Scalpers Suck!

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Scalpers Suck!

Post by Xyphir »

After failing to get tickets to the World Series in Denver, I've come to the conclusion that the only way I'm going to go is if I pony up and buy tickets from a scalper. I have serious reservations about doing this, and am more apt to sit and watch the game at home or at a local pub than line some "ticket brokers" pocket. It sickens me the way the Rockies management went about selling tickets. On one hand, I understand going online only, but to do so after initially telling fans there would be a lottery system stinks. I was ready to break out my blanket and camp out in line for tickets, but instead those tickets will likely end up in the hands of someone who will just turn around and sell them for profit. I understand how capitalism works. I was an economics major, but keep your petty make-it-rich-quick schemes away from my sports and musical interests! I was sickened to learn that they only had about 15,000 tickets to sell for each game in a venue that accomodates over 50,000. As it stands, I know of no one in Denver who actually got tickets that tried this morning.
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Re: Scalpers Suck!

Post by Soreali »

not sure if you heard about it or not but they're starting to sell tickets again...apparently their computers crashed or something....try again!

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Re: Scalpers Suck!

Post by Xyphir »

I tried for several hours. I had my wife trying as well from home, and no luck. I'm still just flabberghasted that they sold all tickets online. They originially had planned for tickets to be sold through a lottery at the box office and backed off, saying this was the best way to get tickets to "fans". What a crock of shit. To top it off, the husband of one of my co-workers got tickets and she's excited to go so she can eat the crappy food they have there. It's her first game all season. Due to this craptacular method for distributing tickets, I may not be renewing my ticket package next year. Right. Who am I kidding... :(

Oh well... GO Rockies. And Fuck Scalpers!
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