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Thigs to do on a weekend besides drink?

Posted: March 9, 2003, 11:38 pm
by Pilsburry
We had a bar thread......but we don't always need to drink.

Any ideas?

Like I went out this weekend, we went to a shooting range, Dave & Busters, we got some quick lunch, went to my friends uncles suprise B'day party to make a guest appearance (since we were in the area he felt it would be wise to pop in and say hi for 30 mins), then we went and played a round of putt-putt, then went bowling.

Granted OMGIAMRETARDEDCAUSEALOTISTWOWORDS of that sounds nerd'ish.....but I'm finding drinking 5 nights a week is a bit much. When ever we don't drink we go out to eat or go to the movie a small group of us decided to have a non-traditional saturday....we all had fun.

Now were planing a Eucre tournament (is that how you spell the card game with the jacks called "bars"?). We go skiing sometimes..

Is there anything else to do? What do you guys do besides drink when you want to have fun?

I was thinking about getting some board games, which sounds cheesy but what the hell right? Yahtzee and Monopoly are classics.

I mean we had like 5 or 6 of us thinking on saturday what to do after we were done with putt-putt and all we could come up with was bowling.....and I had fun, but it wasn't that odd for us to do, we've gone a few other times in the past...every 6 months or so we go.

We amost went to a strip club, but one of the girls was a bit hesitant about $15 to get in to see boobs....we could have paid for her....but to be honest I didn't want my best female friend to see me drooling on some bitches tits like a retard anyway.

Any ideas? Keep in mind this isn't a date....I have 2 groups, one is mainly guys, and one is mainly girls. If that helps any...

I joined a gym, I started going to the tannign bed again....the guys want to go to the gym with me and the girl group goes and tans with me sometimes (I usually don't bother waiting on them to go tan though, tanning is failry non-interactive).

I was thinking when it gets warm we can Hike, canoe, white water raft, camp, volleyball or try that "frisbee golf" thing I saw at the park.

Posted: March 9, 2003, 11:48 pm
by Aslanna
Weekends mean EQ don't you know anything!

Posted: March 10, 2003, 12:06 am
by Anuin
Although I'm slightly biased, and suffering from some severe "cabin fever", I say paintball.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 12:08 am
by Zamtuk
I don't have a set thing to do on weekends. Every now and again I will go to clubs, other times rent movies. Depends on weather/mood.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 12:12 am
by Clatis
thats crazy, last weekend my gf got busted for drinkin and her mom is a total spaz and called from 3 stats away to bitch....but imo drinkin is the best way to spend the weekend. but there is just teh stupid shit like putt putt and we have celebration station (the fuckin own) and yea drivin around causin trouble is also a blast, esp when its illegal to drink and a semi challenge to get some 'ish. ...anyone live in NC ?

Posted: March 10, 2003, 12:13 am
by Anuin
And I reccomend toughing it out till its warm and sunny outside before you get tanning. You become kinda orange if you go to those artificial places.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 12:48 am
by Zamtuk
I live in NC, and Celebration Station is a fucking teen club/birthday party place....

BTW: wtf is up with your magelo background

Posted: March 10, 2003, 12:49 am
by Clatis
holy shit, really? what area...and my magelo background is ana kornihoweveryouspell it... but its a fake why?

Posted: March 10, 2003, 12:54 am
by Zamtuk

Anna was the last thing I would expect on a Magelo page.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 12:55 am
by Clatis
dude, no way, i live in K-vegas...aka Kernersville

Posted: March 10, 2003, 12:58 am
by Zamtuk
:!: :arrow: pm.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 1:09 am
by Canoe
mmmm canoeing

Posted: March 10, 2003, 1:13 am
by Mitzey
If you are thinking of getting some board games i'd recomend Robo Ralley from Wizards of the Coast. Its a great game if your into spatial puzzles.


Posted: March 10, 2003, 2:28 am
by Sirensa

Posted: March 10, 2003, 3:18 am
by Hammerstalker PE
As far as board games go Axis and Allies is the best one I have played.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 4:54 am
by kyoukan
Sirensa wrote:BINGO!
I love going out with some friends to play bingo a couple of times a year. The bingo lifers that you see in there really discourage me from going more often though.. I don't understand how people can live like that.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 8:28 am
by Millie
If it's tail you're after, spend every free minute learning how to play the guitar. Practice until you can bust out a serviceable Stairway, and perhaps a few Dave Matthews* tunes. Watch the panties melt like butta. Enjoy.

*I am in no way endorsing this man or his terrible, terrible music. It just happens to be a scientific fact that all hot chicks dig Dave Matthews. When playing the guitar to impress girls, you can't go wrong with Dave's crap.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 9:42 am
by Aabidano
Canoeing, fishing, archery, yardwork, board games, cards (spades, euchre, hearts, cribbage, etc..), walking in a park, watching horrible movies, woodworking... Goes on and on.

It's only initially hard to find something to do besides the drinking/bar scene. I wouldn't have time for it anymore.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 10:39 am
by Cartalas
Shoveling my Fing Driveway again.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 11:00 am
by Fairweather Pure
I either make plans for a weekend, or take it as goes. When I make plans, it's generally Friday night till Sunday afternoon-ish. Plans would be something like visiting frineds out of state, going to a see particular sites like art exhibits and stuff like that. I'm pretty anal about my planned weekends. I plan everything out, prepay when I can, and although I leave free time, I like to get the most out of my weekend trips.

Lately, I've had several weekends just chillin at home with my GF. Lots of computer gaming, movies, sleeping, and breakfast at 3pm. Very relaxing and much enjoyed.

I don't drink. The bar scene has always boggeled me. I don't think it's entertaining at all. I don't like the beach either. /shrug

Posted: March 10, 2003, 11:11 am
by Aabidano
Cartalas wrote:Shoveling my Fing Driveway again.
I had to rake leaves this weekend, got sunburned too :P
Fairweather Pure wrote:...I don't like the beach either.
The water thaws in MI? If it's under 80 degrees I don't want to get in it :D

Posted: March 10, 2003, 11:38 am
by Bubba Grizz
Hammerstalker PE wrote:As far as board games go Axis and Allies is the best one I have played.
Love that game.

What about :

Putt Putt (mini golf)
Go Carting
Local Sporting events (highschool or pro)
Board game night
People watching at the mall
Fake Car shopping (pretend you are buying and go for test drives)

Posted: March 10, 2003, 11:39 am
by Avestan
work. . .and bingo, but I can't find bingo in the bay area. In high school we used to go to one of several big ass bingo places in Dallas to get booze. I miss mah bingo.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 11:40 am
by miir

Posted: March 10, 2003, 12:50 pm
by Fallanthas
I'm from a pretty rural area, so weekends aren't a problem with horses, stock to tend, fences, house work, card games, auctions, basketball games, softball, archery, etc, etc, etc......

As a young single, dunno. It's been almost 15 years since I gave up that scene. Too damn draining, too many personalities to try and deal with.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 12:52 pm
by Zamtuk
Millie wrote:*I am in no way endorsing this man or his terrible, terrible music. It just happens to be a scientific fact that all hot chicks dig Dave Matthews. When playing the guitar to impress girls, you can't go wrong with Dave's crap.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 1:05 pm
by Phugg_Innay
Try anything , its called LIFE `lol~. Me well depends on the weekend , ussually Cub Scout stuff with the kid on Sats , Sundays = Work at home , laundry cleaning , yada yada . I did just start Magic so that will help kill some time. Take a Bike ride , even if its friggin freezing outside , still bundle up and go for a trek. If you can drive and have a 4x4 (of any kind) go to your local offroad park. That is ussually about $4 to get in , you dot have to try the big stuff , just get out and see what you can do. Its the safest way to wheel and if you are learning there will ussually be a couple peopel there that are a little more experienced than you.
This weekend for me was , wkae up , play a few games online , shower , rotate tires on Jeep (save $20 from having someone do it) Get on bikes , head to local card shop to get me Magic Cards (and kid a couple Yugio (God I hate that F'N thing) , head to Internet Cafe (which has been a local joy for 5 years , talk with friends bs a bit , get kid a Hot Choc . Ride home , make lunch , clean a bit , get kid ready for scout meeting, do Den meeting , get dinner done , relax , watch meaningless drivel on tv , sleep .. pretty boring , but very inexpensive

Posted: March 10, 2003, 1:08 pm
by Midnyte_Ragebringer
Play EQ and shoot pool. Err play with my kids also :)

Posted: March 10, 2003, 1:47 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
There are some interesting places in the area to visit. Try hitting historical places in the area. There are some spots around here that were on the Underground Railroad, Indian burial mounds at Fort Ancient, Fort Hamilton, etc. Take a day trip south a few hours and hit places in southern Kentucky and Tennesse that were Civil War sites.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 1:48 pm
by masteen
Discuss plans to put an extension onto the house. Schedule gladatorial combat between the contractors to determine which plan is superior. Ava Victa!

Posted: March 10, 2003, 2:21 pm
by Fallanthas

You forgot beat them with a 3' level until they agree to cost+ pricing. :lol:

Posted: March 10, 2003, 2:59 pm
by Pilsburry
"If it's tail you're after, spend every free minute learning how to play the guitar. Practice until you can bust out a serviceable Stairway, and perhaps a few Dave Matthews* tunes. Watch the panties melt like butta. Enjoy."

Scrimps, Scrimpy and Zergs each got a guitar for X-mas, I'm trying to convince scrimps to leave his here since he spends over half his time awake at my far a learned a little of smoke on the water and...dueling banjos hehe. I'm just trying to find songs w/o cords and other complicated shit ATM. I might go look into an acoustic, they have 2 electric and an electric bass....I want something of my own that's more portable, I wonder how much an acoustic guitar costs..

I'm not sure I could get my friends into archery, and if I did I'd have to buy a bow, I do know how to shoot though...I took archery in college amongst many other things to fill the time between classes. Like Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Rifle and Pistol Marksmanship, weightlifting, camping (Camping was a sick joke, I learned nothing), instructed womens self defense, mountaineering club, etc....I obviously like to give new shit a try.

We plan on seeing some reds games..I don't like baseball much tho. I guess we could go-cart, my sister has one.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 4:21 pm
by Millie
Pilsburry wrote:I'm just trying to find songs w/o cords and other complicated shit ATM. I might go look into an acoustic, they have 2 electric and an electric bass....I want something of my own that's more portable, I wonder how much an acoustic guitar costs..
You can get a nice acoustic guitar these days for pretty cheap. Seeing as how you probably don't have garage-band aspirations, you don't need to shell out for a super expensive model.

If you're anything like me, and your guitar playing is strictly for personal amusement and/or getting chicks, you will want to learn the simplest possible songs at first. Preferably songs that you detest, but that girls love (see: Dave Matthews).

Dave songs tend to be a bit complicated for the beginner, so I'd suggest cutting your teeth on some Jack Johnson stuff. Learn one of his lame-ass songs, and you've learned them all. I swear to God, all of his songs use the exact same chords and rhythm. All he does is swap out different lyrics. Did I mention that I hate that fucker? Now, where was I?

If you want to troll for barely legal chicks, and you're willing to cash in your dignity for some ass, you can't go wrong with a little John Mayer. That no-talent assclown and his homosexual songs are chick magnets beyond all compare.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 4:47 pm
by Voronwë
learning to play guitar decently will take you a fair amount of time.

i wouldnt suggest learning any of that tripe that Millie listed, but that's just me.

my opinion is you'll enjoy it a lot better if you learn music that you like and you want to hear.

if you can play guitar, most people are interested in listening to you (if you are just hanging out or whatever) no matter what kind of music you play. If you suck, a song they like isnt going to help you much :P.

i've played guitar for 16 years and it is something i personally really love to do. i always tried to learn music that I wanted to play, not really concerning myself with impressing other people. I think that route is ultimately more rewarding. People are easily impressed anyways :P

Posted: March 10, 2003, 4:53 pm
by Sirensa
I would like to point out...

... that I think Dave Mathews sucks.


Posted: March 10, 2003, 4:54 pm
by Sylvos
I'd like to point out.
I agree with Sirensa
Dave Matthews sucks!

Posted: March 10, 2003, 5:07 pm
by Fairweather Pure
My guitar skills have not progressed past about 10 seconds of any particular song in the past 3 years. I really need to focus and learn an entire song. I realy enjoy it when I am playing.

I learned Dueling Banjos first, then a little Stairway. I'm most proud of my Metallica "Fade to Black" which always perks up heads when I play....all 10 seconds that I know that is ;)

I currently working on "In the Hall of the Mountian King". I highly suggest DLing the tab. It's really simple and a good start to learning. My next step is "Blackbird" by the beatles. DL the MP3 and give it a listen. It may seem like a huge step, but it's great for mastering many basic skills.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 6:07 pm
by Aabidano
Sylvos wrote:I'd like to point out.
I agree with Sirensa
Dave Matthews sucks!
He's inconsistant, sometimes good, sometimes bad.

Never great.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 6:17 pm
by Marbus
Dust in the Wind
Black Magic Woman
Couldn't Stand the Weather
Stone in Love

My list of songs that truly impressed people once I mastered them... of course that was back in the 80s... I still play some but not as much. Of course "Get the Fuck Out" by Skid Row is always fun as well when the situation calls for it :)

Weekends now? Playing with my son, hanging out with my wife and whatever work I didn't get finished during the week. Someday it might hold EQ, EQ2 or SWG but I'm not committing to anything at this time.


Posted: March 10, 2003, 6:23 pm
by Millie
Marbus wrote:Dust in the Wind
LOL, that reminds of me of the funeral scene in Old School.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 6:30 pm
by Millie
Voronwë wrote:learning to play guitar decently will take you a fair amount of time.

i wouldnt suggest learning any of that tripe that Millie listed, but that's just me.

my opinion is you'll enjoy it a lot better if you learn music that you like and you want to hear.
It depends on why you want to play the guitar. If you want to play for your personal edification and enjoyment, by all means, learn songs you would want to hear. But if you're doing it only for the chicks, stock up on at least a Dave song or two. His music is the Devil, but girls will recognize his tunes and love you for it.

One thing I don't think anyone has mentioned, and that I'd recommend, is starting out on an accoustic guitar. Kids dream of beginning on a fancy electric guitar, and wailing like Jimmy Page within a few weeks of their first lesson. It won't happen -- and chances are you won't find very many opportunities to set up your amp, plug in, and play a song anywhere you go.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 7:52 pm
by Pilsburry
Actually I was already considering dust int he wind...because of the movie old school...when I watched the funeral I thought to myself "man that one doesn't sound that hard, and it's like all guitar, easy for people to identify".

I think some of Bush might be easy too.

I want to learn it for several reasons, one is for personal amusment, a little for the chicks...and the 3rd is because damn it, I can't sing, whistle, dance, snap my fingers, or play any damn instrument..I think that's lame...I have to fix it.

And I have to agree with Millie on this, I told my brothers the same thing when they were looking at guitars...electrics just aren't portable enough to do what they really wanted to do with them...because to me guitar is about sharing it with someone...I'm not going to start a garage band, and they aren't you want to be mobile. If I buy, I always planned on acoustic, and not because of the cost, it's for the portability....I just wish they were the same size as the electric.

Posted: March 10, 2003, 8:44 pm
by Soreali
I'm a billiards man myself. Every saturday a buddy and me go shoot some pool for a few hours. Cheap and fun.

Posted: March 11, 2003, 12:31 am
by Clatis
dave's the man , that dudes like my idol, i just got tickets to his W-S show, floor seats, omg i cant wait

Posted: March 11, 2003, 11:58 am
by Faerin
Pilsburry wrote:Actually I was already considering dust int he wind...because of the movie old school...when I watched the funeral I thought to myself "man that one doesn't sound that hard, and it's like all guitar, easy for people to identify".

I think some of Bush might be easy too.

I want to learn it for several reasons, one is for personal amusment, a little for the chicks...and the 3rd is because damn it, I can't sing, whistle, dance, snap my fingers, or play any damn instrument..I think that's lame...I have to fix it.

And I have to agree with Millie on this, I told my brothers the same thing when they were looking at guitars...electrics just aren't portable enough to do what they really wanted to do with them...because to me guitar is about sharing it with someone...I'm not going to start a garage band, and they aren't you want to be mobile. If I buy, I always planned on acoustic, and not because of the cost, it's for the portability....I just wish they were the same size as the electric.
Just a few notes on guitar playing stuff.

As Millie said, definitely start out with an accoustic. Not only are they a lot more portable and generally cheaper, but it's also much easier to develop bad playing habbits on an electric (though if you just plan on learning a few songs to impress people, this probably isn't a big issue). Don't go out and pick up the cheapest guitar you can find however. If you're serious at all about playing, start out with a decent quality starter guitar (take someone that plays with you to help you pick one if you're not sure what to look for). You don't need to spend a few grand, but a $150-300 quality beginner accoustic will go a long way. A cheap PoS guitar will discourage you early on more than anything else (I learned on a 30 year old classical guitar with a neck 3 inches wide at the nut, and strings half an inch off the fretboard ... it was a horrible experience and not one I'd wish on anyone. Luckilly I had little else to do, so I kept at it). Start out learning basic chord structures and branch out from there ... once you know the 7 basic chords, and couple variations of them, you can play pretty much any song well enough to impress a crowd for a little while (or at least make them think you know what the hell you're doing).

I also agree with learning some Dave Matthews tunes. Love him or hate him (I actually like most of his music :P), he does have some very unique guitar peices that can really broaden your playing. If nothing else, use them as practice and finger excercises. Some other great accoustic players to check out are Bruce Cockburn, Jim Croce, Mason Williams, Chet Atkins (country or not, he's an amazing player), and of course Eric Clapton. This is all more advanced stuff though, and probably not something you'll be tackling very much in your first few years of playing.

As for what songs to start out with, the classic "first guitar" songs are things like Dust in the Wind, Smoke on the Water, Stairway to Heaven, and pretty much any beetles tunes. All fairly simple songs to play, and all very distinguishable without any accompaniment. Check out Haromny Central for lots of tutorials, articles and thousands of guitar tablitures. You can find pretty much anything you'll ever need to know there.

PS. AVOID CHORDS AT ALL COST, untill you know how to play without them. Power chords are the number one cause of bad/lazy guitar players :P

Posted: March 11, 2003, 12:10 pm
by Aabidano
Faerin wrote:...(take someone that plays with you to help you pick one if you're not sure what to look for). You don't need to spend a few grand, but a $150-300 quality beginner accoustic will go a long way.
When you know what you want, this is another area where pawn shops are your friend. Especially if you live near a university :P

I've got a friend that plays guitar much like you would a banjo, I'm sure the style has a name but I don't know it. He plays the tune with his fingers and the base line with his thumb. Sounds really nice, looks complicated to me, dunno.

Chris Smithers does something similar, and puts a mike near his foot for a drum-like beat. If you like blues/jazz, he's awesome. :)

Posted: March 11, 2003, 12:22 pm
by Faerin
Aabidano wrote:When you know what you want, this is another area where pawn shops are your friend. Especially if you live near a university :P
Pawn shops can be a great source of cheap, good quality guitars (I picked up one of my electrics at a pawn shop for 500 bucks, it has a book value of about 3k). Of course, they can also be a great source of expensive peices of shit too. Again, take someone with you that knows what to look for if at all possible.
Aabidano wrote:I've got a friend that plays guitar much like you would a banjo, I'm sure the style has a name but I don't know it. He plays the tune with his fingers and the base line with his thumb. Sounds really nice, looks complicated to me, dunno.

Chris Smithers does something similar, and puts a mike near his foot for a drum-like beat. If you like blues/jazz, he's awesome. :)
Finger picking/chicken picking etc... mostly bluegrass music. You can pull off some really cool stuff with this, but it's not the easiest skill to learn.