cut from the same cloth as Bill plus she'll be 68 in 2016, I don't think she's in the window anymore. Like McCain much of your vote would be based on the VP pick.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Aabidano wrote:"The only people who do things just to be evil are James Bond villains".

Hillary isn't cut from the same cloth as Bill plus she'll be 68 in 2016, I don't think she's in the window anymore. Like McCain much of your vote would be based on the VP pick.
I disagree. Bill Clinton was just a fun loving, drug using, chubby guy that liked blow jobs. Hillary is evil.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Bubba Grizz »

I thought Biden looked good last night, if a bit rude with the talking over and interrupting. Ryan looked like a puppet who rehearsed his lines and did a lot of name dropping as if he actually knew where those locations were in Afganistan. Maybe he does but it didn't sound well when he said it.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Aabidano »

Winnow wrote:Hillary is evil.
But not in her own opinion, people fully self justify things they do. I'd imagine Paul Ryan for who knows what reason thinks his budget makes sense. I'm sure John Boehner thinks he's a reasonable, compromising person as well. AL Franken likely thinks he makes sense to people other than Al Franken.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

The 2nd debate didn't seem to spark any interest. Not good for Obama since he was given the news media "win" in the debate.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Obama walked all over Romney. It was a complete reversal from 2 weeks ago. Nothing else to say really. /shrug
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Chidoro »

Fairweather Pure wrote:Obama walked all over Romney. It was a complete reveral from 2 weeks ago. Nothing else to say really. /shrug
where, on this board?
It was fun to see ol' Romney show up again. He was a couple of seconds away from losing his s
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by kyoukan »

Debate isn't getting any coverage because Obama mopped the floor with him and the 24 news cycle isn't interested in that, because it is patently obvious he is going to win the election. Obama didn't lose the first debate either, unless you count being too polite to just call Romney a liar every time he lied. The media has to have something to talk about though, and election coverage is dirt cheap to run as it requires a very small amount of actual journalism. They have to make it look like it's not going to be another blowout election to keep people watching.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Based on the comments above, it looks like the race is tightening up!
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Funkmasterr »

You're only kidding yourself if you think Romney has a chance to win this election.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Canelek »

The southern US has been in breeding overdrive(relative to their normal breeding rate) for four years. Not sure they are going to have enough votes to give the edge to "the guy that ain't black". However, if they are allowed to 'make yer X' as opposed to reading and writing their name, they could make a run.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Aslanna »

Unlike others I'm not celebrating Obama's victory just yet. Especially with the GOP plan of disenfranchising millions of voters with their unnecessary Voter ID shit to prevent non-existent "voter fraud".
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

If Obama didn't look so uncaring and bored, the election would have already been over with zero interest except to see how many people fall asleep at his inauguration speech. ... ?hpt=hp_c1
(CNN) -- If the first presidential debate in Denver was a game changer,Tuesday night's was not. But that doesn't mean it wasn't a spirited, heavyweight bout with several consequential moments.

President Obama entered the second presidential debate needing to make up serious ground after his first debate performance. He turned around the narrative from the first debate -- that he was listless and lethargic and on the defensive -- but showing up is one thing, winning is another. Obama needed a convincing win Tuesday night, and he did not get it.

Gov. Romney came into Tuesday night's debate needing to prove that his first performance wasn't a fluke -- in other words, that he wasn't Jimmy Carter in the Reagan-Carter debates, when Carter won early on but went on to get dominated by a Reagan comeback. Tuesday night Romney delivered again and proved his performance was consistent and legitimate. He has established himself as a legitimate alternative to the president.

Romney was relaxed and not intimidated by Obama's newfound aggressiveness. He was responsive and flexible. He went toe to toe early on, challenging the president directly over the production of oil on government land and winning on the facts.

One of the highlights of Romney's night was when he spoke directly to the African-American man who voted for Obama in 2008, but wondered whether the next four years would be any different if Obama were re-elected. In an encyclopedic fashion, Romney gave a litany of Obama's failed promises and failed record. Romney was at his best when he told the voters in the room to look at the president's record and policies, rather than listening to his rhetoric, and then proceeded to explain the impact of the Obama policies and what he would do differently.

In what may be one of the more important political moments of the debate, Romney was asked how he would be different from George W. Bush. Romney effectively distanced himself from Bush on policy specifics, noting he would control deficit spending and champion small business, not just big business. It was an important moment to convince many undecided voters that he is not Bush 2.0.

From the first whistle, Obama was stronger, more forceful, and more aggressive, no doubt to the delight of his supporters. If Obama landed punches it was because he threw a lot of them -- mainly on Romney's private equity career and tax returns. But too often his attacks seemed rehearsed and scripted.

Furthermore, Obama spent more time attacking Romney than focusing on his own vision for the future. Obama didn't lay out a new, bold, or different plan for a second term dealing with the debt or entitlements. Romney was looking to the future; Obama was trying to remind the country of the Bush years and tie Romney to Bush.

If there was a key takeaway from the debate indicative of the race going forward, it may be the heated exchange over Libya and the president's handling of the attack on our ambassador. The president was directly asked about the security in Benghazi and who declined the requests for more security in Libya. Obama didn't answer the question. Romney could have called him on it and missed a big opportunity.
...etc etc etc
That's CNN, I can't remember which news outlets are supposed to be dastardly right wingers. I thought that was just FOX. Is it now all networks and news outlets that are all the sudden right wingers?
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Fairweather Pure »

I have never required a news outlet t explain to me what I witnessed myself. Obama completely owned that debate. Romney had his Gerald Ford momment early in the debate, was corrected by the mod, and it was all downhill from there. Romney lost. It's ok to admit that. Afterall, Obama technically lost 2 weeks ago.

But as others have already said, it doesn't really matter because Obama has the election locked up anyway.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Fairweather Pure wrote:I have never required a news outlet t explain to me what I witnessed myself. Obama completely owned that debate.
Not sure what you were watching but he didn't completely own the debate. Fortunately for Obama, people rated him on if he did better than the first debate because of how incredibly bad he was in the first debate. Democrats* are happy he didn't completely bomb the second debate and cost the sandal wearers the election outright. The middle debate is the most forgettable. People remember first impressions and last impressions so it comes down to the third debate with Romney still having gained more than Obama out of the debates so far.

The only positive out of Obama winning the election is assuring Hillary has no chance in 2016. There's no chance we see 12 years of democrats in the White House and Hillary will look so horrid in 2020, she'll probably look like Tip O'neil, before he kicked the bucket, and be asked to wear a burqa by her own party, resulting in it being mistaken for a "Muslim" and shot by the secret police.


*liberal pussies
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Fairweather Pure »

All Republicans love to blanket themselves in the same, weird, anti-reality blanket. They will never acknowledge the fact that Romney got steamrolled in that debate. It never happened. They keep repeating it and it becomes their truth.

It's crazy. It really is.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

I wouldn't say that Hillary will have no chance in 2016. I was recently reading a comparison of kids turning 18 and voting VS the voters 50+ voting. By 2016, a lot of the Republican core (older people who are Christian) will die, and the majority of younger people who will be voting have no interest in the GOP. Even the ones who lean to a more fiscally conservative side will either not vote, vote 3rd party, or just vote democrat anyway.

I mean, I would love to vote for Romney, if he was actually a traditional conservative. The problem is, he is not. He wants to increase our spending and lower taxes at the same time...

I am all for lowering taxes, but it has to go along with some major cuts in the government's size. Even of I do not like Obama's ideas, at least they make sense. He is honest in saying that taxes must come up if we want to keep the programs we have now and add the ones he wants to put in.

The Repubs have been running on religion and attempted trickle down economics since Reagan, and our country is growing out of it. If they want to have any chance in 2016, they will have to completely reinvent themselves.

This is coming from a Liberitarian in Alabama. I think there may be some big surprises in the south after election day. I don't know if Obama will actually win any states here, but it will be much closer than most people expect. I know that the majority of people my age are better educated than their parents / grandparents, less religious, and much more open to a liberal president. Sadly, more of them than I care to admit still hold on to some racist ideas, and that is the only reason Obama won't win any of these states. Still, there is less racism in my generation than the ones prior.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Fairweather Pure »

I am also open to a fiscally conservative party. However, I will never, ever vote for a a socially conservative candidate. Divorce the two, give me sensible details and a plan, and you have a real chance at getting my vote.

I'm not really digging Romney's tax plan:
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Asheran Mojomaster wrote:By 2016, a lot of the Republican core (older people who are Christian) will die
It doesn't matter. Their votes will still be counted even when they're dead.

Some of you could see Obama wiggle his ears and think he won the debate based on that. The debate most definitely was not a blowout. I give it to Obama due to Romney looking like an ass on Libya, being fact checked right during the debate.

Obama's lead isn't so great that Romney doesn't stand a chance. In swing states, it' about 47% Obama 45% Romney with 8% still undecided. That's close enough to have the last few weeks matter.

Look at some polls:

The numbers are closer than you think, thanks to snoozer Obama inspiring no confidence.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Funkmasterr »

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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by kyoukan »

I lived in a binder for two years in the 90s
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Jice Virago »

The only positive out of Obama winning the election is assuring Hillary has no chance in 2016. There's no chance we see 12 years of democrats in the White House and Hillary will look so horrid in 2020, she'll probably look like Tip O'neil, before he kicked the bucket, and be asked to wear a burqa by her own party, resulting in it being mistaken for a "Muslim" and shot by the secret police.
Yeah, because thats the criterea we should be using to determine our leaders, you shallow cunt. Don't worry, Winnow. You won't get Hillary in 2016, because the only thing the mouth breathing teabaggers hate more than an uppity nigger is a woman who doesn't know her place......
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Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Jice Virago wrote:Yeah, because thats the criterea we should be using to determine our leaders, you shallow cunt. Don't worry, Winnow. You won't get Hillary in 2016, because the only thing the mouth breathing teabaggers hate more than an uppity nigger is a woman who doesn't know her place......
I'm pretty sure the right wing hate hierarchy is women>blacks>mexicans
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

If you want to talk politics, how about telling me why she hasn't been fired for the fiasco in Libya? She's should be held directly accountable for that.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Sylvus »

Winnow wrote:If you want to talk politics, how about telling me why she hasn't been fired for the fiasco in Libya? She's should be held directly accountable for that.
I haven't followed the fiasco too closely, could you describe what exactly she did or didn't do that warrants firing?
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Aslanna »

Sylvus wrote:
Winnow wrote:If you want to talk politics, how about telling me why she hasn't been fired for the fiasco in Libya? She's should be held directly accountable for that.
I haven't followed the fiasco too closely, could you describe what exactly she did or didn't do that warrants firing?
I can't.. But we need someone to fix the board. Cant create new topics!
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Canelek »

kyoukan wrote:I lived in a binder for two years in the 90s
Were you Vanilla or Cinnamon? :D
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Jice Virago »

Winnow wrote:If you want to talk politics, how about telling me why she hasn't been fired for the fiasco in Libya? She's should be held directly accountable for that.
Probably because it was Issa's commitee that ganked the security funding for these embasees and even the GOPers are smart enough not to pick that fight right now. Taking responsibility is not the same as saying you were in the wrong, in case no one taught you that concept. Plus her overall track record is pretty damn good, unlike Condi Rice who was a fuckup from start to finish. Or Rumsfeld who was pure fucking evil with his own neocon agenda backing every move he made. Also remember that this attack is still being investigated and no one has all of the facts on it yet. But please feel free to outline what she did that merrits her removal that was worse than lying her ass off to get the country into a war of choice...
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Condoleezza Rice was way hotter than what we have now.

You people keep having fun with your binders while Romney gains ground. Even the moderator, Candy Crowley, said she didn't give a shit about the binder comment. Nice diversion tactic by Mitt. Keep focusing on a comment that will have zero impact on the election while the evil in Hillary grows, making her unnaturally uglier and uglier every day.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by kyoukan »

more cutting edge political commentary by our very own expert analyst. it is seriously like sitting in with the mclaughlin group every time winnow posts.

winnow, the mclaughlin group is a show on PBS where veteran journalist and commentator john mclaughlin moderates a discussion among well known politicians, pundits and policymakers.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

What was that? Did we just have a third world caller chime in who has absolutely no impact on this election? Thanks for your input. All you need to know is that you're country will still be protected as long as you keep giving up your natural resources. Your fishing boats will be sunk on sight if you continue to steal our salmon.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Sylvus »

So you do not actually have a reason why Hillary Clinton should have been fired for the fiasco in Libya? It's fine if it's just a combination of your misogyny and fear of capital gains taxes being increased if Romney doesn't win, I was just curious if there was a good reason.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Sylvus wrote:So you do not actually have a reason why Hillary Clinton should have been fired for the fiasco in Libya? It's fine if it's just a combination of your misogyny and fear of capital gains taxes being increased if Romney doesn't win, I was just curious if there was a good reason.
She wants to be the "fall guy" for Obama to take the heat of off him, so let her fall. I'm tired weak words. Suck it up and resign so someone else can better manage that position that's not trying to brown nose for future political gain.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by miir »

So in other words, you're just trolling....
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

miir wrote:So in other words, you're just trolling....
I really do despise Hillary but I'm pretty much trolling on this thread when it comes to that thing. I guess I could talk about binders...because binders and the first US Ambassador assassinated since the 1970's are equally important.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Fairweather Pure wrote:I am also open to a fiscally conservative party. However, I will never, ever vote for a a socially conservative candidate. Divorce the two, give me sensible details and a plan, and you have a real chance at getting my vote.

I'm not really digging Romney's tax plan:

Yeah. It is so sad that the GOP has convinced people that they are the party of fiscal responsibility...when they are farther from it than the Dems.

It really is just SOCIALLY Conservative Big Government VS SOCIALLY Liberal Big Government.

Sure, both sides have little changes and issues they like to nitpick, but in the end, they are mostly the same. Romney will give more money to the rich, Obama will give more money to the middle \ lower class, and both will make our government continue to get bigger.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by kyoukan »

Winnow wrote:
miir wrote:So in other words, you're just trolling....
I really do despise Hillary but I'm pretty much trolling on this thread when it comes to that thing. I guess I could talk about binders...because binders and the first US Ambassador assassinated since the 1970's are equally important.
You're not trolling. You got called out on some of your stupid fucking bullshit and you don't have the brainpower to prop up your stupid statements. You probably couldn't name a single thing Hillary Clinton has done or not done since becoming secretary of state, even after using google.

Here is a hint: you can actually google "what has hillary clinton done since becoming secretary of state" and it will tell you. you can totally own me for the first time in your life if you are clever enough to just paste the wikipedia article.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Polls are tied up. The debate tonight is huge.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Leonaerd »

So huge!!! It's like - will the red one win?? Will the blue one win?! So many colors!! I tell ya I never feel more patriotic than election season. Sure makes me proud to have awful healthcare and insane college costs compared to any other first-world country, and that either candidate will continue massacring in multiple wars to make doubly sure that we're safe at home. Such good policy from both sides makes my vote a very difficult choice!!
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »


It's disgusting how much liberals spend on elections. No wonder you are all brainwashed into thinking Obama is the right choice. Wasteful spending. Shameful! Obama sucks some serious ass if he can't buy this election with that much money pimping him in Florida and Ohio, and twice as much spending everywhere else.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Winnow wrote:Image

It's disgusting how much liberals spend on elections. No wonder you are all brainwashed into thinking Obama is the right choice. Wasteful spending. Shameful! Obama sucks some serious ass if he can't buy this election with that much money pimping him in Florida and Ohio, and twice as much spending everywhere else.
Lol, you obviously haven't saw the Super PAC numbers.

Just from the part of the money spent by then on ads that OPPOSE Obama, they have spent $200 million.

It's around $90 million spent against Romney, and a lot of that was spent by other Republicans in the primaries.

It is all disgusting, but the more positive ads that are explaining a candidates position, rather than just attacking his opposition, is much easier to stomach. The Romney campaign is outspending Obama 3 to 1 on negative campaigning.

It is obvious to most people that look into it why this is. Even many Republicans agree that this is the only way Romney has a chance...his stances are not strong enough to win by talking about his own platform. His stances are weak or uncertain. He can only win by trying to tear Obama down.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Instant poll CBS

Who won debate among undecided voters

O: 53%
Romney: 23%
That's a complete rout. Obama did well there. The Dems get a comfortable 3 out of 4 debate wins. Too bad Obama was sleeping during the first debate. I would have liked to have been 4/4.
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by kyoukan »

Winnow wrote:[iObama sucks some serious ass
hell yes he does!!! thanks for more insightful political commentary!
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Re: Presidential Debates

Post by Winnow »

Obama lost Virginia tonight. Grats! Looking like he lost Florida. It comes down to Ohio.

It was expected Obama would win the foreign policy debate. Too bad the majority of people vote on the economy.

As for polls, check out CNN's poll numbers and they're not even close to what you just posted. 48/40 for Obama. As for the important outcome of this debate, when asked after the debate if the candidates would be capable of handling the Commander in Chief job, both candidates were within a 2 percentage points of each other in the 60% range.

As usual, 3rd world kyou has jack shit to say..kinda like Obama just spent all his time attacking Romney instead of actually saying something. No wonder you like the guy!
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