Hey Drolgin...

No holds barred discussion. Someone train you and steal your rare spawn? Let everyone know all about it! (Not for the faint of heart!)

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Post by Shaerra »

Lalanae wrote:you really aren't interesting enough to argue with. *yawn*
Yeah...that's what all the punks say when they've been handed a forkfull of shut the fuck up.
Aranuil wrote:Only in her dreams, Hammer.
Dreams are all you have, geek.
Hammerstalker wrote:You could never be the high bitch of Veeshan. You know why? Because no one gives a shit what you have to say.
If that is true, why did this thread take off like a bat out of hell when I started posting? Why is the same true for the other threads I post to? If you don't give a shit what I have to say, why are you geeks GLUED to my posts? Go jump on the denial bandwagon, until it's time to post another "Yeah! What he said!" post.

hahaha I shouldn't be so mean to you geeks. You really don't know what real friends are, do you? Oh well...go play with your phaser's or something.

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Post by Adex_Xeda »

WTF? I thought Stragi was Ms. Denmark!

I DEMAND a recount!
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Post by noel »

Shaerra wrote:
Aranuil wrote:Only in her dreams, Hammer.
Dreams are all you have, geek.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. How long have you dreamed of being able to get a man?

Don't flatter yourself, slut. The thread took off because we all want to tell you what a despicable little hate filled bitch you are.
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Post by kyoukan »

:( :( :(
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Post by Hammerstalker PE »

The reason why this thread took off is very similar to seeing some asshole getting a good shit kicking. Everyone knows they deserve it and everyone wants to have their shot.

You Shae are that asshole and we are your obliging shit kickers!
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Post by Lalanae »

Shaerra, You are so clever and funny. I wish I could be your best friend. Actually, I'm feeling about you much the same way I felt for little Elf-chick, very sorry for you for digging such a big hole and being too stupid to get yourself out.

Carry on, I know you'll keep digging and digging while we all sit and watch. Its amusing to watch you flail around throwing weak flames.

kyou - <3 U!
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Post by Shaerra »

Aranuil wrote:Listen you fucking slut. I read the entire thread, and I'm quite certain I read better than you. It doesn't take a docotrate in linguistics to tell that once again, you're making an ass out of yourself. Wipe the cum out of your eyes and pay some fucking attention because I'm going to break it down for you.

Millie can post whatever the fuck he wants because unlike you, he's proven time and time again that he's not a fucking idiot.

Just because you're a bitter little bitch/attention whore who got called for being an idiot the other day doesn't mean you can call someone on their posts. The rest of us have been here a while whereas you just showed up and started being stupid. You have yet to earn our respect, or even our consideration.

Pull your head out of whoever's ass your rimming today and come up for air. You have proven time and time again that you're incapable of opening your little stretched mark hole without saying something that makes you look like the diabolical bitch that you are. I'd highly recommend that you not post until you learn the culture of this board.
Millie cannot flame someone for doing something, then do it a few days later and expect to come out of it unscathed. None of you fucktards can. Not anymore. You have your retarded little fucking fnord of holier-than-thou shitheads, who think that they can post what they like, when they like, and anyone else has to pass certain qualifying standards? Fuck you, geeks.

Why the fuck would I give half a shit what you militant geeks think? I'm gonna say my fucking piece, and your going to either ignore it, or get your asses handed to you, k? End of fucking story. If I have something to add, I'm going to add it. If I think something is stupid, I'm going to say so. If you don't like it, so fucking what. You're nothing to me. Nothing. I couldn't give a shit less what you think of me, my posts, my opinions, my looks...none of it. None of you fucking dorks matter.

I have yet to earn your respect, or your consideration? Are you fucking kidding me? You think I want your respect? haha You think I want more geeks in my life? haha Like the PC Sales/Support industry doesn't have enough of those? rofl You think I long for your consideration? Why would I? I can't stand hypocrites! It's asshats like you that I loathe.

You think I'm a bitch for telling it the way it is? You think I'm an attention whore for responding to people who flame me? If stupidity were population, you'd be China. My posts all make me look like a diabolical bitch? Why don't you take one hand out of your pants long enough to click on "Profile" under my posts? The only time you'll see me flame is when one of you schmucks start in with the "Hey, I've proven myself to the rest of these jackasses. So my shit don't stink" bullshit.

Slut? You only wish. Look, kid, call me whatever you want. I'm a project manager, (no, not the projects your family lives in, Kenny) I've been called everything in the book. Nothing you say will hurt me, if for no other reason, because you aren't shit to me. You're insignificant. You're just some dork that's trying to look cool to the other dorks by breaking out the ol' thesaurus and throwing out some 50 cent words. Well, color me unimpressed, Jr. When all is said and done, you're still just another insignificant geek, trying to impress other geeks. How fucking pathetic is that? hahaha

Me, I'm gonna call it like it is, no matter how many little Captain Kirk's out there try to use me to impress the other geeks.

Last edited by Shaerra on December 16, 2002, 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Adex_Xeda »

Perhaps we could get what's-her-name and Searyx together in a closet and have them reply to each other and kick up a recursive spiral of verbage.

Somewhere along the spiraling madness it might produce energy and we'd have a renewable energy source!

:( Hate to see all of that hot air get wasted.
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Post by Shaerra »

Adex_Xeda wrote:Somewhere along the spiraling madness it might produce energy and we'd have a renewable energy source!
At first, I thought you was a bandwagon jumping sheep. But then I read the above quote and realized that you're just another Star Trek geek looking for a way to power your 1/16th scale Enterprise. Go away, kid, I hear your mommy calling you.
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Post by Pahreyia »

At this time I'd like to direct an apology to The Don for my comments regarding his posts being meaningless drivel. It would seem the Don's posts reflect about 3 evolutionary jumps higher brain usage than the smearing of shit on cave walls that Shae's finally evolved to.
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Post by Legenae »

Shaerra wrote:]
Why the fuck would I give half a shit what you militant geeks think? I'm gonna say my fucking piece, and your going to either ignore it, or get your asses handed to you, k? End of fucking story. If I have something to add, I'm going to add it. If I think something is stupid, I'm going to say so. If you don't like it, so fucking what. You're nothing to me. Nothing. I couldn't give a shit less what you think of me, my posts, my opinions, my looks...none of it. None of you fucking dorks matter.
If everyone here is "nothing" to you, then why are your panties all in a bunch?
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Post by Hammerstalker PE »

Shitae I for one am unimpressed with your weak assed flames. The mere fact that you use the term GEEK about 1000 times shows us just how stupid you are IRL. Referencing Star Trek over and over and over ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

In fact I was waiting for the "There is a new Sheriff in town and things are going to change!" bullshit line.

Just grab your flapping lips (both sets) sew em shut and get the fuck out before you are reduced to the crying, mewling, whimpering little cunt that you are.
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Post by Shaerra »

Legenae wrote:
Shaerra wrote:]
Why the fuck would I give half a shit what you militant geeks think? I'm gonna say my fucking piece, and your going to either ignore it, or get your asses handed to you, k? End of fucking story. If I have something to add, I'm going to add it. If I think something is stupid, I'm going to say so. If you don't like it, so fucking what. You're nothing to me. Nothing. I couldn't give a shit less what you think of me, my posts, my opinions, my looks...none of it. None of you fucking dorks matter.
If everyone here is "nothing" to you, then why are your panties all in a bunch?
If my panties were in a bunch, I would be saying mean things, not honest things. :)
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Post by Shaerra »

Hammerstalker PE wrote:Shitae I for one am unimpressed with your weak assed flames. The mere fact that you use the term GEEK about 1000 times shows us just how stupid you are IRL. Referencing Star Trek over and over and over ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

In fact I was waiting for the "There is a new Sheriff in town and things are going to change!" bullshit line.

Just grab your flapping lips (both sets) sew em shut and get the fuck out before you are reduced to the crying, mewling, whimpering little cunt that you are.
Bring it, pussy. When I'm done with you, you'll be shopping for Barbie's and listening to Air Supply.

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Post by noel »

Shaerra wrote:
Aranuil wrote:Listen you fucking slut. I read the entire thread, and I'm quite certain I read better than you. It doesn't take a docotrate in linguistics to tell that once again, you're making an ass out of yourself. Wipe the cum out of your eyes and pay some fucking attention because I'm going to break it down for you.

Millie can post whatever the fuck he wants because unlike you, he's proven time and time again that he's not a fucking idiot.

Just because you're a bitter little bitch/attention whore who got called for being an idiot the other day doesn't mean you can call someone on their posts. The rest of us have been here a while whereas you just showed up and started being stupid. You have yet to earn our respect, or even our consideration.

Pull your head out of whoever's ass your rimming today and come up for air. You have proven time and time again that you're incapable of opening your little stretched mark hole without saying something that makes you look like the diabolical bitch that you are. I'd highly recommend that you not post until you learn the culture of this board.
Millie cannot flame someone for doing something, then do it a few days later and expect to come out of it unscathed. None of you fucktards can. Not anymore. You have your retarded little fucking fnord of holier-than-thou shitheads, who think that they can post what they like, when they like, and anyone else has to pass certain qualifying standards? Fuck you, geeks.

Why the fuck would I give half a shit what you militant geeks think? I'm gonna say my fucking piece, and your going to either ignore it, or get your asses handed to you, k? End of fucking story. If I have something to add, I'm going to add it. If I think something is stupid, I'm going to say so. If you don't like it, so fucking what. You're nothing to me. Nothing. I couldn't give a shit less what you think of me, my posts, my opinions, my looks...none of it. None of you fucking dorks matter.

I have yet to earn your respect, or your consideration? Are you fucking kidding me? You think I want your respect? haha You think I want more geeks in my life? haha Like the PC Sales/Support industry doesn't have enough of those? rofl You think I long for your consideration? Why would I? I can't stand hypocrites! It's asshats like you that I loathe.

You think I'm a bitch for telling it the way it is? You think I'm an attention whore for responding to people who flame me? If stupidity were population, you'd be China. My posts all make me look like a diabolical bitch? Why don't you take one hand out of your pants long enough to click on "Profile" under my posts? The only time you'll see me flame is when one of you schmucks start in with the "Hey, I've proven myself to the rest of these jackasses. So my shit don't stink" bullshit.

Slut? You only wish. Look, kid, call me whatever you want. I'm a project manager, (no, not the projects your family lives in, Kenny) I've been called everything in the book. Nothing you say will hurt me, if for no other reason, because you aren't shit to me. You're insignificant. You're just some dork that's trying to look cool to the other dorks by breaking out the ol' thesaurus and throwing out some 50 cent words. Well, color me unimpressed, Jr. When all is said and done, you're still just another insignificant geek, trying to impress other geeks. How fucking pathetic is that? hahaha

Me, I'm gonna call it like it is, no matter how many little Captain Kirk's out there try to use me to impress the other geeks.

Hahaha.... How long did it take you to write that? I'm so impressed with you now. I'll print it when I get home and wipe my ass with it. Keep up the good work.

Btw, I didn't look in the thesaurus for the word 'slut'.
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Post by Hammerstalker PE »

If your panties were in a bunch I am sure the pleasure of having something that close to your shrivelled up twat would be rather stimulating. Take a day or two off and enjoy!
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Post by Dregor Thule »

Hold on, give me a minute while I finish rubbing one out to your perfect prose and flaming technique...

Ahh much better. Ok, now I'm going to think of a word that I like to think describes you, and use it over and over and OVER and OVER again to drive the point home. Ok, thinking... The secret word is 'cumguzzling whore'. Now, cumguzzling whore, you obviously have some power issues. I don't know if it was from some traumatic experience as a child, cumguzzling whore, like daddy not getting you the My Little Pony you wanted, but obviously you have some serious issues.

Here's my advice to you, cumguzzling whore. Take an eggbeater, 3 slices of processed cheese, a pineapple, and a little mexican boy named Jose. Now,cumguzzling whore, have Jose put the eggbeater in his mouth, hold the pineapple on his head, and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR FUCKING ASS. The cheese? Those were for me, thanks cumguzzling whore.

*taps his Star Trek pin* "BLEEBLEWEEP"
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Post by Dregor Thule »

One more thing. You're here trying to show your superiority over the "geeks" who try to show their superiority over the other "geeks". How sad and pathetic does that make you?
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Post by kyoukan »

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Post by Canelek »

I hate Star Trek.
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Post by Acies »

So, hmm, how about them Mets?
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Post by Ninnia »

Shaerra types are not a rare breed among the message board communities of the internet. Such a breed is marked by explosive temper; redundant, irrelevent, hacknyed insults ; a feeling of inferiority, pent up hostility, a faltering intellegence, and a constant need for attention.

She knows that no one here likes her, or even knows who she is besides than an argumentative matyr. Being an uninteresting person and someone who lacks social skills, she thus turns to infamy since she knows that being famous is an impossiblity; as this has been shown through the course of her life.

Feeding the troll, as we all know, never works. Don't be insulted or even suprised by the nonsense she spouts out.

Shaerra - we don't think you're special. Find some other way to satisfy your sense of meaning.

When *intellegent* people want to argue, they do so by having 1) an argument, 2) a premise or two, and 3) supportive reasons.

Your argument, if I understand is this: This thread was addressed to a single person due, so it should have been a private contact.

For one, message boards, for the most part, are intended to invoke conversation and share interesting information. I, for one, am very interested in hearing about Droldorf and his new beauty queen mistress to be! Secondly, your point is mute because message boards have their own ways of filtering out unpopular/posts. After stating your logic-fallicy-wrought thesis, you entered into irrelevent babble and name calling.
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Post by Xouqoa »

Dregor Thule wrote:*taps his Star Trek pin* "BLEEBLEWEEP"
So that's the noise those things make.. I always tried to put into words the noise, and yet I fell short. Dregor is truly the master.
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Post by Millie »

This thread makes me LOL.
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Post by kyoukan »

hey xou can you change my user name
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Post by Adex_Xeda »

I picture what's-her-name sitting in front of a monitor bored at work, or at home, periodically popping the F5 button and deftly splurting out collective phrases from time to time with no true thought given to what is said. Perhaps half disassociated with the MSGboard while her attention is focused on Law and Order reruns. Perhaps her hands act on their own with only slight oversight from her mind. Like some kind of vending machine. Pop a quarter into the machinery and get back a canned response.

Perhaps we're all machines tonight, paying homage to the gods of procrastination.

pop, whirl, retort, ,,,, pop, whirl, retort.
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Post by Drolgin Steingrinder »

Miss Denmark 2001. Please?

Oh, and I'm not a Star Trek geek.

An EQ geek? Yeah, definately.

A computer geek? Hrm not really, make it an internet geek and it works I suppose.

But Star Trek geek? Somehow I think you, my dear, have watched a lot more Star Trek than I ever have...

All this hate is leading nowhere, though. You are convinced of your intellectual, moral and creative superiority, and the regulars of the board consider your prime flame material. Guess I can just say "Live long and prosper" and leave it at that?
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Post by Mak »

It would be a bit redundant in this thread, so I'm just letting everyone know that at some point in the future I'll be picking a completely innocuous topic with which to go insane and then I'll post 47 messages telling you all how valid my point is, whatever it may be. I'll expect you all to be sufficienlty cowed by my persistant posting and acquiesce to my will, no matter what names I choose to call you.

Thanks in advance.

Oh, and I like the new kyoukan.
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Post by Kylere »

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Post by Badabidi »

Shaerra must be Searyx's sister
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Post by Shaerra »

Drolgin Steingrinder wrote:All this hate is leading nowhere, though.
You only feel that way, when it's you and your elitist geek group getting what they dish out to people who come here and offer their opinion.
Drolgin Steingrinder wrote:You are convinced of your intellectual, moral and creative superiority, and the regulars of the board consider your prime flame material.
Yes, I'm happy with who I am, what I have, who I associate with, and what I know. "The regulars" of this board are exactly what I'm amazed with. Geeks that try to impress each other by flaming people for posting something that they don't agree with, or find interesting. The funniest thing is how these geeks actually think that new people to the board want their "nod of approval" or something. lol I would be embarrassed if any of my r/l friends thought I was a member of your geek club. hahaha

Oh, and your attempts at logic are hilarious! Keep 'em comming, fanboys!

"The CNN report on Serbia was all wrong! After all, they said Serbia like 20 times!" hahahahahaha I know it's not nice to make fun of those less fortunate, but...hahahahahaha Losers. :)

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Post by Dritanis »

I think we've reached the limit on the word 'geek' in this thread.
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Post by murr »

Looks like all the cum he/she/it's been guzzling finally snapped whatever sick, inane, pathetic grasp on sanity he/she/it had.
I'd recommend valium. It's the best thing for conflicted manginas who fell off the short bus since sliced bread. That or John Tesh Live CDs. One of those.
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Post by Shaerra »

murr durr wrote:I'd recommend valium. It's the best thing for conflicted manginas who fell off the short bus since sliced bread. That or John Tesh Live CDs. One of those.
Hmmm... Worth a shot... Can I borrow some of yours?

Valium, that is...not your John Tesh Live CD's.

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Post by Letania »

Dyke. Now quote me and get riled.
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Post by Legenae »

Shaerra wrote: Yes, I'm happy with who I am, what I have, who I associate with, and what I know. "The regulars" of this board are exactly what I'm amazed with. Geeks that try to impress each other by flaming people for posting something that they don't agree with, or find interesting. The funniest thing is how these geeks actually think that new people to the board want their "nod of approval" or something. lol I would be embarrassed if any of my r/l friends thought I was a member of your geek club. hahaha
Seeing as how your post count has jumped rather high in just a few days, I would think you qualify for geek membership.
Last edited by Legenae on December 16, 2002, 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by beasted »

I'd recommend valium.
personally, i'd recommend suicide.
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Post by Adex_Xeda »

pop, whirl,,,, retort

That Law and Order re-run over with yet?
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Post by Sirensa »

Shaerra wrote:"The CNN report on Serbia was all wrong! After all, they said Serbia like 20 times!" hahahahahaha I know it's not nice to make fun of those less fortunate, but...hahahahahaha Losers. :)

Yes, well CNN reports on Serbia are newsworthy. You are not.

If you truly feel so superior to everyone else here, and truly get off on "owning" us geeks, then you are truly more pathetic than anyone really knows.
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Post by Drolgin Steingrinder »

Dear Shaerra,

Thank you so much for replying to my posts on "VeeshanVault". You seem to be angry with me though, and I cannot understand why. Admittedly, I used the words "fuck off" adressed at you, but it was meant in a joking fashion: as in "Fuck off! I want my supermodel date and you're in my way omg!", not as in "fuck off before I beat you on the head with a 2x4 full of rusty nails".

Apparently you feel unconvinced that I am in earnest when I claim that all this hate is leading us (us as a community, as a tribe, as a global family) nowhere. I should tell you that I'm a lover, not a fighter. I do believe this world would be a better place if people loved their fellow man instead of fighting petty wars with paper bullets of the brain. Yet you insist on belittling others and insulting even those who posted no hostile words towards you.

I hope you find happiness and your own form of equilibrium some day, and maybe you will also come to the realization that not every word spoken in a discussion is a word spoken in anger, that not every pun carries a hidden barb, and that it is quite possible to use a hammer for something other than banging nails in.

Your friend,

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Post by Acies »

That was beautiful Droglin....

Shae, just realize that you are good enough, you are smart enough, and dawg gone it, people like you.

Anyone else a fan of Mike Meyers work?
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Post by Skogen »

I love Shaerra!

can we go out sometime!?
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Post by Destinae- »

Stick around for abit, Drolgin will turn your world upside down with one measly hammer.
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Post by Hayley »

Jesus Christ girl learn when to stop already! In your innane ramblings of geekdom and trekkies you made one point very clear. You came to this board in hopes of being accepted as a "regular" but it backfired on you and your only retaliation is to criticize those that you aspired to be. In a community (the VV) that you claim is so outcasted and full of degenerates, it's a community that you can't seem to walk away from. Does pounding that F5 key and knowing another "sheep" has posted a reply to you make you feel better? It seriously can't and I know that right now I genuinely feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for the fact that you waste your existance trying to convince everybody how much better you are than everyone else when all you're really trying to do is convince yourself.
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Post by Truant »

On a very quick and hasty comparison...

there is a vast difference between the two posts.

The main point being, that in reading Millie's initial post, I may not know who is being spoken of, but I have enough information to follow a conversation.

After reading Shaerra's initial post, I did not know who was being spoken of, nor did I know what the conversation was even about.

That said...
If you want to play enforcer, and go around telling everyone what they can and can't do...have at it. But don't be surprised when not many people listen to you. What purpose does it serve for you to go against the grain of nearly the entire membership of this board? If it makes you feel better at night because you think you have instigated hatred towards you....well good for you, now go get help. If you just want attention, well good for you, go get help. I mean really...wtf do you care what we post? If you don't like it, you don't have to be a part of this community. You obviously want to be a part of this community or you wouldn't be here posting, for what must be, a very large portion of your work day.

Don't be bitter and start an angst war because your thread was not well received. Quit trying to make yourself a martyr and contribute something. :)

That said noone probably cares, but in the event someone does, I thought i'd throw my angle in on it.

much <3,
Last edited by Truant on December 17, 2002, 1:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Corona »

Aranuil! We need a thread derailment, STAT!
"Ale", 55 Cleric

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Post by emmer »

sup kyoukan 8)
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Post by Shaerra »

Again, I have not "started" anything with anyone other than Supperdave, Physco, Tanqer, and Xanastik.

I flamed those 4 for their roles in Supperdave stealing 81k PP from CT. Other than that, EVERY flame posted by me was in response to one of "The Regulars" flaming me...stop with the "poor us" bullshit, it's even more retarded than the "i r 1337 cuZ i r p0sted 400 x and j00 r suxorZ cuz u onLy hAve 4 p0sts" angle.

In short, if you don't want flames, don't flame me...
If you flame me, be prepared to take it, no matter how many of your fanboy friends come running to stand behind you, popping their head out after everything you say to go "Yeah! What he said!".

I didn't start any shit with anyone except the 4 named above, so don't preach to me about how unproductive the shit is, cry amongst yourselves. I think the common bond you "Regulars" share is a short attention span...you start a flame war, then forget about it 3 days later.


Post by Millie »

Shaerra wrote:Again, I have not "started" anything with anyone other than Supperdave, Physco, Tanqer, and Xanastik.
I'd say you attempted (albeit very poorly, considering I haven't responded to you) to start one with me on this thread. Considering I've never flamed you, I still don't understand why you seem to reserve such passionate hatred for me and my post here. Jesus Christ, can you just get over yourself and this topic already?

If you think I was 'flaming' you on your Ceno thread by putting you on ignore, you're sadly mistaken. I put you on ignore not because of the quality of your posts, but because of the sheer quantity. Was it really necessary to flood that thread with a couple dozen angry invectives, and then derail it into a you-vs-the-world flame fest? Then again, was it necessary to do the same thing on this thread?

You strike me as an extremely insecure person. Your first few posts on this board were an attempt at attention-whoring via RL pics. Then, when you failed to attract the fanboy attention you so craved, you went haywire on anyone and everyone in your path.

Your posts on this thread alone have numbered 18 now, and counting. Most of them are pretty legthy, and all of them are very emotional. And yet you claim we're the ones who invest too much RL concern with this board? Take a step back, take a deep breath, and move on. This is an Internet message board, for fuck's sake. Is it really worth throwing this big of a hissy fit here? And over a post as innocuous as my 2nd cousin's being the winner of a freaking beauty pageant?
Shaerra wrote:I think the common bond you "Regulars" share is a short attention span...you start a flame war, then forget about it 3 days later.
Here in Not Crazyland, we refer to it as "getting over things," or "moving on." What you see as a short attention span, I see as maturity and self esteem. If you're fighting a losing flame war (which, by God, you most certainly seem to be doing -- even without my help), you should recognize it as such, and cut your losses. Are you so bereft of self-confidence that you must constantly attempt to assert yourself over people here with such ridiculous insults as "Star Trek geek!!!" or "losers?" Are you even aware of the palpable and often painful irony of an EQ player calling other EQ players losers?

I see only one loser on this thread. She's the strange little girl whose post count has skyrocketted from 1 to 76 in the last two days. She's the one who can't leave well enough alone. She's the one who obsesses, to the point of all-out rage, over what's said and done on an EQ forum. Take a step back, Shaerra, and recognize yourself in her.

My input on this thread is done. I'm positive I'll elicit at least a couple dozen more ramblings from your corner of the loony bin. Keep it up, darling. You're quite the riot when you're angry.
Last edited by Millie on December 17, 2002, 4:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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