The addiction just will not go away

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The addiction just will not go away

Post by Mezzmor »

It's sad really. I quit EQ, severed all my ties to the game, went back to school and everything was going great.

Then I got a 3 week break between terms in school.

Now I am jonesing more than ever for EQ. I almost get the shakes when I sit down at my computer.

Even returning to school hasn't solved the problem.

Should I a) just say fuck it, succumb to it and go out and blast another 70.00 in EQ software and just play, or b) start a support group?
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Post by kyoukan »

just think about levelling to 65 and farming fucking bullshit AA points and bitching about loot and all the stupid gay immature guild politics instead of the actual 5% of EQ that was actually fun.

works for me.
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Post by Fairweather Pure »

Once you decide you're done, never come back.
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Post by Winnow »

How can you resist the new zone changes to Nurga and Droga??
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Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

I came back for the cyber from Sylvos.
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Post by luvinn/shadfisst »

Play eq again! Always nice to have another good enc and old bud
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Post by Ashur »

That wasn't Sylvos, that was Luna - his cat is always trying to cyber people
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Post by Animalor »

I just think about xp grinding and I sour from any MMORPG urge I get.

Has worked extremely well in keeping me from getting back into EQ/DaoC and SWG.
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Post by masteen »

My uncle says smoking crack is pretty cool...
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Post by Brotha »

I agree, once you quit you have to stay away.

Luckily for me, I didn't have a choice. My computer had begun to make me go LD about every 45 mins- hour, causing group members to die (I was a warrior, puller, mt) and not allowing me to raid or do anything productive really. This made EQ less appealing to me, then eventually because of my computer I couldn't even log on. Only after I quit did I realize how much EQ had fucked up my life. I had been telling my friends to fuck off, and eventually they'd given up on me and had stopped calling and dropping by...suddenly I realized I had no social life to speak of. I had gotten incredibly out of shape (I was up to 248 pounds at one point, I'm 6' tall) and my grades in school were pathetic. I know some people (a minority IMO) manage to balance EQ and RL well but it was never something that I could do.

A few weeks back I went to an internet cafe and logged onto EQ for the first time in like a year. The appeal was still there and I talked to a lot of old friends and told them that I'd be back soon full time, and I meant it. Honestly, if I had a computer that I could play games on I would probably have logged as soon as I got home and mindlessly started levelling away and wasting my life again. The next few days though I started thinking about how close I had come to getting sucked back in after all that I've accomplished (great grades, back in shape, great life) and got pretty disgusted with myself. EQ provided endless, harmless, risk free entertainment but it was never real or lasting, and I think I've finally realized that, although the pull of the game is still there.

Sounds like you've gotten your life back together too, but so had I and I almost fell back into the trap. So just stay away, you know it's for the best. Delete your chars and uninstall the game if you have to.
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Post by Skogen »

I've quit an come back now several times! The first time, I deleted my first characters (serriah & daemonica). Then I came back, started Sko, and found life as a shaman the answer (looking back now, playing a necro just didnt compare in the fun-factor & usefullness) The second time, I was gone for 4 months, then wound up back in it because of Velious. The 3th time, I quit for over a year...I was DONE. Then came back because I was unemployed, and had OMGIAMRETARDEDCAUSEALOTISTWOWORDS of time on my hands, and had un again. I have just accepted it...there is NO escape.

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Post by noel »

I just think about 'autoattacking' and not being able to shoot people who are being stupid, and my desire is squelched. I also think about the bullshit lying-behind-the-back backstabbing, and that pretty much seals it.
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Post by Diae Soulmender »

Animalor wrote:I just think about xp grinding and I sour from any MMORPG urge I get.

Has worked extremely well in keeping me from getting back into EQ/DaoC and SWG.
ahhh... but dont you miss the comradeship?
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Post by Pilsburry »

I know the Feeling Mezzmor.....but I know what will happen if I re-install the game.

I already threw out 3+ years of my life....if I had the willpower to only play for limited periods I would......

But I know if I booted up EQ I would quickly stop going to the gym, I would soon after find myself telling my friends I was too busy to hang out....and then I would be a total hermit again.

It's taken me 6 months to get where I am will take atleast 6 more until I have a normal life again.

If I ever play an MMORPG again I'm starting on the ground level (playing catch-up would suck) and I have to make sure I never desire to see the high end content.....uber guilds don't allow you to have a real life....because they need you to be there to win consistantly.

I know I can wait until the next game like EQ2 or WOW or whatever....BUT...I don't think I can swear off the high end content, I'm too competitive.
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Post by Bubba Grizz »

Or you could sell your accounts and then no one would want you back. You become outcast even to close friends.
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Post by Sparty »

Quiting EQ is kinda like fingering your asshole for the first time. After your done fingering yourself (quiting EQ), your like "what the fuck did I just do?"


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Post by Pilsburry »

I wouldn't say he would be an outcast....I just don't think people will want to PL or equip him and getting in a good guild would be hard.

But there are always other ways to catch back up fast....

Like a friend leting you split off a retired gimp, or take over an ex-port monkey which is obsolete...or atleast letting you borrow it to say get exp and gear in a level 40s dungeon and then dumping it on your character and then using the port monkey to PL yourselfand if you die it just comes out of the exp earned when you went looking for gear.

I just wouldn't want to jump back in a rut I had already weighed and considered bad.

If I came back I'd have to play something unnecessary...not a cleric or enchanter..probably not a warrior.....more like a beastlord, mage, wizard, rogue, paladin, SK, druid, ranger, necro....something you could leave a raid and not have everyone go "OMG we just lost a cleric" and you could leave a group and they could easily find someone to replace you and it might not be as efficent, but they could continue on without having major issues.

I always felt bad because I played a cleric/enchanter so leaving a group or raid was always a big deal...if I was an Sk or something people would have been like, "no big deal man..."

Then again feeling needed and getting groups was a major upside to that also. lol
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Post by Animalor »

Diae Soulmender wrote:
Animalor wrote:I just think about xp grinding and I sour from any MMORPG urge I get.

Has worked extremely well in keeping me from getting back into EQ/DaoC and SWG.
ahhh... but dont you miss the comradeship?
I get all my comradeship from VV =p
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Post by Xyun »

masteen wrote:My uncle says smoking crack is pretty cool...
Your uncle is right.
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Post by Xzion »

I never saw EQ as an addiction but just something that required a shitload of time... I never felt "addicted" to EQ, but sometimes when i went out or something i felt bad when i was missing a raid like i was letting people down and i would be a "noob or gimp" since i didnt put as much effort in it, since the guild disbanded, i have had no urdge to log on all the fucking time and i havnt really logged on in a few months at all, Id say the entire guild scene is what took up all the time and maybe the "addiction"

but then again, i never smoked cigareetes or did/do any drugs besides pot and alchohol and i find neither of those addicting...
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Post by Kithyen »

If you experience shakes when you sit down at your computer, then my theory is right, and while we are all enjoying our adventures in the world of everquest, SOE is using advanced extraction techniques to remove our life essence (and replace it with much more sustaining substances such as heroin) and in turn use it to fuel the Resident Evil Zombies that are currently employed at their Customer Support Center (How else would you explain their level of customer service?)

On a more notsoretardednote, if you enjoy it, indulge yourself. Shell out the 70 bucks and start up again. There's nothing wrong with playing everquest, and if you got some time to kill, knock yourself out.

However, if you can't balance your everquest playing with real life (Like a lot of people out there) then you should probably stay away, head to the nearest drug users anonymous, and state that you are addicted to evercrack (Make sure to use your ingame name so they take you seriously). This may cause ridicule, screams, random objects being thrown in your general direction, people sobbing endlessly and pounding their heads against walls and Bob Saget standing up in the middle of it all, stating that he sucked dick to get cocaine and that you never had to suck dick to get evercrack.
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Post by Adex_Xeda »

VV is EQ's nicotine patch!

It helped me quit the game while not losing contact with the people.
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Post by Korell »

I just think about the time I would spend watching TV or some such...

EQ > TV.

Just change TV time to EQ time. ATM, I am out of school and moving so I can't really get a job. Nothing much to do here till I move cept play the EQ. *shrug*
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Post by Ebumar »

Every time you go to install EQ, hit yourself in the balls really quick and be sure to suprise yourself. It will keep you from it. Kind of like training a puppy...
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Post by Taly »

How bout finding a new game to play that doesn't involve many hours to get anywhere.

Try UNREAL!!!! :twisted:
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Post by Forthe »

Well I'm back 3 weeks now after 6 months away. Having OMGIAMRETARDEDCAUSEALOTISTWOWORDS of fun aside from that fucking backflagging.

Still need MM and Bert\priest cycle PST!

Edit: lol a lot
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Re: The addiction just will not go away

Post by Penlog »

Mezzmor wrote:It's sad really. I quit EQ, severed all my ties to the game, went back to school and everything was going great.

Then I got a 3 week break between terms in school.

Now I am jonesing more than ever for EQ. I almost get the shakes when I sit down at my computer.

Even returning to school hasn't solved the problem.

Should I a) just say fuck it, succumb to it and go out and blast another 70.00 in EQ software and just play, or b) start a support group?
I say you take the 70 dollars, go find a pretty girl, take her out, spend the whole 70 dollars on her, and hopefully get lucky. What the hell ya know? Everquest cant pleasure you in that way... lol...
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Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

I already have a wife, never sold my account, get a good solid connection while my other machines download and burn porn, and I refuse to watch TV since every goddamn channel is nothing but fucking retards on a reality show that sucks. Thanks TV producers, you have driven me to EQ. You may all write letters to the stations to complain now.
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Post by Chidoro »

Wow, people have a lot of issues heh.

I forget how much free time I used to have when I started playing. One courting/wedding/marriage/condo later and the time is shot. Kind of sucks being only 62 and seeing exactly jack and shit of the high end game from velious on AND being behind the curve every step of the way(min lev 65, NO GUILD FOR YOU), but my life nw beats the shit out of what it was four years ago.

Funny, before I started playing EQ, I was playing Go on IGN (international go network) and was actually getting pretty good. Can't imagine how well I'd be playing today but at least I have a Windblade!11!1
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Post by Melrin_Specclaster »

And flags, dont forget the flags.

As for playing, I say play if it calls you. But I'm a gamer, have been since I was 2 or 3. Sometimes the games are in control, sometimes you are.
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Post by Paruhdox »

Fuck all Sony games.

-my 2cents
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Post by Lor »

Bubba Grizz wrote:Or you could sell your accounts and then no one would want you back. You become outcast even to close friends.

Then they aren't really your friends Grizz, if they let a game come between you... FUCK 'EM
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Post by Paruhdox »

Lor wrote:
Bubba Grizz wrote:Or you could sell your accounts and then no one would want you back. You become outcast even to close friends.

Then they aren't really your friends Grizz, if they let a game come between you... FUCK 'EM
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Post by Ninan »

omg Kilmoll you are back !!
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Post by Xendax »

I felt all nostalgic when Grizz trained my cleric a couple of weeks ago.

Of course, it just wasn't the same knowing it wasn't the real Grizz, but some ebay fucktard.
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Post by Bubba Grizz »

Xendax wrote:I felt all nostalgic when Grizz trained my cleric a couple of weeks ago.

Of course, it just wasn't the same knowing it wasn't the real Grizz, but some ebay fucktard.
You know I would never train you...well not intentionally. :twisted:

I am surprised that my old characters are still being used. Well, at least that particular one.

Miss you guys but not enough to play EQ again. :wink:
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