Final Fantasy XIII-2

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Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

I've been playing this quite a bit since it came out this week and im liking it a lot. I liked 13, but definitely had my complaints, and I feel they were all addressed. The areas are now more open, plenty of optional areas/bosses, towns and side quests are back.

The battle system, which I already thought was good, is even better too. Your third party member is a monster. You have a chance of collecting most of the monsters you fight throughout the game, then you level them up just like your main characters, and can also infuse other monsters into them to inherit abilities.

I'm not generally a fan of time travel, but I don't mind how they've done it for this game, it's not detracting from the game or coming across as a lazy way to deal with things (heroes).

Anyhow, I know not many other people here liked it, but fuck you haters, I'm enjoying myself ;)
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Fairweather Pure »

That's nice to hear. I just cannot get into the first one not matter how many times I try. It's just not very much fun to play IMO. Despite that, I will buy this when I see it at 20$ or less. There is no way I'm doing a day 1 buy on this fucking game!
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Animalor »

Aside from a few characters, the tunnel that was Cocoon and the go-nowhere story, I enjoyed my XIII playthrough. I'm in the same boat as Fairweather Pure though. 20$.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

Still having a lot of fun with this. Almost done with the main story, and have done maybe half the optional stuff and I'm about 45 hours in. I'm glad I bought the guide for this, a lot of the optional boss/side quest stuff I wouldn't have figured out.

The only thing that's annoyed me so far are the hands of time puzzles. I've actually had to work the harder ones out on paper.

Should have this 100% complete by this weekend sometime.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

No seriously, I hope whoever came up with the hand of time puzzle idea chokes on his fucking yakisoba. There should never be a puzzle in a rpg that I have to spend 25 mins working out on paper, let alone a bunch of them.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

Beat the main story last night. The setting and characters have really started to grow on me. I liked the ending, however:
it wasn't a happy ending, which isn't necessarily bad. BUT, with the ending, they officially ripped off the ending/idea of the dark tower books. I'm not kidding, it's damn near identical.
I'm going for 100% on this one still, but have a few tough ones left to do, like kill one of enemy type in the game (including alternate versions of bosses, etc).

I am gong for a all chocobo pack for my party, got 3 of them to 99 already. They are pretty bad ass.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

They spent a lot of money making this game look pretty when all you do is stare at life bars and rotate between two paradigms for 60 hours of grinding.....
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

Lol. That's a huge exaggeration. Not to mention the side bosses and paradox endings, some were really hard.

The battle system is great, probably one of the best in a rpg ever, etc.

I'm not really sure what exactly people expect from a rpg, but I thought it was great. And same with pretty much every other game they've made.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

I expect to not have to spend 99% of my time mashing three buttons and not staring at anything other than life/break bars. I expect a measure of control over my party members that extends beyond "I hope this retard heals me correctly" , "please don't stand next to me assholes so we don't get chain AEd constantly", or "please attack the fucking monster I want you to". FF12 was infinately better than 13 or 13-2 and the Tactics Ogre remake completely crushes anything else to come out RPG wise in that time. I actually got to do positioning and make decisions in those fights. I also got to watch the combat on the screen because I didn't have to worry about swapping Paradigms based on bars I can never take my eyes off during play. Hell, even Dragan Age 2 had more depth and strategy than this game does.

I wanted to like this game. I really wanted to see genuine improvement over the last one, but its just another big long grind fest with absolutely no real strategy. Every side boss is just a gear check/grind check. And you are still a slave to the stupid decisions your companion AI makes.
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

I'm wondering if we played the same game. By using proper paradigms and using the cross/wide variations appropriately, I never once didn't get the exact results from my teammates that I wanted.

I also watched the fights. I watched bosses to project their next moves, and just o watch the fight. I can hear when something is staggered so there's no reason to stare at it.

If you can fight yomi or raspatin and tell me there's no strategy you're full of shit. And they aren't the only examples.

But enjoy the generic wow ripoff that is literally and admittedly in every review I've read, a shallow ONE button mashing game. I don't get it, half the games I see people pumping here are fucking trash by the opinions of the rest of the world (computer nerds with no social lives outside of work and their house not included). But a game like this with what everyone everywhere else calls one of the best battle systems in a rpg ever gets trashed.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

As a recovering Square Kool Aid Drinker, I understand your rage at my heresy. I bought every piece of shit in a box with a picture of a moogle on it for the last two decades, even dogs like Erghiez, The Bouncer, and X-2. I am one of the minority who actually played and loved Dirge of Cerebus. I paid my dues with this franchise and I feel I can see the difference between blind fan boy praise (or paid shills) on the internet and reality. This game is, without a single doubt in my mind, the second least strategic and interesting Final Fantasy game to ever exist. Its immediate predecessor is the only game worse on these two fronts. Nothing you can say will convince me that switching between three paradigms and mashing autobattle on the one character you do control is anything less than the least stratigic battle system this series has ever had. How could it possibly be any less involved for the player unless they change it to all quick time events? Oh wait........ they did that too.

Like I said, I wanted to like this game. I went in wanting the series to be back on track after the abombination that was the last game. You are also talking to someone who replayed all previous games in the series over the past two years, so I feel I have a pretty good perspective on this. FF5, where the first quarter of the game your characters litterally had no choices beyond mele a guy or drink a potion still had more player choice an interaction than this game. This game even took a step back from the last one by putting the whole random encounter from thin air thing back into the series after several games without that bullshit. Storywise, its debatably the third worst of the series (behind X2 and FF3), but thats really open to debate and it had to build on the incomprehensible mess of FF13, which is kind of like trying to construct the Taj Mahal on top of a mountain of cow shit, so I can sort of forgive that. Graphically, its amazing, but not dramatically so over Amalur, Dragon Age, or Skyrim. Voice acting, well, thats a mixed bag as Square has been all over the board on that with really only FF12 having an all around good voice acting effort. The combat system is just irreperably fucked, though. As a result, it will likely be the second FF game I never play twice.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

I'm going to have to try this out. I tried XIII and wanted to claw my eyes out. I've always loved FF for the optional stuff more than the main story, with the exception of 5 and 6, which had some of the best and hardest main lines, and XIII killed that entire part of the game.

I'm glad to hear that they realized their mistake and decided to go back to their roots there.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

Only if by going back to their roots you mean six more hours of cutscenes and side bosses that require you to grind for days to be able to attempt them.....
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Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Jice Virago wrote:Only if by going back to their roots you mean six more hours of cutscenes and side bosses that require you to grind for days to be able to attempt them.....
I was talking about them bringing back optional areas, towns, etc...I hated the linear, locked progression I was seeing in XIII. I made it a few hours in, then talked to a friend of mine that had played through the entire game, and was told that it NEVER opened up. I quit playing it right then.

Though, there have been a few bosses like that in the past. Especially in X. I remember some special bosses, though I can't remember where, that were stupidly strong. I couldn't beat them until after I had finished the game and had spent time doing a lot of side stuff to get special gear, levels, etc.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

FF7 was the best in the series, and you had to do probably ten times as much grinding, if not more to have a reasonable shot at beating the ultima weapons.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Funkmasterr wrote:FF7 was the best in the series, and you had to do probably ten times as much grinding, if not more to have a reasonable shot at beating the ultima weapons.
I still think 6 is the best, but yeah 7 was pretty awesome.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by miir »

Jice Virago wrote:Only if by going back to their roots you mean six more hours of cutscenes and side bosses that require you to grind for days to be able to attempt them.....
Hmmm... I wasn't planning on playing this but after reading that, I'm very tempted.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

FF7 was far from the best game in the series. Everyone just remembers it more fondly because it was the first one on the PS platform, the first to make the jump to 3d graphics engine, and everyone had a hardon for Sephiroth because of his theme music. Discounting Tactics, the best games were 4 and 6. I would argue that 12 is up there, but thats not a commonly held view.

Also, 7 did not require NEARLY the grinding that any of the games before and after did for the optional fights. In fact, if you knew the trick to the fights, you could take your main hitters in about the time you had completed the arena and had a couple materia maxed out. As I recall, I managed to beat both without any chocobo breeding at all the last time I played through that game. And at least in 7, it was several different smaller grinds that each meant something different instead of farming the same four random fights to grind XP for hours on end like 13 and 13-2. Hell the brontasaurus grind in 6 was more drudgery than anything in 7 and that still pales to the Grand Pulse grind fest in the post game of 13. The only grind measurably worse than the Grand Pulse grind was getting prepped for the final hunt boss in 12 and even that involved a variety of things, instead of just finding the most optimal random spawn spot and spending forever running in a circle there.
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Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Jice Virago wrote:FF7 was far from the best game in the series. Everyone just remembers it more fondly because it was the first one on the PS platform, the first to make the jump to 3d graphics engine, and everyone had a hardon for Sephiroth because of his theme music. Discounting Tactics, the best games were 4 and 6. I would argue that 12 is up there, but thats not a commonly held view.

Also, 7 did not require NEARLY the grinding that any of the games before and after did for the optional fights. In fact, if you knew the trick to the fights, you could take your main hitters in about the time you had completed the arena and had a couple materia maxed out. As I recall, I managed to beat both without any chocobo breeding at all the last time I played through that game. And at least in 7, it was several different smaller grinds that each meant something different instead of farming the same four random fights to grind XP for hours on end like 13 and 13-2. Hell the brontasaurus grind in 6 was more drudgery than anything in 7 and that still pales to the Grand Pulse grind fest in the post game of 13. The only grind measurably worse than the Grand Pulse grind was getting prepped for the final hunt boss in 12 and even that involved a variety of things, instead of just finding the most optimal random spawn spot and spending forever running in a circle there.
Yeah, I didn't even think of XII. For some reason I mix it together with X in my head. It was pretty awesome.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Animalor »

6, 9 and 12 stand out in my mind as my favorites. I think that 8 and 10 are the ones I liked the least. Tactics I never could get into. Just not a fan of Tactical RPG's
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

Jice Virago wrote:FF7 was far from the best game in the series. Everyone just remembers it more fondly because it was the first one on the PS platform, the first to make the jump to 3d graphics engine, and everyone had a hardon for Sephiroth because of his theme music. Discounting Tactics, the best games were 4 and 6. I would argue that 12 is up there, but thats not a commonly held view.

Also, 7 did not require NEARLY the grinding that any of the games before and after did for the optional fights. In fact, if you knew the trick to the fights, you could take your main hitters in about the time you had completed the arena and had a couple materia maxed out. As I recall, I managed to beat both without any chocobo breeding at all the last time I played through that game. And at least in 7, it was several different smaller grinds that each meant something different instead of farming the same four random fights to grind XP for hours on end like 13 and 13-2. Hell the brontasaurus grind in 6 was more drudgery than anything in 7 and that still pales to the Grand Pulse grind fest in the post game of 13. The only grind measurably worse than the Grand Pulse grind was getting prepped for the final hunt boss in 12 and even that involved a variety of things, instead of just finding the most optimal random spawn spot and spending forever running in a circle there.

Your logic is pretty ridiculous here, lol.

7 had the most memorable characters. It had the most memorable storyline. It absolutely was my favorite game in the series for every reason. 3 and 9 are tied for second (American 3 & 9, I don't acknowledge the Japanese numbering for the games) and to be honest, they all mush together after that for me. I loved tactics but I separate that from other ff games.
Oh and I couldn't beat the optional bosses until I had knights of the round double cast for everyone in my party, so yes, I did more grinding in that game than any other.

I literally had to grind for maybe a hour in 13-2. All of the rest of the fighting was done for side quests/achievements/etc. There is also more to the battles in the game but I won't argue that point anymore, go ahead and convince yourself of whatever you want.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

Animalor wrote:6, 9 and 12 stand out in my mind as my favorites. I think that 8 and 10 are the ones I liked the least. Tactics I never could get into. Just not a fan of Tactical RPG's
Agree about 8 and 10. 8 is actually one of the worst RPGs ever, not just the worst in the final fantasy series.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by miir »

I kinda liked 8.

My favorites were 4, 7 and 9.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Aslanna »

Jice has conviced me that Final Fantasy XIII-2 is crap.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

If this is a dead period for you, then 13-2 is ok filler, I guess. If you are at all like me (playing Amalur until ME3 comes out), its not really worth your time.

And really, 8 was not the worst RPG of all time (hi2u every Star Ocean after 2), let alone the worst FF. The worst thing about it system wise was the lack of effect magic had, once you had 99 spells linked to all key stats. Mind you, this game still gave you contol over your characters and the grind in it was very minimal. FF3 was notably worse on every front, hence why only one version of it has ever been released stateside. FF8 had better characters than every game after it, aside from 12. I mean, Zell was annoying, but nowhere in the same league as Wakka, Vanille, Hope, Snow, or Tidus. And of course, you actually got to control your character's advancement and combat actions and it probably had one of the best endings in the entire series.

My cricisms about the grind are not about the length, nessecarily, but more about the nature of said grind. In 7, when you were grinding the coloseum or racing chocos you were building your weapons and powers in different ways. In 6 climbing the magus tower did different things for your party than farming steals off of monsters on the floating isle or brontaur grinding. This game, once you max the class abilities out, you basically just find the best XP monster mix and run in a circle to gain enough stats that AE bossrape doesn't outpace the healing AE. As rescently as FF12 you could take two people's game saves who used the same mains and their gear sets and ability choices would look radically different. In this game, once you hit the top tier abilities in each role, the only difference is who ground out more +x to their stats.

But in fairness Funk, if there is something I am missing here and there is more to combat than switching between Heal Paradigm, Meter Paradigm, and DPS Paradigm, please point it out, because the game did not vary at all from that for me. And while the ending was not as bad as 13-1 or as bummerific as 7, I think putting something a little more concrete into the ending would have been nice after all the heat 13-1 took for its WTFjusthappened ending. The game is visually impressive and the voice acting (outside of snow and hope) is acceptable, but the (lack of) combat system and bizarro plot makes me think that Square should just get out of video games and start making soft core hentai movies like they apparently want to.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Animalor »

Enchanted Arms and the last Star Ocean game probably take the cake as far as the worst RPG's I've played. Blue Dragon was pretty shallow and the characters somewhat annoying but the overall package had tons of charm(and I always got a kick out of the boss fight music).
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

I played the star ocean for the 360, the last hope I think it was called. I liked it, not my favorite rpg eve, but I can't see how it would be on a worst rpg list either.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by miir »

Enchanted Arms was so fucking terrible... the homosexual sax player was one of the few highlights of the game.

Star Ocean was one the better JRPGs I've played in the last few years.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

So, I decided to buy this game...and I hate it. I'm glad its not completely linear like the previous one, but the cut scenes are driving me nuts, and I forgot how much I hated the paradigms from the previous one. Really, what was wrong with being able to completely control each character? I like a lot of the other FF battle modes where I have tons of spells, attacks, etc and get to micromanage my characters all through combat.

The story itself is horrible too, but wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't a cutscene every 2 minutes...forcing me to sit and watch these idiots whine and cry...FUCK YOU SQUARE. I'm not buying the next FF until I see an in depth review, and if its not a huge improvement, I'm just not going to follow FF at all anymore.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

I guess I don't get that. I no longer have any interest in spending countless hours managing inventory, and I honestly prefer the paradigms to having to pick each action for each person in my party. I've also lost most interest in wandering around doing random bullshit side quests for hundreds of hours (skyrim). This was one of my favorite RPGs in a while.

I also enjoyed the cutscenes, and thought the story was good (not great). To each their own.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Winnow »

This game was horrible. I played it for two days.

Square has lost touch with what makes a game fun and has no idea how to tell an interesting story. The far out shit makes no sense at all. The opening scene with the Valkerie/God of War type action was confusing and just a blur of crap on the screen that left me not caring one bit or even knowing what was going on. The cut scenes and quests in this game are also painful to watch. You really just don't give a flying fuck about the entire story or mission which would be ok if the combat was interesting but they aren't either. You've got whacked out looking mobs that just look so bizarre you're not even sure what you're fighting. The semi/turn/action based system does nothing for me and the linear progression on the skills doesn't really help to make it more interesting. The heavy metal rock music played during one boss mob encounter (which also don't really stand out) was so far out of place in this game. This game is worse than FFXIII.

Skyrim/Kingdoms of Amalur are by far more interesting and engaging games. I've been a big fan of Japanese RPGs but enough is enough. It might just be Square-Enix in particular. FFXIV is/was also a monster fail.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

Mark it on the fucking calendar. I agree 100% with what Winnow said and could not state it any more succinctly than he did.
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

Especially with the ending, the story makes perfect sense, unless of course you are retarded.

I totally agree though, it would be way cooler if they used the same mobs that have been in every other rpg instead of being creative. I mean, everything should be westernized, skyrim style! Right?

I guess maybe part of it for me is how much some of the locations and all of the music reminded me of Japan, which is a good thing.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

If you thought that ending was good, well then I think we are going to have to agree to disagree. Was it as bad as FF13, Star Ocean 4, or DA2? No. But it was not good by any measure.
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Winnow »

Funkmasterr wrote: I totally agree though, it would be way cooler if they used the same mobs that have been in every other rpg instead of being creative. I mean, everything should be westernized, skyrim style! Right?

I guess maybe part of it for me is how much some of the locations and all of the music reminded me of Japan, which is a good thing.

I'm spoilering the following images because some are big and some may red-x:




That's a random sampling of FFXIII-2 mobs from a google image search.

What the fuck are those? It looks like someone created a random monster generator which took random shapes and stuck them together. I don't know about you but those things are so fucking ridiculous they may as well have just made random colored blocks to attack. Along with these fucked up monsters, the battles are headache inducing events with annoying screen flash special effects. Everything doesn't have to be traditional, but I'd like to have something I can make out as an animal or robot of some sort, not just some random polygons.

The biggest turn off of the game is that there's no reason to care. Who gives a shit if the girl gets back with Snow or sees her sister? There's no reason to care if they are reunited. You have no idea what polygon they'll fight next but I guess it moves the story along to the next polygon. Seriously. Look at those "monsters". They look fucking retarded.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

I think he likes the part of Japan that includes pedos, pokemon, and tentical rape.
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

Jice Virago wrote:I think he likes the part of Japan that includes pedos, pokemon, and tentical rape.
Haha, omg you're so clever!!1

The music in this game would be common to hear almost anywhere in public in Tokyo, the locales where people are left have a very Tokyo-ish feel, and the general awkwardness of some of it is also very characteristically Japanese, particularly when translated to English.

But what do I know? You clearly have it all figured out. Fucking moron.

And yes, I'm intentionally ignoring Winnows posts, he hasn't made a point/comment worth taking the time to read in this thread thus far.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

So, your response is to put your fingers in your ears and go "La La La!" then....?

When two people who completely despise each other as much as Winnow and I completely agree on something, it probably means there is some truth to be had there.
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

Winnow has notoriously shitty taste in video games, not to mention rarely plays more than two hours of any game. Not sure how you agreeing with him makes some kind of point.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Winnow »

Funkmasterr wrote:Winnow has notoriously shitty taste in video games, not to mention rarely plays more than two hours of any game. Not sure how you agreeing with him makes some kind of point.
Winnow wrote:This game was horrible. I played it for two days.
Games that I play for 2 days solid I have a well informed opinion of. I'll play random games for 30 mins to 2 hours for the hell of it and to try them out. Final Fantasy in the past was a good series so I gave it a lengthy chance to impress me. It got worse and worse. It's outright horrible. Without the Final Fantasy name behind it, it would be a complete joke of a game. It's a piece of shit for the bargain bin. Square used to get by because they had cool cut scenes with graphics that were always above the quality you saw in other games. Now their graphics are average (cut scenes are average, their actual game play graphics are declining) and their stories and game play have gotten worse. It's like the teams of people working on the game just don't give a shit about working together to try and make a game that combines as a whole to make it entertaining.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

And while we are on the subject of endings:

SPOILERS (for anyone who actually cares about this game)
So, you spend the entire game looking for Lightning and not only does she die at the end, but so does Serah? In fact, they pretty much killed off the entire cast, though they missed killing the most annoying fucker in FF history (Hope) for some reason. The only character with lengthy screen time that survives is Noel, aka random douchebag we inserted into this game from the future. So, the entire story of looking for her sister turns into this fail at unfucking the timeline and everyone dies ending. Yeah, not going to say its the worst game ending ever (it has the virtue of being unique) but holy shit after the outrage over the ending of FF13 I thought they might have done something less depressing and a lot less ambiguous.

No one I have talked to, other than you Funk, that made it through this flaming hunk of shit had anything positive to say about the ending of the game. Even the japs are scratching their heads over it.
I thought after 12 that they were back on track with their storytelling and back to doing normal relatable fantasy stories, but instead its back to the more and more incomprehensable depressing shit that started with FF7, took center stage in FF10, and got turned up to full on crazy town in FF13. Really, if this game did not have the FF name on it no one would even bother with it, much less recognize it as having anything to do with Square. Winnow is exactly right. They HAVE lost their way. More Steampunk High Fantasy and less Dystopian Future Japan, please.
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

Jice Virago wrote:And while we are on the subject of endings:

SPOILERS (for anyone who actually cares about this game)
So, you spend the entire game looking for Lightning and not only does she die at the end, but so does Serah? In fact, they pretty much killed off the entire cast, though they missed killing the most annoying fucker in FF history (Hope) for some reason. The only character with lengthy screen time that survives is Noel, aka random douchebag we inserted into this game from the future. So, the entire story of looking for her sister turns into this fail at unfucking the timeline and everyone dies ending. Yeah, not going to say its the worst game ending ever (it has the virtue of being unique) but holy shit after the outrage over the ending of FF13 I thought they might have done something less depressing and a lot less ambiguous.

No one I have talked to, other than you Funk, that made it through this flaming hunk of shit had anything positive to say about the ending of the game. Even the japs are scratching their heads over it.
I thought after 12 that they were back on track with their storytelling and back to doing normal relatable fantasy stories, but instead its back to the more and more incomprehensable depressing shit that started with FF7, took center stage in FF10, and got turned up to full on crazy town in FF13. Really, if this game did not have the FF name on it no one would even bother with it, much less recognize it as having anything to do with Square. Winnow is exactly right. They HAVE lost their way. More Steampunk High Fantasy and less Dystopian Future Japan, please.
you might have missed it, but lightning didn't DIE. Until the very end, when EVERYONE in the entire existence died. I don't know if you've read the dark tower books, but the ending of this game was literally identical to it.

Lightning was like Roland, and kinda got frozen in time at the end. It was implied that she had been through this cycle, and had to keep repeating it until she gets it right, exactly like Roland.

Noel and serah were like Eddie/Susannah/jake. Kinda being watched over and fuided by lightning, although not in direct contact.

Caius was like the crimson king, knowingly trying to topple the world into darkness.

I can't be the only one that caught that, and I really don't think it was bad.

I don't need happy endings or positive outlooks in games, that makes it feel less realistic, IMO.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

Not a fan of Dark Tower, so I am unfamiliar with the references, but....

After the way 13-1 ended and the massive fan outrage, something a little less depressing and a lot less ambiguous would have been nice....
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Animalor »

Picked this up a week and a bit ago for 30$. Enjoying this quite a bit. Much more than I did XIII. Cameos are done in interesting ways and the time travel story, so far as I've seen, is well executed.

I have the Strategy Guide in PDF format on my touchpad for some of the side stuff to make sure I don't miss anything.

Overall very pleased and having a blast.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Animalor »

Those bastards at SE. They managed to get me to care about these characters and then threw in a good ending and left me all FUUUU...!!!
TO BE CONTINUED????? ARRRGH.. *sigh* Have they even announced XIII-3?
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

Animalor wrote:Those bastards at SE. They managed to get me to care about these characters and then threw in a good ending and left me all FUUUU...!!!
TO BE CONTINUED????? ARRRGH.. *sigh* Have they even announced XIII-3?
Glad to see someone else here liked the game :)
I don't think they have, but I'm not sure.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Jice Virago »

Haha you got trolled by Square, despite all the warnings in this thread!

Anyhow, I would be suprised if there is a 13-3, given the reception its gotten and Square's rescent fiscal issues. The good news (depending how you feel about remakes) is that it might mean we get a modernized remake of FF7 as SquEnix tries to cash in on its go to game on the way to petering out and getting absorbed by EA.
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Funkmasterr »

Jice Virago wrote:Haha you got trolled by Square, despite all the warnings in this thread!

Anyhow, I would be suprised if there is a 13-3, given the reception its gotten and Square's rescent fiscal issues. The good news (depending how you feel about remakes) is that it might mean we get a modernized remake of FF7 as SquEnix tries to cash in on its go to game on the way to petering out and getting absorbed by EA.
F U 8)
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Animalor »

LOL. I had purposefully stayed away from the thread for fear of spoilers and such. Overall I found this to be a pretty enjoyable and well put together game.

I can see myself putting quite a few more hours in getting fragments.
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Re: Final Fantasy XIII-2

Post by Animalor »

Lightning Returns - FFXII-3 is currently 50% off on Games with Gold this month. I picked it up because it reached the price point I had been waiting for.

If I had any expectation that this would come out on current gen machines anytime soon I may have held off but whatever. This will be nice and lengthy and will keep me busy until Destiny ships.
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