80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Winnow »

Are you actually becoming less mature as the years go by? I mean seriously. First, you act like some fucking grade schooler that's worried about how many friends someone has...seriously? This is a fucking flame board. Who the fuck besides you cares about a friend count on a flame board? You complete retard.

What were you doing with time you spent away from this board? Was it glue or gas you were huffing? I suppose either one would make you this stupid.

You are a complete nutcase.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Jice Virago »

I'm guessing she is deriving entertainment from trolling you. I know, because I occasionally debase myself by doing it periodically, as well. Its a guilty pleasure I am ashamed to admit that I occasionally indulge in, like watching Xanadu or reading a Garfield book. I am not proud of it, but it is occasionally funny for the instant gratification it provides. Sometimes I do it just to get a thread to die because getting you spouting off in a thread is like having the creepy uncle show up at the kid's birthday party where everyone just grabs their kids and crawls away, rather than confront the elephant in the room.

Amazingly enough, you are suprisingly easy to get a reaction out of, despite the fact that you routinely troll threads around here yourself. Part of it is that a couple of us know how to push your buttons. Part of it is that you are so thoroughly predictable. Part of it is definately that you buy your own bullshit, to the point of embracing shit you know is flatly false simply because it does not fit into your personal archtype that you have created for yourself. I hope for your sake that you are not as much of a massive douche in real life as you are on the board, because hookers, kiddie porn, and old Rosey Five Fingers are all the companionship you are in for if that is the case. The fact that you routinely white knighted anything with a vagina in EQ pretty much tells me the whole story on that front, actually.

God, I could go on for hours about what a massive waste of human potential you are, but we've covered most of this ground already. You are the antithesis of nearly every moral and ethical standard I personally hold, particularly with the passive aggressive douche bag routine you have made into an art form. Now toss in the mysogyny angle and take into account that Kyo is a woman you have called a cunt more often than most people here have post counts, and you might have an idea of why she shows you no quarter. She is not exactly someone who has a long fuse, but even I can disagree with her without causing her to go nuclear (I did in this thread in fact) the way you do.

All that said, I hope you never leave this forum because you are more articulate than most of the self indulgent trash around here and I never tire of getting the entitled white male douche perspective on things. Its like a daily affirmation for me.
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Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Leonaerd »

All that said, I hope you never leave this forum because you are more articulate than most of the self indulgent trash around here
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Winnow »

Jice wrote:Now toss in the mysogyny angle and take into account that Kyo is a woman you have called a cunt more often than most people here have post counts,
Dude, I didn't even acknowledge the thing as being female until like a month ago so "cunt" was never mentioned before and Id be surprised if more than twice max recently. You might be thinking of Cartalas who called her a cunt all the time. He should be unbanned. Don't give me any shit for calling her anything. She's been calling me a host of shit for years. I actually haven't responded in kind until recently. Get your facts straight Jice. Why defend her from name calling when I'm called a pedo every other sentence. I figured someone would take the "she's a woman" angle at some point. lol, give me a break.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Jice Virago »

Well, if you want to drive down this road, I'm your huckleberry.

Taking a casual stroll through the comic book forum and just doing a simple search for anything you have posted with a JPG in it kind of puts you in the creeper catagory. I mean, I love some crude porn as much as the next guy but your cartoon Lolita complex is positively full on japanese tentical rape level in its proportions. When people have slammed you for it you come off sounding like Sam Deathwalker in your rationalizations. If you are not familiar with the FOH boards, thats not a good comparison by the way. So basically, since you react like someone hit a nerve when she calls you a pedo and your own personal comic tastes seem to run heavily in those waters, I don't think its too far off base to call you a panty sniffing pedo. Its funny as hell to see you freak out over it, because anyone with actual working human empathy would have either just ignored it or ran with it (eg "Yeah, old enough to pee old enough for me!!") and it would have stopped being funny, either way. Unfortunately for you, you have exposed weakness to Kyo and she is going to keep pounding you with it until you shore up that shit or stop posting.

I could personally care less what you choose to rub one out to, aside from the fact that you pretty much have made a public event out of it on these boards and you have a pretty well established history of dredging the shallowest of waters for cyber poon, notably Second Life and the Bored Housewives/Divorces of Everquest. It makes you too easy of a target on this front for me to bother with, though Kyo is certainly not burdened by my sense of honor in this regard and I am not above laughing about it from the sidelines. In Kyo's case, she is even more of a polar opposite of you than even I am, further eliminating what little restraint she has. She is the relentless pit bull like irresistable force to your thick headed immovable object. I am genuinely curious to see who gives up first, though I am pretty sure she will. Her emotional validation is not tied to this board to the same degree yours is and that alone pretty much assures she will get bored and find something else to do.

I do have a serious question here, though, somewhat unrelated to your fapping habits. How is it that a white conservative trust fund baby with no ethical limitations not married at this point in your life? Obviously, based on your perversion manifesto spread across multiple forums on this board, you want some trim and Phoenix is awash in young dumb trophy material, most likely even smooth shaven to fit your pedo tastes (/drumfill). You are in your mid 30s, I believe, and that area is crawling with idiot coeds going for their MRS degree. So whats the problem, exactly? I mean, even my fat dumb ass is happily married and I was not even trying. Are you self absorbed to the point that you won't date anyone who is not you with a vagina? Do you have some sort of massive physical deformity that prevents you from dating, like a penis sticking out of your forehead? Or (more likely, in my opinion) are you such a repellent douche that all of your trust fund money and clean cut caucasion cocksucker looks cannot buy you a gold digger in the middle of the fucking desert?

Kidding aside, this is a serious question here. Take some time to scrub the evidence of your child porn fetishes and Second Life cyber brothel off of the forums and get back to me with a serious answer, once you have given it some thought. The reason I am perplexed is that the one way in which you break the mold of the typical west coast area passive aggressive upper middle class douche is that you are single. Most are in their trophy wife phase at your age, cranking out little douche bag copies of their yuppie selves. I mean, you could be a self repressing gay I guess (which would explain a lot, come to think of it) but I don't get that impression from your posting history. And as a former music major, I pride myself on my finely tuned gaydar, though I have been fooled on occasion.
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Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Winnow »

Nice diversion. You completely ignored my last post in which you were dead wrong.

You can assume all you want about me. I can't believe anyone takes that much time or puts that much thought into someone else on this board. My private life is just fine but it's entertaining to see the wild speculation about it...actually a little creepy.

As you should know from being on this board as long as I have, I won't change a thing I do based on some seriously sexually pent up posters. Considering how off you are on your assumptions, I can only imagine how far off you are on many things when you attempt to speculate on other topics. I'd bet I'm a lot closer to being accurate in my description of kyoukan. Or Jice being a fat tub of shit (don't know, just guessing..am I right?)

If you want to go the pedo route with your flames, it's your choice. Pretty lame IMO but so is comparing shit to nazis. That never stopped anyone from doing it though. Whatever you can think of that makes you feel like you got a good flame in I suppose! I gave my thoughts in this thread concerning my interests. I won't ever again but will keep on posting what I always do and you can let your imagination run wild. Pedo away to your heart's content!

BTW, there's like 10 or less active people on this board and dropping. I don't think a whole hell of a lot of people care what goes on here unless there's some unbelievably large (kyou's imaginary friends) group of anonymous readers. As for trolling, I can hold my own. It may not be flashy but it works when I feel like trolling.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Funkmasterr »

masteen wrote:So where does revenge stop? How about the killer's mom? Does she get her revenge against the guy who pulled the switch or the governor who signs the death warrant? And then their families?

Ask the Sicilians how well vendetta is working out for them.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by kyoukan »

Winnow wrote:Don't give me any shit for calling her anything. She's been calling me a host of shit for years. I actually haven't responded in kind until recently. Get your facts straight Jice. Why defend her from name calling when I'm called a pedo every other sentence. I figured someone would take the "she's a woman" angle at some point. lol, give me a break.
I never called you a Host Of Shit. But when you think about it, it's a pretty fucking accurate description of you.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Winnow »

kyoukan wrote:
Winnow wrote:Don't give me any shit for calling her anything. She's been calling me a host of shit for years. I actually haven't responded in kind until recently. Get your facts straight Jice. Why defend her from name calling when I'm called a pedo every other sentence. I figured someone would take the "she's a woman" angle at some point. lol, give me a break.
I never called you a Host Of Shit. But when you think about it, it's a pretty fucking accurate description of you.

I thought about it. It's not. Although my "Bunch of Crap" thread would work well for some of your posts that claim fantastic "would as we know it has changed" shit from tabloids.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by kyoukan »

no, really. I think we are on to something. I'm actually amazed at how completely appropriate it is.

don't think of shit like fecal matter. think of shit like everything that is bad, wrong, stupid and worthless in the world.

and you are the one in charge of making sure everyone has enough.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Winnow »

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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Zaelath »

I like Winnow. He's a selfish right-wing scumbag, but at least he doesn't pretend it's for the good of the country.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Funkmasterr »

kyoukan wrote:no, really. I think we are on to something. I'm actually amazed at how completely appropriate it is.

don't think of shit like fecal matter. think of shit like everything that is bad, wrong, stupid and worthless in the world.

and you are the one in charge of making sure everyone has enough.
I feel like this focus on winnow is drawing attention away from what an ignorant, deplorable shithead I am, and I can't say I'm a fan. :lol:
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Bubba Grizz »

All this focus on Winnow?

No one cares that this guy came out and said that the was sad that he didn't take it further. His max sentence, if found guilty, would be 21 years?
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

If you left it to the Euro trash, they would only have given Hitler 21 years. Should have let him wipe that whole continent out.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Jice Virago »

If we are back on topic, as already stated, they should give the guy a bullet to the brainpan. The guy seems to be totally aware of what he was doing and purely evil in his intent. I am generally not for capitol punishment, but this is pretty much a slam dunk, here. Being evil is not nessecarily being crazy and even if it were, why preserve a genetic defect and waste the resources on such an unrepentant remorseless element of humanity?
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Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Spang »

Kilmoll the Sexy wrote:If you left it to the Euro trash, they would only have given Hitler 21 years. Should have let him wipe that whole continent out.
A majority of Europeans support capital punishment.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Canelek »

Kilmoll the Sexy wrote:If you left it to the Euro trash, they would only have given Hitler 21 years. Should have let him wipe that whole continent out.
You quoting Marge Schott there bro? :)
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by masteen »

Nothing about million dollar niggers, so probably not.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Aabidano »

...why preserve a genetic defect and waste the resources on such an unrepentant remorseless element of humanity?
My view on the concept of capitol punishment in general and this guy in particular.

He's not crazy and he's not redeemable. Any attempts at "punishment" are pointless and futile; likely making society as a whole worse off.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Aslanna »

Anders Behring Breivik would rather be executed than receive Norway's "pathetic" maximum punishment of 21 years in jail for the bomb and gun attacks that left 77 dead last summer, he told a court on Wednesday.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Zaelath »

I find life imprisonment without parole a better deterrent than death, particularly for the insane who find death a release from their suffering.

21 years is an acceptible term, if they allow terms to be served consecutively. What's that, about 160 years? Concurrent terms are a ludicrous concept to me.

So few cases are as clear cut as Breivik that it doesn't make sense to me to even have the apparatus of state execution set up, since once you have it you use it, and if you use it in lesser cases than this you do end up with a few innocents dead.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Demags »

Your math is a little bit off, it would be more like 1617 years. You really don't have to put facilities in place, just give him an old fashioned end, like Joe Pesci in casino.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by kyoukan »

I love how pro death penalty retards still support it even when the convicted are begging for it as a means of suicide. IT'S NOT A DETERRENT; IT'S NOT EFFECTIVE PUNISHMENT; IT COSTS MORE TO EXECUTE SOMEONE THAN IT DOES TO IMPRISON THEM FOR LIFE.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by masteen »

kyoukan wrote:I love how pro death penalty retards still support it even when the convicted are begging for it as a means of suicide. IT'S NOT A DETERRENT; IT'S NOT EFFECTIVE PUNISHMENT; IT COSTS MORE TO EXECUTE SOMEONE THAN IT DOES TO IMPRISON THEM FOR LIFE.
Whackos like this guy want to die to fulfill their martyr complex, and Brevik would probably become such because skinheads are stupid and there's a shortage of white people who feel so oppressed that they do shit like this.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Winnow »

Admitted Norway killer Breivik says he trained on video games

From the CNN Wire Staff
updated 7:08 AM EDT, Thu April 19, 2012
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Aabidano »

Zaelath wrote:I find life imprisonment without parole a better deterrent than death, particularly for the insane who find death a release from their suffering.
It's only a deterrent to those who in all likelihood wouldn't do if the penalty was anything past a trivial impact on their life. Long mandatory sentences only make sense until you consider the people they're aimed at.

"Get tough on crime" & ""career criminal" laws don't work as a deterrent on the people they're aimed at. Similar to this guy they are and will never be a useful part of society for various reasons, our justice system being one of them. The biggest benefit is to politicians needing to be seen as doing something and prisons. At release time in the US they're basically forced into crime or poverty due to the perpetual punishment system we have in place for many types of ex-cons.

Life imprisonment is a far less humane act than death, sadly it's cheaper.

Not in this case but generally - The consequences aren't something criminals realistically weigh out beforehand, neither are the chances of getting caught.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Funkmasterr »

kyoukan wrote:I love how pro death penalty retards still support it even when the convicted are begging for it as a means of suicide. IT'S NOT A DETERRENT; IT'S NOT EFFECTIVE PUNISHMENT; IT COSTS MORE TO EXECUTE SOMEONE THAN IT DOES TO IMPRISON THEM FOR LIFE.
I'm not necessarily in pro death penalty as a rule, but I'd make an exception for cases like this. A large part of the reason it is so costly is due to the amount of appeals that generally occur, and I see absolutely no reason someone like this should be allowed any appeals, and he'd not likely try anyhow.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Drolgin Steingrinder »

Spang wrote:A majority of Europeans support capital punishment.
Show me numbers?

masteen wrote:Whackos like this guy want to die to fulfill their martyr complex, and Brevik would probably become such because skinheads are stupid and there's a shortage of white people who feel so oppressed that they do shit like this.
Exactly. That's all this guy wants. If he was in it for the easy run, he'd do all he could to get the nutjob verdict, but he's fighting a psych diagnosis as hard as he can. YOU HAVE TO KILL ME TO SHUT ME UP HEY VALIDATE ME VALIDATE ME HEY HEY NO NO I'M NOT CRAZY
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Leonaerd »

Why be worried about what he wants? Kill him and savor the nourishment.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Lynks »

Solitary confinement for life. He'll still be alive wanting to tell his story, and no one will be around to listen.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Leonaerd »

Solitary confinement for life.
He'll be taking a paid timeout in the corner! MAN WHAT A PUNISHMENT IT MUST EAT HIM ALIVE PAHAHA :vv_boggle:
He'll still be alive wanting to tell his story, and no one will be around to listen.
Sure, but nothing is gained from keeping him alive, yet there would be people who will want to talk to him.

People who want to hear what he has to say.
People who would want to read his book.
He'll be a hot topic for years at this impressive rate of humanity!

The real cost of confinement is this lunatic living on in minds and conversations of rational beings, where he becomes a martyr machine whose grip on life churns out fear for a malleable flock of voters. A wound on the skin of mankind we like to ignore. Then we watch him age, pretending like we gain something from looking upon his "suffering," imagining ourselves as the opposite of him.

We will dangle him on a stick in front of our bloodthirsty faces. God bless the hypocrites.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Lynks »

I don't think you know what solitary confinement is or it's impact.

He won't be writing any book. Nobody will be there to hear him. The only interaction he'll get is the guard walking by his cell handing him his meal. People will want to talk to him but the thing is, they won't be able to. He'll want to talk to other but he won't be able to.

Try locking yourself in a basement for 30 days. No books, no internet, nothing. It's not just a timeout. That messes with your mind. Not as simple as you may think.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Leonaerd »

But what if his meals aren't made of glass and he gains satisfaction with every slurp?
What if he goes on to lead a happy life?
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Keverian FireCry »

I agree with the solitary for life. He will fade out of existence for most of the world and his own existence will be utter hell for the rest of his life.

Death penalty makes him a martyr for anyone who sympathizes with his extremist views and is his own mind he will go to the afterlife as a hero to his cause.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Spang »

Leonaerd wrote:What if he goes on to lead a happy life?
No one leads a happy life in solitary. It's fucking torture.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

kyoukan wrote:I love how pro death penalty retards still support it even when the convicted are begging for it as a means of suicide. IT'S NOT A DETERRENT; IT'S NOT EFFECTIVE PUNISHMENT; IT COSTS MORE TO EXECUTE SOMEONE THAN IT DOES TO IMPRISON THEM FOR LIFE.

Completely untrue you vapid whore. It is the endless appeals and asshattery that is allowed that costs more than life in prison. I will donate the fucking bullet AND the gun for any asshole like this. Fuck, I would wear wool socks and do the motherfucking Icky Shuffle for as long as it would take to generate the electricity to fry him.

Keeping someone in prison until they die of old age is absolutely inane. If there is no chance of rehabilitation, then they should fry.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Siji »

<- Not a fan of having to pay to keep someone in prison for life. What's the point? Prisons are overcrowded and we shouldn't be babysitters. They're either going to be released at some point or just get it over with. Prison doesn't rehabilitate, don't pretend it does.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by kyoukan »

Your shitty prison system doesn't. Recidivism rates in Canada and Europe are low. Just because you do a shitty job of something doesn't mean it's not a job worth doing.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Aslanna »

Also, to invoke the spirit of Midnyte, you have to look at the "Big Picture". Giving this guy what he wants only encourages this to happen in the future. So instead of just offing themselves to put an end to their sorry existence they go out and kill a bunch of people so they can have the government do it for them. Let people know it's not an easy and fast out and it actually could discourage other crackpots from going that route. A quick and "glorious" end or sitting in a cell for 60 years? I know which I prefer they get.

And in this case nobody is expecting Breivik to be rehabillitated. It's fairly obvious he can't (or shouldn't) be.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Jice Virago »

This is a shit situation, regardless of how it is resolved. Further, the US Justice system is so marred by racial and economic issues that capitol punishment is not a standard we should be applying. I am not informed enough to comment on the relative impartiality of the european justice system, but I am guessing it is not in much better condition than the one over here. This is largely irrelevant, since he is not going to attempt to appeal, so it comes down to what is the most logical and least wasteful course of action, given that no solution is going to be perfect.

When someone does something like this with no sign of remorse and no possibility of being rehabilitated, just get rid of them. Spending money to keep this waste of human genetic material locked up is not logical and wackos are going to be inspired by this idiot whether he lives or not (see Charles Manson for for example), so just save the money and energy and put a bullet in his head. Using him as some sort of lab rat for psyche study is just going to feed his ego, anyhow. Some people are just evil and that is all there is to it. Treat evil like cancer and remove it.
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Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote:Also, to invoke the spirit of Midnyte, you have to look at the "Big Picture". Giving this guy what he wants only encourages this to happen in the future.
He's not insane. He's screwing with anyone that will listen. He doesn't want to die, he's saying that so he can live it up like Charles Manson for years in prison, mocking the system. He could have shot himself. He wants to preach.

People love to kill. Hell, kyoukan could use a job. Give her a couple bucks so she can afford her own internet connection and she'd jump at the chance to fry this guy.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Leonaerd »

Winnow wrote:
Aslanna wrote:Also, to invoke the spirit of Midnyte, you have to look at the "Big Picture". Giving this guy what he wants only encourages this to happen in the future.
He's not insane. He's screwing with anyone that will listen. He doesn't want to die
Yup. And, again, why care about what this guy wants? Why let that even be part of the discussion?
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Stonie »

http://news.yahoo.com/prosecutors-kille ... nM-;_ylv=3

Anders Breivik, the right-wing extremist who has confessed to killing 77 people during a murder spree in Norway last summer, played the violent computer game World of Warcraft nearly seven hours a day for several consecutive months before his attack, prosecutors say.
Breivik, 33, already known to have a long history with the online role-playing game, was particularly absorbed by it between November 2010 and February 2011, when he played for an average of 6 hours and 50 minutes per day, according to prosecutors.

The new evidence in Breivik's ongoing trial was presented in an Oslo court on Wednesday. When asked about his interest in the game by a prosecutor, Breivik angrily dismissed the idea that playing World of Warcraft had any connection to his attacks, according to media reports.
"It is not relevant to this case whatsoever," Breivik said, getting so upset that he threatened to turn off his microphone, according to Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang.
On July 22, 2011, Breivik detonated a bomb in central Oslo that killed eight people, and then shot and killed 69 people attending a youth summer camp on the nearby island of Utoya. Breivik admitted mounting the attacks after his arrest, and used weapons named after Norse gods to massacre his victims.
He has previously stated that he played Warcraft, as well as another "first-person shooter" game called Modern Warfare, for hours daily.

In Warcraft, players assume the identity of an online character to use magic and weapons to battle monsters and other characters and go on quests.
According to prosecutors, Breivik played Warcraft under the aliases "Andersnordic" and "Conservatism."
Norwegian anthropologist Thomas Hylland Eriksen, who was brought in as an expert witness for Breivik's defense earlier this year, said in an interview with the British network ITN that Breivik was apparently unable to separate games from reality.

"He does not seem to be very successful at distinguishing between the virtual reality of 'World of Warcraft' and other video games and reality," Eriksen said.

In a March 2008 post on a web forum devoted to the game, user "Andersnordic" posted that the game had been responsible for making him "300kg, bald and pale," and told the game's developer Blizzard Entertainment, "You'll hear from my lawyer!"
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Aslanna »

Norway Killer Is Ruled Sane and Given 21 Years in Prison

A court on Friday sentenced Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian extremist who admitted killing 77 people, to at least 21 years in prison after ruling that he was sane when he carried out his country’s worst peacetime atrocity. The sentence was the most severe permitted under Norwegian law, but it can be extended at a later date if he is still deemed to be a danger to society.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Winnow »

Weak. If sane, he should die. The "oh, we need to study him!" angle is gone if he's not a loon. Kill him. (cheaply)
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by kyoukan »

honestly you should be the last person on the planet in favour of shooting someone society has no use for.
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Re: 80+ Shot dead in Norway and no post?

Post by Winnow »

There are automated processes for gutting fish these days. You should talk.
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