The Godfather

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Adelrune Argenti
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The Godfather

Post by Adelrune Argenti »

I picked this up for the Xbox while at Fry's to get Oblivion yesterday. I ended up playing this instead of even installing Oblivion last night for over 3 hours. It's a nice story driven foray into the Godfather where you interact with many of the characters from the movie, their likenesses and voices included. The only main character so far that is completely different is Michael Corleone. I guess someone can't stoop to voice acting in a game.

This plays very much like GTA however there are some nice twists with extorting business, which in turn opens up the rackets in the back room, and a following a tighter storyline. One other really cool thing is the style points for different executions styles. I even got one for Road Rage Execution.

However, without even trying really (ok, I tried some especially with just inadvertently running over pedestrians) I have already racked up a murder total of 120. Now most of them are wiseguys so I guess it doesn't count as much but you would think I would be one bad mother if I killed that many people. Instead, I am a footsoldier still.

All in all, it is keeping my interest and giving me those nasty thoughts about how I can kill people differently.
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Post by cadalano »

Did you ever play Mafia? How does it compare
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Post by noel »

Every time I saw the previews for Godfather, I was reminded of Mafia. I too was wondering what the difference would be. Mafia was done really well, and other than a movie license I don't really see much that's new in the preview information available for Godfather.

I too am curious how it compares.
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Post by kyoukan »

Mafia's missions are way more fun than Godfather's so far, but Godfather benefits from an integrated free roam mode that is a lot like GTA instead of a mission by mission breakdown with nothing in between. Godfather also has more interesting but less realistic combat. The driving is also less realistic than Mafia which subjectively makes it more fun.

All in all, I can't pick which one is better than the other. Mafia was an awesome game with a great semi-original story and awesome missions. Godfather is GTA3 in the 1950's with Godfather elements. That explanation makes it sound worse than it really is. EA really respected the source material, and it's neat as hell to live out some of the events from the movie from a different perspective. I'm annoyed you can't make a female mobster though!

The lack of Pacino's likeness and voice is a huge detriment though. I remember a few years ago they wanted him to do a voice over with Coppola for the special edition DVD but he said something about not wanting anything to do with Coppola or the Godfather. It's not like he isn't doing it because he's above it; they are making a Scarface game and Pacino is doing the voice and they are using his likeness. Apparently Brando died before he did all of his lines for the game, and there's rumors that most of his lines are an impersonator, but I can't tell the difference if that is a fact.

As far as graphics go, I think Mafia's models and cars look nicer, but Godfather's city looks nicer, and you can enter a good portion of the buildings on the map.

Both are worth playing in their own right, but if you have an Xbox 360 it is probably best to wait until July for that version from what I am hearing.
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Post by Fairweather Pure »

I thought it was an odd choice for a videogame. I mean, the Godfather crowd has to be at least in thier early 40's and not nearly as involved in video games as the 30-35 crowd.
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Post by kyoukan »

the amount of males aged 20-32 that haven't seen the godfather is probably pretty low, and that is this game's demographic.
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