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Eminem - Relapse

Posted: May 19, 2009, 10:41 pm
by Siji
So there's 20 tracks and after listening to it I could find 1, perhaps 2 that were worth listening to more than once. I always wondered how he would keep going over time. I mean, there's only so many raps you can do about how much your mother sucks and ways to kill your wife/ex-wife/wife/ex-wife.. Two tracks are obvious attempts at controversy and shock, but both fail in my opinion. Sure, they're "shocking" in subject matter, but it's just not entertaining. You don't go, "Did he really just say that?!" anymore.

As for the music itself, I know Dre has talent. I'm sure he's got a stockpile of 100's of beats and mixes waiting to be turned into hit songs. But it really seems at times that Eminem picked some of the bottom of the barrel ones. About 30-60 seconds into his rap you can tell whether it's going to be worth listening to lyrics or not anymore. And since it's usually not, you instead pay attention to the music. Which I hate to say also kind of sucks.

His little "skits" seem like a failed attempt at being personal and instead just make him look kind of pathetic. They used to be kind of funny to listen to, now it's just [>>]. I don't care what he's been up to for the last X years or what problems he's had. If he can't turn them into kick ass songs like he used to, just skip it.

Overall I give it a 1.5 out of 5.

It's better than Chinese Democracy, but so are silent farts. I was initially looking forward to this release, and I'm quite disappointed.

Re: Eminem - Relapse

Posted: May 20, 2009, 1:15 pm
by Funkmasterr
I've never been a Eminem fan and I still am not really, however I think you are missing a major thing.

He is coming out with two cd's this year. All but like two of the songs on Relapse are supposed to be his alter-ego Slim Shady, who says the crazy shit that he says. His next cd is supposed to be more of his normal stuff that he has done his last few cd's.

If you knew that going into it, you would know to listen to it and have fun instead of taking it so seriously.

Re: Eminem - Relapse

Posted: May 20, 2009, 1:21 pm
by Fairweather Pure
I've read 3 or 4 reviews on this and everyone has liked it so far. I didn't really care for Curtain Call and it sounds like this CD is better than that was. I'll DL it later today, but I won't be able to listen to it for awhile.

Re: Eminem - Relapse

Posted: May 20, 2009, 3:12 pm
by Funkmasterr
I think it's pretty decent, and again I'm no Eminem fan.

The song "Beautiful" might be my favorite, but both the Songs with Dre are pretty good and so is "We Made You".

Re: Eminem - Relapse

Posted: May 20, 2009, 6:20 pm
by Fairweather Pure
I listened to it while my kids napped. I like it! I've only had 1 play through, but it is better than the last one which I considered "ok". Lots of catchy hooks and lyrics.

Re: Eminem - Relapse

Posted: May 21, 2009, 1:16 am
by Gonzoie - Luclin
From what i have heard, and listened to on the album, it is a dominant Slim Shady album. His best work always comes when he raps as Marshall. I must say i am disappointed so far. One of his only albums where i skip more songs than i listen to at the moment ( perhaps it will grow on me? ). I hope he is releasing a second album without slipping into Shady. His style when he raps as Marshall is always what made me buy his music.

Re: Eminem - Relapse

Posted: May 21, 2009, 11:50 pm
by Siji
If the songs suck, it's still him doing them. It's all Eminem to me and it's either good or it's bad. The rest is inconsequential bullshit and excuses.

Re: Eminem - Relapse

Posted: May 22, 2009, 9:16 am
by Funkmasterr
Siji wrote:If the songs suck, it's still him doing them. It's all Eminem to me and it's either good or it's bad. The rest is inconsequential bullshit and excuses.
If you don't like the music fine, but saying it's an excuse is stupid. He has two different personalities he raps as and they are distinctly different, that's neither inconsequential nor an excuse, just for clarity.

Re: Eminem - Relapse

Posted: June 10, 2009, 9:13 pm
by Nick
Haven't heard the album, I think I bought his first/second albums or whatever years ago. I still have a lot of time for him, he's hit and miss. I liked that Toy Soldiers song he did a while back. He's always had serious music and completely silly childish music, I'll have to give this one a listen :)

Re: Eminem - Relapse

Posted: June 11, 2009, 2:34 pm
by Fairweather Pure
The more I listen to this, the less I like it.

Re: Eminem - Relapse

Posted: June 11, 2009, 6:26 pm
by Aslanna
Stop listening while you're ahead!