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Post by Siji »

Looking to buy a treadmill for home soon and looking for any recommendations or suggestions on brands or retailers that anyone recommends over others.

Things I want to avoid are real narrow running space (some treadmills are really narrow and then the bars on the side end up being hand/arm smackers and it's annoying). I do only manual runs so I don't much care if it has a hundred different profiles. The ability to save a custom profile or two would be nice. I care about incline %'s as long as it will do 0%. I had one before that would only go down to 2% and I hated it. If it integrates with Polar HRM's that's a bonus. I'd like to spend in the range of ~500, but if there's something really nice I could go up a bit.

Oh yeah, it pretty much also needs to be the type that I can lift up/fold up to take up less space when I'm not using it.

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Post by noel »

I can't recommend an individual treadmill, but I would recommend Nautilus as a brand to look at. We have an exercise bike from them, and their customer service, should you need it, is top knotch.
Oh, my God; I care so little, I almost passed out.
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Post by Siji »


ProForm 1200 ... fnbr=10671

NordicTrack C2420 ... tcat=46525

Have about same belt size, motor size, etc. The console on the NT looks much nicer, the CD built into the PF1200 is n ice though for not having to connect IFIT stuff from a stereo or computer like the NT2420..

Dunno, they seem comparable. I can find nothing but good reviews on the PF1200, but can't find any on the NordicTrack one.. =/
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Post by Tenuvil »

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Post by Winnow »

Nice comparison Tenuvil but his spending range only includes #20 and 21 on that!

I'd buy a $300.00 pair of running shoes, do some isometrics and call it a day.

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Post by Siji »

Thanks for the comparison chart, curious where it came from.. unfortunately the C2420 isn't listed to compare.. guessing this is just a really new model or something.
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Post by Tenuvil »

It cane from Consumer Reports online, sorry that I forgot to include that.
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Post by Siji »

So I bought a treadmill..

I decided on the NordicTrack C2420 (linked above) because, well, I've heard that the NT is the 'upper' line of Icon Fitness's treadmills and is built more solidly than the ProForms. (They also make ProForm and other lines). I go to Sears, take a look at it, it's good I'll take it. The woman offers the extended Sears warranty, and I'm thinking that my other treadmill had a motor go bad after the warranty wore out, so what the hell give me the 3 year extended warranty. 4 years of covereage is a good thing on an expensive item.

The treadmill is delivered on a Saturday, I use it Monday then start using it again on Tuesday.. I'm using the spiffy iFIT workout and it's changing speeds, changing inclines, *BANG*. Something happens. I'm not sure what, but the left side of the deck (where you run on) now bounces up and down in a way that it shouldn't. The right side does not. I'm like 15 minutes into a workout, sweating, and pissed. I immediately call Sears warranty/service department. Well, it turns out that Sears techs can't touch any NordicTrack equipment or it voids the warranty. I have to call NordicTrack support while it's under NT's warranty. Fine. Whatever.

I call NordicTrack support, sit on hold forever, and finally get some kid that answers. I try to explain the problem to him and quickly realize he doesn't have a clue. He tells me the board/deck must have broken. I try to tell him I'd notice if the big ass piece of wood broke, but he wants nothing to do with that. So he tells me it'll be 7-10 days for the board delivery and then a tech will call me (that they sub-contract) and arrange a time to repair it. I'm thinking.. I just fucking bought this and you're telling me I'm not going to be able to use it for over 2 weeks (due to no deliveries on weekends and this being Tuesday)? He agrees to send it 3rd day UPS. Fine whatever. I check shipping the next day, and sure enough.. it's send normal ground 7-10 days. Asshole.

A day goes by and I'm looking at this expensive piece of useless equipment sitting there and I notice something odd.. I take a closer look and it appears I've found the problem. There's a rod that goes across the bottom of the deck that sits on a track and turns (for incline maybe?). This rod is off the track and hanging down on the left side (where it's bouncy). So I call back NordicTrack in hopes of them just sending out a tech to put the rod back in place and see why it came off in the first place.

Apparently.. NordicTrack will not under any circumstance send out a tech without having sent out a part. So even though the rod isn't broken, the girl I finally get ahold of won't just send a tech out the next day, but now I have to wait 5-7 days for a 1 lb rod to be sent to me, and then I can get someone to come out. So, after buying the treadmill and warranty I'm about $1600 or more into this.. I'm getting pissed. Very pissed. So I call Sears and complain. Their service department can't do anything, they don't work with NordicTrack equipment. Joy. I call the store and complain to the manager (getting ahold of him was a hassle in itself). I want a replacement treadmill sent to me. Now. And I'm not paying shipping again. Period. Finally he agrees to this. Joy.

Yesterday the replacement treadmill arrived. Three guys came in, picked up the old one, I gave them the old bag of manual, papers and magnetic key and they took it all out to the truck. Step one done. Next, they bring the box with the new treadmill to my apartment and start assembling it. Now, I don't know if this applies to everything or not, but I truly believe that it's better to not be around when someone is putting something together for you. Because when they're using a drill to put in screws and you hear it grinding, or sounding like it's stripping the screw head, dropping things on the cover, etc, you just would rather not hear it. Trust me on this. The guys did a somewhat half-assed job of putting it together, as there's pieces that aren't lined up perfectly, the cup holders weren't in, some scrapes here and there, etc. Yeah, I'm probably being overly critical, but damn it, this is a replacement for one I had problems with before. It needs to be perfect. Anyway.. I won't even go into how rude I consider it for people to come into your home and blabber off to each other in some foreign language. Whatever.

They have me sign off on the delivery and installation and head on out. I set the treadmill up where I want it, turn it on and have it run at the highest speed, set it to the highest incline, etc to see if it blows up. It doesn't. So far, so good. I stand on the deck and see if it bounces anywhere it shouldn't. It doesn't. So far, so good. By now, there's a knock on my door. I answer it and it's one of the delivery guys. He claims I didn't give him the magnetic key from the other treadmill. I tell him that I did and he needs to look for it. I'd have absolutely no use for a second key for a treadmill that only takes one to operate. He walks off. I go back to inspecting the treadmill. Because, after all the crap I've dealt with since buying this, I'm expecting to find something wrong. And guess what.. I do. Amazing huh?

For those of you that have used a treadmill, you know there's two boards/rails on the sides that you stand on when starting the treadmill. Well, it just so happens that the front part of one of these boards/rails does not appear to be attached like the other side is. You can lift it up and down about 6 inches. While this does not affect (as far as I can tell) the operation of the treadmill, it does make the board/rail less stable when standing on it for whatever reason. And I'm sorry, when I'm paying as much as I am, and dealing with the crap that I am, that's simply unacceptable. So as I'm looking at this, I miss a call on my cell phone. As I call and listen to the message, it's Sears delivery and they're accusing me of having lost the key for the other treadmill. They want a callback. Fine. Ring-a-fucking-ding-a-ling. I sit on hold, and then there's yet another knock on my door. I answer the door and guess who, your wonderful delivery guy. He has Sears delivery on the phone and they want to talk to me. Too bad, I've got them on mine and they just answered. As I'm on hold, I walk back to the treadmill to show the delivery guy the board/rail. As I do, I see a screw on the ground. I pick it up, look at him, look at the screw and toss it up into the air in frustration as he gives me this retarded look. It lands on the carpet where he picks it up and looks at it as if it's an alien artifact. Then he walks out.

Finally someone from Sears answers and I tell them that yes I gave it back, no I don't know where tweedle dumb or dumber put it or lost it at. The Sears guy asks to talk to the delivery driver. Fine, I go outside and walk around to the front of my building and tell the drivers that Sears would like to speak with them. When one of the guys takes the phone, I ask the other guy for the screw back since it goes to the treadmill. "I don't have it" he says. "You what?" I'm dumbfounded. "I threw it away." I certainly must be hearing him wrong. I tell him it's from the treadmill, and I'm going to need it to put back in, where the hell did he put it.. So the boys start looking around on the parking lot ground for the screw apparently. Insert a little background here - work is being done on all the buildings of my apartment complex, there's lots of screws and shit on the ground if you look. So he picks up some random screw and says, "Is this it?" I'm like, no that's not it you freak of fucking nature. You see that the treadmill has a part messed up, you pick up a screw that's likely part of the problem and you throw it away.. what the fuck is wrong with you? So as I'm thinking all of this, and out loud being more polite in saying I need the screw to put the treadmill back together.. they start to get pissy. I'm sorry, they're pissy? Oh no. Not now, not if you value your fucking existence on this planet. You come into my home, you babble off in your foreign language, you ask for drinks from me, drink my shit, leave my door wide open while you're doing your crap, nevermind electric bills, you scratch up and otherwise do a shitty assembly job, you accuse me of losing or keeping some useless piece of plastic with a magnet in it, you throw away a screw that goes to a broken part and you want to get fucking pissy? Oh no. Not this day.

So they're pitching a fit because I'm inconveniencing them with a part of the treadmill that they threw away and pull out the old treadmill from the truck and tell me to show them which screw so they can take it off that one. Well, that's fine and dandy except the screw came from a place that you can't just get to without disassembling a bunch of shit. Guess what they're not going to do? So they give me some random screw and say here, it's the same. At this point I'm ready to lose my mind. Because oh, by the way, there's the magnetic key they can't seem to find, and are accusing me of keeping or losing, sitting on the floor of the truck. So whatever, give me the damn screw and get the fuck out of my life before I commit some horrible crime. Yes, I'm being dramatic, because yes, I'm fucking pissed. My head is hurting so badly that every breath makes it pound. I want this to be over, I want it to be done. Go away.

So I go back into the apartment and once again, put in a call to NordicTrack support. Sit on hold, once again, for 20 minutes where, once again, someone comes on the line and says everyone's busy and they'll have someone call me back. My head hurts, I'm tired of dealing with it, so I agree this time. After an hour or two of nobody calling me back, I call back again. They're closed. Lovely.

You'd think my aggravation for the day would end there. But oh no, there's more!

My head is seriously killing me. I can't remember having a headache this bad in a very long time. So obviously I'm not in the mood to cook. Pizza. Easy enough, right? See it coming? Wait for it.. I place my order. Something simple. Cheese with mushrooms. Easy peasy. Wait for the delivery, get my pizza, tip the guy well, close the door, get a drink, get some napkins, get a plate, go sit down, open the box.. no mushrooms. Now granted, we're talking about some measly little pieces of fungus. But you know what? I'm sick of it. I'm sick of it all. You pay for something.. usually more than it's worth. And it seems to be so rare these days that the item works, isn't broken or is done correctly. Why is that? What's so fucking hard about making a quality, correct, working product? By this time, I'm just hungry and fed up and certainly not in the mood to wait another hour for another pizza. I call, get a credit for a topping, hang up and eat. I didn't get a chance to try a workout on the treadmill yet as my head was hurting way too badly and I just overall wasn't feeling well.

You'd think that my aggravation was over for at least a couple days right? Or even until I got a chance to do a workout and have something break.. right? Right?!? Wrong. There's more.

Today I wake up, it's a new day. Fresh start. New outlook. I'm calmed down a bit. My head isn't throbbing quite as badly, but it still flippin' hurts. So 8:00 am I get that callback from NordicTrack support. I'm just so amazed that it's an actual real live American English speaking guy that I'm put into an even better mood. I explain the problem, he actually seems to have a clue and has me look at some stuff on the treadmill, tells me how to move it around to see different angles, etc.. overall, rather helpful. Of course, in the end it still comes down to NordicTrack policy that they won't send someone out without a part first, so we agree to have him ship out the screws and some end-cap (none of which are broken) and have a tech come out when they arrive. Since I don't think the board/rail is going to affect how the treadmill works, I agree. Whatever, I just don't want to deal with it and I want my headache to go away. One thing he does mention is that since I have a replacement treadmill, I need to update the serial/model # stuff on the extended warranty I purchased. I'm like ok, I'll call Sears later as I have to get going to work; late already.

Let me take a moment here to just say that I was prepared for an easy, relaxing, stress-free day. I wanted to go all day without getting aggravated.. at least make it to where I do a workout tonight and see if the treadmill breaks. Because as you know, when you have a problem with something you tend to expect there to be further problems.. Alas, that apparently was not to be this day. Oh no, not for me.

I call Sears to request the extended warranty I purchased from them be applied to the new treadmill serial #. Guess what. It's not their job. They tell me I have to call NordicTrack to do that. At this point, I'm honestly confused. I purchased a 2 or 3 year extended warranty (can't remember which, receipt at home) from Sears to take affect after the standard one wore off. Why do I need to call NordicTrack? Wait for it.. wait for it.. here it comes.. The extended warranty I purchased, was actually a NordicTrack one. Sears simply was the reseller of it. Of course, none of this was explained to me when I purchased the treadmill. I was told I was purchasing a Sears extended warranty. Eeent! Wrong-o Bozo! So whatever, my head hurts again. I'll just call NordicTrack and have them do it. No problem, I'm not going to think about it for now.

You'd think that finally, it certainly must be over right? But you'd be wrong. Oh yes sir you would be.

I call NordicTrack and.. can you guess? Yes, that's right! I was on hold for a good 20 minutes. Someone comes on, "all reps are busy can I have them call you within 24 hours.." No, I want to hold. Hold long period of time.. again, someone comes on, "all reps are busy can I.." No, I want to hold. Hold long period of time.. again, someone comes on, "all reps are.." Fine, take my damn number. A couple hours later, someone actually calls me back. I explain that I want to transfer my warranty to the new replacement treadmill. "Oh, sir we don't do that here. You have to call the warranty department." Can you guess my mood? Can you guess the severity of my headache? I bet you can't.

You'd think I simply called the warranty department and had them transfer the warranty without a problem.. right? That is, if you thought logically about what should happen.. but this is real life. Not logical procedures.

I call the NordicTrack warranty department. I explain what I want to do. They do it. Done. Thanks. While I'm on the phone with the warranty person, I inquire about the extended warranty confusion I had in that Sears said one thing, but now I'm being told another.. she explains that what I'm being told now, is correct and that the extended warranty is provided through NordicTrack from the date of purchase.. Did you catch that? I bet you didn't, but I did. "From the date of purchase" Give me a second here.. so you're telling me that the "extended" warranty I purchased from Sears, which wasn't really a Sears extended warranty, does not actually extend the warranty, but it replaces the standard warranty? I'm sorry, I've got to be missing something here. Please explain this to me. Because quite frankly, this sounds like bullshit to me. My headache is back in full force. It's my new best friend.

So this person begins with "to better serve our customers" and instantly I'm thinking great, let the bullshit start. Apparently, the normal warranty doesn't cover 'cosmetic' problems or preventive maintenance visits. So now, the warranty that I thought I'd purchased to extend to 4 years, is 3 years.. The warranty that I thought I purchased from Sears to have Sears techs and support on, is actually through NordicTrack.. I don't know about you, but for the first year, I don't give a rats ass about the 'cosmetic' things on a brand new item.. they shouldn't be breaking within the first year anyway. The preventive maintenance? The person tells me that 10-11 months after I purchase the treadmill, I should call and have the maintenance scheduled. 10-11 months. For all of you that didn't get past 1st grade, that's about a year. So, I'm losing a whole year of my warranty so that I can schedule a preventive maintenance 2 months early? Do I have a choice in this I ask? Of course not.

So there you have it. Today's episode in the reality show of "As The Treadmill Turns". What am I going to do from here? I don't know. I'm still debating. I don't want to be an ass, but I'm beyond frustrated. My confidence level is beyond bottomed out. I don't know what I can do, other than returning it for my money.. but seriously, I want a treadmill, I like this one, I just want it to work without any problems. For the money (a lot) that I paid for it, is that too much to ask? What else can I do.. complain to Sears about the delivery, complain about the lies or deception from the salesgirl? To what point? What good is it going to do? As is, I've got 90 days to return it for my money back. And if it so much as vibrates in a way I don't like, that's exactly what I'm going to do. The one problem I do have, is that I've purchased some iFIT cd's for workouts on an iFIT compatible treadmill.. well, apparently, the only company that makes iFIT compatible treadmills is Icon Fitness. And Icon makes NordicTrack, ProForm, and a few other brands. If this treadmill does end up going back, I'm going to just order the ProForm 1200 from directly from ProForm (Icon) and to hell with Sears. I'm simply fed up, my head hurts unbelievably so and I'm discouraged in regards to purchasing anything for a long time.

Moral of the story.. fuck exercise.
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Post by masteen »

Send that piece of shit back. Never buy anything except tools and car batteries from Sears, EVER.
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Post by Stalker Vacio »

Return the treadmill.

Poor Customer Service should not be tolerated whether your buying a computer from Dell or a Camry from the Toyota dealership.
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Post by Winnow »

Yeah, if I recall, Sears has a liberal return policy. Take it back and next time something like this happens (before the return policy ends), take it back and buy a new one instead of hassling with warranties, etc.
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Post by Stalker Vacio »

Very good reading during my lunch break :)

Googled for "treadmill comparison", 3rd website down it came up with ... mills.html

Called the 888 number, told the sales guy your story...he proceeded to tell me Sears is crap and Icon quality is questionable (great looking treadmills with tons of features, dog crap customer service).

I asked flatout which treadmills have the best customer service and warranty...the guy told me to check out Landice and Sole. Landice seems way out of your price range however there were a few Sole's worth looking at.

I hope this helps.
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Post by Siji »

I can't really so much blame Sears, other than misleading me about the warranty I was purchasing, and whom I would be receiving service from. I do however, blame NordicTrack for receiving poor service and for their assinine service policies (no tech visit w/o a part no matter what, and no rushing of shipping of any part).

As I said, if even the slightest thing goes wrong with this replacement that affects its use, it's going back. I will however get/try the ProForm 1200 as it's gotten good reviews that are available around the net. (I still can't find any reviews of the C2420 at all - though I'll be writing one on eOpinions as soon as they add it.)

I really like the iFIT technology and want a treadmill that supports it which locks me into Icon unfortunately. Landice is really nice, but as you said, very expensive. Get what you pay for, I know - but I'm just trying to get into better shape and start running, not train for serious long term races. I can't justify (or afford) 2k or 3k for a really nice treadmill..

Glad my story could entertain! :)
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Post by Stalker Vacio »

not blame Sears??!?!?!

Sears should be held accountable for everything!!!! From the crappy products they sell to those dumbass installers that lost the key and
accused you of having 2 keys. OMFGZZZIHAVE2KEYZZZ!!!IR1337!!!
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Post by Siji »


I just went to use the replacement treadmill that was delivered yesterday. Pop on the Polar, get some water, pop the iFIT cd into my cd player, plug it into the treadmill, set the treadmill to iFIT mode, start the cd player, get ready for the trainer to start the machine, hear the tones that set the treadmill.. and.. nothing.

Ok, new cd maybe it's bad.. pop in another one from an 8 cd set.. nothing. Try all 8 cd's of the set.. nothing. wtf. I pop in my personally burned MP3 cd with 4 different iFIT workouts on it and two of them seem to work, two don't. Yeah. I'm done.

Time to drive to Sears and test the cd's on their NordicTracks there just to show them that it works (assuming they're not broken too!) then ask for my money back and say fuck you on the way out.
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Post by Winnow »

You don't need a reason to return it. 100% satisfaction guarantee.

I doubt they'll even ask why but if they do, you have a long story to tell them.
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Post by Kelshara »

Sears is crap. End of story. Except for a tool now and then I avoid them like the plague.

Sorry to hear about this story :( Sucks that something like this would happen to somebody who actually WANT to exercise! Too many people don't want to!
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Post by Siji »

For fun's sake I took my walkman and iFIT cd's and cable to Sears and tried them on 3 different NordicTrack and ProForm treadmills.. they didn't work on any. Fun fun fun.. So perhaps it's not the treadmill, but I'm fairly fed up anyway.
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Post by Fairweather Pure »

Return it and post your story on all relevant msg boards. It's a great read because we've all been there with one product or another and have felt your exact same frustration. I've wanted to fucking murder people under almost the exact same circumstances. I feel your pain.
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