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Post by Bubba Grizz »

Ok, it has been out a lil bit now. Could someone please give us an objective review of Never Winter Nights?

How about first impressions of Warcraft III?

Anyone know when Madden 2003 will be out for the PS2?
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Post by masteen »

I cannot give an objective review of NWN because that game has turned me into a total fanboy. :wink:

Do not buy it if you are looking for a Diablo2 replacement. Getting your character to max level and Ub4r lewtz is not the purpose of this game. The included module is NOT the ultimate expression of that game's potential.

The true wonder of NWN is it's compliance to the D&D 3rd edition rule set and the fantastic tool set to build your own modules, tile sets, gear databases and ultimately, entire campaign worlds.

This game isn't really going to shine until you get together with a group of RPers and play a module not just designed by one of them, but REAL TIME DM'd by one of them. Closest you can get to pen & paper D&D without actually being physically together.
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Post by Xouqoa »

What he said.

Great game, I love it. I need to finish up the single player mode so I can start working on a module of my own.

Oh yeah, Warcraft 3 is pretty cool, too. It's still a Blizzard game, so you will probably lose interest after a while. The one redeeming quality, is that the multiplayer is very fun - like, StarCraft fun. I can see it replacing StarCraft for multiplayer goodness.
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Post by Fairweather Pure »

WC3--Been playing the beta for the past 3 months and it has been on the back shelf for several weeks. However, the beta was extremely limited and I already have bought my copy today knowing full well that there is going to be tons more that what the beta offered. The world builder is very similar to NWN in many ways. Except that you are working with more constraints. IE: You are only building a map, not an entire world. Just try and remeber that WC3 IS NOT StarCraft. It takes a little getting used to, but the scope and depth of the game is 5x what StarCraft had, which offered OMGIAMRETARDEDCAUSEALOTISTWOWORDS for it's time. I give this game a 9 out of 10. My only dissappointment is the lack of the ability to rotate the battleground ala NWN and Dungeon Siege.

NWN--I liked it the first time I played it when it was called Dungeon Siege. No, I kid...

Dungeon Siege was very action oriented, NWN is very RP oriented. They are 2 sides of the same coin. They both have virtually identical graphics, but in the end I would put DS on top for use of color and subtley. As for gameplay, NWN is a hybrid of Baulder's Gate and Dungeon Siege. You only control your character in a party during single player, but the AI is decent enough to not make you frustrated at your party members. There are many, many more differences both small and large, but at first glance, they are the same game. DS failed miserably in multiplayer and thier editor sucks my nuts (and was 3 months after release). NWN has the best game editor I have ever seen in my life. I recently purchased the World Builder's guide and I am even more impressed. NWN single player is ok, but multiplayer will live forever. This is one of those games that is setting the trend for future games to follow. For a first-generation idea, the NWN game editor and module set-up is un-fucking-believable. It's hard to imagine too many improvements a competitor can do to top this. I cannot wait to create and DM my own Mod. This is a game within a game for certian. The possibilities will floor you as you explore the tolls at your fingertips. Single player gets a 7 out of 10, multiplayer/Mods get a 10 out of 10. This is a MUST BUY. I was not a fanboi and picked this game up on a whim, so take it for what it's worth. I also thought Baulder's Gate was boring as fuck.

Soldier of Fortune 2: Double Helix: Fun. Extremely violent with many, many, opportunities for face slicing and blowing off body parts. Gameplay is standard FPS that we have all seen a million times, with a couple of tiny new abilitites to make the game unique. This is worth playing purely for the gross out factor, and trust me, it's realistic and awsome. Story is actually decent so far as well. But who wants to hear the story when you can blow someone's arm off from the elbow down and watch it skip across the floor, leaving a bloody trail in it's wake as the NPC tries in vain to grasp the bloody stump and staunch the bloodflow? 7 out of 10 for gore factor, which I liked OMGIAMRETARDEDCAUSEALOTISTWOWORDS. Gameplay is standard fare. DL it or wait for it to hit the bargin bin.

Morrowwind--Single player EQ. What's the point? You'll never realize how much you miss player interaction, even with assholes and dipshits, after you play this for 5 hours straight. I yawn at this and think that anyone that hasen't played a MMORPG will think it's the best game in the world. Those of us who have, will be falling asleep at the wheel. The graphcs are very nice though. I give it 4 out of 10. Been there, done that.

Sims, Jedi Knight 2, Dungeon Siege, Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, GTA3, Castle Wolfenstien, Medal of Honor, and many more are on my HD and I have spurts where I will play some more than others. Let me know if you want a review of anything imparticular. I probably have played it or am playing it now.
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Post by Bubba Grizz »

Coolness. I haven't played many of the new games or many of the old games for that matter. For the longest time it was EQ that dominated my attention, then DAoC, and then web design. Now I am catching up. I only just bought Starcraft Battlechest a month or so ago. So now I am looking to play some more. Thanks for the updates.
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