Dream Interpretation!

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Dream Interpretation!

Post by Lalanae »

Ever had a really vivid, weird dream that you can't stop thinking about after you wake up? I had one last night and I can't get it out of my mind. I'm probably asking for trouble by posting it and asking for interpretations :)

The room I was in was basically a pond and I was floating on something, laying down. There was a guy in the room next door, who showed me how to catch fish in my room, by throwing small pieces of crab into the water. I recall being somewhat attracted to the guy, but did not know him. He left and I threw a piece of crab into the water. I think it was imitation crab meat and a string was attached. I immediately caught a very large yellow fish. I was very pleased that I caught a fish on my first try. I threw it out of the room (where there was no water) so it wouldn't get away. It was a struggle for me to pull it out of the water, so I collapsed in exhaustion.

Eric (my bf) shows up and I ask him where my fish is. He says that "Jeff cleaned it" and I understand Jeff to be my friend Melissa's husband (I know several Jeffs). I thought it was very nice for him to go to the trouble. (Note: my friend has recently beome pregnant, so maybe this figures?)

Next part. I'm in a room with lots of booth seats (like a diner, but with no tables). I see the guy from earlier in the dream, on the other side of the room. Three women, who really look like men in drag (tall, very butch), say they are friends of his. They are Irish. They say they feel bad for him because every girlfriend he has had has left him because he is a drunk. I feel sorry for him and walk over to where he is sitting. I fall on the ground and look under his booth. A small pink container has been adhered to the bottom. It holds 8 or so capsules of what appears to be some kind of injectible drug, like morphine. There is some kind of Scandinavian language written all over the container. (Note: I think this comes from a license plate holder I saw yesterday, that had Swedish on it and I remember thinking what a fucked up language it was)

The next part is hazy, but there is implied conversation and romantic connection with this guy. He offers to inject me with the drug I saw and at first I refuse, but then I agree. The drug makes me woozey, off balance. I walk over to some small round banquet tables. Various alcoholic beverages are set up on the tables. I think I want a drink, but realize I don't. I become very sad and realize the drug is making me melancholy.

The guy approaches me, seemingly very happy that I am with him. He has a necklace on, thin wire with small, round, widely-spaced, colored beads. I say to him "You have a solar system around your neck. That's so poetical." Then I wake up.
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Post by cadalano »

i have no insight to offer on what any of that means, but you should read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dreaming

even if it has no useful information for you, its still an interesting topic

i've always had dreams occasionally that I can remember very clearly... and during the dreams I usually notice at some point that I'm dreaming but I don't wake up. The first example I can remember is when I was a kid I was dreaming about reading a garfield comic book (i used to read comics while in bed each night), but the words in the comic were completely garbled and incomprehensible. When I went backwards to re-read a sentence, the words had changed completely. After that I've had the same scenario happen in dreams where I attempt to read something but cant, and thats kinda the point where I know for sure that I'm dreaming.

One of the most interesting concepts in that article to me is sleep paralysis. When youre sleeping, your 'clutch' disengages from your brain so your muscles dont act out the movements that you're dreaming about. If you've ever dreamed about falling or being in danger and suddenly woken up with a sharp jolt.. thats what its supposed to be. The opposite end of the spectrum is when youre still sleeping and disconnected, but still aware yet unable to move or speak. I've had that happen a few times also but I just figured I was dreaming it till I read that article

heading to lunch, more craziness later possibly and thanks for sharing!
Last edited by cadalano on March 1, 2007, 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Arborealus »

Easy...you want to kill Eric and make passionate love with me! And I'm a psychologist so it must be true!
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Post by Boogahz »

Arborealus wrote:Easy...you want to kill Eric and make passionate love with me! And I'm a psycho so it must be true!
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Post by Arborealus »

Boogahz wrote:
Arborealus wrote:Easy...you want to kill Eric and make passionate love with me! And I'm a psycho so it must be true!
That's Psycho the rapist to you!
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Post by Truant »

I can't, and don't even try, to interpret dreams. But I thought I'd share some random stuff from my experiences as Mr. Cadalano did!

I dream nearly every night. Or at least I remember dreaming nearly every night. Of those, most are lucid...at least to a degree. Sometimes I can control my actions within the dream, other times I can control the environment within the dream as well. Mine are often as random and haphazard as your's that you described above...Mixing people I know with people I don't, and things and places blurred together into odd new ones. Some things appear and are recognizeable as to why they popped up (your license plate cover example). And often times things change in the dream each time I look at them (as in Cad's garfield comics). Sometimes it's an object that changes, sometimes it's a person. They may be someone I know, then change to someone I don't...but I still know they are the same person. Always seems odd to me.

Anyways, more random bits. I suffer from pretty severe nightmares from time to time. I mean the type where I'm screaming bloody murder while still asleep and someone else normally wakes me up before I wake up on my own. These leave me pretty fucked up for a while, heart racing, out of breath, and emotionally distressed. They are almost always the same dream, with the antagonist often changed. I have other recurring dreams often as well, but they don't fuck me up. :)

I'm not a sleepwalker (though I've been told a story of one occurance), but I'm very much a sleeptalker. You can ask me questions while I'm asleep, and I'll often answer. I may not make any sense, but we can have whole conversations this way. Xou learned about this when we were roomates. You can't really wake me up by speaking to me, heh. I also sometimes randomly say things out loud while dreaming without someone else speaking to me.

I can recall the sleep paralysis a couple times, and it sort of scared the shit out of me. I literally woke up because the phone rang, but I could not move to answer it. It was very strange. I was completely alert, and aware of what was going on. But I could not move, or speak (I tried to call out to someone). At some point (less than a minute for sure) it just sort of faded. Kind of like when one of your limbs regains circulation, just without the tinglies. I was sort of clumsy and slow moving for a few moments, and then back to normal.

I have the deja vu dream occasionally. Maybe once a month? And I can remember having them for at least the last 10-12 years. They used to scare me when I was younger, because I was worried I would dream something I didn't want to see happen. But it was always something completely trivial, like a conversation at lunch, or someone walking by at a certain place...so I eventually quit worrying.

I've started to lose my train of thought now (my brain is very hyperactive), but I'll end with a question...and maybe if someone else's thoughts trigger my train of thought again I'll ramble some more.

I had always been taught that most people dream in black and white, and only a small percentage of people dream in color. Is this true or some pile of horseshit I was led to believe? I have always dreamed in color as far as I can remember. Do any of you dream in black and white?
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Post by Lalanae »

I've experienced sleep paralysis twice. It was utterly frightening. I couldn't move or make a sound. I thought I was seeing my bedroom, but it was just a dream of my bedroom and when I realized this, all I saw was black. If being a vegetable is anything like that, I'd just assume die...

Very rarely can I control anything in my dreams. My dreams end up controlling me moreso, psychologically speaking. In the past I've pursued relationships based simply on a dream of being romantically/sexually linked with a person...although one could argue that the motivation was there before the dream and actually caused the dream, bringing my unconscious desires to the surface.

It's weird though, one night I go to bed, not giving a flip about so-and-so (not even thinking about them in days or longer), and the next morning I wake up and am utterly enamored with them and can't stop thinking about them. It's like I run through the process of "falling in love" (superficially speaking) while I'm asleep. If the person exists and is accessible in my life, I have to deal with a crush that could take a while to fizzle out. Of course I love the feeling of having a crush on someone (i.e. limerance), so I think its just my brain randomly selecting people and giving me what I want.
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Post by Cartalas »

Lalanae wrote:I've experienced sleep paralysis twice. It was utterly frightening. I couldn't move or make a sound. I thought I was seeing my bedroom, but it was just a dream of my bedroom and when I realized this, all I saw was black. If being a vegetable is anything like that, I'd just assume die...

Very rarely can I control anything in my dreams. My dreams end up controlling me moreso, psychologically speaking. In the past I've pursued relationships based simply on a dream of being romantically/sexually linked with a person...although one could argue that the motivation was there before the dream and actually caused the dream, bringing my unconscious desires to the surface.

It's weird though, one night I go to bed, not giving a flip about so-and-so (not even thinking about them in days or longer), and the next morning I wake up and am utterly enamored with them and can't stop thinking about them. It's like I run through the process of "falling in love" (superficially speaking) while I'm asleep. If the person exists and is accessible in my life, I have to deal with a crush that could take a while to fizzle out. Of course I love the feeling of having a crush on someone (i.e. limerance), so I think its just my brain randomly selecting people and giving me what I want.

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Post by Nick »

That's Psycho the rapist to you!

On topic, I tend to have countless dreams a night, I can usually remember most of them and sometimes I will write the better/worse ones down so I don't forget them in the long run (:vv_hyper:).

I think I have a few books somewhere about dream interpretations, but sometimes they are conflicting and as such I don't (obviously) take them too seriously.

They have helped sometimes decipher certain dreams I've had (I go through periods of having the most ridiculous nightmares to the point of being fucked up for the whole day when I wake up) - so maybe they will give you a hand.

Lucid dreaming is absolutely amazing when you can manage to do it - sometimes I just become aware I'm dreaming, as if i'm conscious (but still asleep) and you can just control the whole dream - it's pretty amazing. \:D/
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Post by Winnow »

If you've never had a lucid dream, you're missing out on a whole lot of fun.

The two strangest things I've experienced with dreams/sleeping came as a kid. My brother told me I was sleeping with my eyes open. (must be why I'm so good at the Office Space screen staring technique), and I've had lucid dreams where I'm also aware of the real world as well as the dream...sort of a twilight state where I'm aware of the room I'm sleeping in and sounds while I continue to be aware and active in a dream.

Besides those, I've had the epic dreams that feel like I experienced an entire movie, not your typical 20-30 second dream but a multi part saga, and I've experienced sleep paralysis 7-10 times with the scariest coming right after reading the Alien Abduction book Communion while I was by myself, sleeping in the attic of an abandoned old house on a large rural property north of Seattle where there were actual small crop circles in the fields nearby. (no more than 10 meters in size, nothing huge or detailed) I know the nightmares at the time were a result of reading that book but the setting I was in made it fucking hella scary.

Dreams where you have to go to the bathroom = bad. I'm no bedwetter but dreaming about having to go to the bathroom when you actually do have to go sucks. When I dream like that, I try to go to the bathroom but can't in the dream...I suppose the bedwetters just let loose in ye'ole dream urinal!
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Post by Sirensa »

Winnow wrote:Dreams where you have to go to the bathroom = bad. I'm no bedwetter but dreaming about having to go to the bathroom when you actually do have to go sucks. When I dream like that, I try to go to the bathroom but can't in the dream...I suppose the bedwetters just let loose in ye'ole dream urinal!
I get the dreams I have to go to the bathroom or try to go to the bathroom and can't. I haven't peed the bed yet, but I'm convinced I probably will someday. I've even dreamed that I did use the bathroom in my dream, but still had to go (luckily!!). Those dreams are the WORST.

I've also noticed that if I get what I call "pee anxiety" dreams - where I have a nightmare because my body is telling me to wake up and go to the bathroom, but I'm not awake.

I had a seriously fucked up dream the other night. I dreampt my best friend, since I was about 10, was dead. She'd been dead for about a month. I was at my beach house with my parents and the randoms (ie - people I don't know). My Mom was butchering my dead best friend into steaks. In my dream, this was normal, and how people were always dealt with after they died. She took her bones and buried them in the dirt nearby. Some kids dug up the bones and were playing archaeology and everyone thought it was so cute. The skull had a face painted on it - like a toy. Then I'm served a "Kathleen-burger" (Kathleen being the best friend, cut in to steaks and made into a burger). I take a bite, throw up and start to cry. The dream then switches to a swimming pool. My friend is there, and this time alive again. But my Mom is telling me it's time we pull the plug on my Grandma. And I'm confused, because she's been dead for years. Then my Mom and Dad want to drive 8-hours to this amusement park.

I woke up, seriously disturbed.

I also tend to have a reoccuring nightmare that I've had my entire life, not a pleasant one.

I could go on for hours...(John's told me to quit sharing my fucked up dreams, but I think he is pissy that I dreampt he didn't wake up to save me from a burglar - which is a whole other topic!)
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Post by kyoukan »

Dreams tend to not mean anything unless they re-occur.
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Post by Sionistic »

When I grew up, I moved back and forth between Florida and Puerto Rico a lot. I definatly liked florida more. However, every single time I went to PR, the first night of sleep I had, I had the same exact dream.

Me, my sister, my mom, and dad, are all in a car. We are driving on a road I cant see untill suddenly I see we are leaving the earth on a very narrow piece of land. So narrow its hard for a person to walk on it, let alone drive. The piece is more like a connector. It goes from Earth to PR. Now the piece gets so narrow that the car falls off. Next thing I notice, Im in a space suit, and the only other thing I see is my sister directly across from me in her own suit. I fall asleep and wake up in a small furnished room. I get out into a narrow hall and walk down a bit untill I see an open door. I look in and see a gigantic room that is still in contruction. I see stilt platforms and men working. Thats when I wake up.
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Post by Arborealus »

kyoukan wrote:Dreams tend to not mean anything unless they re-occur.
And even the dreams that recurr don't have a universal symbolism. Dream symbolism is extremely idiosyncratic. They can only really be interpreted by the dreamer to any extent. Except of course this dream which I clearly understand and whose meaning I elaborated earlier in the thread.
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Post by Lalanae »

Sionistic wrote:When I grew up, I moved back and forth between Florida and Puerto Rico a lot. I definatly liked florida more. However, every single time I went to PR, the first night of sleep I had, I had the same exact dream.

Me, my sister, my mom, and dad, are all in a car. We are driving on a road I cant see untill suddenly I see we are leaving the earth on a very narrow piece of land. So narrow its hard for a person to walk on it, let alone drive. The piece is more like a connector. It goes from Earth to PR. Now the piece gets so narrow that the car falls off. Next thing I notice, Im in a space suit, and the only other thing I see is my sister directly across from me in her own suit. I fall asleep and wake up in a small furnished room. I get out into a narrow hall and walk down a bit untill I see an open door. I look in and see a gigantic room that is still in contruction. I see stilt platforms and men working. Thats when I wake up.
That's weird. I've had similar recurring dreams of driving in a car on a narrowing strip of road that goes up into the air and my car eventually falls off. For me its usually over water though. I just realized water figures a lot in my dreams, always negatively.

Arb, if you can fake an Irish accent, you've got a shot atm :razz:
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Post by Winnow »

One of the most common ways for me to know I'm in a lucid dream is if I start falling in the dream. It seems to be an easy trigger to get into a lucid state.

On the subject of recurring dreams. I think this came up on another thread. I used to have a recurring dream as a young kid of indians chasing me through my house. I'd always run and hide behind the couch but when I heard the indians getting close I'd fall out from behind the couch and play dead, waking up right after. Finally, I decided to stop and face the indians, they came through the door into the living room, looked at me, and then wandered off. That was the last recurring dream I had of the indians. I suppose the message is that if you can somehow change the pattern of the recurring dream, you'll hopefully stop it.

That said, my dad wakes up every night from the same nightmare he's had ever since Vietnam so I guess it doesn't work for everyone.

Last thing on lucid dreams. It's so satisfying to turn the tables in a nightmare if you manage to switch into lucid mode. You can pretty much do as you wish, creating things, or another example would be thinking of something, such as a bar, and then walking around the corner and there it is.

One of the strangest dreams I had was as a kid...I had a dream that I was in the movie Song of the South. I had Mr Bluebird on my shoulder and had a long conversation with Uncle Remus.

Oh, Mr. Bluebird on my shoulder.
(What's up Mr. Bluebird?)
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Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

These dreams are all penis envy related.
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Post by Drolgin Steingrinder »

It's extremely rare that I remember my dreams. I have this feeling that I'm missing out on some great comedy. The few dreams I do recall seem to fade very quickly, even if I've told other people about them.

Right now I can only recall three dreams, ever - one a horrible nightmare when I was a kid in which both of my parents died, one a weird dream where I was being chased around the National Museum by a statue screaming 'They're our ancestors!!!' and one in which a good friend of mine was raped by the best female handball player in the world.

I like interpreting dreams of others, though. I'm partial to the Arb school of dream interpretation...
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Post by Truant »

Kilmoll the Sexy wrote:These dreams are all penis envy related.
I'm jealous of my wang?
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Post by Arborealus »

Lalanae wrote:Arb, if you can fake an Irish accent, you've got a shot atm :razz:
Oh Beejaysus! *dances a jig*

Drolgin...You statue was screaming in english?!
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Post by Truant »

Arborealus wrote:
Lalanae wrote:Arb, if you can fake an Irish accent, you've got a shot atm :razz:
Oh Beejaysus! *dances a jig*

Drolgin...You statue was screaming in english?!
That just reminded me of Drolgin's story about his drunk friend and the cordouroy pants (despite that he was scottish).
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Post by Boogahz »

Truant wrote:
Arborealus wrote:
Lalanae wrote:Arb, if you can fake an Irish accent, you've got a shot atm :razz:
Oh Beejaysus! *dances a jig*

Drolgin...You statue was screaming in english?!
That just reminded me of Drolgin's story about his drunk friend and the cordouroy pants (despite that he was scottish).
why does religion come to mind when you mention that story?
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Post by Sylvus »

I have this recurring dream where I see myself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at me.
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Post by Lalanae »

pickles hehe
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Post by Arborealus »

Sylvus wrote:I have this recurring dream where I see myself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at me.
Let me compliment you on your choice of footwear.
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Post by masteen »

I still occasionally get the dream where I'm falling down a LOOOOOOOOOONG staircase, but right before I hit the ground, I wake up.

Other than that, I only have one recurring dream, and it involves me, a sexy Nazi chick and... Donald Duck. Sometimes, me and the chick are running through the woods, with (I assume) Donald in pursuit. Other times, we're all together in a farm house, having dinner. Weird ass shit.
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Post by Dregor Thule »

Pee dreams are the worst. When I have them, they always involve running all over the place trying to find a washroom, and when I do finally piss the feeling of relief is so real I wake up and am sure I've pissed myself. Fortunately that hasn't happened... YET!
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Post by Lalanae »

washroom lol
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Post by Drolgin Steingrinder »

Truant wrote:
Arborealus wrote:
Lalanae wrote:Arb, if you can fake an Irish accent, you've got a shot atm :razz:
Oh Beejaysus! *dances a jig*

Drolgin...You statue was screaming in english?!
That just reminded me of Drolgin's story about his drunk friend and the cordouroy pants (despite that he was scottish).
d'ye noe...s'like...ye have this friend, rite? an' he loiks t'wear corduroy, rite? an 'e 'as a wee cat, ye noe? an' o'er a weekend ye promised t' take care of his cat? an ye borro'ed his bicycle without askin'...an' loik, tha's religion, ye noe?
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Post by Dregor Thule »

Lalanae wrote:washroom lol
What's wrong with washroom now?!
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Post by Arborealus »

Drolgin Steingrinder wrote:
Truant wrote:
Arborealus wrote:
Lalanae wrote:Arb, if you can fake an Irish accent, you've got a shot atm :razz:
Oh Beejaysus! *dances a jig*

Drolgin...You statue was screaming in english?!
That just reminded me of Drolgin's story about his drunk friend and the cordouroy pants (despite that he was scottish).
d'ye noe...s'like...ye have this friend, rite? an' he loiks t'wear corduroy, rite? an 'e 'as a wee cat, ye noe? an' o'er a weekend ye promised t' take care of his cat? an ye borro'ed his bicycle without askin'...an' loik, tha's religion, ye noe?
Did I mention I met this cute hippy girl and we had a bit of the 18yr old Morangie this evening ?...If she ends up wiggin' about me being her father's age (she's 24) I am so gonna introduce her to Bok...One of us needs to date this girl at length...She is clever...Of course I'm voting for me...unless Lala really leaves Eric...<eg>...I already know how <3 Lala is...:P
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Post by Truant »

God, I love that story! I just laughed myself to tears. And you found a girl that likes scotch? Wow!

I also find that when I had a day that is completely overloaded with a certain action. I very often have a lucid dream of that action. Examples were when I first became a craps dealer, I would deal literally for 10 hours straight. And I would dream about dealing craps (lucidly) for the first couple nights. Which was cool actually, because it was like extra practice as I was making sure I was paying correct odds. I've had a similar thing after playing in a live poker tournament for like 12 hours on a saturday, as well as others that aren't related to gambling, heh.

My nightmare is always I'm being chased by something. Sometimes it's a mob of larger and more ferocious than normal ants, sometimes it's an evil skeleton, sometimes it's a crazed dog, sometimes it's a person. At the end, the whatever catches me, and I know that it's going to kill me. In a brutal, ugly way. I do the scream thing at this point and wake up after being chewed on or whatever, but I'm not dead yet.

I also have a flying dream that recurrs often. But the way I learn to fly in the dream is always weird. I always meet someone, or someones at the edge of this canyon type thing. Sometimes it's family, or friends, but it's always people I know. At the edge of this canyon is a strong updraft, and we take turns jumping off and floating on the updraft. It's very hard to control, but noone ever splats. We either learn to fly, and just go flying off all over the place. Or the control gets harder and harder, and I just wake up.

That's all I can think of right now (I just woke up and haven't had any coffees)
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Post by Drolgin Steingrinder »

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had very lucid EQ dreams. I don't remember details, just that I had them.

god...the game that ate my life ><
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Post by Sheryl »

i used to have sleep paralysis once or twice a week back in high school. i'd wake up and be able to hear my parents talking in another room, but i couldn't open my eyes or move. it used to scare the shit out of me because i thought for sure i'd wake up one day and be stuck like that while suffocating face down in the pillow. i'd have to trick my body into relaxing and then jerk it awake by moving an arm or a leg.

i only had a pee dream once when i was like 5 or 6 years old. i really had to go, so i went... unfortunately i really went, and i was sleeping in a waterbed with my mom at the time. she was not pleased.

if i ever have a dream where i either lose teeth or am stuck underwater, it becomes lucid. i dream about both of those enough that i just automatically know now. in the teeth dream i just shrug it off and wait to wake up, and it the underwater dream i just take a breath and realize i can breathe just fine while submerged. i usually immedately try to kick a random someone's ass, have random sex, pretty much anything i would never do in real life.

my nightmares usually involve a loved one dying, and unfortunately those are the ones i remember for years.
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Post by Winnow »

On Saturdays and Sundays, I usually sleep in. I had another "epic" dream last night. This one was on some tropical resort. All of these dreams have been entertaining lately. I ended up working my way up and became some sort of kingpin of a crime outfit selling illegal squirt guns. Whatever! It was fun. It wasn't lucid because I remember putting on sun screen lotion at one point which I wouldn't have done if I knew I was in a dream!
Sheryl wrote:if i ever have a dream where i either lose teeth
I'm amazed at how many people have "losing teeth" dreams. There's got to be something to that. I've had at least dozens (if not more) dreams where I'm losing teeth...usually chunks of teeth...like I'd pull out my entire right lower set of molars or something. It's just strange that so many have the teeth dreams. I don't get it.

As for sleep paralysis, I'm always lying on my back when it happens so I'm thinking it might have something to do with pressure on your neck causing paralysis somehow. I tend to bunch my (awesome squishy down) pillow up under my neck for support when I sleep as it's the most comfortable that way.

When I've had sleep paralysis, the only way I could get out of it was trying to slowly rock myself onto my side and then it would go away...odd thing is that as scary as it is to be like that, as soon as it's over, I go back to sleep. I don't get up and walk around or anything...I'd figure that I'd be freaked out and not be able to sleep for awhile. The other thing about sleep paralysis is trying to scream or talk...I can't do it. I recall while living in Reno being in that state and I was able to open my eyes slightly and am not sure what I saw...I think I saw something in my room (object, not person) that wasn't supposed to be there but the memory is too vague to be sure.

Has anyone had sleep paralysis while not lying on their back?

Seeking out mad sex while in a lucid dream is a given. :twisted: Flying around, manipulating or trying to create things is fun as well though!
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Post by Lalanae »

I know one of the times I experienced sleep paralysis I was on my side. Like Sheryl, I had a fear of suffocating in my pillow because the right side of my face was pressed into it.
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Post by Winnow »

I had an interesting dream earlier this evening after going to bed early. I woke up after 3.5 hours if that means anything for the sleep cycle studies.

Starting with the part I remember, I wake up on a couch in Michael Jordan's home with some of his family present. In the dream, it turns out I'm Bill Gates. The living room has big windows and I can see it's snowing outside. Jordan's son is complaining to his dad about lack of support. Michael then goes on to tell his son about how he was doing so well playing basketball at some Canadian college and would have been a lottery pick but he dropped out of college to try and make a rap album and that while he still supports him, he needs to get his shit together.

I thank Jordan for his hospitality and, not knowing how I ended up there, ask, "where am I?". Jordan doesn't answer but I put two and two together with his son being in a Canadian college and it snowing outside and say, "ah, I'm in Canada." Jordan still doesn't answer...guess it's a secret home or something. Thinking I'm Bill gates in the dream for the moment, I ask Jordan if he thinks money can buy happiness. He says no pretty quickly and asks me the same question. I say with a big smile on my face, "money can't buy complete happiness but it can come pretty close!". Jordan doesn't react to my comment and isn't much of a talker so thankfully there's a dream shift after that.

In the next part of the dream, it's late afternoon, verging on twilight. I'm now outside, sitting on the side of a hill in what can best be described as a light, fairly green forest. It's kind of a natural grassy half bowl and there's others sitting around, generally facing down toward the bottom of the naturally formed small amphitheater. It's a very peaceful setting in the woods. The weather is springish or early summer.

To my right is Steve Jobs. He's chatting with someone on the other side of him. At this point, I'm not sure if I'm still supposed to be Bill Gates or not. Jobs is talking to someone about a lack of parts at Apple or something so I decide to try and talk him into starting Next Computers back up (some of you long time computer peeps will remember Next). I figure I may as well make some money off of Steve. (that's why I'm guessing I'm still Bill Gates since he owned Jobs in business deals whenever they went head to head)

On my left is Dr Strange (yes Dr Strange from Marvel Comics) decked out in his normal costume. He's hovering just above the ground, cross-legged, as you typically see him in the comics. Some more people are arriving at the bottom of the grassy bowl. Dr. Strange can't see that far so I tell him Jessica Biel had arrived with a male companion.

Note: the freaky thing about this is I really don't know who Jessica Biel is but after I woke up, I googled her picture and she looked exactly like she did in my dream.

Biel obviously has better hearing than Dr Strange has vision as she cracks up from listening to me have to point out to Strange which of the two between herself and her companion is her. I joke around with Dr Strange and ask, "don't you have a spell or something to improve your vision?." He said he did but hadn't used it. I said, "That'd be the first spell I'd cast!" He laughed. Dr. Strange is a pretty approachable guy in dreamlife at least! Don't be intimidated by all of his Arcane Arts knowledge!

I was starting to gather that we were assembled there for some sort Illuminati type meeting. Dr Strange said he'd cast "clear vision" on everyone there for a price, quickly stating that proceeds would go do charity of course.

After that, I woke up and had to pee.

What I learned from this dream:

Dr Strange > Michael Jordan

when it comes to conversation but Michael does seem to care about his son in a "tough love" sort of way (I don't think he actually has a son IRL). I also learned that Michael Jordan has a house up in Canada that he doesn't want anyone to know about. I wish I could have met Geddy Lee from RUSH while I was there. It's a shame the dream didn't last longer so I could figure out what all of these people were doing there but when you've gotta go, you gotta go!
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Post by Kwonryu DragonFist »

"Give a Lalanae a fish and she will eat for a day. Teach her how to fish and you feed her for a lifetime, even if the fish is yellow."

"Hope this helps."
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Post by Xouqoa »

Sylvus wrote:I have this recurring dream where I see myself standing in sort of sun-god robes on a pyramid with a thousand naked women screaming and throwing little pickles at me.
I just saw this thread, but I got this post even if nobody else did.
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Post by Sylvus »

Arb did too!
Arborealus wrote:Let me compliment you on your choice of footwear.
I'm glad that the two of you appreciate classic cinema.
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Post by Zver »

Lalanae wrote:I know one of the times I experienced sleep paralysis I was on my side. Like Sheryl, I had a fear of suffocating in my pillow because the right side of my face was pressed into it.
Sleep disorder is pretty common these days, i would have it checked out. http://superiorsleepservices.com/
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Post by Arborealus »

Sylvus wrote:Arb did too!
Arborealus wrote:Let me compliment you on your choice of footwear.
I'm glad that the two of you appreciate classic cinema.
But nobody came back with "Yes well Wilhelmina likes them."...:/...still, the few the proud...:D
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Post by Truant »

(I didn't get the joke, and that makes me sad panda)

Also, in the last week and a half or so I have had a series of really fucked up lucid dreams every night. They had calmed down for a bit there, becoming more sporadic, and more calm.
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Post by Boogahz »

I woke up angry a couple nights ago after having a dream that I had started smoking again. I even felt like I had smoked a pack in the morning, but I hadn't been around smoke the day before.
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