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Cultural relics

Posted: July 21, 2011, 11:20 pm
by masteen
The first steamroll: CT over OG's Oter.


Xanupox hiding in the firepot.

Please post other events, rumors, happenings that you remember from your time on Veeshan and the old Flamevault. I'm not looking for a search of the archives, but what has actually lived on in the people that are still here. Sort of a modern mythos.

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 22, 2011, 1:43 am
by Winnow
I was in CT during Mecha-Cazic..That has to rank up high on the list for memorable Veeshan Server Moments.

As for steamrolls, my favorite was when we (Celestial Tomb) blew right by Pravus Dei to kill Trak. It was completely unjustified and you can't even blame Xanupox for it as Toshira was the ranking officer on that night. CT at that time could mobilize super fast. (The Wizard that yelled out our call to arms escapes me and exactly what he yelled) PD was already past the big Golem guys at the staging area for Trak. CT ran right by PD and killed Trak.

Another favorite was when some players from FoH attempted to save Obsidian Guard from a Celestial Tomb steamroll. They failed and wiped along with OG. FoH res'd themselves and left, leaving OG to flounder around, mostly dead as Celestial Tomb killed the Boss mob on top of their corpses. (can't remember which..was somewhere in Velious, I think in Dragon Necropolis but maybe somewhere else!)

Maybe to spark some memories:

Early game rites of passage:

-Killing Avatar of Fear (Rubicite BP)
-first trip from Halas/Qeynos to Freeport (or Vice Versa)
-first boat trip

Most requested buff ever: Spirit of Wolf

Loneliest camp: Hadden (Fishbone Earring) (which brings up funniest deaths: afk drowners in Kedge Keep)

Best zone for in game flame wars: Sebelis (runner up: Lower Guk)

Most memorable zone to break into: Plane of Fear

Nastiest Raid Corpse Recoveries: Plane of Hate

Most fun long raids: Clearing Temple of Veeshan (Underrated: Plane of Time)

Most fun single group zone most people didn't get keyed for: Howling Stones

Longest time spent on faction for fashion item: Killing masses of frogs over several months on dead side guk to raise faction for Wood Elf Mask


Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 22, 2011, 3:20 pm
by Hesten
Thats easy, my best memory of a EQ event is........

My Iksar monks solo trip to Plane of Fear for his Whistling Fists quest.

Since most of you got no clue what that quest is about, its a monk quest for kind of an epic weapon (we got the robe as the "epic", then iksar monks, and REALLY REALLY insane human monks could later on get the Whistling Fists), and it include TWO trips to falk to Cazic-Thule, but it can be cut down to one trip, if you plan ahead, which i had done.

The memorable part of this was doing it solo! (ok, almost solo, i DID get a port out, but i had a TP portion for that, if i had needed it, those were EXPENSIVE back then)

I'm sure everyone here still got nightmares about the Plane of Fear breaking, and the huge number of enemies you got on each pull, so you know how nasty it was up there.

I knew that Valhalla had been camping Fear for a few hours to wait for CT to spawn as he was supposed to, but he didn't, and they left, but had more or less cleaned out the zone, so i decided to go up to CTs spawn spot, at the wall, to camp out there and check for him the next few weeks, since he was still a contested spawn back then.

So I go in, and suddenly i hear him shout, and when he spawns, the zone there i was, stuck in Fear, on a full spawn, KOS to everything BUT CT (he was my god after all, he love us scalies).
After heroically pissing my pants and FD'ing, I asked the guild if anyone could help, but it was late for us euros, and Sceptered Isle wasn't so big back then, so we had nothing near a force online to help clean Fear.
So I was stuck up there, and did the only sensible thing in my situation, when you NEED to talk to a rare spawn contested NPC to finish a quest, i started FD flopping my way to the wall behind CT.
This was BEFORE Sony changed FD to clear aggro after two minutes, so standing up was insta aggro from all the roamers that had aggroed on me before....and since aggro from one of those if they were near CT or one of the other bosses would mean a DT, i had to do it oldschool, /q'ing out, logging back in and hoping like hell I didn't die before I finished loading :)

40 min or so later, i managed to get all the way to the wall behind CT, and could see the ugly thing....sadly i could also see 2-3 roamers nearby, and aggo from those, as mentioned earlier, would mean a DT from CT himself, despite not being KOS to him.
So i did the only other thing i could do, told Valhalla that CT was up, and they were welcome to come and get him, i just had to talk to him first, and would REALLY like a port out after :)
So they came in, and started clearing out the zone, while i waited and looked at the stupid 4-armed menace in front of me, waiting for a chance.
And after 30 min more of waiting, the chance came, all roamers were far enough away for me to run over and say hello.
So I ran over, said my quest words (made a macro while i wait waiting, not stupid enough to stand up and write it), and finished the first part, then FD flopped again to prepare for part 2, and got the chance for that 10 minutes later.

Then i managed to FD flop my way back to Valhalla, and got a TP out, and could finally finish my Whistling Fists

The quest itself also had some great lore, but the height of the experience was the solo Fear run :)


Oh, and then of course i remember Brownies......"Ladidadi, im a level 7 wood elf, visiting Lesser Faydark, dumdidumdidum, lets stay away from that orc camp, they look nasty.....ohh, whats that cute little brown thing....hiya cute little brown thing, come here so i can pet you....LOADING...PLEASE WAIT"
I did get my revenge though, level 57-60 on the brownie camp, muahahahahaha.

Getting my epic for Hesten, when our tank, only japanese guy in Sceptered Isle (who could speak almost no english) feel asleep at the Faydedar pull spot, and after 30 min of everyone waiting, we had to pull and he of course died, and needed a rez some hours later.

The realization that Small Wisdom Deity was a massive moneymaker when you were the only one on the server making it.
The realization that getting almost all acrylia drops on the server due to a specific chanter selling exclusively to me sitting 16+ hours a day in the AE groups in Acrylia Caverns, and noone else wanting the heavy bricks....and having another friend camping the rockhopper cave for almost 2 weeks, and giving me all hides, was VERY VERY lucrative :)

A Sceptered Isle raid in City of Mist going wrong, where the Black Reavers kept spawning...the ones that dropped Jade Reavers for the Ranger epic, going for around 10-12K plat at the time. We were there for shammy epic i think (whatever it was you did after the Black Reavers), i recall the Black Reavers actually ruining the original planned epic raid.
We kept killing, they kept spawning, and after around 110 Black Reavers, we gave up on being able to pass them, and had to warn the guys at the zone entrance that a small fun train was incoming had to run the entire raid to the zone...we got like 8 or so Jade Reavers left over from that, AFTER every ranger in the guild, and a few alts, had gotten theirs, so the failed raid actually funded the guild bank for quite a while.

Having my monk in AE faction groups in Lower Guk, when everone and their mother wanted the Wood Elf mask, and a non-faction group decided to be in Guk, and placed themselves in that middle area where you HAD to pass to get from one half to the other, and they kept bitching about A, training and B, we taking every mob in the zone, and saying since they were not level 60+, they had claim on them.

Some spell that made you look like the monster you were near when you cast it, and running around as an Othmir snarling at people.

And the last time i logged out...i had made a Interplanar Brain Blaster, ridiculously hard to make due to the Kirin Horn rarity, so i had it for like 5 months never using it....and when i stopped playing, i gave guild bank all my important stuff, various tradeskill friends my tradeskill stuff, and then gave random stuff out to people in PoK, and ended up drinking that one, so there was a wood elf lying drunk on the floor of the PoK tavern :)

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 23, 2011, 1:56 am
by Canelek
My favorite moment was passing out at my keyboard with my hand on the arrow keys, and the waking up having run, unscathed, across Burning Woods. That was rad.

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 23, 2011, 3:27 pm
by Zygar_ Cthulhukin
The thing I most remember was heading to PoH for the book for the Ragebringer quest for my rogue. Went in with a raid and cleared the lower floor, but the book I needed hadn't respawned. So after the raid ended, I camped out next to the spawn point in a safe corner and logged out for the night. Logged in the next day, got the book and proceeded to drink my portal potion (which was really expensive) and it *fizzled*. Yup it fizzled! Took me hours to get a GM response, but I finally got free ride back.

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 23, 2011, 10:20 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
The beauty of Mecha-Cazic is that we beat him. Granted it took a few tries, but bitch went down.

The first killing of Shei Vinitras was a semi-cooperative effort of FoH and CT. This was before he was rooted and then perma-rooted in his spawn...FoH pulled him into where we were waiting and when things were going bad it ended up with both guilds involved. Then everyone logged out to shower.

FoH intentionally starting and failing a 10th ring war while we were in the middle of fighting Dain....resulting in Dain and all of the dorfs going bye-bye. It incidentally was the last time it ever happened as Sentry Badain was not seen alive for weeks after that incident.

FoH turning the Sleeper loose while Ct was killing Yelinak in an attempt to wipe our raid.

Ainamaif ninja-looting in ToV.

Standing on Krurk's corpse while we killed the dragon in Dragon Necro. (for the record, OG was not about to get steamrolled until they called that fuck in. I even sent Voronwe a /tell to let him know that was not going to happen...and he replied "I know it won't now" as Krurk and co. popped into the room...which changed all the rules)

The 100 heated arguments I got into with Xanupox and one or two others to prevent a multitude of other steamrolls.

Lady Diargamo coming to the server to set down some ground rules to keep as much peace as possible.

Doing CR's in the bear pits after people were feared on Vox raids.

The corpse macros to drag 6 bodies out of horrible spots before they put in the necrovac.

Gurugurumaki and his infamous "me no exproit use" when soloing in Fear from the top of the houses.

Go! Go to top! You make my nervis huge!

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 24, 2011, 10:21 am
by Xyun
My best memories of EQ. I have so many... I'll tell you a few:

1) Manaburn Gorenaire - That was probably the funnest night I had in EQ. Me and 4 other wizards and a bard steamrolled an entire guild and manaburned that bitch instantly, looted, and teleported out. It was so sick. Pretty sure Raistin and Brittney were 2 of the wizards, can't remember the other ones. It was a normal thing for the FoH wizards but for me it was just that once and it was so damn sweet. I can't remember what guild we steamrolled but they were still buffing when we were leaving. It was too funny.

2) AoE groups in Sebilis or the mushroom zone. can't remember the name of the zone but I clearly remember doing a nightly group with Masumy, a japanese enchanter, and my brother as the puller. we would find another enchanter and wizard and rape AoE for a couple of hours a night. The sheer number of mobs we could pull in those days was astounding. I flew from level 60-70. God I loved being a wizard.

3) The day I founded Ixtlan. Got 10 really skilled and somewhat hated players together and tore up some shit. Had a great alliance with Legion and did everything with those guys for a while. Both guilds were very small and very tight group of people. Good times.

4) First time I led a successful raid of misfits. Some people had gathered to kill a dragon and I can't remember the zone or the name of the dragon. I just remember one of my guildies calling me in to help and when I got there they had failed a couple of times already. I remember the dragon would dispell your first 2 buffs so you had to put some shit buffs up front then the good buffs behind them. I instructed everyone how to properly buff themselves and we killed the dragon on the first try. Felt so good to lead a successful raid of people I didn't even know. I really felt like a big shot that night. Didn't even care about the loot. I came in and out of that situation like a superhero.

5) The flame wars on flamevault! I was a pro at that shit. lol.

Of course my memories of EQ will always be jaded because my first guild OG was so awful. The leader was a lootwhoring scumbag. And I hated the time sinks for every fucking quest in that game. The price increases and patch fuck ups and everything sony really pissed me off towards the end. WoW was a better game through and through. I don't play open ended games anymore as they really take up too much time to get anywhere worthwhile. I went back to Ogame again for a few weeks and realized I just don't have that kind of time anymore. Have plenty of fond memories of both EQ and WoW.

Ixtlan forever!!

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 24, 2011, 1:31 pm
by cadalano
aside from all of the hilarious torment we inflicted upon CT and other guilds that has mostly already been mentioned, i remember the sploits primarily..

1) there was some warrior AA ability that was an area attack. Behemoth figured out how to reset the ability instantly, which was supposed to be on like a 1 hour timer. And those AA's had no global cooldown at all. So with a macro a warrior could kill a group of AE mobs in seconds... so with Furor and Behemoth we ground out a ton of AA points before they could fix it

2) when we got busted for exploiting the lack of a Z-axis check on a summon ability to bypass the entire Ssra dungeon and warp directly to the end boss

3) This didnt happen on our server, but I remember when Kerafyrm was almost killed due to some sploit (supposed to be impossible) and a GM intervened and just despawned him.

4) due to #1 i got Dire charm very quickly (permanently charm anything under a certain level). I found out that it was actually possible to use this on players, and that the level check did not matter in that case. So i dueled some random guy and then dire charmed him. he eventually figured out that ALT-F4ing would fix it, but since after you Alt-F4 your character sticks around as AI for awhile I made him attack some town guards or something and logged back in to a corpse.

5) i also will never forget as a newbie falling through the bottom of the boat and swimming around in the ocean for hours trying to find an island.. eventually getting eaten by a shark and losing my corpse.

6) first time in Crushbone- terrifying experience! and that one dude. Ambassador D'vinn or something-- i shit my pants

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 25, 2011, 1:44 pm
by Chidoro
Taking down a completely uncontested Ragefire in Sol B because noone knew it was for the cleric epic at the time. "who the fuck is this guy in the red robe?" My shammy got the blight hammer in that raid

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 30, 2011, 12:56 pm
by Wulfran
I remember things like:
- when North Freeport was the auction zone, and we'd see Furor and others in "this cool red armour" (rubicite).
- you could do a server population check and 2/3 of the online people were in Sol B and Lower Guk
- Ishtanna getting me drunk on fish wine and my lvl 12ish char's falling into the damned pond in halfling town and not being to get out without the assistance of about 10 people from my guild...
- I remember Xanupox shouting "give him the pearl" when CT_cleric_084 jumped in and stole Ragefire from Hammerstalker... and Rizz's subsequent 3 day suspension for calling Xanupox a "fucking tool" in /say
Winnow wrote:Loneliest camp: Hadden (Fishbone Earring) (which brings up funniest deaths: afk drowners in Kedge Keep)
idunno... that camp for the eyepatch griffon in Velious was pretty nasty too...

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 30, 2011, 1:36 pm
by Ransure
Wulfran wrote: - I remember Xanupox shouting "give him the pearl" when CT_cleric_084 jumped in and stole Ragefire from Hammerstalker... and Rizz's subsequent 3 day suspension for calling Xanupox a "fucking tool" in /say
I was there for that... one of my funnest moments was wiping out KoE on the 2cd or 3rd day of Kunark... live side to dead side :)

Pulling for AE'ing with my ranger, and then low level AE'ing with a group of people with my enchanter.. cant remember how much I spent having my enchanters chain armor made... but it was definitely unique.

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 30, 2011, 1:56 pm
by Boogahz
Ransure wrote:
Wulfran wrote: - I remember Xanupox shouting "give him the pearl" when CT_cleric_084 jumped in and stole Ragefire from Hammerstalker... and Rizz's subsequent 3 day suspension for calling Xanupox a "fucking tool" in /say
I was there for that... one of my funnest moments was wiping out KoE on the 2cd or 3rd day of Kunark... live side to dead side :)

Pulling for AE'ing with my ranger, and then low level AE'ing with a group of people with my enchanter.. cant remember how much I spent having my enchanters chain armor made... but it was definitely unique.
Get it right bastard, you were pulling for a group of our lowbies! lol, I remember that being the day that I realized that my necro's FD didn't wipe aggro from DoT's that were still ticking :P

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 30, 2011, 6:53 pm
by Canelek
Wulfran wrote:I remember things like:
- when North Freeport was the auction zone, and we'd see Furor and others in "this cool red armour" (rubicite).
- you could do a server population check and 2/3 of the online people were in Sol B and Lower Guk
- Ishtanna getting me drunk on fish wine and my lvl 12ish char's falling into the damned pond in halfling town and not being to get out without the assistance of about 10 people from my guild...
- I remember Xanupox shouting "give him the pearl" when CT_cleric_084 jumped in and stole Ragefire from Hammerstalker... and Rizz's subsequent 3 day suspension for calling Xanupox a "fucking tool" in /say
Winnow wrote:Loneliest camp: Hadden (Fishbone Earring) (which brings up funniest deaths: afk drowners in Kedge Keep)
idunno... that camp for the eyepatch griffon in Velious was pretty nasty too...
Eyepatch was worst camp off all time, easily.

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 30, 2011, 7:11 pm
by Hesten
Canelek wrote:
Wulfran wrote:I remember things like:
- when North Freeport was the auction zone, and we'd see Furor and others in "this cool red armour" (rubicite).
- you could do a server population check and 2/3 of the online people were in Sol B and Lower Guk
- Ishtanna getting me drunk on fish wine and my lvl 12ish char's falling into the damned pond in halfling town and not being to get out without the assistance of about 10 people from my guild...
- I remember Xanupox shouting "give him the pearl" when CT_cleric_084 jumped in and stole Ragefire from Hammerstalker... and Rizz's subsequent 3 day suspension for calling Xanupox a "fucking tool" in /say
Winnow wrote:Loneliest camp: Hadden (Fishbone Earring) (which brings up funniest deaths: afk drowners in Kedge Keep)
idunno... that camp for the eyepatch griffon in Velious was pretty nasty too...
Eyepatch was worst camp off all time, easily.

It was? I still recall the stupid camp for a rare spawn mob for the Vex Thal key as the worst ever, because you had to have a group (or at the very least dual box, i managed to do that to get mine), to do it, Contested, rare drop, rare spawn.
The one i am talking about is the one in Maidens Eye.

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 30, 2011, 8:17 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
Hadden was a whore. I remember Homercles making a barbarian named Haddon and setting him up to look just like that bastard and camping him right where Hadden spawns. Every time he would log it in, 5 wizards would be hammering him with spells to try and get the kill.

It also brings back some really fond memories of the old days when you could force a trade window open by dropping a copper on someone. Dropping one on someone as they were about to cast to steal a spawn was always classic.

There were also the wonderful farming trips into Hate and Fear with several groups wiping the zone out to get the armor drops. Those were the days where one well timed nuke would get your group the exp on the kill shot. I remember being one popular wizard with the guild up there as no one could compete with the timing I had (or they just didn't know about it).

The most embarrassing thing for me personally, was the ill-fated stun-whip experiment on Voxx.

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: July 30, 2011, 8:44 pm
by Aslanna
I have a lot of memories from EQ both good and bad. Some of the immediate ones I can think of:

- Some KoE monk (forgot his name) trying to say I stole his Raster camp when I had been there for like two hours clearing the place. Then the fuck Rizz blocking me from tagging along with CD for a trip to Howling Stones. It was a group or two from each guild I believe. I pretty much hated KoE from that day forward. If it wasn't for KoE at the time doing occasional stuff with CD I probably would have ended up joining CD instead of CT.

- Killing Rallos Zek for the first time while in Sovereign (maybe still Legion / Ixtlan at the time I cant remember). We were mostly a West Coast guild which meant a lot of nights going to bed at 2:00-4:00 AM for someone living in EST land which I was. If I had to do it over again I'm not sure I would. It made for a lot of tired days at work and lunchtime naps.

- Being petitioned by CoE because of my corpses in Plane of Air. Apparently they wiped on Xegony or something so they decided to be a bunch of whiners and say my corpses lagged them out. The /hidecorpse command existed at this time btw. For the record I was just trying to get a different corpse for as many different races as I could. I was pulling for my raid so when I died I'd have a different illusion cast on me and keep at it. I only had like 14 or so corpses there at the zone in spot. Hardly enough to lag anyone out way over at Xegony. I think I ended up with a soulmark on my account over that. Thanks Leyor!

- Defeating Overlord Mata Muram for a server-wide first while in CD. The amount of dedication (measured by hours spent and XP lost) put in by a lot of people was pretty awesome. It's really hard to find that these days especially in EQ. Now if people don't win after a try or two they log off because their "cat is on fire" or their "fish are drowning".

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: August 1, 2011, 1:46 pm
by Chidoro
Kilmoll the Sexy wrote:Hadden was a whore. I remember Homercles making a barbarian named Haddon and setting him up to look just like that bastard and camping him right where Hadden spawns. Every time he would log it in, 5 wizards would be hammering him with spells to try and get the kill.
Never heard about that one. That's funny as fuck

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: August 6, 2011, 1:08 am
by Siji
The original North Freeport. Honestly the best nostalgia of the game. Lots of other fun moments and such, but whenever I think back to that feeling of awe and excitement back in '99, it's hanging out in North Freeport just feeling how alive it was. No other spot in EverQuest made me feel as sad as how empty NFP became (beginning with Kunark and Firiona Vie becoming the new hub). Once the bazaar came into being, it was all over for that. NFP was a ghost town and it made me depressed just visiting it. When it was revamped, I was furious. Still am actually. Stupid zone was sacred to my EQ memories.

Becoming a guide before cshome was created and we hung out in our island cave. Guiding with Zatozia (GM) on The Rathe, and dealing with the uber guilds of that server being total tools. Being a senior guide when cshome came out and changing forms to all the various gods in the cshome pool out back, scaring the new guide recruits. (Before SOE removed all the senior guide powers, which were pretty extensive). Checking out all the zones for Kunark the day before release. Changing my account information on the guide database page so my non-guide account was free. Permanently. (Shouldn't have sold that one!) The forever walking NPC in cshome as a tribute to a guide who died. Finding all the cat rooms in the various zones. Spending a lot of evenings with a GM who's name I can no longer remember (Zeloxia or something similar) running live quests. Remembering being disappointed when all anyone wanted to know when we showed up was what lewts we were going to give, totally ignoring the cool story/event itself.

Guiding used to be fun. I tried joining up again when I started playing EQ again and Sony had limited what guides could do by so much it was pointless.

Fun times getting to the top of the highest windmill in plane of sky. Getting to the top of the FV statue in FV. Getting to the top of the dwarf just outside of Kaladim. Getting to the top of the highest building outside of Erudin by the water. Getting on the roof of the bank in NFP (at the time it was cool). Getting on top of the outside building of Felwithe gates.

I miss those times when Kaladim, Felwithe and Freeport were bustling and had reasons to visit. The event surrounding the takeover of Firiona Vie outpost was the best Sony ever created, by far. But it's just been completely forgotten and the whole zone is nearly useless now. There's just no reason for FV to be evil any longer, and useless. The mobs there have no point, no quests, nothing.

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: August 6, 2011, 2:19 am
by Winnow
Siji wrote:The original North Freeport. Honestly the best nostalgia of the game. Lots of other fun moments and such, but whenever I think back to that feeling of awe and excitement back in '99, it's hanging out in North Freeport just feeling how alive it was. No other spot in EverQuest made me feel as sad as how empty NFP became (beginning with Kunark and Firiona Vie becoming the new hub). Once the bazaar came into being, it was all over for that. NFP was a ghost town and it made me depressed just visiting it. When it was revamped, I was furious. Still am actually. Stupid zone was sacred to my EQ memories.
I completely agree about the server feeling alive in the early days. I knew people everywhere I went. It wasn't just a guild you knew, it was most of the server that you were at least familiar with or recognized names. Even the guild leader of FoH (whoever it was before Furor took over) helped me out with my newbie shaman staff quest with the lens needed off an Evil Eye after I ran into him outside Cazic-Thule. I'm sure every server had it's share of guild drama but Veeshan has to be near the top.

New MMOs have nothing close to this aspect of early EQ. There's no intentional training or kill stealing. There's PvP ganking, in Aion at least, but it's meaningless. You kill or are killed by people you don't know and can't communicate with due to factions. There's no passageways that Ogres or Trolls can block. Everything is instanced. There's no camps to hang out at. There's no special weapons that half the server flips out over after it was given as a gift for a blow job at an EQ Fan Faire. You're not constantly hounded for buffs. You don't lose levels when you die. You don't become so weak you can't move from lack of food or drink. CRs don't exist anymore. No skill is required to get to deep dungeon farm camps. There's no hour long epic journeys across the server with fear of losing your corpse long enough to lose your possessions. There's no sense awe when a giant stomps by. Mostly, new games lack the death risk/reward and pure adventure found in early EverQuest. I've watched someone start playing a new MMORPG for the first time and they did have some of that sense of awe we experienced in EQ but it was just a small taste and, with the missing death penalties, cut out the sense of constant danger.

Cool map to spark some memories:

Re: Cultural relics

Posted: August 6, 2011, 10:58 am
by Boogahz
Which halfling bastard was locking people in the NFP bank? I remember sitting outside the door wondering which patsy was going to go in next.