Supreme Court rules Chicago Handgun Ban unconstitutional

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Re: Supreme Court rules Chicago Handgun Ban unconstitutional

Post by Nick »

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Edit: Perfect way to start page 2.
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Re: Supreme Court rules Chicago Handgun Ban unconstitutional

Post by Xatrei »

Kilmoll the Sexy wrote:yes...because the documents in writing were made by the NRA :roll:
Ok, Mr. Oh-So-Rational-And-Not-At-All-Paranoid-Or-Stupid, explain how a proposed arms control treaty that isn't even out of the initial development phase signals that Obama (and whoever else constitutes 'they') is planning an imminent attack on your perceived 2nd amendment rights. The treaty deals with the international transfer of arms. The Norwegians you quoted are merely expressing a desire that any final treaty covers include restrictions on the *international trade* of all weapons, including personal sport/hunting/defense weapons and ammunition. This has fuck all to do with the governance of domestic possession, licensing, trade or availability of said arms. If the treaty somehow morphed into something requiring domestic restrictions, there is less than zero chance that the US would enter into such a treaty. There's a relatively small chance of it anyway, given the amount of money and influence that super-wealthy individual and corporate members of the "defense" industry wield.

Put your foil hat back on and go back to the bunker, dolt.
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Re: Supreme Court rules Chicago Handgun Ban unconstitutional

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »
The United States last month pledged its support for talks on a legally binding instrument to regulate the global trade of conventional arms, breaking with previous U.S. votes against the United Nations-led process. UN member states are now expected to approve a schedule that could see an arms trade treaty (ATT) negotiated in 2012.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said in an Oct. 14 statement that “the Arms Trade Treaty initiative presents us with the opportunity to promote the same high standards for the entire international community that the United States and other responsible arms exporters already have in place to ensure that weaponry is transferred for legitimate purposes.” Her statement marked a change in U.S. policy from the Bush administration, which opposed resolutions on the ATT process in 2006 and 2008.
The U.S. has signed onto this piece of shit. The document I linked to is NOT just some Norwegian expressing their is the steering committee's document on where they want this treaty to go. It is not just aimed at international trade. Read the damn thing you misinformed fuck.
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Re: Supreme Court rules Chicago Handgun Ban unconstitutional

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

Aabidano wrote:
a national licensing framework, to ensure that all international transfers of arms, etc. are approved by a governmental authority. International arms transfers without such a license should be illegal under national legislation.
Hasn't that been in place since the end of WWII at the very least?
No. There is no national licensing in the U.S. It was set up by the founders so that there would be no list for a government to go and take the guns away from the people. Some of the cities around the country have been doing this and at some point it will get challenged in court.

As for the paperwork you do when buying a firearm, that is kept for a short period where you buy the firearm and then under federal law is destroyed.
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Re: Supreme Court rules Chicago Handgun Ban unconstitutional

Post by Xatrei »

I have read it. You're the one that needs to re-read it (or perhaps have someone with a functioning brain read it to you), you delusional, willfully ignorant, hyperbolic, reactionary twat.

The US hasn't signed onto anything other than pledging support through the drafting process of a new expanded arms trade control treaty to replace the outdated and ineffective one we're already a party to. Regardless, your dumb ass is still missing a single, very important word here: INTERNATIONAL. The national licensing requirement referenced in these documents refers to licensing requirements for those engaging in the INTERNATIONAL trade of arms, not the domestic trade, manufacture or possession. A national licensing framework for the manufacture and domestic and INTERNATIONAL trade of arms already exists, btw. Under the proposed provisions of the new treaty, this would merely be expanded to include more classes of weapons for INTERNATIONAL trade.

You seriously can't be this stupid, can you?

Edit because I forgot to mention to you: The first link in your initial post on this subject IS simply the Norwegian delegate to the treaty's preparatory committee's opinion. It's not part of the treaty (yet), and there's no guarantee that his country's desired provisions will be in the final product (unless there is consensus agreement by the participants to include them). The second one is an arms control NGO's position on what should be included. NGO's don't enter into treaties. They don't directly participate in the drafting of treaties. They merely hope to influence, through their activism, what participating nations work to include in the final ATT. The third link in your later post is a news bulletin - from that same NGO - announcing nothing more than the fact that the US will participate and support the development of the treaty.
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Re: Supreme Court rules Chicago Handgun Ban unconstitutional

Post by Aslanna »

Stuff they don't tell you on Fox News...
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Re: Supreme Court rules Chicago Handgun Ban unconstitutional

Post by Winnow »


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Re: Supreme Court rules Chicago Handgun Ban unconstitutional

Post by Zaelath »

lol, first thing that went through my mind looking at that was Dave Chappelle going, "SKEET SKEET SKEET!"
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Re: Supreme Court rules Chicago Handgun Ban unconstitutional

Post by Boogahz »

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Re: Supreme Court rules Chicago Handgun Ban unconstitutional

Post by Kluden »

Man, I shoot clays and skeet, skeet, skeet every week...sadly, no girls that dress or look like that there...ever.
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Re: Supreme Court rules Chicago Handgun Ban unconstitutional

Post by masteen »

I worked weekends at the Gainesville Skeet and Trap Club for a while back when I was in college, and this one super hot girl used to shoot pretty much every Saturday. Was talking to her a little bit, and come to find out she was 13 and the niece of the owner. That next weekend I found myself consigned to the bunker loading clays into the automatic launchers. :?
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