Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

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Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »


I am amazed it took this long for someone to challenge this law. This decision will be a major factor in the election, as Chicago has a similar law on its books and we all know Obama and his Chicago ties.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Washington D.C.'s sweeping ban on handguns is unconstitutional.

A gun ownership supporter holds a placard in March outside the Supreme Court in Washington.

The justices voted 5-4 against the ban with Justice Antonin Scalia writing the opinion for the majority.

At issue in District of Columbia v. Heller was whether the city's ban violated the Second Amendment right to "keep and bear arms" by preventing individuals -- as opposed to state militias -- from having guns in their homes.

District of Columbia officials argued they had the responsibility to impose "reasonable" weapons restrictions to reduce violent crime, but several Washingtonians challenged the 32-year-old law. Some said they had been constant victims of crimes and needed guns for protection.

In March, two women went before the justices with starkly different opinions on the handgun ban.

Shelly Parker told the court she is a single woman who has been threatened by drug dealers in her Washington neighborhood.

"In the event that someone does get in my home, I would have no defense, except maybe throw my paper towels at them," she said, explaining she told police she had an alarm, bars on her windows and a dog.

"What more am I supposed to do?" Parker recalled asking authorities. "The police turned to me and said, 'Get a gun.' "

Elilta "Lily" Habtu, however, told the high court that she supports the handgun ban, and tighter gun control in general. Habtu was in a Virginia Tech classroom in April 2007 when fellow student Seung-Hui Cho burst in and began shooting. She survived bullets to the head and arm.

"There has to be tighter gun control; we can't let another Virginia Tech to happen," she told the court. "And we're just not doing it; we're sitting around; we're doing nothing. We let the opportunity arise for more massacres."

In March 2007, a federal appeals court overturned the ban, which keeps most private citizens from owning handguns and keeping them in their homes.

It was the first time a federal appeals court ruled a gun law unconstitutional on Second Amendment grounds.

City attorneys urged the high court to intervene, warning, "The District of Columbia -- a densely populated urban locality where the violence caused by handguns is well-documented -- will be unable to enforce a law that its elected officials have sensibly concluded saves lives."

There were 143 gun-related murders in Washington last year, compared with 135 in 1976, when the handgun ban was enacted.

The Second Amendment says, "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The wording repeatedly has raised the question of whether gun ownership is an individual right, or a collective one pertaining to state militias and therefore subject to regulation.

The Supreme Court has avoided the question since the Bill of Rights was ratified in 1791. The high court last examined the issue in 1939 but stayed away from the broad constitutional question.

Only Chicago, Illinois, has a handgun ban as sweeping as Washington's, though Maryland, Massachusetts and San Francisco, California, joined the Windy City in issuing briefs supporting the district's ban.

The National Rifle Association, Disabled Veterans for Self-Defense and the transgender group Pink Pistols -- along with 31 states -- filed briefs supporting the District of Columbia's gun owners.

In February, a majority of U.S. congressmen -- 55 senators and 250 representatives -- filed a brief urging the Supreme Court to strike down Washington's ordinance.

"Our founders didn't intend for the laws to be applied to some folks and not to others," Sen. Jon Tester, D-Montana, said at the time.

Washington's ban applies only to handguns. The city allows possession of rifles and shotguns, although it requires that they be kept in the home, unloaded and fitted with locks or dissembled.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Kaldaur »

Wow. It just keeps getting worse. Keep voting these liberals into office guys.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Sylvus »

Kaldaur wrote:Wow. It just keeps getting worse. Keep voting these liberals into office guys.
You dick, I just went back into the other thread to copy and paste that and you beat me to it! :p
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Aslanna »

Ha, take THAT Obama,
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Canelek »

I am so moving to DC once my gold-plated Desert Eagle .50 gets back from the shop.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Sylvus »

Kilmoll the Sexy wrote:There were 143 gun-related murders in Washington last year, compared with 135 in 1976, when the handgun ban was enacted.
While I'm sure you feel that that number supports your position, it really doesn't on its own. Like all of us anti-handgun folks have always brought up every time we have the discussion, a localized ban on handguns does little when guns can very easily be brought into that locale by stepping across the city/county line. In addition to that, I'd also like to see how those numbers stack up to other big cities over the last 32 years. Did New York, L.A., Detroit, Chicago, etc. keep a relatively flat murder rate over that time period?

I'm not against guns, I'm against people being killed with guns needlessly. If the solution to that problem is less guns, I'm for gun control. If the solution is more guns, then let's start passing them out on street corners. That just seems a little counterintuitive to me.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

You mean like how the national ban on drugs works so well? The US passing laws to eliminate guns entirely would bring down the number of guns here.....there is no question about it. The problem is that the guns would then ONLY be owned by people who did not care about laws and choose to not follow them. The difference being that you are not going to stab and kill me with your doobage and me not owning a hookah allows you to do as you wish.

There is NO POSSIBLE way for you to eliminate guns. ZERO percent. The internet age and machinery available would allow me to manufacture them in my basement if I chose to. I could buy one illegally even if they were outright banned nationally and that can be proven a million times over.

The numbers I posted show you that the mere presence of a law being enacted does NOTHING to prevent someone from breaking it. The Supreme Court now also has finally backed the same assertation that every law abiding citizen in this country has the right to protect themselves.

One thing I don't understand about liberals.....you are all dead set against the death penalty for murdering scum, yet you are FOR murdering unborn children that have a chance at being productive members of society. And yet you wonder why conservatives and moderates think you are complete morons.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Midnyte_Ragebringer »

I support this decision.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Canelek »

Kilmoll, dude, you just went Roe vee Wade!

As for the decision, I support it as the ban really did not do anything. For controlling firearm ownership, I do not see it happening, but would be willing to listen if there were any good ideas about it. IF there is a way to reduce violent crime by reducing handguns, it would be silly not to consider it.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

Well.....they DID find a way to reduce violent crime by allowing law abiding citizens to conceal carry, but your hero Obama thinks that is bad so he has vowed to eliminate it on a national level. Go go libs! The only true way to reduce crime in this country will not happen because of bleeding hearts who don't have the stomach to eliminate people from our society permanently.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Canelek »

Never said I was against the death penalty ya hoser. :P
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

So you admit to being a nancy liberal! I knew that living up there with the rest of the nacnies like Sylvos would turn you into a tree-hugging, gun hating, prancing democrat!
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Canelek »

No way man! We have more hillbillys in Oregon than you have in your whole trailer park! :D This is actually quite a gun-friendly state.

To clarify... I am indeed fairly liberal, but that is usually apparent in my comments. Perhaps I do not fit the "liberal agenda" with my thoughts on gun control and the death penalty, but oh well. Fuck both sides if they gots issues. Also, do not think so quickly on tree-hugging hippies--the tree sap helps keep them immobilized for optimal sexytime.

Now, mi amigo, what does the "gay agenda" think about your stance on having a Ted Nugent tat on your chest? :D
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

I hope you keep Sylvos shaved so that sap doesn't stick his ass hair to your pubes.

I am definitely not a Nugent fan. I think that guy is a grade A nutjob and to top it off I thought his music sucked. If the gays don't like my stance they can not suck my dick.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Forthe »

Now that the evil libs can't take your guns away the repubs need a new wedge issue.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Ashur »

I'm sure the ACLU is working on that as we type.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Boogahz »

Forthe wrote:Now that the evil libs can't take your guns away the repubs need a new wedge issue.
The libs tried to take your guns away!
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Midnyte_Ragebringer »

Only missed taking your guns away by one vote. Scary shit.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Spang »

What's so scary about that?
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Midnyte_Ragebringer »

Spang wrote:What's so scary about that?
Not that hard to figure out is it? It's fairly obvious that I find the close margin frightening. Therefore, I must feel the 2nd Amendment is very important and am frightened by how close we came to seeing it go bye bye. If the Supreme Court ruled the ban was ok, it would have been the catalyst to mass bannings every where. Stats have shown violent crimes increase over the life of that ban. So, I'm not sure what you're fighting for. Symbolism over substance would be my guess. Right in line with liberal ideology.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Xatrei »

The close margin is sad, I agree. It will take decades to do the damage done to the Supreme Court by the current administration.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Sueven »

I agree with the ruling. I'm honestly a bit surprised that it was 5-4. I haven't read it yet though, so maybe there's some more context.

In terms of how this affects the election: Probably not too much, I think. The opposite result would have been bad for Obama, as the GOP could have attacked him on "judicial activism" and taking folks guns away. Now, the conservative Supreme Court has declared the second amendment an individual right, and it's tougher to fearmonger about gun abolition.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

I am not surprised. There is a pretty clear party line shown on the SCOTUS and all 4 liberals voted against it. What it may do is show a lot of people in the country how close we are to being completely disarmed by a corrupt government. It will take only 1 of the conservative leaning justices to retire for Obama to run one of his anti-gun buddies in and rewrite the 2nd Amendment to his liking. It could well galvanize the gun owners to turn out in huge numbers in November.It will only take decades to fix if Obama gets elected. If that man gets his way, this country will be in martial law within 2 years.

The NRA is going to be skewering Obama over his public stance and voting records. The NRA has also already filed lawsuits against his hometown and if he steps in to oppose the 2nd Amendment and the SCOTUS, he is going to go down in a fiery crash that would have Mondale and Ferraro proud.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Sueven »

Kilmoll wrote:I am not surprised. There is a pretty clear party line shown on the SCOTUS and all 4 liberals voted against it. What it may do is show a lot of people in the country how close we are to being completely disarmed by a corrupt government. It will take only 1 of the conservative leaning justices to retire for Obama to run one of his anti-gun buddies in and rewrite the 2nd Amendment to his liking. It could well galvanize the gun owners to turn out in huge numbers in November.It will only take decades to fix if Obama gets elected.
Well, sort of. The Court is more polarized now than it typically is, since the last two appointments were a conservative (Alito) for a moderate (O'Connor) and a conservative (Roberts) for a conservative with moderate leanings (Rehnquist). Although Alito may yet prove to be a bit more moderate than expected.

I think characterizing Kennedy as a conservative isn't really correct. If you accept the bullshit framing that conservative legal folks are pushing regarding "living constitutionalism" versus "originalism," Kennedy is most certainly on the side of "living constitutionalism." You're aware that he swung Casey v. Planned Parenthood over to the reaffirm Roe v. Wade side? And that he wrote the opinion in Lawrence v. Texas which granted homosexual sodomy constitutional protection, citing our "evolving awareness" alongside foreign law as part of his reasoning? And that he wrote the opinion in that child rape / capital punishment case that just came out the other day?

It's pretty unlikely that Obama replaces a conservative. Scalia's the only old one, and he still seems vigorous and unlikely to retire willingly. Obama might get to replace Kennedy, if you count him as a conservative.

It's also unlikely that the Court, even with a liberal in place of Kennedy, would overturn Heller. The Court simply doesn't overturn recent precedent that quickly very often. Heller came 127 years after the last 2nd amendment case, I kind of doubt that we'll get another one all that quickly. Especially since Scalia wrote a pretty moderate opinion.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Kaldaur »

Oh, I get it! This is about Obama!
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Spang »

There were 143 gun-related murders in Washington last year, compared with 135 in 1976, when the handgun ban was enacted.
Does anyone know how many people lived in Washington in 1976, and how many lived there last year?
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Boogahz »

Spang wrote:
There were 143 gun-related murders in Washington last year, compared with 135 in 1976, when the handgun ban was enacted.
Does anyone know how many people lived in Washington in 1976, and how many lived there last year?
at least 277 fewer people than could have been living there now.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Aslanna »

Spang wrote:
There were 143 gun-related murders in Washington last year, compared with 135 in 1976, when the handgun ban was enacted.
Does anyone know how many people lived in Washington in 1976, and how many lived there last year?
Less now than before. A lot have moved out due to crime and such.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Midnyte_Ragebringer »

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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Spang »

According to that link, there were less murders in 2006 than there were in 1976. In fact, there was just about less of everything. Aggravated assaults were up. A person doesn't need a gun for that do they?
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Zaelath »

Kilmoll the Sexy wrote: There is NO POSSIBLE way for you to eliminate guns. ZERO percent. The internet age and machinery available would allow me to manufacture them in my basement if I chose to. I could buy one illegally even if they were outright banned nationally and that can be proven a million times over.

The numbers I posted show you that the mere presence of a law being enacted does NOTHING to prevent someone from breaking it. The Supreme Court now also has finally backed the same assertation that every law abiding citizen in this country has the right to protect themselves.
As a percentage of population/violent crime, your numbers actually show the opposite, but don't worry it's kinda irrelevant. If you want to stop people killing each other you need a different strategy anyway.

As to elimination, I can make the same argument for thermonuclear weapons; and I don't see you standing up for Iran's right to bear arms to defend themselves from the US, which is a much more realistic threat than the need for your citizenry to protect itself from the king/government/etc.
One thing I don't understand about liberals.....you are all dead set against the death penalty for murdering scum, yet you are FOR murdering unborn children that have a chance at being productive members of society. And yet you wonder why conservatives and moderates think you are complete morons.
I wouldn't describe myself as a liberal, but you lot of retards would, and I'm pro-death penalty and pro-choice. OMFG, did your tiny head asplode??!
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Midnyte_Ragebringer »

Spang wrote:According to that link, there were less murders in 2006 than there were in 1976. In fact, there was just about less of everything. Aggravated assaults were up. A person doesn't need a gun for that do they?
Not sure what you are talking about. Need and rights may often differ. I'm sorry if you are incapable of being able to seperate your opinions from laws affecting other peoples opinions. I won't ever own a gun or have one in my house, but I respect and appreciate the right of Americans citizens to do so.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Spang »

According to that link, the ban worked. Most crime went down considerably, if that information is accurate.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Midnyte_Ragebringer »

Spang wrote:According to that link, the ban worked. Most crime went down considerably, if that information is accurate.
Really? Look at all the years the ban was in effect. You should walk away thinking it didn't make a difference at all. In fact, things got so bad the population dropped by 130,000 people thus causing this slight reduction in murders and violent crime from 1976.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Spang »

You're right.

Guns are still retarded and unnecessary.

Besides, who would want to live in D.C. anyways? It's filled with a bunch of politicians and black people.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Acies »

Well, in my opinion handguns are concealable, easy to hide and dispose of. A semi-automatic rifle, substancially less easy to hide. I am anti-handgun, because most gun related murders (and gun crime) are committed with handguns as opposed to any other type, by and far.

Source: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/guic.pdf

All in all, I think it should be restricted to a peacekeeping weapon, or perhaps potential owners put through the ringer as far as aquiring a permit. However, I have heard of towns that requires the head of a household to own a gun and the towns themselves have substancially less crime. In anycase, we have the right to bear arms and I fully support that, in that my interpretation of it is that we have the right to bear weapons of a significant enough quality (ala modern technology, no flint-lock or some shit) to remove our own government should it not heed the will of the people.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by valryte »

because most gun related murders (and gun crime) are committed with handguns as opposed to any other type, by and far.
Yeah, and if handguns weren't available, the stats would probably say a shotgun. Then we'd ban those, and the next gun would be a rifle, etc...Somehow I don't think not having access to a handgun is really going to stop the guy out to kill you. Its not like he's going to say, "I want to kill Acies", but oh wait, I don't have a handgun, only this shotgun. Oh well, guess I should forget about it. The only effect banning handguns will have is an increase in the sale of trench coats...

I have a big issue with stats about gun crimes. They never mention how many crimes occur, where a gun was used defensively. Granted, most crimes occur outside the home (streets and stores/restaurants) so owning a gun is irrelevant unless you're carrying it with you and most people aren't.

However, I have heard of towns that requires the head of a household to own a gun and the towns themselves have substancially less crime.
Yeah, Kennesaw, GA.

Personally, I don't own a gun, but I like the fact I can own one by choice. I will say, I do believe certain guns are just ridiculous to be legal. Automatic assault rifles. Like WTF. There is no logical reason to own one. As far as choice to protect yourself at home, best gun is a shotgun. Nothing more scary for a criminal to be sneaking around your house and hearing the sound of a shotgun being cocked. That alone will make his ass run without having to fire a single shot.

I'm curious, if it was common for students to be walking around with a legally concealed gun, I wonder if a Virginia Tech incident would still occur? Then again, a guy that crazy probably isn't really thinking too clearly and won't give a shit.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

Armed students would not have been able to completely stop the VT incident, but it definitely could have saved multiple lives. I believe this was clearly shown in the incident with the nutjob that went to shoot up the church and was killed by a woman that had a concealed carry permit before he could inflict a lot of damage.

As to the full autos and all that, I always thought the NRA was full of shit for pushing to make everything legal until the last 6 months or so. It is not that they truly think everyone should be able to buy them, it is because if they give the anti-gun groups an inch, they will take 3 miles. Their true goal is to eliminate the 2nd Amendment and outlaw every gun in the country. Personally, I do not have a problem in placing some common sense restrictions on what the typical person should be able to own....and if the anti-gunners would back off then you might see the NRA do the same.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Noysyrump »

Full auto weapons have been outlawed to all but dealers since 1933. So I dont know wtf u talkin about Val. Joo cant own one. And I'm fine with that. The Tommy gun made a name for itself in the 20s.

Now a SEMI-auto "assault" rifle. Remove the ban on those in Cali plz. Here in california, you cannot own an ar-15, but you CAN own an M-14. Because it doesnt have a pistol grip. The bullet is twice the size and can kill much more efficiently. Stoopid democrats...

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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Bagar- »

Noysy brought up a valid point, for once. I agree there, on what you just posted. People see a gun like that - semi-auto or no - and they assume it's going to be somehow more lethal than an "old fashoned" rifle with a, well I don't know the technical term, non pistol-grip. Thus it's yet another law that pretends to protect the citizens while serving no actual purpose other than perceptual peace of mind for morons.

As for handguns, I saw the comment that arming students would help solve situations like the VA Tech shootings.

Are you that fucking dense?

Sure, it might, but how many other murders / shooting sprees / crimes would it lead to? Do you seriously not see the reprocussions? I go to college, and I sure as hell don't want some any of these idiots walking around with handguns. And let's face facts, those courses are a joke. (the handgun permit courses, for clairification)

You might think before you make moronic suggestions like that, of the real reprocussions.

Also, it's kind of sad that VA is being used by both "pro" and "anti" gun camps as a scare tactic; a way to fallaciously "prove" why guns are good or bad. It's rediculous, and if I never see another load of "'if guns were banned' or 'if students were armed' - VA wouldn't have happened!" bullshit it'll be too soon.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Hesten »

Kilmoll the Sexy wrote:Armed students would not have been able to completely stop the VT incident, but it definitely could have saved multiple lives. I believe this was clearly shown in the incident with the nutjob that went to shoot up the church and was killed by a woman that had a concealed carry permit before he could inflict a lot of damage.
I have said it before, and i dont mind saying it again:
If you want to do the most possible damage in a school shooting in your scenario, where just half the studens carry concealed weapons, find any crowded area, and start blowing away, whoever IS armed will react, and most likely do a load more damage than the original shooter, when theyre scared and confused, see everyone running around blocking their aim, and see other people waving guns.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Acies »

Yeah, let's give a bunch of teenagers guns :roll:

You know what I hate about the NRA? The fact that they seem to proport that everyone should have these ridiculously easy to use killing weapons. I do the the fact that they drill gun safety and responsibility into you though. Even still, teenagers are teenagers, and do dumb shit things. Let to their own devices, yeah.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

It is a shame you are so incredibly stupid. First of all, the teenagers CANNOT get concealed carry permits as you cannot buy or own a handgun unless you are 21. Second, most people who DO have concealed carry permits shoot more and are more proficient than your average police officer. Those same students you idiots think may be on some killing spree because they are concealed carrying ALREADY have their fucking permit, they are just not allowed to carry on the campus....so I guess they are just repressing that killing urge in school. None of you anti-gun retards can come up with any wild west scenarios that actually happened even after years of concealed carry being around.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Kaldaur »

The same frat boy who uses roofies to date girls could also get a permit to carry.
The same idiot who uses pot every day before class could get a permit to carry.
The same toolbox who visits Counseling Services four days a week could also get a permit to carry.

No thanks. Leave the guns in the hands of the police officers, and let the rest of the students run away from a gunman. College campuses have such a culture of alcoholism that I think mixing guns into that would be the worst decision anyone could make.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Midnyte_Ragebringer »

Acies wrote:Yeah, let's give a bunch of teenagers guns :roll:

You know what I hate about the NRA? The fact that they seem to proport that everyone should have these ridiculously easy to use killing weapons. I do the the fact that they drill gun safety and responsibility into you though. Even still, teenagers are teenagers, and do dumb shit things. Let to their own devices, yeah.
I assume you are for raising the driving age to 18 or 19 then?
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Kilmoll the Sexy »

Kaldaur wrote:The same frat boy who uses roofies to date girls could also get a permit to carry.
The same idiot who uses pot every day before class could get a permit to carry.
The same toolbox who visits Counseling Services four days a week could also get a permit to carry.

No thanks. Leave the guns in the hands of the police officers, and let the rest of the students run away from a gunman. College campuses have such a culture of alcoholism that I think mixing guns into that would be the worst decision anyone could make.

Again retard, the "idiots" you are saying could carry ALREADY can and do have carry permits. They are just not allowed to have them on the campus. So far I have not seen any of them out tearing up the streets of the city they live in. That running away thing has been working SO well during the mass shootings....duck and cover!
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Boogahz »

Midnyte_Ragebringer wrote:I assume you are for raising the driving age to 18 or 19 then?

I am.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Zaelath »

Boogahz wrote:
Midnyte_Ragebringer wrote:I assume you are for raising the driving age to 18 or 19 then?

I am.
Me too, the argument was always "omg, they need a licence for work!". But in reality, they're either at school, or too poor to afford to own a car.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Acies »

Midnyte_Ragebringer wrote:
I assume you are for raising the driving age to 18 or 19 then?

I am indeed.
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Re: Unconstitutional law struck down after 32 years

Post by Acies »

Kilmoll the Sexy wrote:It is a shame you are so incredibly stupid. First of all, the teenagers CANNOT get concealed carry permits as you cannot buy or own a handgun unless you are 21. Second, most people who DO have concealed carry permits shoot more and are more proficient than your average police officer. Those same students you idiots think may be on some killing spree because they are concealed carrying ALREADY have their fucking permit, they are just not allowed to carry on the campus....so I guess they are just repressing that killing urge in school. None of you anti-gun retards can come up with any wild west scenarios that actually happened even after years of concealed carry being around.

Do you even read Kilmoll? I am not anti-gun. Just Anti-HANDGUN for anyone not a peacekeeper/soldier. Handguns, again, are by and far the weapon of choice for criminals in most scenarios. Compact, easy to use (in fact, ridiculously easy), concealable and deadly. I am not saying that Americans should ever give up their right to bare arms. It is too essencial as a security policy for us, and sadly, guns, for all thier ease of use and my own personal disdain for them, are in fact the weapon of the age. It is important people have them. However, a shotgun, a rifle, all deadly, but chances are you will be unable to get a larger firearm into a train station, or a community center, etc, without someone noticing. A lot easier to do so with a handgun.

As for teenagers with handguns, fuck that noise. Twenty one as a minimum requirement for a concealed weapon is fine, but realistically we should not have people need to carry concealed weapons whom are not with law enforcement, or the military. At all. Twenty one, fifty one, one hundred and one, it does not matter, I just think handguns are too dangerous to be trusted to the public. Besides, how many illegal handguns were legally purchased then stolen? Or "stolen"?

Consequently, you calling me incredibly stupid for having a differing opinion is not exactly opening up a receptive point to debate logically from. I dunno who you normally deal with here that allows you to believe that your offensive opening followed by witty banter which has nothing to do with my point leads you to believe you are countering anything, especially in my perspective, but I would try the carrot more and stick less.
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