Two Worlds (360/PC)

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Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Winnow »

What's up with this game?

I haven't heard much about it yet it's coming out next week.

Looks like a large fantasy RPG type game:

The game play looks so so but still, it's yet another game to add to the list for 360/PC owners that's not called Bioshock, Mass Effect, Halo 3, or Blue Dragon.

Where O where are the games for the PS3?

Two worlds doesn't look like it's on the level (not even close) to Bioshock, but might be fun for those that liked Oblivion.

Some dude encountering dragon type mobs. Kinda anti climatic:

This guy seems to have some sort of ranged AE flame attack and is torching everyone:

I assume the players in the video are way overpowered. Won't be any fun if you can mow down mobs that easy.

Dunno, I'll check it out when it's released.

German video showing some game play. Eh, kinda Oblivionish I guess.
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Re: Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Funkmasterr »

I will be getting this, mainly because of the option to play w/ up to 7 other people (I think thats how many) online and work on the same quests as you do by yourself.
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Re: Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Funkmasterr »

So I bought this last Friday and have played it a bit so far. To be honest my first impression was not a good one, the graphics were sub par from what I was expecting, the voice acting is some of the worst I have ever heard, and the menu's are set up poorly.

After playing it for a few hours I got into it more and started to like it, however I do have a few gripes (we'll get to those in a minute.) Some of the plus sides are - combat from your mount is cool, however the controls on the horse are very clunky (which could get better, I haven't raised my riding skill at all.) The third person view is done much better than in Oblivion, which makes combat more interesting. I also like that there is no loading, however I think that is the big factor taking away from the graphics. It is definitely more of a challenge than oblivion as well ( I keep comparing it to oblivion because that is the only game I can think of like it), which I like a LOT, Oblivion was way too easy and the combat system was extremely boring. I have been caught in places I shouldn't have been and got the shit pounded out of me, which oddly enough I thought was cool too (unlike oblivion where everything was scaled to be about the same difficulty.)

The downsides:

The map & quest system are the worst I have ever seen in any game. You can only view the map for the region you are in at the time, you can not scroll across it with a cursor at all, you can just move the cursor between all the different things marked on the map (which are not labeled in any way so half of them you don't even know what the hell they are.) So where this really ends up being a pain in the ass is when you click on a quest that is outside of the region you are in, you can see where you need to go, but not how you need to get there at all.

The quest log blows, it is just a list on the right side of the map that you can scroll through. When you click on the quest and expand it's details - it put's your cursor on the spot on the map you need to go for that quest, but again like I said, you can't scroll through the map to find out where you are and how you need to get to the spot you are going. I see this becoming an even bigger pain in the ass in the future when you get to other regions and can't go between the two on the map.

Finally, the multiplayer is not what I was expecting. I am not going to go so far as to say it is bad, because I have only played it briefly, but it's just not what I was hoping for. You have two different modes of play online - either PVP where you go against other people arena style (I haven't played this yet, but it looks cool) or regular quest mode. In the quest mode, you don't do the same quests as when you play solo, I think they are a different set of multiplayer quests, which would be fine, but it doesn't seem like there are any achievements for the multiplayer at all. Also, you have a different character for each of these modes, so they all have to level independently.

Overall I would say it's good, not great - however I have only played for about 4 or 5 hours so I am going to keep the final verdict out until I get a bit more into the game.
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Re: Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Boogahz »

This came in the mail from GameFly over the weekend. I have not tried it out yet though. I had different understandings of the multiplayer aspect of this game as well. I guess I can check it out this afternoon since I am off early.
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Re: Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Winnow »

Sounds like the game could have used some fine tuning before release.

I'll probably end up checking it out but will save it for the dog days of gaming (which just ended this month) when there aren't many games out to play.
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Re: Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Another thing I forgot that probably bothers me the most: I can't read the damn text in the quest log, I had similar trouble with lost planet but this game is much worse. If the only reason for that is that it was designed with HD tv's in mind that is completely ridiculous, otherwise it's just plain old piss poor.

I seriously can't make out what half the words are.
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Re: Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Boogahz »

Funkmasterr wrote:Another thing I forgot that probably bothers me the most: I can't read the damn text in the quest log, I had similar trouble with lost planet but this game is much worse. If the only reason for that is that it was designed with HD tv's in mind that is completely ridiculous, otherwise it's just plain old piss poor.

I seriously can't make out what half the words are.
That was a big issue with Chromehounds for people that did not have HD TV's as well. I think there have been other games with that problem as well.
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Re: Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Avestan »

awful game. I got it from Gamefly, played it for 40 minutes, packed it up and sent it back.

I am generally not one who cares about voice acting, but my god is it bad. . .really really bad. The combat is choppy and hard to control and it is nearly impossible to control where you are going when you are on a horse.

This game feel like it needed another 6 months of dev time before it is ready. In 40 minutes, my char got stuck twice and I had to reload saved games.

Worst game I have ever played for the 360.
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Re: Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Animalor »

Boogahz wrote:
Funkmasterr wrote:Another thing I forgot that probably bothers me the most: I can't read the damn text in the quest log, I had similar trouble with lost planet but this game is much worse. If the only reason for that is that it was designed with HD tv's in mind that is completely ridiculous, otherwise it's just plain old piss poor.

I seriously can't make out what half the words are.
That was a big issue with Chromehounds for people that did not have HD TV's as well. I think there have been other games with that problem as well.
I think it was mostly an issue with Capcom games, namely Lost Planet and Dead rising. I don't recall having any problems reading Chromehounds text in an SDTV.
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Re: Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Boogahz »

Animalor wrote:
Boogahz wrote:
Funkmasterr wrote:Another thing I forgot that probably bothers me the most: I can't read the damn text in the quest log, I had similar trouble with lost planet but this game is much worse. If the only reason for that is that it was designed with HD tv's in mind that is completely ridiculous, otherwise it's just plain old piss poor.

I seriously can't make out what half the words are.
That was a big issue with Chromehounds for people that did not have HD TV's as well. I think there have been other games with that problem as well.
I think it was mostly an issue with Capcom games, namely Lost Planet and Dead rising. I don't recall having any problems reading Chromehounds text in an SDTV.

Doh, you're right. I was thinking of Dead Rising, not Chromehounds.
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Re: Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Ok so the text issue is still bad, but it turns out after I tried it on my other (smaller) tv that I can read the text a little better, so buying a new tv will have to happen sooner than I intended.

However the reason for the post is - I like Two Worlds quite a bit actually now that I am into it a bit, it was just one of those games that you have to get through the first couple hours before you really like it. If you are looking for another Oblivion type game to play, I would recommend it.
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Re: Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Janx »

I want to hear nothing bad about it, its advertised as "the most epic RPG of all time.."

Yeah I laughed too..
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Re: Two Worlds (360/PC)

Post by Funkmasterr »

Yeah I laughed at the comments like that on the back cover of the game :lol:

I just thought that I would point out that the 100+ hours of gameplay thing they brag about is also complete and total bullshit. I have put in about 25 so far, I've done most of the side quests, have about 1 hour of gamplay left in the main quest, and have a couple of achievements left for finding stuff on the map.. So really in another 5 hours (10 tops) of gameplay (30-35 total) I should have all 1k achievement points with the main story finished and at least 90% of the side quests finished...
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