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Posted: January 10, 2003, 11:20 pm
by Winnow
kyoukan type-R wrote:what the fuck is the matter with you are you pretending to be stupid in order to get into fights with people?

I'm just under 5 feet tall. I don't go around calling people who are 5'6 tall because 5'6 is not a tall person. People on the internet don't know how tall I am and even if they did, calling somebody tall in relation to myself makes no sense because people have no frame of reference.

You can't seriously be this dumb.
Moron, I did give a frame of reference. What is it with you and facts? This has nothing to do with the average height of the world population.

Posted: January 11, 2003, 1:29 am
by Shaerra
Millie wrote:
Shaerra wrote:
Millie wrote:Trying to make sense of a Winnow post is an exercise in futility.
Then thank Winnow for providing you the only exercise you've seen in years.

I've probably seen more exercise in the last few years than you've seen in your lifetime.
On the contrary, I go to Football, Hockey, Basketball and Baseball games all the time...PLUS I watch soccer, if it's on the Spanish channel. I just love it when someone scores and the guy says "GOOOAAAAALLLLLL!!!!" like 10 times. Oh, and I watch boxing. Meanwhile, you're just running around in a circle.

As you can see, I've seen more excercise than you.

No need to apologize. I forgive you.


Posted: January 11, 2003, 1:41 am
by Keverian FireCry
wtf is with all the total bitches who play eq?

Posted: January 11, 2003, 1:57 am
by Millie
Shaerra, before you go on making a total idiot of yourself for the third time in a major thread, consider the following advise:

a) Nobody here cares.
b) Nobody here cares.
c) Why are you wasting your time trolling here, when you could be out playing "football, hockey, basketball, and baseball games all the time?"

Seriously, you were on a roll for about a week there. You went a whole week without trying your hand at some half-assed flame attempt that would only end up backfiring on you and making VV realize what a complete dipshit you are. I have faith in you; go for a second week. Don't fall off the wagon here.

Posted: January 11, 2003, 2:00 am
by Xouqoa
All of the Avril avatars are vary confusing.

Posted: January 11, 2003, 2:02 am
by Millie
Xouqoa wrote:All of the Avril avatars are vary confusing.
Yeah, apparently it's the latest craze for the board's two most clinically braindead posters to rip off my oh-so-l33t avatar. What can I say? It hurts being this trendy.

Posted: January 11, 2003, 3:38 am
by Abelard
which one is the real millie!

Posted: January 11, 2003, 7:15 am
by Samoseus
Bruce Lee vs Ali

Both in their prime...i'd have to go with Bruce lee. He was a martial artist long before he brought it to the big screen in Enter the Dragon or Game of Death. Or even on tv as Kato in the green hornet. He fought in a famous tournament in Long Beach and made waves in many places with what he did that day...

Not just having killer fists of fury, Bruce Lee's entire body was a living weapon. Hands, feet, knees, elbows, fingers, forhead, etc.

If you break a boxer's hands or wrists then he is in bad trouble. Break a martial artist's hands and he will still be a very dangerous opponent that can still strike a critical point on you effectively with another part of his body.

Either way, whichever side you do choose they are both legendary fighters in their fields.

As for the most deadly fighting art? In my view it would have to be the ancient art of "girlgonnakickyourass fu"

I remember one night my lady thought some girl was calling the house LOL We went at it then I made the mistake of calling her a "bitch"

Man! she transformed into a living weapon when I called her that. I saw flames coming out of her ears and her eyes turned red like blood. LOL

My lady then started picking up picture frames and glasses and was throwing them at me like shurikens of death. LOLOLOL

My lady finally ran to the kitchen before I could stop her and grabbed a frying pan like it was samurai sword and was swinging it at my head. I did the boxing rope-a-dope...but didnt work. I even tried that move Keanu Reeves did in the Matrix but suddenly saw blackness...

All I remember afterwards was little cuckoo birds twirling around my head and her screaming like the devil in my ears as she was tossing my clothes outside. LOLOLOL

Oh man...i need a drink...lololol


Posted: January 11, 2003, 9:04 am
by Drolgin Steingrinder

Posted: January 11, 2003, 9:24 am
by kyoukan

Posted: January 11, 2003, 1:51 pm
by Winnow
Millie wrote:Shaerra, before you go on making a total idiot of yourself for the third time in a major thread, consider the following advise:

a) Nobody here cares.
b) Nobody here cares.
c) Why are you wasting your time trolling here, when you could be out playing "football, hockey, basketball, and baseball games all the time?"

Seriously, you were on a roll for about a week there. You went a whole week without trying your hand at some half-assed flame attempt that would only end up backfiring on you and making VV realize what a complete dipshit you are. I have faith in you; go for a second week. Don't fall off the wagon here.
I want to change my vote to millie! Speak for yourself you annoying pos. Why does every fucking post of yours have to be "everyone along with me" "all of the people" "the VV community condems this"..STFU or speak for yourself.

I seriously can't stand people that don't have the balls or ovaries to speak for themselves and resort to using the grouping method. Shaerra blows you away in that department. She may take some heat for her opinions. They may not be as refined and boring as yours but I respect that over your "well 57 percent of the people dislike you so there!" ghey approach to posting. To ease your mind and maybe have you STFU, if 100 percent of the people didn't "like" me I'd still offer my own opinion.

As for shaerra, she roasted someones personal picture and that wasn't the best thing to do but apologized for it. The rest of her flames you need to deal with and not keep spouting off about what other people think.

INC Millie response:
1. nobody cares
2. 12 people on another post agreed with me
3. you're, um, braindead and your mother wears combat boots so there!

Posted: January 11, 2003, 6:29 pm
by Kwonryu DragonFist
Bruce was also known (back in the day) for having a much stronger sidekick than anyone thought was possible at that weight, due to using great technique and using his whole body in the movement.

It would depend on the rules of course, in a straight up boxing match i believe Ali would have won, but if you were allowed to use all options available, Lee would have won.

In Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do you can do a fingerjab to the eyes, kick a persons kneecap, throw him, grapple, groundfighting etc.

You have many options in JKD, more than in Boxing.

Hands, Elbows, Knees, Feet, Headbutts etc for striking and throwing and grappling techniques.

Bruce also had very good stopkicks with good timing and range.

Its all about timing and reflexes.

Anyone can be knocked out by a well placed blow in a match.


And for the Gracie lovers, remember that Sakuraba "Gracie Hunter" defeated the active Gracies but then got defeated himself by Vanderlei Silva! )

No one is unbeatable! There is always someone hungrier.

Gordiken and Shaerra, do not be overconfident in the Gracies, they seemes unbeatable in the day, but not nowadays! )

Royce lost to Sakuraba.

Renzo has lost not only to Sakuraba but to Henderson and Shungo Oyama as well!

Royler lost to Sakuraba.

Royler and Sakuraba gettin cozy.


Its fun to see that this debate still lives, we will never know and can just speculate without coming to any conclusion.

I think it was '83 when we debated Lee VS Ali the first time.

Fellow 1 "Well, if Ali connected, im sure Bruce would be knocked out!"

Fellow 2 "Well thats IF he connects! Bruce Lee wouldnt get hit before he knocked Ali out!"

etc etc etc

Posted: January 11, 2003, 7:28 pm
by Abelard
Could it be, did winnow own millie?!

Posted: January 12, 2003, 12:26 am
by Millie
Winnow wrote: Speak for yourself you annoying pos. Why does every fucking post of yours have to be "everyone along with me" "all of the people" "the VV community condems this"..STFU or speak for yourself.

I seriously can't stand people that don't have the balls or ovaries to speak for themselves and resort to using the grouping method. Shaerra blows you away in that department. She may take some heat for her opinions. They may not be as refined and boring as yours but I respect that over your "well 57 percent of the people dislike you so there!" ghey approach to posting. To ease your mind and maybe have you STFU, if 100 percent of the people didn't "like" me I'd still offer my own opinion.

As for shaerra, she roasted someones personal picture and that wasn't the best thing to do but apologized for it. The rest of her flames you need to deal with and not keep spouting off about what other people think.
I don't have the balls to speak for myself? Listen, you degenerate Rain Man wannabe. YOU are so annoying that you have alienated yourself from the good majority of this board. My stating that is a fact, not some sort of cop-out tactic to avoid stating how I feel about you. I've told you 100,000 times how I feel about your braindead, meaningless, perplexingly meandering posts on this board; my backing that up by pointing out that EVERYONE feels the same is simply trying to give you a hint. The hint: you should shut the fuck up for once. I'm stating that not just I, but indeed quite a few people, are tired of your shit. If you're too fucking stupid to get that through your head, than I don't know what else to tell you. Just go the fuck away and end this already. Or start posting with some semblance of intelligence and stop trying to flame-bait people smarter than yourself, and perhaps you'll be more well liked. Perhaps.

As for Shaerra, she made some idiotic comment about my exercise habits, completely uninformed as to my life. I called her out for being a moron, and she responded even more moronically. I'm sorry if the two of you seem to be enjoying some sort of idiot solidarity, but that doesn't make either of you the slightest bit more tolerable.

If you think for a second that you've done anything on this board worthy of anything other than disgust or pity, you're dead wrong. You are a troll at best, and a complete idiot at worst. Realize that fact before you open your mouth next time.
Abelard wrote:Could it be, did winnow own millie?!
The odds of that ever happening are slimmer than Calista Flockheart's waistline.

Posted: January 12, 2003, 3:54 am
by Xzion
1st thread i started turns into a uber 3-way flame thread
damn im cool

Posted: January 12, 2003, 4:30 am
by Masekle
I cant believe so many people picked bruce lee. Has anyone ever seen lee fight with gloves on? Thats gonna reduce a whole lot of eye gouging ear poking tactics. How many cartwheels can you do in a 16" square? Being given a notice of the bout and 6 months to prepare what chance would he have? THink about it how many times has anyone ever seen Bruce lee in trouble on the ropes, cut and tired from 30 minutes of an onslaught from a 250 pound 6 foot 6inch monster. How many gold medals has bruce lee won. Exhibition and movies in a controlled environment brings "GOD" status to a person that has never fought proffesionally in a ring against a worthy opponent?

I am not saying that Bruce Lee isnt a "king" in his environment, but he could NEVER stand up against ALI in his =)

Posted: January 12, 2003, 4:34 am
by Kwonryu DragonFist
Is the brawl supposed to be in a ring and using gloves?

That isnt clear.

No rules and no eye gouging and hair pulling were the only limitations i think.

No timed rounds.

Posted: January 12, 2003, 4:36 am
by Masekle
How can it be considered a fight if there is no referee no fence. I am sure bruce could just run his opponent into the ground lol.

Posted: January 12, 2003, 4:39 am
by Masekle
Every fighting sport has a perimeter. Or is it well last I saw Ali was headed south at a hearty pace closely followed by B Lee updates to follow

Posted: January 12, 2003, 6:58 am
by Winnow
Millie wrote:
Abelard wrote:Could it be, did winnow own millie?!
The odds of that ever happening are slimmer than Calista Flockheart's waistline.
Browsing through your response, all you did was re-emphasize your ability to tell me what everyone thinks of me. First, I don't care jackass. Second, you proved my point. Stick to your own material...wait, you have none... and quit playing some sort of know it all that's trying to mentor others on this message board about proper posting. If we were all like you, this board would be a very dull place....there...happy? I used we...damn I'm grouping everyone in an attempt to help make my point....I feel much better though now that I have my imaginary friends on my side. Freak.

Posted: January 12, 2003, 7:11 am
by Millie
Winnow wrote:Browsing through your response, all you did was re-emphasize your ability to tell me what everyone thinks of me. First, I don't care jackass. Second, you proved my point. Stick to your own material...wait, you have none... and quit playing some sort of know it all that's trying to mentor others on this message board about proper posting. If we were all like you, this board would be a very dull place....there...happy? I used we...damn I'm grouping everyone in an attempt to help make my point....I feel much better though now that I have my imaginary friends on my side. Freak.
Material? I wasn't aware one needed "material" to respond to your latest brain farts. This isn't stand-up comedy, Winnow; we don't use routines here (though I know you're still bitter that your much-practiced Avril routine failed to win the public acclaim and laughter you must have thought it would).

I don't pretend to lecture anyone here on how to post. My conversations with you, historically, have been little more than responses to your various and completely inept attempts to flame me, be controversial, or ruffle feathers with your oh-so-incoherent blather. You attack me; I respond by pointing out how you're a moron. It's that simple. It's the dance you and I have been doing ever since you decided to register and be an ass on these forums long ago. I get tired of it now and then, but apparently you never do.

And for the final time, the only reason I ever group people into one Winnow-hating unit is because it's fucking true. When I say everyone hates you, I'm not just saying it for effect. I'm saying it because, well, damn near everyone on this board hates your guts, and has told you so repeatedly. Therefore, I'm entirely justified in stating as much. I'm sorry that's a hard concept for you to grasp, but apparently "grasping old concepts" wasn't your forte as a developing child.

If you actually posted something with substance, and stopped trying to flame-bait me every chance you got, you and I wouldn't be in this mess to begin with. It's sad that you will never understand that, and instead opt for being an idiot ever more. Ignorance must be bliss, I guess. Thankfully, so is Ignore -- which you're back on, by the way. Grats you.

Posted: January 12, 2003, 7:20 am
by Winnow
Sweet leaping jesus! I'm an atheist but I'll pray to god that I stay on your ignore list if it helps on this one.

Posted: January 12, 2003, 9:00 am
by Masekle
By age 18 Clay had amassed a record of 108 wins and 8 losses in amateur competition. This included six Kentucky Golden Gloves titles, the 1959 International Golden Gloves heavyweight title, and a gold medal as the light heavyweight champion at the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome, Italy. He retired with a professional record of 56 wins (37 by knockout) and 5 losses. He retired and Regained his world title THREE TIMES

Bruce Lee on the other hand was born in 1940. HE first appeared in a controlled environment at the age of six. (a movie)He appeared in 20 more movies. He didnt start Martial Arts training untill the age of 13. in 1958 his first tropy at the age of 18, was a win at the Crown Colony Cha-Cha championship. He never won or even competed in ANY national sanctioned event. He died in 1973

How anyone can even imagine Bruce Lee standing a chance against Ali never ceases to amaze me. I am not saying I think Bruce was a punk I am just stating fact. Bruce had his place, THE MOVIES. I guess more folks in our society, actually believe what they watch than we care to admit.

that is all =)

Posted: January 12, 2003, 10:01 am
by kyoukan
Masekle wrote:Bruce Lee on the other hand was born in 1940. HE first appeared in a controlled environment at the age of six. (a movie)He appeared in 20 more movies. He didnt start Martial Arts training untill the age of 13. in 1958 his first tropy at the age of 18, was a win at the Crown Colony Cha-Cha championship. He never won or even competed in ANY national sanctioned event. He died in 1973

I guess more folks in our society, actually believe what they watch than we care to admit.

that is all =)
Lee wasn't ALLOWED to participate in sanctioned martial arts events you stupid retard. Learn some fucking history.

Posted: January 12, 2003, 10:34 am
by Winnow
Masekle wrote: He retired with a professional record of 56 wins (37 by knockout) and 5 losses. He retired and Regained his world title THREE TIMES
He lost 5 times. He regained his title three times because he LOST it...granted one of those was due to dodging the draft.

Posted: January 12, 2003, 10:48 am
by Kguku
My dad can beat up your dad.

Posted: January 12, 2003, 2:26 pm
by Masekle
(I love you too)

Posted: January 12, 2003, 5:34 pm
by Truant
my god was that english?

Posted: January 12, 2003, 6:32 pm
by miir
That made no sense whatsoever.

Posted: January 13, 2003, 12:58 am
by Kwonryu DragonFist
Masekle, Lee began training Martial Arts many years ago before starring in Martial Arts movies.

When he was young he participated in movies because his father was an actor. He had roles in several movies as a kid.

And as a teenager he did participate in Cha Cha contests )

But he also got involved in fights in Hong Kong and trained Wing Chun under the tutelage of Yip Man.

After that, Martial Arts became his way of life and trained to seek perfection and finally create his own style of fighting, Jeet Kune Do.

At first, he trained Boxing and Wing Chun, but tried other arts as well before finishing his own style JKD which have techniques from both Boxing, Wing Chun, Tae Kwon Do, KickBoxing among others.

No set stances like Karate, always adapting and using what is necessary.

Intuition is the Key!


In a normal Boxing match with timed rounds, boxing gloves etc i would guess Ali would have won since i believe Bruce would feel limited in that situation.

But if he could use all JKD's options like fists, elbows, knees, kicks, throws, grappling and groundfighting, i would guess Lee would have won.

I would assume he would have tried a kick to Ali's kneecap when Ali would rush in with a punch if timed correctly.

If you have seen JKD's StopKicks and angle of execution you will see the difference in range between a punch and a kick aimed at the lower gate(legs).

Merely an assumption and a speculation, we will never know will we )

What we can do is simulate it though!

How much height and weight difference was there between Ali and Lee?

What we could do to simulate it would be if i found a Boxer here with the same height and weight difference from me as Ali had from Lee.

I could then simulate Lee's JKD the best i could and do the things i thought Lee would have done.

But i am not Bruce Lee and the Boxer aint Ali, so its still a tough test.

Since i have no Cha Cha experience i would probably lose though.


A thing i always think about when comparing styles like this, is thinking of myself.

Would i be a better fighter merely by using my fists (Boxing) or by using my whole body (JKD)?

I would have longer range and many more options if i could use kicks, grappling etc.

You can compare styles and what they provide, but in this case we also have different type of fighters, both experts in their arts.

One taller, bigger fighter using his fists.

One smaller fighter using his whole body.

At first, one could say that the bigger fighter would win, but there are so many more factors to count.

One could also say that using just the fists is limiting but it has not to be that way either.

Is the smaller fighter using his size as an advantage or disadvantage?

This smaller fighter was also known for being much stronger than his size due to great skill and talent (the famous sidekick and one inch punch etc).

Which fighter had the best timing, reflexes? Which one would counter most accurate in combat?

Which one would make a mistake first and open his guard? Which one would take advantage of the mistakes first?

I would say anything could happen. Both are capable of knocking out his opponent and winning.

What i see though is that Lee have more options, Ali can only strike on the body and head while Lee can kick on all three gates, head, body and legs.

If they used JKD gloves, Lee could grapple. If they used Boxing gloves, grappling would be harder.

If Lee would take the fight to the mat (groundfighting), Lee would win.

If Ali landed his knockout punch through Lee's guard, Ali would win.

So many things can happen in a fight. Someone can slip, lose balance, make a miss , open himself and if the opponent seizes the opportunity, WHAM, game over.

I am sure this debate will continue in 20 years and more, i heard it first 1983 when we debated it without a conclusion.

What is good though, is that they both will live on as legends.

Bruce is talked about many years after his death, i e he made an impact on people.

Ali is talked about many years after his boxing career, i e he made an impact on people.

Both were good fighters and exponents of their arts.


If you want to know what Lee could have done in fighting back then Masekle, i suggest you contact Ted Wong! )

He trained with Bruce back in the day and lives in US nowadays.

Ted Wong is the main exponent of Bruce Lee's JKD and carries on his legacy.

He sometimes comes here to visit a friend of mine who is this areas representative for the JKD organization but since i am not active in JKD anymore i have not had time to talk to him recently.

But send him an email if you want more information about Jeet Kune Do and how it works against other styles like Boxing, TKD etc.




The Legends will live on!















Posted: January 13, 2003, 1:24 am
by Bigno
Bruce Lee...5'7"..135...Ali..6'3"..210 Just an FYI about heights and weights. That first pic looks kind of painful Kwon...heheh If that's a legal move Ali should at least be able to wear a stainless steel cod-piece.

Posted: January 13, 2003, 1:28 am
by Kwonryu DragonFist
Hehe im not making the rules, Xzion is! )

He made the poll!

Ask him about Steel cod pieces! :D

Posted: January 13, 2003, 7:12 am
by noel
If I were modding this forum, both Winnow and Shaerra would get a temp ban for stealing Millie's avatar. That was just fucking stupid.

I suppose, "If you can't win the argument, do something stupid." is your mantra?

Posted: January 13, 2003, 8:56 am
by Masekle
We will never really know who would win. Just pisses me off that so many people think Lee would win. Guess Ali shoulda made more movies.

I can say this... When Lee decided to make martial arts his forte. Ali had already won a gold medal in Olympic competition.

"JKD" relies on an opponent making a lot of mistakes and the user capitolising from them. Boxing is the same I suppose, you never know what your opponent is going to do at any given time. At his prime Ali was the best counter-puncher the sport had ever seen.

Ali proved his training. Can we say the same about Lee?

Posted: January 13, 2003, 9:00 am
by Cotto
Theres only ONE way this fight could ever be decided.

Celebrity Deathmatch.

Posted: January 13, 2003, 9:56 am
by Aabidano
Cotto wrote:Theres only ONE way this fight could ever be decided.

Celebrity Deathmatch.
Cha cha to the death?

Posted: January 13, 2003, 11:33 am
by vn_Tanc
"JKD" relies on an opponent making a lot of mistakes and the user capitolising from them
Bollocks does it.
You realise we're talking about Bruce Lee here not Steven fucking Segal, right?

Posted: January 13, 2003, 11:42 am
by Krimson Klaw
I love Bruce Lee. But. The only time I have seen a martial artist kick the crap out of someone was when their opponent was also a martial artist. Look at UFC. Grapplers > all. Pugilists like Tank Abbot usually own everyone, but typically a master grappler will win out. Really the only time a martial artist does good against a pugilist is when they resort to taking them to the floor to even the playing field. While this is a smart move, it always pisses me off. They introduce all of these 11th degree blackbelts in this, 100th degree black belt in that, 20 years martial arts experience etc etc. At this point you start to think *ok this guy is gonna tear some stuff up!* Till the fight starts....all of their skills go down the toilet in 10 seconds or less as they start fighting like street thugs with no skill, are taken to the floor, chocked out, or knocked out. ALWAYS leaves me saying WTF? Pit them against other martial artists and it's a pretty looking display, but against any other style fighter and they get raped.

Disagree? Ask yourself who the top cats are in sports like UFC. Not a 9th degree black belt in "Jeet-Ken-whatever".Grace, Tank, Severn, Shamrock. These guys are the elite of taking other human beings out fast, and with little exception, have no martial arts training. Grappling, brawling, wrestling...these are the weapons of choice for champions of these guys' caliber.

Posted: January 13, 2003, 12:06 pm
by Masekle
Yeah, just watched a biography on Mark Kerr lastnite. You are correct most champions at full contact fighting are indeed wrestlers. Skill doesnt mean much when your playing fish. The Japanese people didnt seem to mind, couldnt figure that one out

Posted: January 13, 2003, 12:39 pm
by Shaerra
Millie wrote:Shaerra, before you go on making a total idiot of yourself for the third time in a major thread, consider the following advise:

a) Nobody here cares.
b) Nobody here cares.
c) Why are you wasting your time trolling here, when you could be out playing "football, hockey, basketball, and baseball games all the time?"

Seriously, you were on a roll for about a week there. You went a whole week without trying your hand at some half-assed flame attempt that would only end up backfiring on you and making VV realize what a complete dipshit you are. I have faith in you; go for a second week. Don't fall off the wagon here.
Ummm... Millie, you need to calm down. I made a couple of jokes, not flames, jokes.
Shaerra wrote:
Millie wrote:
Shaerra wrote:
Millie wrote:Trying to make sense of a Winnow post is an exercise in futility.
Then thank Winnow for providing you the only exercise you've seen in years.

I've probably seen more exercise in the last few years than you've seen in your lifetime.
On the contrary, I go to Football, Hockey, Basketball and Baseball games all the time...PLUS I watch soccer, if it's on the Spanish channel. I just love it when someone scores and the guy says "GOOOAAAAALLLLLL!!!!" like 10 times. Oh, and I watch boxing. Meanwhile, you're just running around in a circle.

As you can see, I've seen more excercise than you.
You see that, Millie? That's humor. Jesus, take a chill pill. Your "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude is very annoying. :( I would bet I'm not alone in wishing that you would just grow up. Why do you think you're so much better than everyone else? The world doesn't revolve around Millie. Millie doesn't make the rules. Millie doesn't set the trends. Millie doesn't wow the public. The only thing Millie does is sit on a high horse with delusions of grandeur passing judgement on people to make up for Millie's own insecurity. I pity you, Millie. You're such a jaded person that people can't treat you like they treat everyone else. People have to handle Millie with kid gloves, lest they arouse the beast within.

Next time someone makes a joke, just laugh and go on, bitch.


Posted: January 13, 2003, 12:44 pm
by Shaerra
Masekle wrote:Yeah, just watched a biography on Mark Kerr lastnite. You are correct most champions at full contact fighting are indeed wrestlers.
Yeah, I saw that last night too... And OUCH!

BTW, was it Royce Gracie that I saw in that tournament at the end? It looked like him to me, but may have been a relative. Anyway, the statement made earlier is 100% correct, when grappling was relatively new as a full contact style, it ruled all. Once people saw that grapplers were owning all, they trained in grappling. Now that everyone is grappling, other factors have become more important.


Posted: January 13, 2003, 12:47 pm
by Krimson Klaw
Shaerra wrote:Millie doesn't make the rules. Millie doesn't set the trends. Millie doesn't wow the public.
I disagree with Millie 99% of the time, but here I beg to differ.

Posted: January 13, 2003, 1:07 pm
by Sylvos
Thank you, for making me waste 11 minutes of my life reading this thread.

Posted: January 13, 2003, 1:30 pm
by Winnow
Aranuil wrote:If I were modding this forum, both Winnow and Shaerra would get a temp ban for stealing Millie's avatar. That was just fucking stupid.

I suppose, "If you can't win the argument, do something stupid." is your mantra?

teh sacred avatars have been mocked! It's an unwritten don't steal another Vaulter's avatar damnit!

Posted: January 13, 2003, 2:38 pm
by Shaerra
Aranuil wrote:If I were modding this forum, both Winnow and Shaerra would get a temp ban for stealing Millie's avatar. That was just fucking stupid.
If, in your opinion, using someone else's avatar is grounds for banning I think it's a damned good thing you're not a mod.
Aranuil wrote:I suppose, "If you can't win the argument, do something stupid." is your mantra?
Yes, Aranuil. I was trying to win an argument. Anyone who reads my posts on this thread can tell that I'm hell-bent on winning my argument. :(


Posted: January 13, 2003, 2:50 pm
by Canelek
They would both kneel to the power of Junkyard Dog!



Posted: January 13, 2003, 3:12 pm
by Winnow
Canelek wrote:They would both kneel to the power of Junkyard Dog!

Nay! Bruce Lee would have the edge because the movie part of his career was choreographed just like pro wrestling! After junkyard bounced off of two sides of the ring ropes gaining speed for his overhand chop to the adams apple move, Bruce would easily sidestep it, punch JYD in the kidney and have time for his patented slow motion pose and deathstrike cry after the hit as JYD climbed up to the top ropes in the corner of the ring for his next flying attack.

I can't say Lee would win for sure though as any well placed flop by a 250+ man from the top ropes that directly hits an unsuspecting person in the center of the ring could take them out :D

Posted: January 13, 2003, 3:21 pm
by Canelek
But did Bruce have the all-fours headbut? I think not ;)

Posted: January 13, 2003, 3:35 pm
by noel
Shaerra wrote:
Aranuil wrote:If I were modding this forum, both Winnow and Shaerra would get a temp ban for stealing Millie's avatar. That was just fucking stupid.
If, in your opinion, using someone else's avatar is grounds for banning I think it's a damned good thing you're not a mod.
Temp ban/warning. Sorry, it was just a weak move in my opinion. It's nothing personal.

Posted: January 13, 2003, 3:38 pm
by Shaerra
Aranuil wrote:
Shaerra wrote:
Aranuil wrote:If I were modding this forum, both Winnow and Shaerra would get a temp ban for stealing Millie's avatar. That was just fucking stupid.
If, in your opinion, using someone else's avatar is grounds for banning I think it's a damned good thing you're not a mod.
Temp ban/warning. Sorry, it was just a weak move in my opinion. It's nothing personal.
Must steal...Aranuil's avatar... :)