Warning about the character Narayen

No holds barred discussion. Someone train you and steal your rare spawn? Let everyone know all about it! (Not for the faint of heart!)

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Warning about the character Narayen

Post by Aaeamdar »

A quick note. This is not a sympathy post for my guildmate, it is a warning post for for guilds that Narayen might recruit to. When you do not make a character from scratch, you run certain risks. So while I personally feel bad for my guildmate, I do not expect others to empathize with him. I just want to do what I can to make sure that the character Narayen is not guilded with a respectable guild.

Essentially the original owner of Narayen quit the game over two years ago with a sub-60 poorly equiped Cleric. When he quit, he gave the character to anotehr guildmate of mine. That guildmate played nara as a bot. However, when a different guildmate of our decided to stop playing his monk (about a year ago) and started leveling up a Cleric from scratch, he was offered this bot as his main. He took the offer and has been playing it ever since.

Yesterday, the original owner of Narayen decided to take it back and steal all of the time invested in Narayen over the last year (A now level 65 Cleric with 100+ AAs a VT Key and mulitple PoP flags).

Again, not expecting you to cry a river over my guildmate's situation, I just wanted you to know what sort of person you will be taking in should Narayen come recruiting to your guild.
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Post by Pahreyia »

teh suck.
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Post by Letania »

Uhm, Mecha-Tormax?

Or am I thinking of the wrong jackass?
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Post by emmer »

Bratly = Mecha Tormax
Xerexs = Mecha Thule
Narayen = Mecha Lecha High Mecha Heine Ho
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Post by Ransure »

He will be trained at any oportunity.....

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Post by Janx »

emmer wrote:Bratly = Mecha Tormax
Xerexs = Mecha Thule
Narayen = Mecha Lecha High Mecha Heine Ho
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Post by Xzion »

bratly cost me my godamn boots that time, since i was hitching a raid w/ them for the faction and he was in my godamn guild! /siigh
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Post by Tegellan »

Narayen was a member of CoE back in the day, he was always the suck.
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Post by Vaemas »

Like Tegellan said, Narayen is an ex-CoE character, gimp of the first level, and idiot who posts innane drivel to the FoH boards (unless he recently wised up or ended up banned). That he took his account back does not surprise me in the least.

Maybe if you /petition SoE or email them, they'll ban the account for being shared. :twisted:
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Post by Fesuni Chopsui »

Omg :(
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Post by Aslanna »

eBay is the devil!

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Post by aristat »

ack :(
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Post by Taly »

Dam sorry to hear =(
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Post by Vetiria »

Same thing Yanadin did.
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Post by Siji »

This is the sole reason I'm too afraid to buy an account to fiddle with for fun, since the thought of leveling up again sounds about as much fun as goopy diarriah being chugged directly from fat bastards arse.
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Post by Aslanna »

Siji wrote:This is the sole reason I'm too afraid to buy an account to fiddle with for fun, since the thought of leveling up again sounds about as much fun as goopy diarriah being chugged directly from fat bastards arse.
Are you kidding? You practically get a level 25 equipped character out of the box these days! Can't take that long for those remaining 40 levels!
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Post by Narayen »

I'm not expecting any of you to care about what I have to say, but I'm saying this.

I gave Xadion access to my account because I didn't want my character to go to waste. I had one stipulation, though, that I <i>was</i> coming back. I always told Xadion that I was coming back and he knew that. He would admit to that. When I finally did come back I was shocked that Xadion gave my character away but he did the honorable thing and got it back for me.

I never once told Xadion that I was never coming back and that my character was his, he simply forgot about our agreement and gave my character away. The fact that the character gained a few levels and got some loot wasn't any concern of mine. If you email SoE and try to get my account cancelled then that's your choice, I guess. I'm not going to play very much if at all anyway.

I never even spoke with Aaeamdar(sp?) before he posted this. Xadion told me everything was fine except that the GL was angry.

You can start a big shit throwing contest about trash-talking me if you want, I really don't care.
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Post by Spankes »

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Post by Keverian FireCry »

Aye. He was in CoE for a little while, mostly as an app if I remember, and finally when he got in he played a bit and quit. Lets see he joined around burrower, and quit before Shei...Maybe a month or 2? He seemed cool at first but then he bitched about loot OMGIAMRETARDEDCAUSEALOTISTWOWORDS and was just immature and hmm loud?
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Post by Pahreyia »

You know Nara, you could have talked to someone before you yanked the account back.. At least then there would have been some sort of understanding.. You brought this hate on yourself.
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Post by Hammerstalker PE »

So you dumb fuck you took the account back for what reason??? You admit that you will rarely play it if at all so what the fuck is the point? Sounds to me like you are a complete asshole that just wants to ruin other peoples fun and steal the time that was invested in building Narayen.
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Post by kyoukan »

Hammerstalker PE wrote:So you dumb fuck you took the account back for what reason???
because it was his. do you always have problems following simplistic notions like personal ownership?

should have changed the password. 8)
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Post by vippa_valhall »

sounds like a typical circle of eternity member to me ~

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Post by Melrin_Specclaster »

First off I think Aaeamdar is an ass-clown, even if I didnt I don't see the fault of the person taking their account back. If they sold it, you'd have an argument. Oh no, you lost a VT key! Come on, this coming from somebody that buys characters off playerauctions, then you come here and talk how taking over a character makes you crappy. No, being crappy makes you crappy, a good player can play almost any class well. So somebody else played the account for a while and the original owner took it back. Cry me a river and go fuck yourself.

In fact, most of the people bitching about somebody taking THEIR account back here are dumbasses. You want a no risk character, level the damn thing from scratch yourself. If you're not bright enough to realize that someday the character you're playing may be taken back by the owner who created them, then a good kick in the nuts may do you some good.
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Post by Proctus »

Then the right thing to do is report the account and get it banned. Yeah let's do that and appease Melrin's unsympathetic attitude =p
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Post by Narayen »

Let me purpose a diagram to help you understand my process of thinking.

<img src="http://members.cox.net/narayen/care.gif">

As you can see, on the bottom we have things I really don't care about; I really don't care about baseball, and it doesn't matter to me if my friend asks this girl out, it makes no difference in my life and I don't care.

Up a little further on the "I care" shaft we've got 'Someone else playing Narayen with my permission, me knowing I'll get him back.' This is the level I moved to after I ran out of time with which to play EverQuest, 8 months ago. It was acceptable that someone else would play my character as long as they have full and complete knowledge that I'm coming back for it, the day <i>will</i> come. And such intentions were made known to Xadion when I handed him the character. Such is the impression I was under for these 8 months.

Let's skip up one, to 'My account is cancelled by a bunch of babies.' I argued with myself over using the word 'babies,' because that is a fighting word, and I didn't want to stoop that low, but what would you be if you snuck into SoE's bedroom and whispered into their ear that I was... what, the real owner of the account? You'd have to tell them that I <i>used</i> to let someone else have access. I can understand if Xadion did it, I can understand if Sarlen did it, because they're directly affected by this. But both of them are fine about it, both of them don't care. The question I'm left with is, Why does Aaeamdar care? The only answer I can muster is, Because he sees his guildmembers as objects, and as such with the reaquisition of my character, he has lost an object. His guild members are property to him, but for that I really don't care. However, some random people from VV who heard about this situation but are affected by it in no way at all calling SoE and telling them to cancel my account because I let someone have access is so childish. Do you think I'm saying this just because I don't want you to get my account cancelled? Nah. I've come to the realization that I probably won't end up playing Narayen at all. I just think it's bullshit that you choose to include yourself in such a way. Some random 3rd party person calling SoE and shining light on a situation they probably already knew about but choose to ignore? Well frankly you'd be such a faggot that the prospect of losing my character I never play wouldn't really be that much of a loss in the face of the fact that you'd be a fucking gimp for the rest of your life, and you'd know it, because only a gimp would get themselves involved like that.

And finally, the thing that I care most about, the thing that I want <i>least</i>, is 'Narayen is not controlled by me and can never be played by me again.' If this were ever the case then I would make every attempt at getting my account back, wouldn't you? You were under the impression that your friend was using your account as a heal/rez bitch, never playing him really, that was the agreement, but then you come back and see that he's given your character away? When I realized this was the case, I made every effort to get Narayen back and you're a liar if you say you wouldn't do the same. You'd have reason to argue if Xadion and I never made any agreement, but it was for just this reason that we made such an agreement. ~<i>I'm sorry</i>~ if he forgot about it.

And finally inferences. You can infer that if you were indeed to get my account cancelled I would still succeed. I would rather my account be cancelled than not in my hands without my permission. Having someone else being in control of my hard work and my character full time, without me ever having access again? A prospect I was never very comfortable with. Which is, once again, the reason I made the agreement with Xadion.
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Post by Hammerstalker PE »

Narayen Wrote:
I gave Xadion access to my account because I didn't want my character to go to waste.
If you email SoE and try to get my account cancelled then that's your choice, I guess. I'm not going to play very much if at all anyway.
So to enlighten Kyoukan. On one hand he says he gave the account to Xadion because he didn't want the character to go to waste. Then he says I'm not going to play much if at all anyway. So again I ask why the fuck did he take the account back? Seems to be a very reasonable question given what he stated. I know you now agree with me Kyoukan so just keep the apology to yourself thx.
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Post by cid »

Hey Hammer,

You cocksukin guild hopin bitch, change your name!

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Post by kyoukan »

I vote for Hammerstalker-cocksukin guild hopin bitch

or the oft-mentioned hammerfag
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Post by Narayen »

Hammerstalker PE wrote:On one hand he says he gave the account to Xadion because he didn't want the character to go to waste. Then he says I'm not going to play much if at all anyway. So again I ask why the fuck did he take the account back? Seems to be a very reasonable question given what he stated.
As I stated, I took my account back when I realized that Xadion gave it away, not a moment later, because I saw that I was losing the ability to reobtain my character, and that never should've happened, and it never would've if Xadion haden't forgotten.
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Post by Hammerstalker PE »

Or the ever loved Kyoucunt, or the K you cunt. Oh and Cid the PE stands for anything you like except Primus Exodus ok?
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Post by kyoukan »

rofl dude you totally owned me
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Post by Taly »

Narayen wrote: Having someone else being in control of my hard work and my character full time, without me ever having access again?
Actually the higher lvls, AA's, keys and flaggings are OMGIAMRETARDEDCAUSEALOTISTWOWORDS harder work then you lvling him to 53 or 54 whatever it was. So whoever played him put in OMGIAMRETARDEDCAUSEALOTISTWOWORDS more work and effort. Perhaps an agreenment on the account if u know who it is playing him since you are not going to play him often as long as u know it isnt going anywhere else.

YEAH my spelling sucks i don't care.
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Post by Lynxe »

Don't know Narayen from a hole in the ground but if:

- he never wanted to loose the account.
- he agreed to let his friend use his character as a rez bitch.
- he came back and the friend had given his account away.

How often he plays and what that character might have done since then is moot if they should never have had the account in the first place. It isn't like he sold the account and reclaimed it, his "friend" knew the owner had no intention of getting rid of his account and therefore it wasn't his to give away. If it was my character and I wanted to play again I'd be mad as hell and I'd take it back too.

Sucks for the guy who put effort into the character but that is no reason to expect the owner to give up his account.
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Post by Aabidano »

Lynxe wrote:It isn't like he sold the account and reclaimed it
And that never happens :roll:

It really doesn't matter what you do, change passwords, billing info, etc.., the original account holder can always get the account back if they want it.

If you're at all concerned about losing a character, level it yourself. It's not like it takes a lot of time to get to 65.
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Post by Siji »

First off I think Aaeamdar is an ass-clown

PS: Regardless of what you may think, nobody is going to get the account banned for what happened. If he's got the CD keys, he's the original owner, and can prove it enough for SOE to have changed the password so that he could get it back - it's his and that's all they care about. SOE isn't on the 'find account traders' bandwagon like they used to be. They're just happy people still give em' money.
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Post by Lynxe »

Lynxe wrote:
It isn't like he sold the account and reclaimed it
And that never happens
I didn't say it never happened, I said it isn't what happened here. Narayen isn't wrong in wanting his character back if he never gave it away IMHO.
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Post by Hammerstalker PE »

His original reason for giving it away was he didn't want it to go to waste. Now he says he will rarely if ever play. W A S T E D! hrmm....
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Post by Pahreyia »

It's still a hell of a thing to do to your friends... "thanks for the hard work" I certainly will appreciate it when I take it back, detag and go join someone else.
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Post by Hammerstalker PE »

Just like everyday Kyoukan /shrug
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Post by Xyun »

His original reason for giving it away was he didn't want it to go to waste. Now he says he will rarely if ever play. W A S T E D! hrmm....
WTF is wrong with your brain? Do you not understand the concept of ownership? He can make a lvl 10 frog and spend all his time in upper guk because...


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Post by Proctus »

It's a wonder why everyone's reading comprehension is restricted to the simple fact that this account is his. I'm sure if you read Dar's post you realize that Dar pointed out that he knows this and the person was accepting certain "Risks" when he took over the account. While you most certainly don't have to empathize with this person, you do have to recognize the morality of the "Old" Narayan taking over the account.

Let's suppose that Xadion actually did use the account instead of giving it away. Wouldn't his friend have told him beforehand "Yo, I'm bored and I think I'm coming back to EQ". Maybe this would have been the better way to come back, and maybe the original Narayan wouldn't mind compensating Xadion for the time/effort he put into the char. I'm pretty sure the old Narayan wasn't PAYING for the account, so let's not even consider that this stuff does in fact BELONG TO HIM.

All in all, this guy is a tool. The fact that he came here to try and clean his name supports the fact that he knew that what he was doing was in fact downright deceitful.

My opinion? Who gives a shit about the "Old" Narayen. We should be looking at Xadion and why he would have done what he did =p
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Post by Canelek »

DOKU! Sup, hoss? :)

Ok, to the subject... CD key holder = owner...nuff siad there.

Now, as far as borrowing character agreements between friends...well, that shit should be worked out beforehand, due to situations like this... *shrug*
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Post by Siji »

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Post by Pahreyia »

Best of both worlds? Indeed Siji, you do win.
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Post by Dups. »

uber! I finally remembered my account and password.

Narayen uhhh .. hi! How's the cleric doing?
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Post by Ogbar »

Hey, this gives me an idea. Who would like to get Oggie up to lvl 65 for me? I promise to take him back in a year or so.
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Post by Narayen »

Canelek wrote:Now, as far as borrowing character agreements between friends...well, that shit should be worked out beforehand, due to situations like this... *shrug*
How can I emphasize it any more?

It was worked out beforehand, Xadion was never suppose to use my account beyond a heal/rez bitch. Instead he deleted everything but Narayen and gave him away without my consent.
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Post by Pahreyia »

Narayen wrote:
Canelek wrote:Now, as far as borrowing character agreements between friends...well, that shit should be worked out beforehand, due to situations like this... *shrug*
How can I emphasize it any more?

It was worked out beforehand, Xadion was never suppose to use my account beyond a heal/rez bitch. Instead he deleted everything but Narayen and gave him away without my consent.
Oh nos... And you've been so poorly compensated for it too.
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