SWTOR (Image Heavy)

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SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Winnow »

I like to post a lot of images so will make a separate thread so I don't screw up any other SWTOR discussion thread. I'll try not to post any spoilers on this thread.


The first character I made was a Trooper. There are speeders you can hop on at various locations to speed up your trip.


I posted these first few images so you can see how different the environment is compared to the Sith home world in the following screenshots. The environments are outstanding as is the music and sound effects. My avatar looks skinny because I made her that way. Skinny, Medium, Tall and Fat are the choices.

The Trooper is a pretty straight forward heavy weapon, heavy armor class and I wanted to try out some of the force stuff so I switched to Sith Inquisitor.


On some of your missions you communicate with the quest giver via holo thingy.


Here's my Sith Inquisitor. You can see my settings to the right. I went human because the other races had too many bumps, horns, etc for my taste. In the end, I'm OK with the graphics except for the hair. This game has such great cut scenes that include your character as well as many many other NPCs. The only thing that distracts from the immersion is the hair. Wish they could have made it a little better but besides that, the characters look good, being a little on the toony side.

Character customization is not a strong suit of SWTOR but make sure you take some time to get a face you will be happy with because you're going to see it a lot in cut scenes.


I immediately took off my clothes to check out the avatar. All is good except the hair. The character profile has a nice layout and there are more stats available via the drop down menus.


Here's an example of if you do something bad/evil. The number of dark side points you gain pops up and you see the screen go red. I think on most of the discussion tree selections, it lets you know beforehand if it affects dark/light points and which is which.


They did a very nice job with transportation. You can jump around using these taxi thingies which are a great way to check out the scenery during the ride.


If there's a dark/light choice, typically you'll see the indication of which it is in the middle of the circle. Cut scenes aren't all just a close up of your face. They took the time to play out the scenes with body language and facial expressions.


I played all day and am only level 8. You can level faster if you want but I'm impressed with the content and depth of the story for each of the classes. I'm not even out of the newbie area. I haven't gotten a companion or ship yet. I've gone through around 3+ armor changes over the first eight levels. Nothing drastic but they certainly know that people like to see some change as your character advances.


Each class has a way to recoup their HPs and "mana". You don't have to sit down. You just need to be out of battle and you click the button and it begins to restore your health/mana as long as not attacked or move. For the Sith Inquisitor, you turn sort of reddish and glow a little as you recover. Each class is different and they're all pretty fast. No long down times.

Things I like:

Love the colored loot indicators on corpses. Yellowish beam if it contains a quest item, white if standard loot, and various colors if the corpse contains a high end item. Looting is quick and with these indicators, it makes it easy to skip over loot if in a hurry and just grab the special items or quest items.

Loot seems to be set just right. There's a lot of it but looting is easy and your inventory doesn't seem to fill up so fast to the point where you need to keep going to vendors to sell. You can make it until you typically need to head somewhere to turn in quests.

The voice acting is outstanding and EVERYTHING is voice acted as well as use or proper facial expressions and body language for emotions. It makes all the difference. On some MMORPGS you probably don't even know what the quest is half the time. You just keep clicking until you can go kill stuff. With SWTOR, every single quest seems a lot more interesting simply because it's delivered to you in a more interesting way.

Story Areas are parts inside a zone where only you can go as part of a Quest/Storyline. You'll see green and red force fields in doorways, etc to indicate if you can go in or not. It doesn't distract from the environment and when you go into a story area, there's no break/loading. You just keep going although only you/group members remain once you go through the barrier. It tells you how long the instance is expected to take as well. Very well done.

Quests are great. There's the Storyline quests and everything else separated on your log list. I haven't felt like I've been pushed along a rail at all. Quest opportunities pop up along the way as you do your Story and I mostly accepted the ones I saw and got sidetracked. Having done all that, I still need to gain another level to get back into the Story and finish the final Level 10 Quest.

Eventually playing all eight classes will be worth is to see the different Story Quests. Again, I'm only level 8 but these class stories continue through levels 30-40+.

I like combat. The animations are good and your character automatically turns and faces their opponent, deflecting attacks, etc.

All games have issues but SWTOR will give you your money's worth if you only end up lasting 30 days. For those that end up liking SWTOR, there will be enough content to keep players busy for several months and beyond.

I'm highly impressed and I haven't seen the best stuff yet.

Edit: fell asleep writing this last night, went back and did some minor grammar corrections, etc.
Last edited by Winnow on October 8, 2011, 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Fairweather Pure »

I did a little research and found out that SWTOR will support EyeFinity. My Logitech G13 will work with anything (you just have to program it), but I was really hoping for developer support. All the information it displays in WoW is pretty useful (PvP stats, player stats). I'm sure player mods will appear in no time if the game proves popular for the long term.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Winnow »

This game is full of epicness and win. If you don't end up liking it you should punch yourself in the face.


I mentioned last post that inventory isn't a problem. It's even less of an issue than I knew as your companions can poof for about 60 seconds and sell your grey (vendor) items for you at any time. Nice.


An example of a Story Area that you're not eligible for atm.


Example of item comparisons. Your companion's item is displayed as well for comparison.


The cool thing about Story areas is that you can see outside of them (through the green) and people move around as usual but they can't see you inside. Makes for a more realistic setting instead of feeling that you're being pulled away from the MMO for the instance.


Companions have full stats and equipment that can be upgraded.


Fighting a Boss mob in a flashpoint encounter. The bounty hunter is chucking a grenade of some sort on the right.


The results of the grenade! Well it only did like 1/25th of the damage needed to kill the Droid but it looked impressive!


Example of group dialog encounters. We're waiting for the last person to click on the NPC.


People fighting while I stand around taking screenshots!


Example of the group deciding the fate of someone. I wanted to kill him but rolled a 30 : ( One of the light side choices won out.


Lots of variety in this game when it comes to settings.


Screenshots don't do it justice. It's a very pretty game (except for player hair!)


Example of upgrading your weapon/item.


Woo hoo!


Cities accurately give off the "massive in size" vibe.


I'm going on 20 hours and just got through level 10. If this was a single player game, I'd already have gotten my money's worth. I'd be satisfied with my experience. The cool thing about SWTOR is each of the 8 classes have their own story. These stories go through level 50 but even if I played each class to level 10 I'd be getting 100 hours in. The key is that I've never felt like rushing through dialog. The story is fun and with the text choices (ultimately they don't affect the story much) it causes even more attachment to the story. Up until level ~10's flashpoint, this very well could have been a solo game so you can consider this Kotor's sequel and get ton's of playing time out of it.

The immersion is so well done. I find myself looking around, panning the camera to take things in...watching the shuttles/speeders fly around. The world feels alive.

The scope is impressive as well. The locations you play in don't all seem the same.

Maps are very well done. Really like how the map becomes transparent when you are moving so you can keep it up if needed when searching for something.

For the short time I've had my first companion, I'd say the developers made some good decisions on them as well. Almost every dialog encounter affects your companion's affection level. The scale is 1/10,000 and I'm at 75/10,000 so it looks like it will take awhile to max out affections.

Help system is pretty good. Inside the game there's a help search feature that usually brings back good results.

There are a lot of preferences. You have the "no helm" option and also can select to color match the rest of your outfit to the color of your chest piece. This helps avoid the patchwork look but you don't have to do it.

Flashpoints are a blast. The first group I got in had the tank go LD. We also had no healer. I used my Pet as the 4th member of the group and he was able to tank for most of the flashpoint. When we got to the boss, we had to recruit but we got another Sith Inquisitor (Sorcerer) so still had no heals or tank. I was impressed with the party's ability to pull out a kill on the boss. This is very promising for having some decent players in the game. We had to do some serious kiting along with clone/res and run back (hey that's like CT vs Cazic!) but were able to beat down the Jedi Boss.

Lots of fun. My group initially had all bloodlust type responses to dialog but the added Inquisitor was a goody goody so some of the decisions started to be more compassionate.

I've been trying the Evil route with my responses for the most part. Even if it doesn't impact the overall story, your answers can make the game more entertaining. For example. I had to find the body of a Sith officer of some sort. His son was on a mission to prove himself worthy of being an apprentice. When I entered the "dungeon" his son was dead right in the beginning of the dungeon. He died right away. So, when I got back to the Sith Officer to report, I had the choice of lying and saying his son almost made it or being blunt and telling him his son "failed hard" as the choice said. So, I first made him pay me for the information (another decision) and then rudely told him his son sucked. His facial expression told it all. Ultimately, that encounter won't affect my Story (except for the dark side points) but it made the quest a lot more entertaining.

SWTOR rocks. I can't imagine anyone feeling cheated for paying for the initial game and 30 days. In the beta, I get a ton of pop-up survey questions about the current quest I'm on, etc. They are trying hard to fine tune the game. It will have its faults and I notice bugs of various sorts but no other MMO comes close to the fun I've had in this game so far with the story.

Again, I'm still just barely through level 10. I haven't gotten my spaceship or even seen the crafting, etc. I think most people will like the game right off the bat. The class stories are very different so if you don't like something, change classes. I think even skeptics will come around once you hit 10 and experience your first flashpoint.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Winnow »


Trying out a new shield.


Here's an example of me being too far away from the NPC when the conversation is initiated. You could make the group wait but you can also choose to attend as a hologram as I'm doing in this scene to not hold up the party.


The game can get pretty colorful at night with the bright colored sabres, lightening and blaster fire. I always prefer day but the game works well at night.


Here's example of the loot beam indicator. In this case, it's generic loot. I'm with two other Sorcerers. To fill the third spot in the group, one of the Sorcs used one of his companions. Not a bad setup. Companions aren't just fluff. You need to gear them up (plenty of random drops to give your companions at least semi decent equipment). With companions acting as party members, you only need two people to have a full 4 man party if needed. In some of the HEROIC+4 areas, you'd want real people in those spots.

I ran into a couple other Sith Inquisitor/Sorcs to complete my final quest to get my Spaceship and get off the second planet. Grouping is fun and the game is well conceived to help out parties with the holograms I mentioned above, etc.

Sith Inquisitor/Sorcerer is an interesting class in that it is the highest ranged DPS class as well as the healing class depending on what skill tree you choose of the three. I've got a few heal skills but so far its rare when I use them. The class recovery skill is much better after a fight. You can't respec on the fly like in RIFT. There is a way to respec but that's not meant to do all the time.

SWTOR is the first MMORPG since EQ that I spent all night playing and never went to bed until 1pm the next day. It's good stuff. There are quests out the wazoo. No need to grind. There's always full voiced, interesting side quests, many of them with multi parts. It gives you that, "just one more quest" urge to go on.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Kwonryu DragonFist »

Thanks Winny
What kind of heals do the Sith Sorc have compared to BH?

Could you try a Bounty Hunter Bodyguard (Healer) and see what kind of heals they have?

Is it preventive shields, ae heals, regen etc?
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Kwonryu DragonFist »

Np i found all the info needed

Foundry-instance w Bounty Hunter
pw: alterswtor


SWTOR Skill Calculator

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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Xouqoa »

Not that I really care, because I don't, but you know the beta is still under an NDA, right? (unless I'm misinformed)

I don't want EA to come and sue you or anything, so just giving you a heads up!
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Winnow »

Xouqoa wrote:Not that I really care, because I don't, but you know the beta is still under an NDA, right? (unless I'm misinformed)

I don't want EA to come and sue you or anything, so just giving you a heads up!
I've always been one to share my experiences in betas I've been in with VV. I'm blocking out my name on the screenshots but am ok if I get booted as I'm already hooked and know now that I'll be playing. SWTOR info is pretty widespread out there. I don't use my name or anything associated with my acct on VV with anything else I do, especially betas. Unless BW is planning to release a surprise upgrade to player hair, I don't think much is going to change from here on out. It's going to be a fun game for MMO fans that appreciate a quality story/presentation.

I've been filling out a ton of surveys on the game as I play so am giving them good feedback.

There's much better "leaks" than the pictures and comments I provide over at Betacakes:


The recently opened a new server and gave everyone four level 40+ characters to test the higher end content. I check out my characters but have not clue how to play them so will be awhile before I try them out.

They're doing as best they can to make this as polished as possible before launch. Even so, they'll be plenty to improve on but as MMOs go, they're working very hard on this.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Xouqoa »

Yeah, I'm impressed too. I've really enjoyed the limited amount of time I've had to play it. The fact that it plays like a multiplayer Dragon Age/Mass Effect really sells it for me.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by masteen »

Xouqoa wrote:Yeah, I'm impressed too. I've really enjoyed the limited amount of time I've had to play it. The fact that it plays like a multiplayer Dragon Age/Mass Effect really sells it for me.
When I got into my ship this weekend (didn't manage it last beta weekend due to altoholism), I literally sat up and said "Holy Fuck!" and then spent a solid 2 hours pew-pewing in the space combat mini-game.

Another lasting impression for me is that combat, while slower-paced than the often frantic button mash of WoW, feels more involved because of the lack of auto-attack.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Thought I'd come add some pretty pictures. First three are of my powertech BH from this beta build. The last one is from my Sith Assassin from the last beta build. It is from the same base class as Winnow's Sorcerer above, the Sith Inquisitor, but different advanced class.

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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Winnow »


Another look at a nice setting.


A transition screen heading to space combat.



Space combat is pretty fun. It's like an arcade game. Nice change of pace from the rest of the game.


A look at the Codex (not complete, lots of images still "pending") Some of the early Crew Skills.


Crafting is fun. Here's a look at a crafting window. On the right you see my companions off on missions to gather materials. Each of your companions can always be busy doing something as long as you keep them assigned to task/quests.


Here's an example of a crafting mission window. It shows the time it will take and the potential materials. Some missions are harder than others. You can also end up with rarer materials. Some companions have bonus for particular skills.


The results of a crafting quest. You'll still see things that you can use crafting skills on in the wild but having these quests allows you to keep doing other thigns instead of beating a rock with a hammer for hours.


Quest and map functions are well done. Quests are organized well. The UI could use some improvement with hyperlinking etc but hovering over the map does show the quest associated with an indicator/location.


Help system is pretty good.


When you're character is moving, the map becomes semi transparent which makes for nice navigation.


I like being able to set "area loot" so once a battle is over, when you loot one corpse, you loot them all in the area.

I like that the loading screen when you log on summarizing the current storyline quest you're on to remind you where you are if it's been awhile.

Love Sprint (SOW!) that you get at level 15. It's permanent without cost as long as you're not in battle.

It's easy to reverse engineer things you make and other items in order to get schematics or crafting items to make more stuff.


Having a lot of fun. People will have minor bitches but Bioware looks like they'll keep improving the game and as it stands, people are going to enjoy the many things to do in diverse surroundings.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

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With the new build I decided to try out a Bounty Hunter and choose "light side" responses. It doesn't matter if your Empire or Rebellion, you can go light/dark on either side. Bounty Hunters are empire but I went light with my choices in dialogs.


This is good example of what to expect for graphics with characters. Not great but passable if you like the story. Female hair sucks pretty bad.


I like that in SWTOR you can be moving when you use just about any skill. That combined with your character's reaction to being attacked (blocking shots with light saber, detecting and automatically facing and responding to attacks, makes it a little more immersive than most other MMOs.


Companions are very useful and perform their tasks well. Mako in this case, is set to "heal stance" which makes her heal more often, although she still takes part in firefights when you're not too low on health. You'll also see on the left that they assigned hotkeys to all the companion hotbar slots, making it easier to program into a controller, etc.


You deal with a few Hutts in the Bounty Hunter Storyline.


Some of the harder or storyline quests give you some options when you receive your rewards.


As with light sabers, various other weapons may be mod'd/enhanced.


A look at a mod'd weapon and character sheet.


Another nice thing is that your companion faction isn't linked to your light/dark choices. You can manage to sometimes keep those choices separate.


For Mako, you need to go for the money/credits, and not be an ass for the most part. With Kem-Val on my sith sorcerer, I had to choose to kill everything to get faction. No mercy!


The mood lighting kicks in when you're romancing your companion.


Here I am about to lose some faction points with my companion...and maybe kill that alien for moving in on my pole dancer!


The various starter stories are completely different. I like the Sith Inquisitor better than the Bounty Hunter as it seemed like more of a personalized story and also on a more grand scale. (I'm speaking of level 1-10 only). The Bounty Hunter story took time to grow on me but didn't match the Sith Inquisitor. Also, I had to work to get my companion as a Sith, going through a hard final level to get Khem-Val around level 9. With the Bounty Hunter, you get Mako kinda added to you in casual dialog around level 6. What bothered me is you start seeing faction points pop up on the screen for the next 3 levels but when you "officially" get Mako around level 9, all that faction you build is wiped and i had 40/10,000 faction. I'm not sure if that's a bug or not. If it's not, they need to hide faction points until level 9 because that will just piss people off when it gets wiped.

There are going to be a lot of glitches/bugs when it's released 12/20. Some people will bitch about them but I'll take the game for what it is and enjoy the story and let them fix the issues through patches.

I'd encourage people to try various classes because the stories are so different. Depending on the class you start out with, you might come away after the first 9-10 levels with an "eh, it's ok" or "damn, that's good". Also, after level 9, which takes a full day or so to get to, you still haven't touched your skill trees as you don't pick your specialization until level 10+, haven't crafted, seen your starship, seen more than the first planet, etc.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Kwonryu DragonFist »

Thanks for the Bounty Hunter-insight Win.

Now, how about a review of the skills? :D
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Winnow »

I've been playing a Bounty Hunter the past few weeks.

While I still like the campaign story for the Sith Inquisitor more, the Bounty Hunter has grown on me a bit as a solid class.

Bioware has done a nice job with the three skill trees for each advanced class, giving you the option to make high DPS classes healers if you want. Bounty Hunters can choose Mercenary or Powertech as their Advanced Class. Using skill trees, Mercenaries can be Missile launching/dual blaster wielding ranged DPS monsters, or solid DPS/Healers. Powertechs can be Flame throwing/Carben Freezing up close or ranged DPS or full fledged tanks with shields, etc.

They've eased up on the respec costs so hopefully in the end game it may not be too difficult or expensive to respec your skill trees. It's not Rift though, currently you are expected to not be switching all the time.

I chose the Powetech advanced class. I haven't gotten very deep into the skill trees but I'm getting some nice abilities that are making me feel very tankish. Shield generators, heavy armor, etc. As a bounty hunter, you get a jet pack but you can't fly around. It does launch you up in the air for some of your big missile attack abilities. (death from above). So far it's been a nice combination of opening up a battle by launching a big AOE missile attack at a group (knock down affect), firing a high damage single missile attack, then sticking someone with a delayed exploding dart that knocks them and surrounding baddies down, firing off a Blaster pistol attack, and then running up close to burn down anyone left. You can take quite a beating and have a bodyguard type ability you can place on a party member that partially shields them and transfers the damage to you. You get some freeze and shock type abilities.

Once you leave your first planet, you share some of the same quests with everyone else but your individual story campaign remains unique.



The two screens above show examples of PvP instances you can queue for anytime you want. Like Warhammer, you leave and return to the exact point after the PvP instance is over. There are some varied objectives. I have not played "Huttball" which is something entirely different.


Me, looking down at the PvP area from the starting point. You hop on a hover scooter thingy to get down there.


Down on the ground in PvP. A stealthed person behind me. The big guns are what you're trying to control to have them shoot at the other team's ship.


Lots of stats, medals, etc you can get in PvP. As a Bounty Hunter, it seemed the other team took awhile to kill me (as it should be for a tank)


More romancing the dreadlock'ed Mako on my ship.


You can buy various looks for your companion. I gave her a new hair style and made her Caucasian.

Above also shows the inventory window. It's tabbed for general crap, quest crap and currency has all the medals you earn for various things on different planets, PvP etc that you can trade in for stuff. The Character window is also tabbed for your Character, Ship and Companion.


Deciding the fate of another NPC.

Most of the cut scene/interactive scenes have good animations, camera angles, etc. Not all do but you can tell on some of them , the animator put more work into them which always helps for immersion. I'm level 18 and have gone through several armor looks. While the avatar graphics aren't great, at least they vary often to give you some different looks, etc. Here my char has some butt cover thing and Mako has a lab coat which flaps around while running.


Overall still liking this game a lot.

It still has a ton of bugs. In game mail hasn't worked for days. That's important because anything you buy at the auction house is delivered via mail. There's a ton of work that went into SWTOR for the voices, decision trees, etc. The vistas, music and sounds effects are spectacular. The game always makes you feel like you're playing on a huge scale. Lots of excellent use of the Z axis. I mentioned with Dead Island as well, being able to look over a big valley that you just traversed is so cool while going up an elevator or hopping in a shuttle to fly over the land. People like to bitch and will do so plenty because there will be bugs, even significant ones but really it's worth letting Bioware work out the bugs and enjoy the game as it is until it gets polished up.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Hesten »

Hmm, i got into the weekend beta test, so I hope experience some of it there :)
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by masteen »

Just noticed that Mako is voiced by Lacey Chabert. So sexah.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Hesten »

OK, I played around with The Old Republic this weekend, got into the stress test beta.
I started out as a human Bounty Hunter, and I really enjoyed the starter quest. I didnt at any time get any feeling of "hey, lets go grind XXXX", every quest and sidequest (pretty sure i did them all) had voice acting, and reason behind them. You didn't just go "yeah, yeah, click ok, go kill, hand in", like in WOW.
The starter quest for Bounty Hunters was about you getting into The Great Hunt, and you being recruited by a team of crew who need a hunter for it. And before you can say "bullseyeing Womprats", it all turns into a huge mess, that you of course have to clean up. Not doing any spoilers, but after the starter quest and i got to leave Hutta, i had still only seen one other member of The Great Hunt, and i guess that quest line will go on for quite a while.
The skills seemed ok, I liked that you have to manually press buttons, no auto attack here. Had a real feeling of power when I got the Death From Above AE attack. I didnt use meelee that much, but ranged attacks rocked, both when soloing, or in a group.
There was ONE mission where the drop rate on the quest items was bothersome enough that i had to grind a little bit, but apart from that, i didnt feel any grinding at all, i just went for where i had to go, killed stuff in my way, and thus got the quests done :)

I can see myself playing a Bounty Hunter as my first char when the game come out, since my main chars have always been magic users, and I prefer attacks from afar :).

Then i tested out a twi'lek Jedi Knight. The quest lines here were fun too, and a good story line. Only drawback was 9 levels without a real lightsaber, now that i only had a weekend to test it out :) The companion for it was brilliant, had a few LOL moments over the comments from it.
Only issue i had was one quest where you had to fight some training droids 5 times...probably not an issue later on, but on a stress test (and on release day), having 3 platforms that got the trigger, the trigger IS there, but have to respawn again to get clickable, add some confusion, when 15 people run around trying to find out HOW to trigger the damn droids.
I got this one to level 12, did a flashpoint, a PVP fight, and tried out the crafting.

Flashpoints are fun instances, fully storylined and with voiceover and cutscenes, you feel like its actually IMPORTANT, unlike in WOW.
PVP was meh, but im not a PVP person, that might be why, but i didnt see any big difference from any PVP in WOW.
Crafting is great, dont need to go farming or camping out to get resources, can get your crew to do missions (cost credits though), and craft stuff. I got a nice belt for my Jedi Knight from it just after i was able to craft. Sadly limited to a few skills though, so you gotta select skills that can benefit your char. I want my über tradeskill hero from EQ back :)

The graphics are nice, not top notch, but pretty good for a MMO...hair, like mentioned in earlier posts, are horrible, and hope they'll do something about that.
I saw a few bugs, but nothing game breaking, all in all the game seemed a LOT more finished here in the beta than any MMO i tried in beta before, or even in the first week after release :).
I might be paranoid, but i think the "orange pixel" bug they added was a little touch of genius. When people finally see it, they can't unsee it again, and there is a lot of focus in the chat about that one particular bug, instead of any bad game breaking bugs :)

All in all, i had a load of fun, and only uninstalled it early today because i felt i would waste my time levelling up a char in beta that would get wiped :)
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by masteen »

I leveled up a Trooper this weekend (I've been in 3 weekend beta so far) and this is absolutely the class I'm going to roll as my main on release. The story, while not Shakespeare, is engaging and fun, and the class abilities are SOO great.

One big tip for everyone on release: Go to your capital as soon as you clear the first noob quests and learn some gathering skills. Slicing is nice, as are scavenging and bioanalysis.

The extra cash from slicing and rolling onto Coruscant with big stacks of the mats to make armor was super helpful to my trooper. I did end up dumping slicing for underworld trading to give me access to the rare mats higher level armor needs, but totally worthwhile even if that's all you plan to do with it.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Bubba Grizz »

I also made Trooper this weekend. I was very happy with its survivablity. I let my 4 yo run around town and naturally he went where I told him not to go. He would walk into rooms and get attacked by 3-4 bad guys and he'd walk away with minor wounds. So I let him run wild. Figured because it is just a beta toon I didn't really care. He loved it. I still won't be buying him an account though.

I too will be a Trooper (Iron Maiden flashback) on release.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Fairweather Pure »

EA said they only need 500,000 active subscribers to turn a profit. I'm thinking this game will be around for awhile if that's all they need. That's a lot lower than I would've thought for a project this big!
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Boogahz »

I think that damned "dead pixel bug" was absolutely evil. I almost replaced my newest monitor before I noticed it was just in the game.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by masteen »

Boogahz wrote:I think that damned "dead pixel bug" was absolutely evil. I almost replaced my newest monitor before I noticed it was just in the game.
Glad I wasn't the only one.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Boogahz »

If I hadn't opened the chat window to see people talking about it, I probably would have replaced that monitor on Saturday. I was actually getting ready to head to Fry's, lol
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by masteen »

I only figured it out when I alt-tab'd out to check newegg and dell pricing, but then noticed that the spot with the dot was now black. Opened up some pics to be sure.
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by miir »

I never even noticed it.

Go figure
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Canelek »

Is there a "best" AoE class? I'm just starting to actually look at class options for 12/20, so really do not know too much!
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by masteen »

Trooper Commandos get some truly awesome distance AOE (their mirror BH AC seems to focus more on short range AOE), but I've heard the Jedi Knight Sentinel/Sith Warrior mirror get some nice PBAOE.
"There is at least as much need to curb the cruel greed and arrogance of part of the world of capital, to curb the cruel greed and violence of part of the world of labor, as to check a cruel and unhealthy militarism in international relationships." -Theodore Roosevelt
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Re: SWTOR (Image Heavy)

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Early access starts tomorrow (12/13). Is anyone planning on playing this?
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