Since I cannot afford to do this for quite some time (hopefully not too long), I thought I would ask the community if y'all have done any sort of basement finishing/remodeling. I have approximately 900 square feet of unfinished basement in a 1920 home. Uneven floor, some moisture (but not horrible), shitty steep stairs and a good amount of needed work done! So, this should be interesting. Luckily, I now have a preliminary plan, thanks to my step Dad, who is pretty awesome at design, and who will actually be building the custom bar, once we get to that point.
Attached is the preliminary floorplan. We decided to make the main entrance the existing outside entrance, since I will be covering the patio soon, and quite honestly, the interior entrance is too steep and would require an assload of work to make usable in a realistic sense. It is coming along though! I posted some pics of the basement as it is now in the General forum when I bought my home.
Anyway, I'd like to hear ideas and experiences!

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