Enslaved (360)

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Enslaved (360)

Post by Winnow »

Saw this game available so I checked it out.

This game is like an interactive movie. So far it's been entertaining.



The visuals are what I like. Apocalyptic but with plenty of bright colors mixed in so it's not to dreary.

The game is on rails. I'm playing on easy which, up until I quit a few minutes ago after dying, has been pretty easy. The story is unique and the relationship between the guy and girl isn't your standard cookie cutter stuff.

The brute guy is acrobatic and jumps around a lot climbing, etc. He takes care of the melee while Trip, the female, is the brains/techie person.

"Enslaved" comes from the start of the game where the two of them, separately, escape from a droid ship. Trip offers absolutely no help to Monkey (the guy) as she makes her escape and later, while he's unconscious, fits a slave behavior thingy on his head and tells him he must take her 300 miles to her home and then she'll cut him free.

You play mostly as the guy and even though he's the enslaved one, he's giving most of the orders. If Trip dies, he dies.

This developer's diary gives an excellent idea of how the game plays and what it's about:

http://www.onpause.org/2010/09/enslaved ... about.html


Anyway, pretty cool. Having fun with it. It's what FFXIII should have been...seamless integration between cut-scenes and action with a good, interesting story combined with unique characters and dialogue worth listening to. The combat system and movement work well. I haven't had a chance to see much of what Trip can do yet.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

This game is being released on both the PS3 and 360 (you might want to edit your inaccurate thread title).
A demo is available on Xbox live and PSN.

I enjoyed the demo but with so many other A+ games being released, I'm taking a pass on it.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Looks like fun, but waiting until it hits the cheapie bin also due to having too many games right now.

I hear it has an Uncharted 2 type of narrative. I happen to like games that are on rails because they usually tell a better story and direct the player through the set pieces the best way possible. Of course I like free roam too! A nice hybrid like AC2 and even Halo Reach is a nice compromise.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Winnow »

miir wrote:This game is being released on both the PS3 and 360 (you might want to edit your inaccurate thread title).
A demo is available on Xbox live and PSN.

I enjoyed the demo but with so many other A+ games being released, I'm taking a pass on it.
Fuck the PS3! I knew it was also on PS3 as well. I played the 360 version. I can't vouch for the PS3 as typically the picture quality etc is inferior to the 360. I don't want to mislead anyone and be responsible for a screen tearing-rage induced massacre in someone's home. Make your own PS3 thread later.

I'm not recommending buying this game (except maybe over FFXIV/FFXIII). I am saying that eventually, people will probably enjoy this game when it comes down in price. I've found it more entertaining/different than many recently released games.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

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The dialog (and there's not a ton of it, mind you) between the two leads and late arrival Pigsy is so fluid, funny and endearing that pretty much every other game on the market should be embarrassed. It is, simply, the best example of this oft-neglected facet of game design since Uncharted 2.

By the end of Trip and Monkey's odyssey, I actually wanted to keep spending time with them and was sad that I would miss out on whatever they would do next. I realized that I had spent the whole game so wrapped up in these people that I had neglected to consider what I would write about them. That's right: For 12 hours or so, Enslaved had turned me from professional game critic to fan fiction author/cosplayer, and I couldn't have been happier about it.
So true. The dialog in most games is horrendous (FFXIII). Mixing in nice voice acting/dialog into a game is rare (Mass Effect)

In summary, FFXIII/FFXIV is the epitome of crappiness in gaming that no amount of cut scenes will save it from.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

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This game is getting surprisingly great reviews. I'll have my eyes peeled for a decent sale.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

Yea, we get it that you hate Final Fantasy almost as much as you hate the PS3 and chug the cock of anything that is Apple...

I'm not quite sure how you're coming up with a comparison of this game to Final Fantasy 13 or 14... other than the fact that you also based your reviews of those games on playing them for less than 45 minutes. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I actually like your 'reviews' of games that you spend some time with (like Civ5), but when the depth of your experience with a game doesn't go much futher than character creation, you really just make yourself look like a fucking tool.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Winnow »

miir wrote: I'm not quite sure how you're coming up with a comparison of this game to Final Fantasy 13 or 14... other than the fact that you also based your reviews of those games on playing them for less than 45 minutes. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I'm a good 8 hours or so into Enslaved, around chapter 7 I think. I also played that horror of a game FFXIII for about 8 hours.

Enslaved is so much better than FFXIII I don't know where to begin.

Monkey (the guy) is so much fun to play when he's jumping around, swinging, climbing, etc. The size and height of things is impressive to the point where I get a sense of vertigo.

I'm playing on easy and having a blast. I can see how in this game, difficulty setting could make a huge difference if it makes it easier to fall. The boss fights have been great (I can't even think of a memorable one in FFXIII).

Trip (the female) is a great character in her own right. She's the "brains" of the two. While you never play her character, you do carry her around, throw her around (fun), and use to to distract Mechs, and tell her when to run between cover spots, etc. You can easily give a shit about the characters (unlike FFXIII).

The facial expressions in the game are great during cut scenes which integrate extremely well into the game. They're not long and used very well (unlike FFXIII that has way too many cut scenes, interrupting the game flow)

There is some RPG part of the game. You collect glowing orb thingies which allow Trip to upgrade Monkey's weapons, health, shields, special attacks, etc. I've been concentrating on Total health and Health regen, so haven't seen much other stuff. You're two ranged attacks (which require limited ammo) are Plasma and Incinerary. The various mechs have shields etc that require some strategy in taking them out. The battle mechanics aren't too complex but there's enough there, several melee attack types, dodging, shields, etc, to make it interesting while not overwhelming so you can focus on the fun and adventure in the game instead of dealing with too many combos.

The characters are interesting. Monkey sort of grows on you from being a brute, to having a more rounded personality. Trip is refreshing in that she can take care of herself (well up until Monkeys acrobatics and strength are required). She's resourceful.

The two main areas in the game I've seen have been outstanding. The large city as well as a post apocalypse town built with defenses are worth taking the time to look around as you follow the completely railed path. The size of the areas loaded all at once into memory are huge, and as you work your way through an area, it's cool to look way back and see where you began sometimes. Also, the height gained in some areas is impressive once you look back down as where you started.

The puzzles aren't too hard but that's a good thing. Monkey typically has to find a way around things. Sometimes he needs to direct Trip to do things. There are very few times where timing is critical. Thankfully when Monkey's climbing, he can usually take his time but sometimes he'll heave Trip across a space and she'll barely make it and if he doesn't get over fast to help her up she'll fall or something. There's also a few times where grip spot, ledges, etc are unstable so you have to hurry but not too many.

Great game. My favorite since Borderlands and Mass Effect 2. I don't know how long the game is but the first 7 chapters/8 hours have been fun, with changing scenery and new challenges/puzzles/boss mechs. While it's only got a small amount of RPG elements, it's enough to matter so you can customize how you play Monkey. This is not an open world game. It's like FFXIII (on rails) but really entertaining with outstanding voice acting and an interesting world to be in. There's no giggling dumbass baffoons, just two characters. One with a purpose, and one being used by the other for that purpose. The story makes you want to see what happens between the two.

Good stuff.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Winnow »

Finished the game today.

Took about 15-17 hours on Easy for me.

To follow up on my previous post now that I'm done:

More positives:

-I like that the dialog during the game continues during active play so you don't have to sit around watching cut scenes doing nothing while the story is being told. Excellent.

-The viewing angles while Monkey does his thing are great.

-A little over halfway through, a third person joins the party. They add some humor to the, up to the point in which they join, mostly serious tone of the game.

-Piggsy, is an entertaining character in his own right. Alluding back to the camera angles, it's cool to watch him do his thing while Monkey and Trip are doing other activities and taking alternate routes to the targets. The designers went to great length to make sure everything works and flows properly. You could stop and watch Piggys make his way up to a target and be entertained or not even see all the work that went into it at all as you make your own way. There are many times that you are apart from Trip and Piggsy but can see them off in the distance. While never playing Piggsy actively, he's always there doing things and talking.

-The game changes scenery four or so times, not including the finale. Each location is vast and interesting. While the game mechanics for Monkey stay the same, there is more timing type jumps, etc as the game progresses.

-Enslaved is well crafted. It's not without a bug here and there but the flow of the game is outstanding.

Things I didn't like:

-can't save anywhere and hard to tell where last save point was sometimes. If you fail a level, you will typically be taken back to AFTER the last cut scene but there was a time or two on a challenging part that I had to see the cut scene each time I re-attempted the event.

-There are only two timed things that happen in the game. Both involved the little hoverpad Monkey uses and a chase scene. It took me like 15 tries on one of them and it was frustrating. Those two parts are the only time it happens but it can be annoying if you're not good with timing jump stuff while going fast making turns.

-Some animations are over used. There's only one animation for throwing Trip up to a ledge and there's always the same metal bar she grabs onto after being tossed. Besides this, the variety and brightness in colors on the post apocalyptic world is refreshing. There is no overuse of the brown/rust colors.


As mentions, Enslaved is the best game I've played since Borderlands and Mass Effect 2. I rarely finish games and I finished this one in primarily two sittings. I took time out to just stop and look around at some points in the game to view the vistas. The areas are massive. A chapter before you even get to a destination, you can see it in the distance and as I mentioned before, it's cool to look back at where you started, so far away.

The voice acting is the least annoying ever since Mass Effect 2. I never felt that the lines the actors said were corny, (except when intended with Piggsy). There were ZERO times I felt like clicking through a cut scene to hurry the game. They are well placed and not overly long. The facial expressions in the game are excellent.

The ending, while satisfying with the final boss type battle, is very odd afterward. The epilogue was not expected by me. The door is open for a sequel but also not needed. It can stand alone.

This is the rare storytelling type Sci Fi game that gets it right. If you enjoy the story and characterization as much as the action in a game, and like Sci Fi, then playing Enslaved is a must at some point when you have a chance to. It is not an open game. You've got one path with the puzzles and action laid out in front of you. The story is not deep. It could be summed up in a few sentences but the execution is outstanding. If you want a challenge, bump up the difficulty above Easy. Easy is my style when it comes to gaming.

Go get your 1-A titles. Down the road, you'll be enjoying this title and it may end up being more memorable that those chosen ahead of it.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

The game isn't even a fucking RPG but you still managed to compared it to FF13 sixteen times in this thread.

Obsess much?
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Boogahz »

miir wrote:The game isn't even a fucking RPG but you still managed to compared it to FF13 sixteen times in this thread.

Obsess much?
pot -> kettle

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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Winnow »

miir wrote:The game isn't even a fucking RPG but you still managed to compared it to FF13 sixteen times in this thread.
You are currently playing the role of idiot.
What is a Role Playing Game? Personally, I like to define a Role Playing Game as a game that MUST, ABSOLUTELY have three elements. One is a statistical setup for characters that describe certain skills/aspects of that character. Two, it must have some method of increasing and strengthening those statistics (usually but not necessarily by way of the experience/level system). Three, it must have a menu-driven combat system that utilizes the skills/aspects of the characters. Given there are other elements of RPGs that I'll leave out because of their obvious nature, these are the elements that are required for a game to be labeled RPG.
1. Monkey's leveling trees tell you statistically what the improvements will be when they are increased or added
2. There are four trees with multiple levels of enhancements in each category as well as special skills to add
3. You select between types of attacks, primarily for your ranged, types of melee attacks

It's a story driven game.

I was only able to level up about half the available options by the time I completed the game so it's not a game where you're guaranteed to level up everything by the end of the game. You choose...so you can play your character the way you want.

It's not your classic RPG but it's at least as much of an RPG as FFXIII which also guides you through the story on rails. It's a whole lot smoother in its execution than FFXIII. I can't even remember the bullshit story in FFXIII...just a bunch of grunting and giggling and yelling from the drama queen characters. In FFXIII you control a single character while the others follow you around...hell, at least in Enslaved you have more control over your secondary character outside of combat.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

So it's an RPG like Borderlands and Dead Space. :roll:
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Winnow »

miir wrote:So it's an RPG like Borderlands and Dead Space. :roll:
No like FFXIII which I've been comparing it to in this thread.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

Winnow wrote:
miir wrote:So it's an RPG like Borderlands and Dead Space. :roll:
No like FFXIII which I've been comparing it to in this thread.
Except that it's not.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Boogahz »

miir wrote:
Winnow wrote:
miir wrote:So it's an RPG like Borderlands and Dead Space. :roll:
No like FFXIII which I've been comparing it to in this thread.
Except that it's not.

FF13 is not an RPG?

Might want to go submit some corrections at wikipedia!
Final Fantasy XIII​ (ファイナルファンタジーXIII, Fainaru Fantajī Sātīn?) is a role-playing video game developed and published by Square Enix for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

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It = Enslaved
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Re: Enslaved (360)

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Sounds like wrpg vs jrpg nitpicking to me!
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

Enslaved is actually an action/adventure type game that's very story driven.
If you had to compare it to anything, I think Alan Wake would be fairly accurate.

This is the impression I got from the demo and the reviews I have read.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

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Based on gameplay footage alone, Enslaved has absolutely nothing in common with Alan Wake. At all.

It's like Uncharted 1/2 with more emphesis on platforming and some (gasp!) RPG elements.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

The comparison of Alan Wake was based on the gameplay being secondary to the story.
But yea... gameplay wise, I think Uncharted would be a pretty good comparison... with some Prince of Persia thrown in the mix as well.

Really not seeing any RPG elements though.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

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Winnow's review was the first I had heard about talent points/trees. That crosses over into RPG territory.

It's still getting good reviews!
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Winnow »

Fairweather Pure wrote:Winnow's review was the first I had heard about talent points/trees. That crosses over into RPG territory.

It's still getting good reviews!
I can't find a screen shot of the talent trees. I'd have to take a picture of my screen.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

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It's very rudimentary... weapon and basic skill upgrades
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Re: Enslaved (360)

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miir wrote:It's very rudimentary... weapon and basic skill upgrades
Negative much?

FFXIII's lame weird ass whateverthefuckitis balls on string path system is better?

Here's just one of the four areas Monkey can improve his skills on. This is for his ranged weapon. As I mentioned before, there's not a lot of bullshit skills, just stuff that will help. No fluff crap like FFXIII. You are allowed enjoy the game, not try to figure out skill sphere paths.

Blurry pic quickly taken with iPhone:


It took me more than half of the game to just max out the Health skills

As I check back though the chapters of the game, I left a lot of the power orb thingies behind so if you're one that likes to look around (more free to search for stuff than in FFXIII) you can probably power up more of your skills earlier in the game. It just depends how much time you want to spend grabbing the orbs. You also get orbs for killing mechs so I imagine you get them faster on higher difficulty levels with more mechs.

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Re: Enslaved (360)

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So exactly what I said... weapon and skill upgrades. :roll:
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Re: Enslaved (360)

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miir wrote:So exactly what I said... weapon and skill upgrades. :roll:
And? It's a sci fi RPG, not some fantasy magic missile RPG. RPG doesn't mean guaranteed fairies dude. Tech upgrades make perfect sense.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Winnow is slowly becoming unbearable to me. Don't know how much longer I can go before I add the video games forums to my "almost never read" list along with Current Events, which would be a major bummer cause it's really the only reason I'm here anymore.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

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yeah, it sucks that he's actually posting valid information in the forum it is intended for.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Boogahz wrote:yeah, it sucks that he's actually posting valid information in the forum it is intended for.
Don't get me wrong, his initial post on a game is usually informative if nothing else. However, nearly every post after that is generally a childish troll about his uncommon opinion on the game supported by his serious lack of any real time invested in damn near every one of them (with a exception here and there).

This thread is a great example. This game is not a RPG, period. There is a huge difference between a game possessing RPG like elements, and the game being a RPG. This is pretty obvious, but for whatever reason he is going to derail his own thread into a pissing match over a stupid fucking detail. I guess he doesn't like it when someone starts pissing on a game he likes, kinda like what he did, and is still doing, to any thread to do with any FF game.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

Winnow wrote:And? It's a sci fi RPG, not some fantasy magic missile RPG. RPG doesn't mean guaranteed fairies dude. Tech upgrades make perfect sense.
Weapon and skill upgrades don't make a game an RPG, you fucking tool.
It's a short, story driven, action/adventure game.

Lose the fucking obsession with FF13.
I know you're still butthurt that you wasted 5-6 hours of your time playing your pirated copy but you need to get over it already. I was actually shocked you didn't whine about FF13 in your Civ5 'review'.

Took about 15-17 hours on Easy for me.
I just noticed that you wasted 17 hours between friday and sunday morning to play through this video game.
That's amost as creepy as the time you watched 6 episodes of Lost per day over a span of 3 weeks. :lol:
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Re: Enslaved (360)

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um, it was brilliantly derailed by Miir, not Winnow.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

Boogahz wrote:um, it was brilliantly derailed by Miir, not Winnow.
Only after he made SIXTEEN comparisons to FF13. :lol:
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Boogahz wrote:um, it was brilliantly derailed by Miir, not Winnow.
True, and only because Winnow has it fucking coming, but Winnow is pouring fuel on the fire as opposed to ignoring miir's obvious attempt to get under his skin (most likely as payback for the FF thread) and moving on with his impressions of the game.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Funkmasterr »

miir wrote:
Boogahz wrote:um, it was brilliantly derailed by Miir, not Winnow.
Only after he made SIXTEEN comparisons to FF13. :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Goddamn cold, started cracking up when I read this and it threw me into a coughing fit.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

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This game has more in common with Pac Man than FF13.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Winnow »

I can't imagine anyone not playing a video game, any game, and thinking how much better it is than FFXIII!

The difference between me and touchy feely types like Miir and Funk is that I don't care if a thread gets derailed. I don't sit there and whine about it like these eggshell gamers. I enter my opinions about games, typically including useful information and there are very few people on VV that aren't able to pick out the useful information and then move on, ignoring the trolling or whatever else follows.

I really don't care if this game is "officially" an RPG or not. Who really cares about that shit? The game genre police? The important part is if it's fun to play or not. RPG elements works for me.

My goal on these threads is to piss Miir and Funk off enough about a game that they miss out on quality games because they get all emotional about them. It makes my day when someone says they aren't going to play a game because I ruined it for them. How can such weak minds exist that someone can do that. Miir's so stupid he thinks I pirated an MMO game in beta. Hard to deal with people like that. You gotta do what you can to entertain yourself!

Enslaved is going to satisfy a lot of gamers. I look forward to comments from those that play it. (way better than FFXIII and FFXIV combined!)
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Boogahz »

Can you go play the Hello Kitty MMO and post some reviews? I really don't want to be tempted to actually buy it :P
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Aslanna »

Funkmasterr wrote:True, and only because Winnow has it fucking coming, but Winnow is pouring fuel on the fire as opposed to ignoring miir's obvious attempt to get under his skin (most likely as payback for the FF thread) and moving on with his impressions of the game.
Quit crying about it. Stop reading his posts then. You can do a quick glance at the avatar and simply choose to not bother reading it . It works great as I use it to not read Metanis posts all the time. Although I'm sure we'll have 10 more posts about how much he's bothering you and you're going to ignore him ANY SECOND NOW.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Aslanna wrote:
Funkmasterr wrote:True, and only because Winnow has it fucking coming, but Winnow is pouring fuel on the fire as opposed to ignoring miir's obvious attempt to get under his skin (most likely as payback for the FF thread) and moving on with his impressions of the game.
Quit crying about it. Stop reading his posts then. You can do a quick glance at the avatar and simply choose to not bother reading it . It works great as I use it to not read Metanis posts all the time. Although I'm sure we'll have 10 more posts about how much he's bothering you and you're going to ignore him ANY SECOND NOW.
Meh. I do that pretty much all the time, but FF is my favorite series of games so it strikes a nerve when I see someone potentially pushing people away from what I consider a great game because he feels like being a moron. I'll just ignore it, and if it gets too troublesome I'll just start doing the same thing in return to threads about games he enjoys thoroughly :D
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

It's just total fucking misinformation... someone might look at your 'review' and think, oh this sounds like a pretty interesting RPG... run out to EB Games, spend $60 on it, pop it in their 360/PS3 and discover that the game is not an RPG at all.
If you want to compare it to another game, try Uncharted. The game length is about the same (12-14 hours) and they share more than just a couple of gameplay mechanics.

As I said, I played the demo and I liked it quite a bit.
I'll pick it up used or when the price drops.
My decision was in no way influenced by your shitty 'review'
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Funkmasterr »

I'm actually pretty surprised he seems to like this game, being as there is not a character creation screen where you can turn the age down to 16 and the breast size up to triple D.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

Funkmasterr wrote:I'm actually pretty surprised he seems to like this game, being as there is not a character creation screen where you can turn the age down to 16 and the breast size up to triple D.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Winnow »

Funkmasterr wrote:I'm actually pretty surprised he seems to like this game, being as there is not a character creation screen where you can turn the age down to 16 and the breast size up to triple D.
The girl is referred to as a teenager in the game.

The lead female character is already hot by default. No need to modify or complain about that part!

My reviews aren't misleading. I describe the game play in detail. Whether that matches someone's definition of an RPG doesn't matter if they're reading the review beyond a single word. Hell FFXIII is called an "RPG". There should be a lawsuit and lots of pissed off people. Oh wait, there are!
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Boogahz »


At least his posts contain content. Step away from the internet and take some deep breaths.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

Was checking something... can't delete posts in this forum.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by masteen »

miir wrote:
Boogahz wrote:um, it was brilliantly derailed by Miir, not Winnow.
Only after he made SIXTEEN comparisons to FF13. :lol:
So you're the fucking Beetlejuice of the VV forums? You appear magically whenever someone mentions FF?

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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by Winnow »

People need to start playing this.

Castlevania and Enslaved are the best game out, including the big name games.
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Re: Enslaved (360)

Post by miir »

Sales are 150k in 3 weeks.... what a turd.

That's even worse than Blur.
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