"Soon" vegans will have no excuse!

No holds barred discussion. Someone train you and steal your rare spawn? Let everyone know all about it! (Not for the faint of heart!)

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Re: "Soon" vegans will have no excuse!

Post by Funkmasterr »

Aslanna wrote:I can only assume the people attempting to engage Spang in serious discussion, at least on their side of the conversation, are simply doing so out of boredom or, as in my case, for their own personal amusement. Because it's obvious he's the biggest troll on VV.
You had to rank him higher than winnow didn't you? Now you forced his hand and made him start up with his bullshit too. This thread is going to die of a douchebag overdose.
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Re: "Soon" vegans will have no excuse!

Post by Leonaerd »

Cry more.
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Re: "Soon" vegans will have no excuse!

Post by Aabidano »

I think signing internet petitions while hanging out with your excessively politically correct friends, bitching about how hard the man is sticking it to people you'll never know is probably much more effective than actually getting out and helping people.

Winnow's douchescore is higher than Spang's, he's much more rounded in his douchiness. Spang has specialized too much and as someone said seems more like a teenager who just took a civics class and realized the world really isn't fair after all.
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Re: "Soon" vegans will have no excuse!

Post by Winnow »

I have a question for Spang:
To know when to mate, a male giraffe will continuously headbutt the female in the bladder until she urinates. The male then tastes the pee and that helps it determine whether the female is ovulating.
During this process, the female giraffe turns around and bites off one of the male giraffe's balls, causing a permanent mutilation.

Which giraffe should go to jail?
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Re: "Soon" vegans will have no excuse!

Post by Asheran Mojomaster »

Spang wrote:
Aabidano wrote:How does anyone outside those involved with the criminal justice system benefit from black males being imprisoned?
White people benefit by not having to fuck with the justice system the way Black people have to every single day. You'll probably never get pulled over for driving while being white, for example. But if you do happen to get pulled over, likely for a legitimate reason, you probably don't have to do what LeVar Burton does to avoid from getting shot by the police.

I have a friend that lives in a small town in Alabama. He did something stupid when he was 19, and was arrested. He had a bunch of parking tickets from parking on campus, and got a wheel lock on his car. He didn't have the money to pay for all of the tickets, and decided to take off the lock and drive home.

Now, that was not a smart move, but I've known of other people to do that and get charged with some fines, and maybe some community service or a suspended license.

He went to court without a lawyer, as he didn't have the money to hire one, and requested a public defender. The judge REFUSED him a public defender, and told him he had to plea guilty or not right there. He plead guilty, and was sentenced to 6 MONTHS in prison (not suspended). Max sentence, for a first time offender.

We later learned that this judge is overly harsh on young, white men. He was accused of being racist toward black men a few years before, and to "prove" he wasn't, he started being extra lenient on black people, and extra tough on white people.

Luckily, a lawyer in the court room witnessed all of this, then found his sister, and agreed to take his case on pro bono. She got the first decision thrown out, because the judge refused him a public defender, and he ended up paying the tickets + wheel lock fee + court costs + a small fine, and that was it.

Now, he was in the wrong, but that is not an isolated incident. Our fucked up judicial system screws over every race. I won't deny that minorities tend to get punished harshly more often, and even are wrongfully punished more often, but it is not exclusive to them.

Hell, I had to pay $3000 in alimony to a woman, my son's mother, that I WAS NEVER MARRIED TO because a judge misread some paperwork. I filed to have it corrected immediately, but it took over 2 months for him to change it, and I was never given the money back. He also completely ignored a signed, notarized agreement between the two of us, which is the only reason we even had an open case for him to file the alimony on. It seems that you can sign a legal contract, and if the other person signing it decides to change their mind 6 months later, then a judge can just act like it never happened.

A higher court would most likely have overturned it, but that would have required a much longer wait, and could have caused me to lose custody of my son until it got to them. Even then, the change that would be caused in his life by reversing the custody once again could have been enough to nullify the original agreement.

So, I was damned if I do go along with what he was doing, and damned if I don't, and instead push it to a higher court. All because paperwork was ignored\misread\overlooked. I eventually just signed a 2nd agreement to end it all. I ended up giving her 3 1/2 years of freedom from child support, agreed to cover all of his medical expenses, and agreed to pay his way on a plane once a year when she moves away. All because if he had continued to disregard the paperwork, and pushed this to trial, there was a good chance he would have taken my son from me (who has lived with me alone for over a year), and given him to a woman who cares SO much about him that she sees him once every week or two, even when she lives only 1 1/2 miles away (she has an open invitation to see him whenever we are home, or to get him for a day anytime, as long as she lets me know in advance).

Sorry, I'm done ranting. It just pisses me off when people act like being a white man means it is easy to deal with the court system in America. It can be a nightmare for anyone, and often is.
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Re: "Soon" vegans will have no excuse!

Post by Tyek »

Tyek wrote:
Spang wrote:
Tyek wrote:I think you are the racist one...
Of course you do. But you're one of those colorblind motherfuckers who don't see race, who think that all men are created equal because some slave owners said so 237 years ago.

Well here's another newsflash for you: they're not. They should be, but the system says otherwise. The same system that you benefit from because you're white.
I also help the kids in my community. Probably do more then you do (also a white guy right?). I just don't come on here and bark about the injustices and think I have done my job. I don't march or join the 99% movement because I am building a college recruiting program, building local relationships with companies that help with sponsorships and donating massive amounts of my time, at 0 pay, to help a mostly minority group of kids have a shot at college. I actually step up and do it, and I don't look for massive pats on my back to do it.

I tell every one of those kids that education is important. Also keeping them busy and away from trouble is important. Should I tell them to give up because 90% of them are not white? I know that ruins your narrative of me, so pretend it is all fake and made up. Did I get a break being white? Absolutely, then I actually worked super hard to get where I am, and I am passing those experiences on. I am hoping it can help my kids, and a lot of other kids too. Drop that mic

Just thought I would brag a bit. I was able to convince to large tournaments to let my girls play in them so they could experience the high level of play and get some college scout attention. They got to experience what most of them could not, playing like the big clubs in a big event. I got us into both tournaments for the cost of one.

My girls walked out of Orange County with 2 first place trophies, and a ton of great memories. 4 Tournaments this spring, 3 titles and 1 second place with three of those tournaments playing up a year.
When I was younger, I used to think that the world was doing it to me and that the world owes me some thing…When you're a teeny bopper, that's what you think. I'm 40 now, I don't think that anymore, because I found out it doesn't f--king work. One has to go through that. For the people who even bother to go through that, most assholes just accept what it is anyway and get on with it." - John Lennon
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Re: "Soon" vegans will have no excuse!

Post by Dakanaf »

Great work. Congrats to the girls and to the coaches and let's not forget the parents who put up with it all. Truly awesome.
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Re: "Soon" vegans will have no excuse!

Post by Tyek »

Thanks, watching them take pictures with the trophy with HUGE grins for 45 minutes in all the tournaments made it worth it. The Tournaments were awesome for helping us pull it off, both had enough teams but knew what I was trying to do and helped us out.
When I was younger, I used to think that the world was doing it to me and that the world owes me some thing…When you're a teeny bopper, that's what you think. I'm 40 now, I don't think that anymore, because I found out it doesn't f--king work. One has to go through that. For the people who even bother to go through that, most assholes just accept what it is anyway and get on with it." - John Lennon
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