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Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 21, 2011, 12:10 am
by Animalor
With HP getting out of the tablet hardware business and webOS's future uncertain, they told retailers to drop touchpad to 100$ for the 16gb and 150 for the 32.

I got lucky and managed to get a 16 this morning. The tablet itself is decent. Not as sleek as the iPad or app rich but for 100$, it's a great web browsing machine that supports flash and the app that do exist on it are quite good.

I couldn't really justify the 500$ for the other tablets but this was cheaper than the android alternatives or the iPad, (hell, it's cheaper than a kindle) and does 90% of the basic tasks. Doesn't hurt that webOS is fun to use as well.

I'm quite pleased overall.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 22, 2011, 9:19 am
by Aabidano
Bought one online early yesterday, there were people queuing here and there waiting for stores to open yesterday morning when I was out doing some (non-touchpad) running around.

Stopped in at a Best Buy on my way home and they said all stock was gone in ~15 minutes.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 22, 2011, 2:29 pm
by Tyek
yeah, son needs 125 dollar calculator for school. Thought I would get this and download a calculator app, but they are out everywhere on line and in stores.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 22, 2011, 5:18 pm
by Ransure
Ordered mine last night on Amazon... check the forum thread... it is updated when someone announces stock. HP has also said there should be a second round of inventory direct through them.

Already use an Ipad for business presentations.... gonna play with this and see which I like better... Im sure we will see either a decent android port or some nice stuff from the WebOS division of HP in the future.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 22, 2011, 5:57 pm
by Bubba Grizz
Sign up for an alert on the HP site to let you know when it is available.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 22, 2011, 7:02 pm
by Xouqoa
Snagged a 32gb one from some site on Saturday. It hasn't been canceled yet, but it hasn't shipped yet either. We'll see!

Hoping somebody will make an Android port for it...

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 22, 2011, 7:50 pm
by Aabidano
Mine shipped earlier today, nice surprise.

Android port is in the works, though part of the reason I bought was it's non-Androidness.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 22, 2011, 7:54 pm
by Winnow
You guys should pool your money and then time share an iPad!

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 22, 2011, 8:11 pm
by Canelek
If I see one at that cheap price, I'll buy one for sure, perhaps to make into a media controller or something. No luck yet though.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 22, 2011, 9:23 pm
by Aabidano
Winnow wrote:You guys should pool your money and then time share an iPad!
But I don't want an iAnything :)

Pretentious douchebag syndrome seems to set in to frequently with owners of iDevices at the iPad level & above. Watch out for the urge to buy Birkenstocks and a hybrid, VW or lame-ass SUV. Extra points for a micropeniimobile like a Hummer or Navigator that will never be used for anything but groceries when you take little Hunter and Flannery to the whole foods market.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 22, 2011, 10:41 pm
by Aslanna
I'd probably buy one for $150 if anyone had some available. I'm not going out of my way or anything though. I didn't see anywhere on the HP site to enter your email for the alert. There was a link but when you actually clicked it there wasn't a place for email entry that I could find.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 22, 2011, 10:54 pm
by Winnow
They're selling for 100.00 for a reason people. (crappy slow-ass OS) If you want full-on awesome, go with the iPad 2 which is how the touch tablet experience should be.

Although, they say the speakers are pretty good so it might make good personal video/podcast/audiobook player...just don't expect anything more than a glorified portable audio/video device.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 7:58 am
by Zaelath
So, an iPad?

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 8:05 am
by Aabidano
Winnow wrote:r...just don't expect anything more than a glorified portable audio/video device.
If it works as a discount Kindle as well, I've got my money out of it.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 8:26 am
by Animalor
Installing OS ver 3.0.2 and then using Preware (homebrew scene to install a few of the patches there and overclocking the dual-core spandragon CPU to 1.5 GHz resolved the sluggishness for me.

The specific patches essentially turn off the insane amount of diagnostic logging HP had webOS doing.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 10:05 am
by Bubba Grizz
I called HP and had them put me on their Alerts list for when they have them in stock. If it works, great. Then I'll let the wife and kids play with it. This way they can't bitch when I build my $1500 computer later.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 10:29 am
by Fairweather Pure
I have a friend who is obsessed with getting one of these. He had an iPad 1 through work for about a year but they took it back, promising that he would get an iPad 2 upgraded to 3G. It's taken them so long, he's beginning to doubt if it will ever happen. He knows as soon as he buys his own, he'll get one from work! So getting a tablet for 100$ that he can surf the Internet, read, and watch movies on while waiting for his work iPad would be an excellent deal.

I admit, for 100$ that my first impulse was to buy one too. However, I have 4 iPads in the house so I have no idea what I would do with it. Great price though! I hope Android gets ported onto it and at the very least, the device has legs for a couple of years. As far as electronics go, the HP Touch was an amazing and impressive bomb. Surely it will be remembered for that, at the very least!

"But I don't want an iAnything"

I just don't get this at all. You're purposely missing out on the iPhone and iPad just because they're Apple products? Those are 2 of the best electronic devices ever...

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 10:40 am
by miir
I just don't get people's obsession with idevices.
Seriously, who the fuck needs 4 ipads in their house?

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 10:53 am
by Fairweather Pure
One for everyone in the house, duh!

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 11:17 am
by Aabidano
Fairweather Pure wrote:"But I don't want an iAnything"

I just don't get this at all. You're purposely missing out on the iPhone and iPad just because they're Apple products? Those are 2 of the best electronic devices ever...
Not an anti--Apple stance, neither does anything I want to do well enough to make me want to pay the Apple premium and have to deal with the walled garden that is Apple-land.\

I did buy an Android phone with a bare bones data plan last fall, it gets used as a PDA, GPS plus minor amounts of email than anything else. I think my highest data use month was ~50Mb.

I'm perfectly capable of entertaining myself, if I'm not at home I'm pretty happy to be out of email\web\etc... range.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 11:51 am
by Animalor
An iPod Touch is my only idevice and if I could get a podcast player that did 1.5x playback on my windows phone for my commute, I would probably ditch that too. (Hey, maybe this will be my next dev effort, I've started doing that. It's a fun learning experience).

You know what I can do with my Touchpad? Plug it into my PC, have it show up as a usb decive and copy files to it in folders of my choice. Then open up said files in their own application. PDF, Word docs, music, videos etc. It just scans the whole device and the appropriate files show up in their respective apps. It could use better codec support (only plays mp4 videos) and there's a 5$ app that will play xvid/divx files if I so choose to buy it. (perhaps the next time I travel when the need manifests itself.)

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 12:08 pm
by Winnow
miir wrote:I just don't get people's obsession with idevices.
Seriously, who the fuck needs 4 ipads in their house?
I have two iPads (1st and 2nd gen) and they are both used daily. While I use Air Video to stream movies and TV shows from my server, there's only so much time you can use them as audio/video devices, after that, it comes down to convenience for browsing news, specialty apps (just used a great fantasy football one for my draft), and the wealth of apps available...I don't care if you eliminate 99.9% of them as crap, you still have a fuck ton of great apps in that .01% when you're nearing one million apps.

I tried out android. Hated it. Perhaps it will improve but it's not even close to iOS right now.

If there was a reason to, I'd own both so it's not a limitation in my decision. I'm also Windows/PC when it comes to desktops. You can't just say "Apple sucks" in general. They're too big for that. Their portable devices are the best out there. Apple portable devices are also drop dead easy to use while at the same time allowing you to hack away to your heart's content if you like to do that sort of thing.

Depending on the battery for the HP tablet thingy, it might be a decent eReader. How's the batter compare to iPad's 10+ hours?

Animalor, I could have saved you a ton of money: $8.00 USB Thumbdrive!

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 12:25 pm
by Aabidano
Aabidano wrote:Not an anti--Apple stance, neither does anything I want to do well enough to make me want to pay the Apple premium and have to deal with the walled garden that is Apple-land.
Plus the hipster, do gooder, vegan-like preachyness the exude in their advertising, when they've shown themselves to be just as big a set of jerks as any other business. A tea party-ish level of corporate hypocrisy.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 12:46 pm
by miir
I like my ipod touch as a music player.
I had an iphone but it just sucked compared to my blackberry for ease of use in email, facebook/twitter, texting and telephone.
The only thing I would use an idevice or tablet for is checking email and maybe browsing the internet. So it doesn't matter how many awesome apps there are because I just have no need for them.

Apple makes some pretty nice devices, but like I said.. I just don't understand the obsession some people have with with them.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 1:05 pm
by Animalor
What my Touchpad can do:

PDF/Office docs
Skype Integrated
E-mail from all common sources
Facebook (there's a great app for FB, where's the ipad FB app)/Twitter
Kindle App
Browsing WITH Flash
Battery that is, according to reviewers that tested the thing, close to the ipads
OTA System/software updates
Homebrew without Jailbreak
Absolutely great Audio out of the build in speakers (Beats Audio)

Frankly for 99$, I got just about everything I'd ever use an iPad for anyways.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 1:14 pm
by miir
Animalor wrote:Facebook (there's a great app for FB, where's the ipad FB app)/Twitter
There's a IOS Facebook app and a number of IOS Twitter apps but they are all pretty lackluster.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 1:19 pm
by Xatrei
ubuntu on touchpad **

** sort of - it's early, though.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 1:59 pm
by Winnow
iPads don't really need any defending. Their sales are breaking records. If the device was useless, eventually people would catch on. (like the Wii!) iPads arent' for everyone. Some monkeys aren't able to use them but dolphins have no trouble using the touch screen to learn.

Blackberries will soon cease to exist so enjoy them while you can if you like those things.

I'm happy for anyone enjoying the HP Touchpad. It's not a realistic price but with HP throwing in the towel for the touchpad market, not a bad toy to play with if you don't have an iPad or you want something with better speakers. Nice blue light special price for a dying product.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 2:04 pm
by Aabidano
Ubuntu would be preferable to Android, running it as I type this due to some Win7 weirdness associated with being on an isolated VLAN.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 2:34 pm
by Animalor
If they can get honeycomb running on the TP I would not be averse to trying that. I'm not going to go down to Froyo and Gingerbread though because, as I understand it, they aren't meant for tablets and the experience is not great.

Apparently putting Honeycomb on could be a problem becasue Google hasn't open-sourced it yet.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 4:41 pm
by Fairweather Pure
The friend I mentioned above was able to get 3 of these, all 16 GB versions, which covers himself and his wife and kid. He only has one on hand, the other two are from online retailers. He really likes it so far. He said for 100$ they are a steal!

Best Buy apparently reversed their descision to send them back to HP and are selling their in store stock.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 5:03 pm
by Canelek
I ended up ordering te Asus eee due to price and wanting to try Android. Plus, Asus is basically awesome. I decided against ipad2 to try something different. I'm holding off on the keyboard dock for now to keep cost down.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 23, 2011, 5:19 pm
by Aslanna
Apparently due to high demand people are paying over $99 and $149. I don't get peoples logic. If you're willing to pay more why not buy something that's still supported and such. I assume since there is a shitload of them on ebay (over 2000) it was retards buying 10 of them at a whack just to sell for profit. I mean I know it's a nice price and all but it is a discontinued product so if it breaks have fun with that.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 25, 2011, 7:10 pm
by Ransure
my order like 1000's of others through amazon and onsale was cancelled :( got to BB this morning at 8am, was 14th in line and they had 10... damnit.. now Im just trying to convince myself I never needed it in the first place...

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 25, 2011, 7:51 pm
by Aabidano
Mine just came in, typing on it now.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 25, 2011, 9:15 pm
by Winnow
Ransure wrote:my order like 1000's of others through amazon and onsale was cancelled :( got to BB this morning at 8am, was 14th in line and they had 10... damnit.. now Im just trying to convince myself I never needed it in the first place...

plus, all that time you spent trying to get one! That's like -$100 of your valuable time!

Even for Apple iPhones, I order them online and have them delivered the day they're released. No crazy lines or anything. Only exception was iPad2 which they chose not to offer mail order which was lame.

100.00 is nice price but keep in mind, technology flies. iPad 3 retina and whatever other pads are out there in a few months with dust it. I don't know if this is something you'd use for years or not. Who knows. I sure haven't slowed down on my two iPads. It's definitely not a fad like the Wii where it gets placed in a closet. If you consider things on how much you use them, I've got way more than my money's worth on my iPads and iPhones.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 26, 2011, 8:14 am
by Aabidano
Time spent, 5 minutes. Wouldn't have queued for one or anything.

For what it is I'm pretty happy with it, seems like it will do what I expected it to.

Worth full retail? No, but to me neither is an iPad. Running last gen stuff is ok, my epeen can bear it.

Definitely a "grownup" OS as contrasted to Android.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 26, 2011, 11:21 am
by Canelek
If I happen to nab one, I'll ultimately use it as a wall-mounted "jukebox" GUI, pending available app or mod.

I view the iPad as just a big version of my phone, so it was easy for me to try out another product (Asus Eee). I must say that it is quite refreshing to be untethered from iTunes! :)

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 26, 2011, 11:42 am
by Aabidano
My only point of annoyance so far, it wants to be a USB device then run\use stuff, rather than operate straight from my NAS.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 26, 2011, 11:42 am
by miir
I view the iPad as just a big version of my phone
Iphone = ipod touch with a mediocre phone
Ipad = bigger ipod touch

technology flies. iPad 3 retina and whatever other pads are out there in a few months with dust it
I have better things to blow my money on.
I don't subscribe to the yearly upgrades that Apple is pushing.
It's incredibly wasteful.
Apple is making an obscene amount of money and they don't seem to be interested in passing any sort of savings on to the consumer.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 26, 2011, 12:03 pm
by Canelek
And that's the thing with the lack of care for the consumer base. I will buy the next iPhone since my 2-year contract with AT&T is up. I really do love my iPhone4, including the phone. Well, once that whole proximity thing was addressed last year. I am not a huge app person--aside from 5-6 that I regularly use.

Basically, I am not anti-Apple (just anti-iTunes), but I agree with Miir on the treatment (via cost) of the customers. I view Apple gadgets as nice, but not the ultimate way to go...

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 26, 2011, 7:55 pm
by Animalor
If you're not a huge app person, then you really should check out Windows Phone or Android to see if any of those might work better for the uses you do have for your phone.

I'm currently using the RTM version Mango on my phone and it's a fantastic OS. I can't speak to android as I haven't had a chance to use it much at all but that seems solid as well.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 26, 2011, 9:06 pm
by Winnow
Apple is selling iPhone, iPads and iTouch devices like mad. They had the highest market cap of any company over Exxon for awhile. They were worth more than the top 32 european banks combined:
You might think the financial climate in America is bad now that we’ve had our credit downgraded by S&P, but we’re in good shape compared to Europe, where EU ministers have spent much of the past year playing whack-a-mole with member nations credit problems. In fact, all it will take by many estimates is one European country to default on its debt for the whole Eurozone to collapse.

Here’s how dire it is. For a brief spell earlier this afternoon, Apple was worth more than all 32 of the biggest Eurozone banks… combined.

The banks have bounced back since then, but by any estimate, Europe is in trouble. The index has declined by a third since July due to fears that the banks will lose billions if the Euro goes under due to their holdings of government bonds.

Meanwhile, Apple’s going strong. Not only is it in the process of replacing Exxon as the world’s most valuable company, but Apple has more cash on hand than the GDPs of 2/3rds of the world’s countries.
If they sucked, they would not sell considering that they cost more than your standard cheap ass phone, audio/video player, tablet.

They don't suck. With the crappy economy, people don't buy status symbol shit. Apple's making awesome products. The rest of the tech world is trying to play catch up with their "Pads" because they weren't able to put together the hardware/OS/apps like Apple was and didn't have the vision to foresee that tablets would be so popular.

Apple has ASSLOADS of cash. They have more cash than the entire market caps of most companies.
July 29, 2011|By David Sarno, Los Angeles Times

Apple Inc. may not have more money than God. But it's got more cash than Uncle Sam.

As the government struggled to reach an agreement on raising the debt ceiling, the U.S. Treasury's cash balance fell to $74 billion this week. That's less than the $76 billion that Apple now has in cash
They have the money and people to keep pumping out better products than the rest of the pack. For phones and tablets, I'll keep buying Apple until something better comes along. For me, the quality and ease of use, which is paramount for portable devices, is worth any premium I might pay for an Apple product.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 26, 2011, 10:41 pm
by miir
Could your tongue be any farther up Steve Job's ass?

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 26, 2011, 11:46 pm
by Winnow
miir wrote:Could your tongue be any farther up Steve Job's ass?

If I was tonguing anyone it would have been Bill Gates back in the 80's and 90's.

Put your petty anti establishment crap aside and just accept that Apple has some good shit right now. If you weren't in the early stages of dementia, you'd recall that I haven't always been pro Apple. I was a huge supporter of Creative players and fought VV over their value over iPods.

Here's a quote from that thread:
Truant wrote:winnow,
calling people apple fanbois and excusists is hilarious considering how you are so anti-apple-anything it borders on religious fanatacism.
I've also bitched non stop about how lame OS X is.

You don't have to have total brand loyalty to like certain products. It's just a matter of choosing the best.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 27, 2011, 12:13 am
by Canelek
Not sure about any ass frolicking, but there is certainly some grinding and moaning going on! :p

Certainly Apple has put some fine shit out there in the last few years, but i don't find it too hard to see value and some comparable features in the competition(or former, in the case of HP). And you are indeed correct about Apple's justifiable capitalism. The market and demand allows them to keep prices up. It's just kinda lame from the consumer perspective. Yay America! :p

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 27, 2011, 2:13 pm
by Aabidano
Winnow wrote:If they sucked, they would not sell considering that they cost more than your standard cheap ass phone, audio/video player, tablet.
They sure would, marketed properly. People are sheep.
Winnow wrote:With the crappy economy, people don't buy status symbol shit.They have the money and people to keep pumping out better products than the rest of the pack.
They sure do, always have. People are wired that way.

They are nice products, I'll grant them that. I just can't see the upcharge for the Apple name on the front.

iEverything makes me laugh, see the same things with basically every "snob" market\category and the same justifications. Cars boats, bicycles, watches, diet, etc... You've got the people who like them and are just users, then there's the folks who adopt it as part of their self image and go bonkers when someone disagrees with them on the merits of X.

They aren't that innovative either, nearly everything they're shipping is improvements on prior art. How they've put it all together is excellent. Similar to MS's rise in the 90s, this is a marketing (and art dept) triumph much more than an engineering one.
Canelek wrote:And you are indeed correct about Apple's justifiable capitalism. The market and demand allows them to keep prices up. It's just kinda lame from the consumer perspective. Yay America!
Yarp. Will be interesting to see how long they can stay on the wave.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 27, 2011, 2:41 pm
by Fairweather Pure
miir wrote:Iphone = ipod touch with a mediocre phone
Ipad = bigger ipod touch
They are actually called things like: the industry standard, the products to which all others are compared, market leaders, trend setters, revolutionary, the envy of very single competitor in the know, lots of things that aren't flippant, hand wavings from a fucking retard like yourself.

On topic, I got a hands on with an HP Touch. All the soccer moms in my office got one because "They usually cost 500$". None of them have the first fucking clue about what they'll do with them! Looks like I'll be tech support because I'm "The Computer Guy"! I've set all 4 of them up for these lovely ladies. The first thing they wanted is for me to put movies on them, set up the Kindle app, give them books, and they want to play the games and use the apps they've seen on my iPad in the past. I'm like "Listen, this isn't an iPad lady!". Everything is different! They have 16GB versions and I have a 64GB iPad 2. They don't understand why I can have a dozen movies on mine, 20 hours of music, 300 books, ect, ect. I hate to add to the stereotype, but these women are clueless about even the most rudimentary computer related stuff. I have to explain everything as if I were talking to my 4yr old, repeating things almost as often. Geez, I can't help but think someone else would be better off with the Touches that these women somehow got their hands on...

Honestly though, it's not a bad device at all once I unlearned some of the things that are secondary nature on my iPad. I thought I had used one at a kiosk in BB and hated it, but with a hands on I realize it must have been another tablet altogether.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 27, 2011, 8:38 pm
by Winnow
Yeah, kinda funny how non techy's think they're getting away with something by getting an HP. "I wanna install apps!" I saw that charlie. You got 5 apps. Here you go! ..."but they'll have more in the future" there won't be more little miss no tech. You bought a dead product. You're getting shit in the future. You just waisted your money because you're clueless and wanted to save a buck. You won't be putting your own movies and tv shows and music on this thing. Just think of it as a 100.00 stupidity penalty and ask for an iPad for Chistmas.
Aabidano wrote:
Winnow wrote:If they sucked, they would not sell considering that they cost more than your standard cheap ass phone, audio/video player, tablet.
They sure would, marketed properly. People are sheep.
If they sucked you would see poor reviews and people bitch. You don't see that with iPads because they rock. The sad thing is watching people buy competing products after observing people using iPads and think they're getting the same thing but just a generic non name brand for a cheaper cost. That's not the case. You're losing the OS and Apps which do make a huge difference on portable media devices that people want to "just work".

Lets see....others can chime in if they have something cool that companies are using tablets for:
The world’s largest airline, United Airlines is replacing flight instructions in papers, flight bags, with iPad Apple computers. The use of the iPad tablet will make the work of pilots easier because standard guidelines are contained in 12,000 sheets, which weigh over 17 kilograms. Meanwhile, aircraft producers are ready to follow in the footsteps of United Airlines and use the tablet as a computer on board.

United Airlines is converting to paperless flights by launching the electronic flight bag (EFG) project. Consequently, what is written in paper manuals, which occupied large space, is assessable in digital form.
Looks like the largest airline in the world trusts your safety being placed on iPads.

Lets see..what else...
Every player on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers gets to start the season off with their very own new iPad 2, according to a report from the St. Petersburg Times. There are 90 players that will receive the device, and it will hold their playbook and other valuable information.

The players from Tampa will no longer carry large, heavy playbooks. Instead, this valuable information will all have been downloaded onto the 1.3 pound, iPad 2. The team will also have access to videos and film which they can watch anywhere, any time of the day.

The idea of iPads on the team came from head coach Raheem Morris. During the lockout, Morris had plenty of time to watch play films and he used an iPad to watch video of draft prospects. The team director of football technology Chris Wells and video director Dave Levy helped make the iPad dream a reality.

The iPad is great for the younger guys on the roster, since they are so in tune with technology anyway. The iPad has created an enticing way for them to study up on the game.

Best of all, there is a safety feature built into the iPad. If a player ever loses their iPad, or leaves it behind in a hotel room, everything can be wiped off it with the press of a button.
Hmmm playbooks...but they didn't put it on the playbook tablet...they put it on the iPad...wonder why? Because it's a better device. While you people continue to act like old fucking anti progress tech geezers regarding tablets, the rest of the world keeps chugging along, gobbling up iPad2's because they are actually useful.

Re: Touchpad liquidation sales

Posted: August 27, 2011, 9:29 pm
by miir
Fairweather Pure wrote:They are actually called things like: the industry standard, the products to which all others are compared, market leaders, trend setters, revolutionary, the envy of very single competitor in the know, lots of things that aren't flippant, hand wavings from a fucking retard like yourself.
Don't forget MAGICAL

But are you seriously trying to deny that the iphone is nothing more than an ipod touch with a phone and the ipad is just a bigger ipod touch?