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Babylon V

Posted: July 29, 2002, 4:00 pm
by Bubba Grizz
I wonder if SWG is successful if anyone would consider building a Bab 5 universe for online play. They have a large number of races available all ready to go. Just a thought I got while reading the SWG boards.

Posted: July 29, 2002, 4:05 pm
by kyoukan
Can I be Bruce Boxleitner? Or that guy from Taxi?

Posted: July 29, 2002, 4:12 pm
by Fairweather Pure
Sorry, but I have to state how much I thought B5 sucked ass. It has a loyal following and I really wanted to like it, but damn.

If I had to pick my own personal universe for another MMORPG, I'd have to say Warhammer 40,000 would be pretty sweet.

Posted: July 29, 2002, 4:20 pm
by Marbus
I thought B5 sucked ass too... at first. Once you really start understanding the storyline it's pretty damn sweet and very well thoughtout. Costumes were almost as cheesey as ST-TOS but... like TOS the story(s) were good.


Posted: July 29, 2002, 4:37 pm
by Lor
I personally loved the show and was pissed when it went off the air..I'll be getting the series when it hits DVD.

Grizz, i'd in all likleyhood play a B5 Game if it were ever put out.

Posted: July 29, 2002, 4:42 pm
by Adex_Xeda
The Dune universe would have tons of interesting characters.

Doped up Mentats that acted like human computers.
Bene Gesiret political order with telepathy (aka game magic system)
The wierding modules. (aka. game magic system)
Guild Navigators (aka. game magic system)

tons of factions
tons of guilds
Large universe for multiple planets and destinations.

An entire set of new technologies so we're not restricted to using a laser for blasting stuff.

Well documented economy for game modeling.

Tons of established backstory.

An interesting and non (buck rogers/star wars/star trek/etc.) space setting.

Posted: July 29, 2002, 4:45 pm
by Adex_Xeda
Oh yea B5 was very well written and had a ton of space battle action scenes which the Star Trek series allways lacked.

Since the writers knew the ending of the series from day one, they could write a tighter story.

It was like reading a novel, with all the detail they provided.

Posted: July 29, 2002, 4:51 pm
by Xouqoa
I think if someone made a Babylon 5 MMORPG and it had to compete against Star Wars: Galaxies, it would fall flat on its face like DAoC doing right now. :(

Posted: July 29, 2002, 5:07 pm
by kyoukan
I thought DAoC was falling flat because it was awful. I couldn't stand that game.

Posted: July 29, 2002, 6:15 pm
by Neroon
There was a single-player B5 game in planning a few years ago, but it fell through.

The universe is perfect for a "space" mmorpg, but I don't think it could compete with SWG either.

Lor, the first season comes out on DVD in Novemberish, I think as a box set only. It will be around $95 (which isn't bad for 22 episodes).

As for me, my toon is named after a B5 character after all......
(psst...don't tell the GM's!)

DAoC has made OMGIAMRETARDEDCAUSEALOTISTWOWORDS of changes, and is actually a pretty decent game now. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the playerbase to keep things rolling pvp-wise. And, there isn't enough content pve-wise. The expansion this fall will double the world, but I just don't see it solving their playerbase issue.

Posted: July 29, 2002, 6:27 pm
by Forthe
B5 was awesome. The story made the series. It lost a bit in s5 but getting answers to s1 questions in s4 was great.

Posted: July 29, 2002, 7:01 pm
by Dalmoth
B5 was space opera. The fact that everything didn't reset after every episode was what made it good, there were plot lines tied up in season 5 that started in season 1.

"Zathras go now, Zathras has to carry things, all Zathras good at." - Zathrus

Posted: July 29, 2002, 7:40 pm
by Kaldaur
Well, in regards of the B5 and ST comparing space battles, there really is no comparison. Star Trek was not meant to be a confrontational series. In fact, it was a primary mission of the Federation (organization of Star Trek) to avoid fights and try and find a peaceful solution. That's why I think the series had such a high following, because it gave us an image of a time when the fighting actually stopped, when we could rest easy and enjoy life, and not have to worry about who was going to attack us tomorrow. I've found in the past year that whenever I watch the series, it always strikes me how much of a dream Gene Roddenberry had to come up with that series, and it's idea of peaceful coexistence, especially nowadays with the terrorism threat.
Ok, I'm done hijacking. Back to your originally posted thread.

Posted: July 29, 2002, 9:11 pm
by Aedryn
I loved B5, it gave me a more realistic view of what I thought the world would turn out like in the future. Star Trek is nice but unrealistic really, in an ideal world it would happen but in the real world way....I liked B5 because they were more believable.
It was a shame they screwed around with the 4th and 5th seasons due to money but it still turned out really good.

I can't wait for B5 to be out on DVD.

Posted: August 1, 2002, 3:07 am
by Mitzey
Ya - i think B5 was an awsome show. It took me a while to get into it, but after the first season i was totally hooked. I loved the interplay between Lando and J'kar and watching their personalities change and grow. And that doctor (Stephen) was seriously hot...

Mitzey Sweetsong

Posted: August 1, 2002, 4:31 am
by emmer
<3 Mitzey Sweetsong ;D

Posted: August 1, 2002, 5:51 am
by Ebumar

Not B5, but still a cool space sim MMORPG. Twitch gaming with RPG elements, it's good stuff.

Posted: August 1, 2002, 8:32 am
by vn_Tanc
When B5 was airing against ST:DS9 it was TV-SF heaven. ST realised they were losing out in the fireworks war to B5 and raised their game (non-confrontational my arse ;p)
So when B5 did a great battle, next season on DS9 we got "10,000 photon torpedos". Then B5 raised the bar again and next season in DS9 we got "Defiant punching through a Klingon fleet flanked by 4 galaxy class cruisers".

More prs!

Posted: August 1, 2002, 9:45 am
by Lor
Neroon, Thanks for the info on the novemberish release!! i'll be lookin out for it.....also off the subject, i've gotten the first 3 seasons of star trek TNG and i'm waiting for the 4th... Just a heads up for anyone who don't know...if you pre-order the box sets you save a butt-load of money... it was 95.00 pre order and like 150.00 normally.

I went to DAoC at release and am having OMGIAMRETARDEDCAUSEALOTISTWOWORDS of fun still, the appeal of the game for me is i can make great headway solo if i'm only on for an hour or 2.....a casaul(sp) players heaven if you will :)

well later all, i'm rambling... vivarin and 2 cups of coffee IS NOT something i'd recomend :P

*EDIT* Forgot to add, the discount for pre-order is from Suncoast

Posted: August 1, 2002, 11:12 am
by Bubba Grizz
Damn Lor, go easy on that stuff or at least add a bottle of Jolt to the mix.

I think I will ask for the BabV season for xmas. When it first came out I wasn't impressed at all and didn't watch it. Then when TBS said they were going to show it every weekday I got seriously hooked. My buds and I would pack my apartment for that one hour everyday. And everyday there would be the argument over which was better, Bab V or Star Trek. I loved them both so I had no argument.

What do you guys think of the upcoming Firefly show that is replace Dark Angel :cry: ? From what I have seen in the previews it really looks kind of cool. It has that chick from the Hercules series in it. She rocks.