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NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 9, 2011, 10:01 am
by Wulfran
I can't believe the Saints let the Chickenhawks do that to them. I mean I know they're banged up but where the hell did their defense go?

And I so wish the Colts would have beat the Jets so we wouldn't have to hear about the latest stupid thing to come out of Rex Ryan's cakehole. Now we get hear all week about how much he hates the Patriots and wants to beat them. I wonder if this one is going to be personal too...

As for today, go Packers and Chefs!

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 9, 2011, 10:12 am
by Kluden
Yeah, that was so wierd hearing how a football game is personal to the man. But only personal on the Peyton level. That's insane. I wonder if he realizes he sounds like a jealous insane asshole? Uncomfortable is how I would describe that interview. I don't think Rex has to say that he hates the patriots, same division, so I'm thinking its a given.

The seahawks looked great. Clearly played their best game of the season. The Saints defense gameplanned the run, and got bit by the pass. Can't blame them...its not like Hasselsuck has done anything this year...then BOOM...4td day! Combine that with the Saints being highly overrated...their offense defines the team, their defense just isn't good, and they proved that yesterday.

Just goes to show how hard it is to repeat in this league, which makes the patriot's back2back supers that much more impressive.

I'm excited as all get out for KC/Ravens today! KC coaches up really well, and are coming off an embarrassing loss...the Ravens are fuck old, and trying to prove otherwise...I just saw an interview of Ray Lewis saying how its PERSONAL. What's with everyone and making this sport personal? that's insane. Him and Rex Ryan must have planned their weekly interviews together.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 9, 2011, 3:42 pm
by Winnow
NFC West baby!

Cardinals represented the NFC in the Super Bowl and then made it past the first round of the playoffs and now it's the Seahawks.

Watch out for the Rams next year! Look for a team to finish +.500 as well in the NFC West!

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 9, 2011, 11:01 pm
by Spang
Kluden wrote:Just goes to show how hard it is to repeat in this league, which makes the patriot's back2back supers that much more impressive.
Cheating isn't all that impressive.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 10, 2011, 10:38 am
by Kluden
True enough, and they haven't won since being busted. So maybe its more impressive they didn't get caught while winning? I would hope they are under the radar every year though after something like that.

I must say, that KC and N'Orlens are the biggest let down teams of the year. Both those defenses sucked.

Another year of 3 games of Pitt v. Baltimore. I would think the rest of the nation is sick of this prime time matchup, but here we go again! :) Its hilarious that the AFC is down to two divisions now after only one week, I guess we know where all the talent in the AFC is. At least the NFC managed to keep 3 divisions active.

This weekend, without seeing any injury reports, I'm going with Pitt over Bal'more (obviously!), Atlanta over The Bay, Chi-town over the Chickenhawks, and Jets over Pats (my only upset...).

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 10, 2011, 12:26 pm
by Bubba Grizz
To Win this week:

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 10, 2011, 12:54 pm
by Winnow
Bubba Grizz wrote:To Win this week:
See! Bubba knows the power of the NFC West first hand from the Packers/Cardinals game last year!

I like the Packers a lot this year. Rooting for them to win it all.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 10, 2011, 4:06 pm
by Kluden
If I was basing my green bay choice on just the first half of last night's game, then I would go with GreenBay. But they did not play a complete game, offensively. They got figured out, and made zero adjustments to their game. Granted, they didn't really have to because the GB defense stood up well. Atlanta is not Philly. At the same time, this packers team does remind me of that super bowl winning Giants wild card team from three years ago.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 10, 2011, 5:23 pm
by Wulfran
I almost want the Jets to beat the Patriots, so the Steelers will host the AFC championship game, but I can't see it happening.

The Steelers will beat the Ravens again: the pundits always forget the only times Blatimore wins these games is when its backups or 3rd stringers at QB for Pittsburgh and not Big Ben (who is still tarnished to a lot of fans but is winning them back with the toughness he is displaying this year).

I do want the Packers to beat the Falcons but I just don't see it: the Falcons are a pretty complete team on both sides of the ball. Green Bay's defense is awesome but the inconsistency ( I won't say absence after last night) of their running game is a concern and I think they'll end up paying the piper for it...

I also want the Shithawks to beat the Bears (much h8 to Crybaby Cutler) but again I don't see it happening. Its not impossible but I don't think the Bears D can be manhandled like the Saints were. The Shithawks hope rests on them beating the crap out of Cutler to the point he throws a bunch of picks (not impossible).

Latest on the "its personal" bandwagon Terrible Suggs on playing the Steelers... at least this one I can see but still...

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 10, 2011, 8:11 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
I would really like to see a Steelers-Seachickens rematch of SB XL. I don't see the Jets beating New England, although I would really love for that to happen. The matchups are really intriguing as each of those 4 teams has bad matchups and this weekend could well decide who goes to the SB. Pitt has serious issues against NE, but NE has problems with Baltimore. I think the Jets would be a worse matchup for Baltimore after they had to endure another Pittsburgh game, while I believe the Jets would have issues beating the Steelers in Pittsburgh in a playoff game.

Those two games are going to be absolute battles....

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 11, 2011, 12:29 am
by Kluden
I can't see past this weekend :) there may be matches I'd love to see, but the NFL is so good every year, its never really a disappointment.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 13, 2011, 6:48 pm
by Aardor
Any time you can lock in a guy coming off a 2-14 season and who was barely able to keep a winning record during his last long tenured coaching job, you have to do it.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 16, 2011, 11:55 pm
by Kluden
3 out 4 ain't bad. How about them jets...talken' the talk, then actually walken' the walk.

Rematch of Jets v. Steelers, and game #3 of Green Bay v. Chicago.

All the winners scored at least 28 points, that's pretty sick. I think all 4 games hit the over.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 17, 2011, 9:46 am
by Bubba Grizz
wow my picks were way off except for the most important one. Go Packers!

Both sides are 6 seed vs 2 seed.

I'm guessing a Packers - Steelers Superbowl. (which means it will most likely be Packers vs Jets)

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 17, 2011, 2:17 pm
by Xyun
both sides were #6 v. #1 this week and look what happened.



Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 18, 2011, 10:26 am
by Kluden
that jets team is eerily similar to the steelers team from superbowl 40

Also, Bart Scott was hilarious....too bad it was smack talk AFTER the game.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 18, 2011, 2:18 pm
by Winnow
Packers have this one wrapped up!

I'll be really pissed if the Steelers squeak out another Super Bowl win.

...assuming it's Pitt/GB in the Super Bowl

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 19, 2011, 11:08 am
by Wulfran
I don't think the Jests will win in Pittsburgh again, this season. They got their miracle when Polamalu and Heath Miller were out, but it will be a different game when those two guys are there. Its interesting to see the love in the coaches' press conferences are this week in the AFC: nothing but respect. At the same time I know Santonio Holmes has to be wanting a chance to rub his trade in Pittsburgh's face, if no one else is feeling the h8. I think the Steelers scared themselves when they spotted Baltimore those 2 gift TDs in the 1st half of last week and they won't make mental lapses like that again. Conversely I wonder if the Jets won their Superbowl last week by beating Belicheat and the Evil Empire, avenging that 45-3 pounding: will they have anything left?

The Packers and Bears, I hope Aaron Rodgers and Co. can do it again. I think the Bears are over-rated. They have a great D but I thought Chicago had a soft schedule this year (not to mention the HORRIBLE call that stole the win from Detroit for them in Week 1... did Calvin Johnson have to fuck that ball for them to count it as a TD???) and whenever they ran into real opposition, Cutler ate turf and threw interceptions. The Packers have a killer D, awesome aerial attack but I'm still a little shy on their running game.

I'm looking at Steelers and Packers in the Big Dance.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 19, 2011, 1:27 pm
by Kluden
Chicago beat green bay, and lost to them in the last week of the season, when Chicago had nothing to play for. I wouldn't count them out. I wouldn't call them weak or lesser by any means.

All four of these teams are awesome. There are no undeserving teams sneaks like that cardinal team from a few years ago. Whomever wins from here on out deserves to be where they are.

With that said, I'm hoping for Bears v Steelers. I know a lot of bears fans, so it would be fun.

Both the Jets and the Steelers came off of "emotional" wins. Two different kinds of emotional wins, but the elevated state of play was obvious for both teams. Santonio Holmes is hilarious for thinking that we give a fuck that he used to play for us. He's a drug addict and fool, so following team rules, he was traded. Its not personal, not sure why he wants it to be, other than he needs the motivation to get out of his drug induced state of calm? No idea. Nothing but love from steelers fans for holmes. he was our super bowl MVP. Both teams are very evenly matched. There's no way vegas could make odds on this game if it were in a neutral stadium, but being that its in Pittsburgh, they can do the obligatory 3point line.

Bears and Packers...I said it above. I feel that if the bears HAD to play to win in week 17, they would have won that game against the Pack. The Packers HAD to win that game, and didn't win with any authority. So, again, I wouldn't write those bears off. The bears are a lot better defensively than Atlanta, Aaron isn't going to have wide open receivers all over the field.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 19, 2011, 5:45 pm
by Bubba Grizz
The Bears played their starters for the entire game. They wanted to knock the Packers out so that they wouldn't have to face them in the Playoffs. They didn't hold back anything in that last game of the season.

The first time they met, very early on in the season, the Packers had an overwhelming amount of penalties (18) and the Bears still only won by 3pts.

I won't go into the injuries because every team has injuries though I will say that the Packers had lost their starting RB, TE, and Middle LB.

I feel that if the Bears do win this it will most likely be due to their special teams play or that the Packers beat themselves with penalties and turnovers.

It will be an epic game regardless. Most likely a defensive struggle yet again. I am guessing a low scoring game. Possibly a good test of the new OT rules.

The Packers HAD to win last week too, against the #1 Seed, and I think they did so with some authority.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 19, 2011, 9:22 pm
by Winnow
As long as James Jones doesn't drop passes thrown to him, the Packers will win. He seems like a player who is either all there or zoned out of a game.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 20, 2011, 12:25 am
by Boogahz
hah, and the NFL is going to charge people $200 to stand OUTSIDE the stadium and watch the game on large screens for the Super Bowl.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 20, 2011, 10:26 am
by Kluden
Really? charging to watch the game on a TV outside...sounds really fun? just wow.

Since the Chicago forecast is 6 degrees, I'm going with a defensive struggle too, couldn't agree more there, Bubba.. maybe a 16 to 17 game. Don't see a lot of deep balls happening in this game. Not saying shots won't be taken, but gonna be hard for either QB to be perfect and precise in that coldness. (and with these two secondaries, they will need precision and perfection in their throws).

Yes, the Packers had to win in Atlanta, and they did, convincingly. I'm not trying to say your team is no good, I'm trying to say that writing off the bears is stupid. The bears played their starters, yes. but...psychologically, they knew they didn't have anything to play for. That affects how players play, regardless of what anyone wants to think. Their emotions are not tied to the game anymore, because the outcome changes nothing for them or their team. All teams experience this "phenomena".

It was early in the season when the bears still sucked considerably too at Green Bay. They turned their season around too, just like the packers did, once the team started clicking. These two teams are very similar (no coincidence there...they are in the same conference and that happens all the time).

Either way, I hope the team that wins actually WON the game....I really don't want to hear, from any team, "so and so didn't win as much as we lost." I fucking hate that cop out. Never heard a team apologize for winning a game.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 21, 2011, 10:41 am
by Bubba Grizz
To be honest, this game against the bears is the one that scares us the most up here. This game will be, imho, more important than the superbowl. The last time these two met in a championship was in 1941 (Favre's rookie season) and the bears won that.

I can tell you this, it is freaking cold out right now. Doesn't matter if the which team won the division because they'd both be playing in this cold at either location.

All I am hoping for is a good game. Admittedly my definition of a good game includes a blow out by the Packers. Win or lose though, if it is a game that goes down to the wire I'll be alright with that.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 21, 2011, 11:47 am
by Kluden
I truly don't see any team embarrassing themselves this weekend. 4 best defenses in the league, basically, so there shouldn't be any blowouts.

Pittsburgh forecast is now 8 degrees since the sun is down for the night game. I hoping for some snow, I always love games with snow!

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 21, 2011, 11:21 pm
by Siji
ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost! yay! ne lost!
/happy dance

Hey Brady.. Hey Bellafuck.. dieplzkthx!


Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 21, 2011, 11:48 pm
by Aslanna
How childish!

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 21, 2011, 11:52 pm
by Boogahz
and almost a week late!

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 23, 2011, 8:18 pm
by Aslanna
Go Pack Go!

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 24, 2011, 12:36 am
by miir
The Chicago/Green Bay game was pretty good but this is gonna be a pretty dull superbowl.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 24, 2011, 12:48 am
by Wulfran
I don't know about that. Calling a game boring before they take to the field is kind of presumptuous, partially because boring is highly subjective. If you like hard hitting defensive battles, this could be a classic while if you want high scoring aerial attacks, it might not happen.

Both teams have great defenses and both have explosive offensive abilities as well as QBs who are great at evading pressure. Green Bay has more proven wide receivers but Pittsburgh has a more experienced running game. If Pouncey's injury is serious, that could put a serious cramp in the Steeler offense though: they just don't have a back up of his quality able to step in and either protect Big Ben or run block. The thoughts of Jennings and Driver against the Steeler secondary is unsettling to me, but a lot will depend on how effective the pass rush on Rodgers can be.

I did feel for both the losing squads today (well except Cutler) as they both played hard to try and dig themselves out of some pretty nasty holes.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 24, 2011, 10:40 am
by miir
Oh it will be an exciting game for Pittsburgh and Green Bay fans, but defensive games are usually kinda dull.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 24, 2011, 11:31 am
by Kilmoll the Sexy
You are crazy. Good defensive games are always exciting. Now watching two completely inept offenses is just horrible to watch, but defenses dictating what the other team can do is what football is about. Watching track meet games is just as stupid as watching guys hit 70 home runs in baseball. That is not how the game was meant to be played.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 24, 2011, 11:44 am
by Zygar_ Cthulhukin
I'll just leave this here


Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 24, 2011, 12:48 pm
by Kluden
Yeah, Rex Ryan has been on the losing side of 3 straight AFC championship games. That's frustrating to no end I'm sure, and I don't envy that position one bit. (Ravens v Steelers in 2009, Jets v Colts 2010, Jets v Steelers 2011).

As for the super bowl not being exciting, I find it hard to believe that it WON'T be high scoring. Remember, in superbowl 43 you had two good defenses matched up between pittsburgh and arizona, and that game was a shootout.

There are so many fucking commercial breaks in the super bowl it is impossible to build any momentum, and plus the league always allows the losing team to get back in it (they let a lot more go). Its probably the worst game of the year when you look at things that way!

Anyways, I was about to buy a Pouncey jersey because I need a white Steelers jersey, now I'll just wait for the SuperBowl XLV patches to come out, and then get one. I will openly weep if Pouncey is unable to play in the superbowl. that kid deserves it after the year he had. Its reported as a "high ankle sprain" which is, I think, at least one month on the sidelines. So he's probably out, and that's a huge hit to the steelers.

As for funny shit from the AFC game...

Sanchez booger wipe

Mendenhall humps Rapelessburger's leg

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 24, 2011, 1:50 pm
by Winnow
It will be an entertaining game. Cardinals/Steelers was a fun Super Bowl to watch. I'd expect a similar game this year with hopefully GB pulling out the lame 99 yard fumble return for a TD with no time left in the first half and no miracle toss to the corner of the end zone at the end of the game this time!

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 24, 2011, 3:19 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
If the Steeler's O-line comes out and plays like they did in the 1st half, this will be an easy win for #7. The one thing you can rely on with the Steelers is that they always have a close game....even if they are blowing people out they let them back in. Just like with the Jets, my gut says they will win.

For the season, the Pack gave up 4.7 yards a carry. That was good to tie for 2nd to last in the NFL....only the Bills were worse with 4.8. Now with that being said, the way the Steelers like to attack teams that can have high powered offenses in the playoffs is to control the ball and the clock. My prediction is they will frustrate the hell out of Rodgers early by controlling the ball for long drives and shutting down the Pack's running game, then bringing crazy pressure. The only way I can see GB winning is 1) if Pouncey does not play and 2) GB completely throws out the running game and deep pass and throws 6 yard stop patterns the entire game to control the clock and wear down the defense.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 24, 2011, 5:18 pm
by Bubba Grizz
The only thing I really liked about the NFC game yesterday was that the Packers won. That was an ugly ugly game on both teams on both sides of the ball. Actually I have to hand it to the Bears because they defended well. As it is the Packers have a lot to work on before the big game.

I saw the first half of the AFC game and thought that the Steelers looked awesome in the first half. The Jets looked horrible. I stopped watching after the Jets scored in their opening drive in the second half guessing that the game was already over. I was surprised to see that the game ended with a 24-19 score. It was 24-03 at the half. What happened to the Steelers in the second half? The first half they were unstoppable and in the second half they were "stoppable"?

This gives me reassurance for the Super Bowl and I believe the Packers will prevail.

38-34 Packers Win.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 24, 2011, 5:59 pm
by Kluden
What happened to the steelers in the 2nd half? they went conservative to protect a 3TD lead...and had two 3 and outs.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 24, 2011, 6:57 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
Ike taylor slipped on the turf in single coverage on Santonio and gave up a long TD. Other than that they gave up one drive for a TD and made a 4 down goal line stand from the 1 then fumbled the center exchange for the 2nd time in the game with Pouncey out. If Pouncey is in for that whole game the rushing yards would have been even higher.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 24, 2011, 7:14 pm
by masteen
It's guy love, between two guys!


Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 25, 2011, 12:35 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
Do you realize how dominant the Steelers' defense was from the start of the 3rd quarter of the Ravens game until halftime of the Jets (when they had presumably put the game away)?

Combined score Steelers 48 - Jets/Ravens 6

Total yards allowed 77

4 turnovers leading to 24 points

5 sacks

If they bring it with full intensity for a full game, I just have doubts about Rodgers being able to step up and be effective.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 25, 2011, 1:31 pm
by Boogahz
Kilmoll the Sexy wrote:Do you realize how dominant the Steelers' defense was from the start of the 3rd quarter of the Ravens game until halftime of the Jets (when they had presumably put the game away)?

Combined score Steelers 48 - Jets/Ravens 6

Total yards allowed 77

4 turnovers leading to 24 points

5 sacks

If they bring it with full intensity for a full game, I just have doubts about Rodgers being able to step up and be effective.

yeah, but don't they have to bring it with a full game for an actual game rather than spread out over multiple games? I'm not saying they sucked, but it definitely looked like they gave the Jets every opportunity to come back and beat them in the second half! Going by your numbers, the Jets could have planted 60 points on them in the second half, yet the Steelers defense would have still shown how dominant they were.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 25, 2011, 4:47 pm
by Ashur
This just in!

I officially give up on the Bengals (I know they weren't in the playoffs, just let me have my little rant and I'll disappear). I wash my hands of them. I shall pick a new team at some point in the future when I can bring myself to care about Pro Football again. In the meantime, Go Steelers.

That is all.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 25, 2011, 5:05 pm
by Aslanna
Ashur wrote:I officially give up on the Bengals (I know they weren't in the playoffs, just let me have my little rant and I'll disappear). I wash my hands of them. I shall pick a new team at some point in the future when I can bring myself to care about Pro Football again. In the meantime, Go Steelers.
My vote is for the New England Patriots. Root for them! I'm no big football fan but I root for them just because I think it's hilarious how much a lot of people seem to hate them. In particular Colts fans since I hate the Colts so it's awesome when New England beats up on them.

Second option being Green Bay, of course. Go, Pack, Go!

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 25, 2011, 6:06 pm
by Ashur
Actually, I kind of like the Colts and kind of hate the Patriots... hrm. I'm thinking Colts or Steelers. I like the Colts fans when I'm in Indy for GenCon, but I'm more likely to find fellow Steelers fans in Columbus.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 25, 2011, 6:46 pm
by Aslanna
Fuck the Colts!

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 25, 2011, 6:47 pm
by Boogahz
Ashur wrote:Actually, I kind of like the Colts and kind of hate the Patriots... hrm. I'm thinking Colts or Steelers. I like the Colts fans when I'm in Indy for GenCon, but I'm more likely to find fellow Steelers fans in Columbus.
Wasn't there a Bengals fan that was selling his team loyalty online?

*edit* yes, there was! ... =&aql=&oq=

Was that you? Not get any takers?

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 25, 2011, 6:54 pm
by Ashur
No. I've not been passionate about the NFL ever. The last time I got remotely excited was the last time the Bengals were in the playoffs. I wonder if I'm better off ignoring it and just being a Buckeyes fan. It gives me more time on Sundays.

Re: NFL Playoffs

Posted: January 25, 2011, 7:12 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
The Bengals fan was bought by a Pittsburgh business owner....he is now a Steeler fan just in time for a Super Bowl! No one from Columbus can root for the Patriots because Brady was a Michigan guy.