Steve Jobs dead

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Steve Jobs dead

Post by pyrella »

Pyrella - Illusionist - Leader of Ixtlan on Antonia Bayle

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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Winnow »

What a bummer. Amazing how active he remained up until the end.
Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Fairweather Pure »

You know the economy is in trouble when even Apple is losing Jobs.

Btw, that is my original bad joke. Do not steal it!

Too bad. Love him or hate him, he was one in a million.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Canelek »

Talk about not being able to enjoy retirement. An icon and innovator for sure and he will be missed.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Animalor »

The iPhone 4S wasn't THAT dissapointing..

In all seriousness though, it's always a sad day when the world loses a great visionary. RIP Steve.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Xouqoa »

Too bad. Sad news. :(

Not a big fan of Apple in general, but you can't argue that they haven't had a huge impact on the world of electronic, entertainment, and communications devices.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Goodbye to a genius and legend. Not a huge apple fan, but of course I still ended up with an iPhone, 2 iPods, and random other apple accessories. The man turned a struggling company into a giant and revolutionized \ built a few different markets.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by kyoukan »

One of the most overrated CEO's. People seemed to think he single handedly built and re-built Apple when it was mostly the engineers doing all the innovating. I guess jobs came up with naming iMac colours after fruits so good for him for that.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Fairweather Pure »

kyoukan wrote:One of the most overrated CEO's. People seemed to think he single handedly built and re-built Apple when it was mostly the engineers doing all the innovating. I guess jobs came up with naming iMac colours after fruits so good for him for that.
My wife has enrolled back in school and she's taking all types of business classes. Steve Jobs is pretty much the role model that every instructor uses in their classes. Sure it's low hanging fruit becuse he's so obvious, but he's an obvious choice for a reason. Steve Jobs was one of the most passionate, hands-on CEOs of our time. Jobs defined the company and it's products from inception to reveal. He did pretty much single handedly re-build Apple. Not bad for a guy without a college education!


Apple has it's engineers and talent that will get them through the short term but the weight is on the new CEO to keep things moving in the long term. They have to keep coming up with the next ipod/iphone/ipad.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by masteen »

Not to shit on the dead, but the reason Apple NEEDED to be rebuilt was in large part due to Jobs' clumsy and stupid handling of the transition from the old Apple 2 to Macs.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by kyoukan »

What Jobs was best at doing was making himself look like Apple's sole employee. I'm not saying he wasn't a good CEO; he probably was. He didn't design any of Apple's products and he didn't market them other than showing them off at reveals. His handling of Apple's music distribution and the strength that he showed when crossing swords with the major record labels was probably his biggest accomplishment.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Avestan »

kyoukan wrote:One of the most overrated CEO's. People seemed to think he single handedly built and re-built Apple when it was mostly the engineers doing all the innovating. I guess jobs came up with naming iMac colours after fruits so good for him for that.
He was one of the world's best micromanagers and was the top of the "idea funnel" for Apple for years.

We can have a huge argument here about weather or not micromanagement is good management, but he drove attention to detail throughout the entire organization. He was a force of personality that caused all their employees to feel connected to something larger than themselves.

I do not agree with his management techniques, but he is certainly one of the best CEO's in American history - you do not need to look further than Apple financial statements to back that up.

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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by kyoukan »

Righties do tend to over-emphasize the importance of a CEO. It is the same weird mentality that rewards them for failing so spectacularly. I blame your shitty class culture that encourages ignorance and misinformation. You personify it so well that you are basically a parody of your own ideology.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by miir »

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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Boogahz »

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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Zaelath »

This is why Jobs was successful now people value form over function: ... hetics.txt

It's also probably related to why he was shitcanned in the 80s
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Winnow »

He took his company from shit to become the HIGHEST market cap company in the world and he sucks?


haters will be haters.

He was an ass to many people. You don't have to like him to acknowledge he kicked serious ass as a CEO and learned from being fired.

We'll have to give Apple five years and see where they are. If they continue their rocket ride then perhaps he had nothing to do with it.


Apple has 76 Billion in CASH and Equivalents. That blows away the entire market caps of most companies. Please list the cash positions of other companies and their profit margins and then tell me the function of a CEO and why Steve Jobs was overrated. Their products pull in a cool 30% profit and higher and they can't make enough of them. If it's so easy why aren't other companies doing it? Those engineers doubling up as marketing majors? Are they somehow magic devices? Did those engineers get fired when Steve Jobs got fired or did the company just continue to suck and then magically improve when he returned?

Most CEO's are not worthy of their paychecks but Jobs deserves the credit that he's being given. Dick for most of his life? Yes. Bad CEO his second stint? No.

Jobs in front of the Cupertino City Council, presenting the new Apple HQ he knew he'd never see:

That's one of his last public presentations, coming after the iPad 2 revealing.


If you want to see if Steve Jobs was right. Watch these two videos from 1997 when he's just returning to Apple:

His comment on engineers:

Jobs put on the spot:

Listen to him in 1997 vs where Apple is today.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Jice Virago »

He was very successful at marketting trendy bullshit to insecure coffee sipping turtleneck wearing white people, thats for sure. I don't think he was any kind of technical genious or if form over function is even a good thing to emphasize in the scheme of things; thats a whole other debate. Its sad that he died, but watching the apple cultists have their little prayer vigils to iJesus is hilarious.
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Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Winnow »

Jice Virago wrote:He was very successful at marketting trendy bullshit to insecure coffee sipping turtleneck wearing white people, thats for sure. I don't think he was any kind of technical genious or if form over function is even a good thing to emphasize in the scheme of things; thats a whole other debate. Its sad that he died, but watching the apple cultists have their little prayer vigils to iJesus is hilarious.

The question was his role as a CEO. Even he acknowledged it was Woz that had the skillz.
Barron's compiled its annual list of the world's 30 best chief executives, and Apple's Steve Jobs tops the list, again. Jobs was selected for his vision and forethought that anticipates the products and services that customers want, even before they realize it. Jobs' insight has led to the development of the iPod touch, the iPhone and the iPad. These three products top their respective markets and have become must-have items for technophiles and the average consumer alike.

Barron's also notes that Jobs took the PC company from an all-time low in the 90s and turned it into the second most valuable company in the US. Apple's current market value has climbed to US$315 billion, a figure that is only topped by ExxonMobil. Other CEOs on the top 30 list include Jeff Bezos of Amazon, Warren Buffet of Berkshire Hathaway and Reed Hastings of Netflix.
I'm searching around for one of these CEOs that had to know how to engineer an iPod to be one of the top 5 CEOs. I doubt Reed Hasting of Netflix will be on the top CEO list again next year.

Jobs has proven several times that he has excellent vision as to what the consumer will want. Even I had my doubts about the iPad and now use two of them daily. It's not a fad item like the Wii a lot of you people bought that rots in a closet. He had the combination of vision and also knowing how to sell to the consumer. He learned and improved along the way...better than the opposite of doing well early and then failing late. He "failed" in the middle.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Jice Virago »

Like I said, he was good at convincing white people with more money than brains to spend money on trendy bullshit. Most people who have iPads would be just fine with a Kindle for far less in cost, but the Kindle doesn't let them wave their dick around and say "look how much money I blew", nor does it encourage the Apple nob gobblers to upgrade every time they add a new letter to the model name. They are the sports cars of the electronics industry. They look pretty and people buy them to show off, but only a small minority of the owners need them, let alone actually know how to use them to potential. The fact that tons of people put up with a phone that could not reliably place a fucking call, just to say they had the latest iPhone, tells you all you need to know about the customer base.

And as far as innovation is concerned, Jobs was not some Oracle at Delphi there, either. He fought all efforts of people to be able to customize the software on their phones and tablets. He resisted all efforts to make the devices game friendly, because apparently it did not occur to iJesus that the average dipshit who lays down the money on a new iPhone is probably only ever going to use it as a camera that plays Angry Birds. Then there was that whole antenna fiasco with the 4 series. And lets not forget about Apple TV. So, yeah, I am not buying into this whole brilliant CEO thing too much. Better than most? Sure, but its telling to hear all his underlings basically talk about what a slavedriver he was in the post mortem interviews, as opposed to any actual contributions to the product line.

I give the netflix guy and the facebook creaters (all of them) more credit, as they created a whole new product where none existed, prior. The iPod is the one real contribution he can be credited with. Everything after was just taking an existing thing, putting the letter I in front of it, and dumbing it down to the point where the average mouth breathing imbecile can grasp it. Sound marketting strategy, but hardly new (see reality TV).

I guess I just have an issue with the form over function as a concept, because it regresses technology instead of advancing it. When you want simpler interfaces and controls you are basically setting people backwards. I want more options and customizability, not less. For this reason, I pretty much despise Apple and do not accept iJesus as our lord and savior.
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Boogahz »

lol, wtf does anything he did have to do with "convincing white people" to buy something?
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Lynks »

Jice Virago wrote:The fact that tons of people put up with a phone that could not reliably place a fucking call, just to say they had the latest iPhone, tells you all you need to know about the customer base.
Everyone I know with an iPhone have never experienced a dropped call. I've asked because I was curious after seeing so many of you Americans complain about it. It must be your provider.

Honestly, my iPhone has even worked underground (a mine).
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Aslanna »

Jice Virago wrote:I give the netflix guy and the facebook creaters (all of them) more credit, as they created a whole new product where none existed, prior. The iPod is the one real contribution he can be credited with. Everything after was just taking an existing thing, putting the letter I in front of it, and dumbing it down to the point where the average mouth breathing imbecile can grasp it. Sound marketting strategy, but hardly new (see reality TV).
I wouldn't even credit him (Apple) with that. There were MP3 players out before the iPod came around. Apple might have made them 'sytlish' but they sure didn't invent the idea. Maybe the idea of actually providing a legal way for people to buy songs with the iTunes store perhaps since before that it was all just illegally downloaded songs. So yeah they did turn it into a business other than just the hardware selling aspect but the hardware did already exist.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Zaelath »

First page of this article says everything I wanted to: ... ianamania/
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Jice Virago wrote:Like I said, he was good at convincing white people with more money than brains to spend money on trendy bullshit. Most people who have iPads would be just fine with a Kindle for far less in cost, but the Kindle doesn't let them wave their dick around and say "look how much money I blew", nor does it encourage the Apple nob gobblers to upgrade every time they add a new letter to the model name. They are the sports cars of the electronics industry. They look pretty and people buy them to show off, but only a small minority of the owners need them, let alone actually know how to use them to potential. The fact that tons of people put up with a phone that could not reliably place a fucking call, just to say they had the latest iPhone, tells you all you need to know about the customer base.

And as far as innovation is concerned, Jobs was not some Oracle at Delphi there, either. He fought all efforts of people to be able to customize the software on their phones and tablets. He resisted all efforts to make the devices game friendly, because apparently it did not occur to iJesus that the average dipshit who lays down the money on a new iPhone is probably only ever going to use it as a camera that plays Angry Birds. Then there was that whole antenna fiasco with the 4 series. And lets not forget about Apple TV. So, yeah, I am not buying into this whole brilliant CEO thing too much. Better than most? Sure, but its telling to hear all his underlings basically talk about what a slavedriver he was in the post mortem interviews, as opposed to any actual contributions to the product line.

I give the netflix guy and the facebook creaters (all of them) more credit, as they created a whole new product where none existed, prior. The iPod is the one real contribution he can be credited with. Everything after was just taking an existing thing, putting the letter I in front of it, and dumbing it down to the point where the average mouth breathing imbecile can grasp it. Sound marketting strategy, but hardly new (see reality TV).

I guess I just have an issue with the form over function as a concept, because it regresses technology instead of advancing it. When you want simpler interfaces and controls you are basically setting people backwards. I want more options and customizability, not less. For this reason, I pretty much despise Apple and do not accept iJesus as our lord and savior.

All these claims of iPhone users having some kind of superiority complex is completely lost on me. Maybe it's because I'm from the mid west, but no one here gives a fuck about your phone. No one. By screaming that iPhone and Apple people are smug idiots, you really do come off like a smug idiot to me. You are the one on a high horse for no reason. Am I supposed to defend Apple products? Because, well, I just don't care that much. I definitely do not understand the hatred getting thrown around at a product. I don't know what kind of people you hang out with that give off this weird Apple vibe of assholiness, but I've never met one in my entire life. All of your vitriol and pointed language is lost on me. I honestly do not know what's worse, the people who you claim use their phone as a status symbol or people like you who lump everyone into that category.

Also, I do not get dropped calls either. Sounds like a problem in certain areas, but not mine.

Anyway, keep hating Apple!
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Winnow »

You guys are trying to make a God out of Steve Jobs.

What I'm saying is he kicked ass and made Apple the top company in the world. While you ponder his vision, tech abilities, etc, all I can do is look at what he did with Apple. Who cares if the products were not the first or best in your opinion. He got people to buy them. Not just one product, several..iPod, iPhone, iTouch. If it was a scam, people would stop buying them after a few years. It's not a scam. iPhones, iPad and itouch work great. People like them and want more when they come out. How can you fault Jobs for that? He rocked as a CEO.

I also do not get dropped calls.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Aslanna »

I'm not faulting him for that. But it just makes me laugh when people think Jobs 'invented' all those products and think he was a technological genius. His company was good at repackaging and marketing stuff that already existed I have no problem giving them credit for that.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Boogahz »

Don't forget Pixar!
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Jice Virago »

I am from Wisconsin and now live in California. You cannot grasp the level of irritation these people give me until you have spent a week here and seen the yuppy dipshits lining up at the Apple stores at the various shopping centers to get the latest minor upgrade that iJesus is doling out to them. Its seriously like talking religeon with people and they can't understand why anyone would ever want anything that wasn't apple and when you bring up things like "my droid actually works as a fucking phone" , "I have flash on my phone's web browser", or "I can upload programs to my phone without jailbreaking it" they repeat bullshit excuses that Jobs has spewed at various press events. In fact, I would argue that its worse, since the Bible stopped adding minor revisions after King James.

I can totally understand that this is new to you because the midwest does not have nearly the concentration of self absorbed rich white assholes that the west coast does. Dick waving in the midwest is usually entirely confined to who can drink the most or who's team is kicking the most ass. They take the cock jousting to a whole other level out here. Winnow is actually a really great example of it personified. He worships selfish greed and is incredibly shallow, all while just flat out ignoring logical and empirical data that proves him wrong. Normally this would be the mark of an idiot, but I conceed he is actually fairly intelligent. Being out here has taught me that some people are so self centered that they are just plain incapable of acknowledging anything that does not fit their self centered world view and they are almost completely devoid of human empathy. Winnow is not stupid, he just embraces this self centered mentality to a level that most moral people cannot even consider, and there are a lot of people out here like that. The whole apple marketting scheme is targetted at this culture of douchebags and the loads of stupid/poor people who aspire to be like them, which is why I despise it so much. The fact that I work in IT and see people like this every day in my department, who cannot install windows properly but feel they are fucking qualified to extoll the superiority of their phone, because iJesus made a ton of money ripping them off, just drives it home for me. Let me emphasize that a lot of people (Winnow just afirmed shit in his post) don't care if the iPhone is worth a shit or not, but worship Jobs for making a ton of money an a marketting fad.

Ah well, I am done venting. I don't feel compelled to change phones every five months and my phone runs flash, because I am not bound by the commandments of iJesus. I am just sick of the idolization of a guy who's only real contribution to society was making an existing product so dumbed down that its caused the whole industry to move backwards. The yuppie dick waving is just salt in the wound.
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Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Chidoro »

Jice Virago wrote:@Fairweather-
I am from Wisconsin and now live in California. You cannot grasp the level of irritation these people give me until you have spent a week here and seen the yuppy dipshits lining up at the Apple stores at the various shopping centers to get the latest minor upgrade that iJesus is doling out to them.
It's a little old but it made me laugh
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Winnow »

Apple announced today the company has yet again broke the iPhone pre-order record with the iPhone 4S. In the first 24 hours Apple accumulated 1 million iPhone 4S pre-orders, besting their previous record by 400,000.
Oh those crafty Apple people! Just a minor update to their iPhone 4 and they almost double their record first day sales figure.

Gee, the most ho hum presentation of any iPhone nets this? The cult is strong! If people aren't going to dump iPhones for those big sexy 4+ inch Androids with a minor upgrade then either there is a fuck ton of brainwashed people cultists out there or...maybe...just maybe....the iPhone is a pretty damn good phone that people like to use and will buy again.

Image ... cores.html

Where's your phone on the chart? Smoke and mirrors or maybe...just maybe...the iPhone is fucking good and not just sexy looking on the outside. Keep clinging to that dropped call bullshit that somehow no iPhone uses seem to get on this message board...seems to be like you've been read the bible too many times (3!) and have been brainwashed into thinking that if you say it enough, it must be true!
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by kyoukan »

There was a design flaw in the first run of iPhone 4's where if you held it in a certain way by the bottom, you could drop your call due to blocking the signal from the antenna. It was fixed pretty fast but any early adopter for the iPhone 4 has a device that is going to drop a significant amount of calls unless you hold it with a pair of tongs. It was a pretty well publicized issue.

I never buy first runs of Apple devices because they are sloppy manufacturers and they don't test their products very well. I'm not going to front; I have an iPhone 4 and my husband has one. But we waited until they worked the kinks out of it.

Jice is pretty much right in saying that all Apple pretty much does is take existing technology, put a glossy black case around it and double or triple the price of it. Marketing is what they are really good at. Marketing and GUI (although iTunes is still a massive abortion of unintuitive clumsiness). They are really good at designing interfaces hipsters and moms can use. They make technology cool even if it really isn't cutting edge. Steve Jobs had very little to do with this.

The Chinese will sell you a fake iPhone for $50 and no one really will notice the difference unless you really take it apart.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Zaelath »

Winnow wrote: Where's your phone on the chart?
Given there's only one supplier for iJesus, and you can get your choice of features/price for Android, you have to add all those Android sales together, which means the iPhone is lagging badly behind the droid...
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

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Re: Steve Jobs dead

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i mean lolz
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by kyoukan »

wait, why is iphone 4 on there 3 times?
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Fairweather Pure »

kyoukan wrote:wait, why is iphone 4 on there 3 times?
Different firmware. The 3GS is listed a couple of times too.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by miir »

Pay Jobs due respect - by crushing the empire he created ... ating_him/
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Winnow »

I'd say the iPhone is pretty cutting edge. Other phones still haven't caught up to the retina display which does make a difference. The iPhone 4 is a year old and still near that top of the charts in performance except for the new iPhone 4s which doubles that performance. Any other app store is a joke and android has so many types of phones and releases that getting apps to work on a particular phone is a major pain in the ass.

I buy mobile products for usability and Apple's products are the best by far. The "vision" of Jobs was to make products that consumers want to use without having to struggle with configurations, etc.

When I want to fuck around with performance, I build my next PC. I want my phone/iPad to be a media delivery device which it is excellent at.

Antenna gate was a joke. You're an idiot of you use a phone without a case. Even without the case, you needed some sort of left-handed death grip equivalent to shoving the phone up your ass in order to lose bars. I bought a bumper with my iPhone 4. Apple refunded my money without me having to do any sort of paperwork etc. I just received a notice saying my credit card was refunded. That's a quality company. Apple is also excellent for hassle free exchanges etc.

keep on hating!

more on Apple just being rewrapped tech others already have:
The dual core A5 chip in the iPhone 4S is the most powerful iPhone processor yet. It even blows every other mobile phone out of the water in benchmarks. The power of this phone is absolutely astounding and it even competes with some of the highest performance tablets in speed.

The iPhone 4S, without a doubt, blows every mobile phone out of the water in performance. It's almost as powerful as Apple's market-leading tablet. The graphics power of the dual core A5 chip is absolutely unmatched by any phone out there as of late. According to Apple, the iPhone 4 has 7x slower graphics rendering than the iPhone 4S. They may have been very liberal on those numbers because according to the benchmark tests, the iPhone 4S has 8x faster graphics instead of 7x.
So it's rewrapped tech that's twice as fast as any other, nice rewrapping! and you still get the longest battery life...amazing reuse of old tech!

More on rewrappings
As we ponder what will happen to Apple without Steve Jobs, I keep coming back to a conversation I had a few weeks ago with a veteran Silicon Valley CEO who knew Jobs. This was just after Jobs had resigned as CEO of Apple. We got to talking about why Apple is so well-positioned in the post-PC era, and this executive zeroed in on something you don’t hear too often. “Steve Jobs told me he has 1,000 engineers working on chips,” he said. “Getting low power and smaller is the key to everything.”

The number was startling when I first heard it. I knew that Apple started building its own chip design team in 2009, but figured it had to be a few hundred people at most, not 5 percent of Apple’s non-retail workforce. (Apple employs more than 50,000 people worldwide, 30,000 of them in its retail stores). Apple started designing its own chips because Intel and AMD were still stuck in the PC era. Apple needs chips that are powerful enough, but also very low power.

Battery life is one of the most important features of a mobile device. Apple’s latest A5 processor, which first appeared in the iPad 2, will now power the iPhone 4S as well. Not only is the A5 twice as fast as the A4 in the current iPhone 4, but it slightly improves the battery life with 8 hours of talk time (versus 7 hours).

Not only are Apple’s processors extremely power efficient, but Apple is also removing the hard drives from its products and replacing them with flash memory chips. It’s not just iPhones and iPads, the MacBook Air’s storage is also flash. All of Apple’s products are moving in this direction. When you combine these two fundamental changes at the silicon level, “form factor no longer becomes an issue,” explained the Silicon Valley CEO.

You can put a computer into anything. Mobile phones and tablets, certainly. TVs, perhaps. But what else? It is only limited by the imagination of Apple’s engineers and what makes sense from a product point of view.

When Jobs retired, TechCrunch writer MG Siegler cautioned against focusing too much on the next iPhone. Jobs left Apple knowing that a string of post-PC products will be introduced in the years ahead. MG wrote:

It’s the longer roadmap that should really be the grand finale in the Jobs’ fireworks show.

Talking to sources in recent months, there has been one common refrain: that the things Apple is working on right now are the best things the company has ever done. These are things that will “blow your mind”, I’ve been told.

Jobs himself said when he resigned, “I believe Apple’s brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it.” Now we get to see what he meant by that. Jobs rebuilt Apple from the silicon up. It is the company itself which is his greatest product. And like all of his products, everything fits together: the chips, the hardware, the software, the industrial design, the developer platform, the tightly controlled manufacturing, the marketing, the retail stores.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Jice Virago »

I rest my case.
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by miir »

'Post PC era'
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Winnow »

:<3: S T E V E J O B S :<3:

You people crack me up!
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Fairweather Pure »

It should be "post laptop" IMO. Those are quickly becoming dinosaurs.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by miir »

Fairweather Pure wrote:It should be "post laptop" IMO. Those are quickly becoming dinosaurs.
Except you're wrong.

Netbooks are dead.
Desktop PC sales are down.
Laptop sales are way up.

A tablet simply cannot compare to a 'PC' for productivity.

We are nowhere near a 'post-PC era' as windows based devices still have close to 80% market share.
IOS devices have less than 1.5%... about the same as linux.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Fairweather Pure »

"Post PC" doesn't mean what you think it means.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Aabidano »

Apple as represented my Mac-anything won't replace the PC outside existing markets as the major cost increase simply won't ever go anyplace. Yes it's a "better" product but it's not going much past it's current niche, unless they change strategy. Not likely as the strategy is working well for them. There a lot of speculation whether they can retain the market share they have.

A tablet and the cloud aren't going to replace it anytime soon either.

"It's a rare mind indeed that can render the heretofore non-existent blindingly obvious" - Douglas Adams

Outside of the iPod a lot of what Apple has done is assemble & package existing pieces parts, which is no slight against them at all. No one else put the tinker toys together in the right fashion to make what they have.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by miir »

Fairweather Pure wrote:"Post PC" doesn't mean what you think it means.
Why don't you tell us what YOU think it means?
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Fairweather Pure »

miir wrote:
Fairweather Pure wrote:"Post PC" doesn't mean what you think it means.
Why don't you tell us what YOU think it means?
I found an article that expresses what it means using almost the same phrasing as I did! ... nk_it_does

Choice quote:
So what does “post-PC” mean, anyway? It doesn’t mean that the PC is dead: Forrester Research forecasts that even in the US, a mature market, consumer laptop sales will grow at a CAGR of 8% between 2010 and 2015, and desktop sales will decline only slightly. Even in 2015, when 82 million US consumers will own a tablet, more US consumers will own laptops (140 million). But, as Forrester explains in a new report out today, it does mean that computing is shifting from:

-Stationary to ubiquitous. Contrast the experience of computing on a desktop PC, in one place with a clear start and finish time, to that of the anytime/anywhere computing done on a smartphone or tablet. Ubiquitous computing is also more context-aware computing, aided by sensors like accelerometers, gyroscopes, and geolocators in smartphones and tablets.
-Formal to casual. In contrast to PC interactions with a formal start and finish time marked by booting up and shutting down, instant-on/always-on computing on smartphones and tablets fills in-between moments like standing in line or watching TV.
-Arms-length to intimate. With desktops, computing is literally an arms-length activity. With portable form factors like laptops, netbooks, and tablets, computers become something consumers keep close to their body, and they use them in intimate places: The No. 1 place all three devices are used in the home is the living room, followed by an adult’s bedroom.
-Abstracted to physical. The mouse/keyboard paradigm relies on an abstracted interaction with content. Touchscreens like those on smartphones and tablets enable direct physical manipulation of content in two-dimensional space. Cameras with facial recognition, voice sensors, and motion sensors like those on the Microsoft Kinect for Xbox 360 permit an even wider range of physical interaction with devices, where a user’s body and voice become the controller.
It's like as soon as HD televisions were introduced, we were living in a "post-standard def" era. Or after the first HD video format was released, we were living in a "post-DVD" era. Or once high speed internet was available we were living in a "post-28kbps" era. Or after we dropped a nuke we were living in the "post-atomic" era. I mean the list goes on on on, but the point it that your knee jerk reaction, as usual, is totally off the mark. In short,
Fairweather Pure wrote:"Post PC" doesn't mean what you think it means.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by miir »

Well you have your opinion.
There are lots of other interpretations on what 'post-PC era' means.

But I still need a PC to delete podcasts from my iphone.
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Re: Steve Jobs dead

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Jice Virago wrote:@Fairweather-
I am from Wisconsin and now live in California. You cannot grasp the level of irritation these people give me until you have spent a week here and seen the yuppy dipshits lining up at the Apple stores at the various shopping centers to get the latest minor upgrade that iJesus is doling out to them. Its seriously like talking religeon with people and they can't understand why anyone would ever want anything that wasn't apple and when you bring up things like "my droid actually works as a fucking phone" , "I have flash on my phone's web browser", or "I can upload programs to my phone without jailbreaking it" they repeat bullshit excuses that Jobs has spewed at various press events. In fact, I would argue that its worse, since the Bible stopped adding minor revisions after King James.

I can totally understand that this is new to you because the midwest does not have nearly the concentration of self absorbed rich white assholes that the west coast does. Dick waving in the midwest is usually entirely confined to who can drink the most or who's team is kicking the most ass. They take the cock jousting to a whole other level out here. Winnow is actually a really great example of it personified. He worships selfish greed and is incredibly shallow, all while just flat out ignoring logical and empirical data that proves him wrong. Normally this would be the mark of an idiot, but I conceed he is actually fairly intelligent. Being out here has taught me that some people are so self centered that they are just plain incapable of acknowledging anything that does not fit their self centered world view and they are almost completely devoid of human empathy. Winnow is not stupid, he just embraces this self centered mentality to a level that most moral people cannot even consider, and there are a lot of people out here like that. The whole apple marketting scheme is targetted at this culture of douchebags and the loads of stupid/poor people who aspire to be like them, which is why I despise it so much. The fact that I work in IT and see people like this every day in my department, who cannot install windows properly but feel they are fucking qualified to extoll the superiority of their phone, because iJesus made a ton of money ripping them off, just drives it home for me. Let me emphasize that a lot of people (Winnow just afirmed shit in his post) don't care if the iPhone is worth a shit or not, but worship Jobs for making a ton of money an a marketting fad.
Sorry, I just read this. Thanks for the explanation. I hear it all the time (not just from this board). Being so far removed from this type of thing it's hard to wrap my head around. The other thing is that, in the larger cities I've visited like New York or Chicago everyone has an iPhone. According to this article (the first Google hit), it says the iPhone is the best selling phone in the world. ... d-wow.html

Trying to show off an item that literally everyone and their grandmother owns just seems kind of pointless and further adds to my confusion when people say iPhone users are uppity!
Last edited by Fairweather Pure on October 13, 2011, 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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