Assassins Creed III

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Assassins Creed III

Post by Winnow »

Played a little more of this.

The production values are high.

I had to bump the brightness up a notch but after that things looked much better. There's a lot of darker areas in the game.

So far it plays more like an interactive movie. The body and facial animations are outstanding. If I was more interested in the subject matter, I'd probably be enjoying this game more. I like how the main character talks a lot and it's not just listening to the NPCs during the cut scenes/interact parts.


The environment is the most alive I've seen in a game including environment sounds.

The movement/reactions/facial expressions are some of the best I've seen.

The voice acting also is well done.


The intro credits for the game don't come until like and hour+ into the game. After a sort of tutorial mission and then the ship sequence.

While I'm not big on colonial times (for games), as usual with AC games, there's a lot of historical notes thrown in with the locations so you'll learn a few things along the way as well as short bios on historical characters in the game.

Climbing and jumping around in AC3 remains fun. I got vertigo climbing to the top of the mast. I'm still not a big fan of the combat. I can use the sword ok but seem to have issues with ranged weapons.

The quest/story lines are pretty seamless but during some missions I was at a loss as to what to do or the mission was bugged. During an escort mission I had to stay within range but the people I was protecting stopped and the entire area was green with no targets. I had killed most but two of them fell off a house and then I melee'd them for a long time but they wouldn't die, I ran back to my friendly targets and then went back to engage the enemy, and the two were gone but the friendlies wouldn't continue as the game though there were still two enemies which I couldn't see in the radius I had to stay within. Pretty frustrating.

Turns out you had to shoot the bad guys off the roof even though it let me climb up and kill them, it glitched the mission.

I guess if you like AC games, you'll like this one as well.
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Re: Assassins Creed III

Post by Animalor »

Finished it over the weekend and then 100%'ed everything yesterday. Fantastic game overall. Enjoyed it thoroughly. There's 1 last SP achievement that I don't have.

I've put about 50 hours into this almost and haven't even put in the multi-player disk yet.
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Re: Assassins Creed III

Post by Animalor »

Multiplayer: having pretty much exhausted everything that was to do on the single player disk, I popped into MP last night to see what was up.

There's a fton of stuff to do here and a story thread that ties into your player progression/levels from 1 to 50. There's Abstergo propaganda videos and hacked versions of it that get unlocked as you progress or accomplish certain goals as well as very customizable player avatars.

I played the Wolfpack mode which is essentially a co-operative assassinate the NPC mode that has 4 players running around the map and attempting to kill the NPc's as quickly and creatively as possibly. It's pretty hectic and damned fun.

There's a player event starting as la ME3 where there's a certain number of assasinations that have to be made during the event in this specific game mode. I'll beplaying somemore of this tonight.
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Re: Assassins Creed III

Post by Aslanna »

(quote from another thread)
Animalor wrote:So Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation is pretty fantastic. The system with the 3 different personas (costumes) works really well with different abilities and infiltration methods for all 3.

This game is bad. Bad bad bad! I get that it was made for a portable but that's not really the bad part.. Just some bad design decisions. Like that damn canoe with a health bar... wtf? You were also not able to check your objectives in the menu that I could see. In earlier games you could hit pause and they would be there. Here? Nope. So you better hope you were paying attention at the beginning. Or follow a guide.

The personas were ok I guess but it felt shoehorned in there.

The story wasn't all that great either. Her mentor sucked.. What was the deal with that guy?

And this was on the PS4. I thought about going back and platinuming the Vita version as well but I am not sure I can put myself through the badness of this game a second time. It's bad!

As far as AC3 itself goes, I hear it's a pretty frustrating platinum trophy, mainly for 100% syncing the missions, so I'm still undecided on if I'll play it or not.
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Re: Assassins Creed III

Post by Aslanna »

Aslanna wrote:And this was on the PS4. I thought about going back and platinuming the Vita version as well but I am not sure I can put myself through the badness of this game a second time. It's bad!
I thought I was prepared for the badness... But I really wasn't! The game glitched on me so I had to do all the main missions over again just to get the Platinum. So in actuality I played this bad game three times.

The only saving grace about the Vita version is the 'canoe mission'. It controls much better on the Vita than the PS4 so I think whoever did the port to PS4 just messed that up. Badly.

I decided to skip AC3 for now. Maybe once I finish Origins and Odyssey I'll go back to that one just to say I've played them all.
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