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Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: February 26, 2008, 5:56 pm
by Canelek
Just about 70, so not really that far to go. Also, it depends on whether I actually get a chance to raid...not sure how many opportunities I will have initially (regular swash raiders, etc)...

However, I do need to know what to expect for the most part..

AA setup (need mirror)
When to use deaggro/aggro CAs
Appropriate usage of Hurricane
Positioning - Max reach, etc
Added responsibilities (pulling aggro from casters?)

Any items I "need" to have (fishbone earring(already have), etc...)


Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: February 26, 2008, 5:57 pm
by miir
No comment :lol:

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: February 26, 2008, 6:02 pm
by Canelek
You guys faggot up my thread and I will IRLPK HARDCORE! :lol:

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: February 26, 2008, 6:13 pm
by Sylvos
learn2play lollz

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: February 26, 2008, 6:21 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
Well since the only swash I know in yoru guild may be raiding more than you thought. We run 2 swash on pretty much every single raid.

Hurricane = almost always on. A good chunk of your raidwide DPS comes from being an AE machine. You really will not have to use de-agro CA' should be fairly rare. Swash are one of the master classes for putting agro where it should be and avoiding it unless they want it. The evade = pretty worthless to you as your Avoid buff will dump a ton of your will your hate transfer and ignorant bliss. The only one you may want ot practice with is the Hideaway....that drops you one position on the hate list and is a lifesaver if you pull agro by mistake.

Pulling agro from casters...forget it unless you are actually tank specced. If they have agro it is generally for the same reason you is multiple mobs and they are AE'ing faster than the tank can generate hate on the adds. If a Swash is in the MT group this can help alleviate it as the hate tansfer will give them hate from your AE's. Do no teven waste your cash buying Sleight of Hand at 80. It is as broken as any skill that has ever been created and completely sueless as it stands now.

Positioning is not as big an issue as you might think. You will be moving around a fuckton to land the positional CA's. Keep yourself to the back of the main target and try to keep as many of the adds in front of you as you can....hurricane will only hit 4 but from what I can tell it is a random 4. Just rememebr the more time you can spend behind the mobs, the more you land the AGI line proc.

Keep yourself stocked with as many poisons and types for raiding that you can carry. I have one of the big boxes filled with at least 1 stack each of Hemotoxin, Vitality Breach, Mental Breach, Caustic, and 2 stacks of Tender Poison. I also keep 1 stack of Gracelessness, Enfeebling, Cerebral Ebb , Warding Ebb, Turgurs, Ignorant Bliss, Fettering, and Stupefy. Basically make sure your scouts all coordinate to run a different purple poison...and you can adjust which one you use to what they have with them. For msot fights, all scouts will run ignorant bliss unless you are in the main tank or an off-tank group. In that case I recommend at least 1 of them running Turgurs and in some cases 1 running fettering....but not 100% necessary for most fights to run fettering. If it is a jousting fight to stay out of AE or you get stunned a fuckton, I receommend Hemotoxin. You will get the full ticks out of it in many cases that way and its damage potential is retarded if it gets full ticks.

As for an AA setup....I basically run 2 now. One is a tank spec and 1 is a pure DPS spec. Some of it can vary depending on how you play and what gear you have. As you start doing RoK, I would stock up on items with double attack and crits. Once you can get your double attack rate (including raid buffs) to hit 30% you start breaking even with the 1 hand WIS line. The actual potential DPS from dual wielding will completely dust the WIS line as you raise your double attack rate past 30%.

My personal DPS setup right now (and from memory...some points may be a bit off) would be STR line = 4-8-4-8-2 AGI = 4-8-4-8-2 STA 4-1 INT 4-8 with the additional point being in that pick pocket starter. My tanking spec (which is pure assbeat gold on the overking) is STR 4-4-7-8 AGI 4-6-4-8 STA 6-8-4-4-2

The Swash line itself is basically max out reach and the one with the AOE protection that I can never remeber the name of and potency...can distribute some extra points into the debuff skills that reduce mitigation with the extras.

Get thineself a is the best purchase anyone can make right now. Will think about must have items later...

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: February 26, 2008, 6:31 pm
by Canelek
Right on, thanks!

I'll make sure to check prices on the smoldering wtf for mirror.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: February 26, 2008, 8:36 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
You will be better prepared to make raid AA decisions based on what yoru jewelry/armor/weapon situation is as you get closer to 80. My personal advice for now is to sacrifice some DPS for survivability....basically take the tank type spec for solo/duo. You do not have to equip the round shield to take advantage of the STA line HP boosts....but you can equip it and be a viable tank for instances.

As you go through RoK, get yourself as many 36 slot boxes as you can and keep as many of the items as you will be surprised at what some of that gear can do for you. As an example....I kept an earring that had +3 defense and procs wave of healing. On the overking I parsed 100k in group heals over the course of a night from a cheesy quest piece.

One other note I forgot....try to always open with blame blade (devious is what you have now I think) when the mob is on the main tank....that will help him jump his hate up before people start blowing the mob up. Other than that I think you already know the shit pretty well just from grouping with already have some nice macros. I do have 2 macros for my short term tying perfect finesse with ruthless cunning and the other tying en garde with inspiration. They are on the same timers and both are complementary with the other.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: February 29, 2008, 6:16 pm
by Canelek
Oh man, I've been rockin' 36-slut boxes for ages (that's a lot of sluts!).

Thanks again for the fantastic advice. Will try to get the mirror made this weekend...and then figure out a spec that I like....especially now that the RoK AA maxes opened up at 70.

There a visual AA spec thingy online? Would be nice to get it all mapped out before fucking mine up again.... :D

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 3, 2008, 1:52 pm
by Canelek
So I got dragged along to some raid instance (Carrion Fields?) in KoS last night...the goal was to hook someone up with a healer-thingy or something. This was cool for me because it is an older instance and not as hardcore as some of the newer shit.

At first, I had forgotten to turn my gfx down, so I was a bit choppy. Fixed that, and things went smoother. Seeing no other orders, I just kept the assist on Elkay unless he specified otherwise. Did my best to keep behind the mobs mainly--it was easier when Elkay got into a pattern and had targets backs to the raid. I never pulled aggro, which was good--I used hideaway and the other aggro reducer regularly, while managing CAs the best I could. Keep in mind my weps have low delay (2.0, 1.6) so DPS mgmt isn't ideal yet.

I can't figure out how to use advanced combat tracker, so have no DPS stats.

Died a couple times due to aoe since for the latter part of the event, our group had no priest. It was fun and I ended up getting a nice dragonhide belt (fabled, 23% haste, 125/125, 500+ to resists +1 parry) that I didn't even ask for... :D This is cool because now I have some flexibility in the cloak/belt slots now. also got like 2.5 AAs during the raid, wow.

Good times, now I just need to read up on RoK encounters.

(and Cyre died more than me, despite constant "You are gonna get owned!") FACE! =D

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 3, 2008, 2:36 pm
by Ashur
"Ash join us?"

"Nevermind, get 70"


I did manage to do well experience wise (I hit 65 and got a few yellow bubbles) in Bonemire after Rulu and I finished Haddens Earring HQ. For yellow MOBs (to me) they sure are easy to kill.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 3, 2008, 3:23 pm
by Canelek
This week we will get you some big Exp progress now that we knocked some tedious heritage mess out of the way. I'll mentor and we will plow through whatever quests and heroics that you have in your queue. I know it is much easier for me to plow solo content due to invis, so I tend to pile up levels in a short amount of time if I set my mind to it. :)

Bonemire is a good place to finish all quests (if possible). Let's knock some shit out! :D

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 3, 2008, 3:36 pm
by Ashur
You don't have to slow yourself up by mentoring me. Get experience when you're on. When you hit 80 (or if you can't make any progress without help, or just don't want to solo) you can come back and mentor me. You play more than me, have stealth, and were level 42 when I started, so it's only natural you're going to stay well ahead of me. I'm amazed I got as close as I did.

I'll catch up eventually (Level 80/140AA ;) )

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 3, 2008, 4:03 pm
by Canelek
I am in no race to 80. Like you, I am trying to enjoy the game! I am not slowed in the least. :D My latest exp bursts have come from having nothing to do the past few weekends. Bonemire it is! Let me know when you are on.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 7, 2008, 1:46 pm
by Canelek
So I have a bunch of lowend +crit, +DA, +CA gear now via RoK quests and MC stuff. Weapons are not so great, but there really is not much out there via broker, solo as far as I can see (at least from all solo content on Kylong, which I have completed).

I ran ACT against my 2 raids (carrion fields, NT throneroom) and my numbers are quite weaksauce! Now I know gear and maxing out my level/AA will make those numbers much better, but what can I do in meantime to maximize DPS via spell order? Currently 73/98 level. :D

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 7, 2008, 2:43 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
Well DPS is affected by a metric shit ton of things. One of those things is raid setup, which is beyond your control. The things I try to concentrate on are items with +Double Attack, +Piercing or slashing, +critical, +CA dmg, +DPS, and +haste....and pretty much in that order. Other than that, you need Masters more than anything else. Masters will be the #2 DPS booster you can have (#1 is the group setup).

Keep your STR and STA as high as you can get them. HP keeps you alive to keep steady damage. Swash are not big hitters, so you may find yourself spamming CA's. Having 4.0 delays will help you be able to pop 2-3 of them off...pause then pop off 2 more. Keep the mob debuffed with trickery...and then Triple Blades, Kidney Stab will help kepe it debuffed further. Try to pop Inspire when you have multiple mobs and/or Dispatch is in from Brigands. If you do run into power issues, be ready to swap over to mental breach and swap back when you are full. Generally if you have a full complement of power tools, you will find you do not have to do this much if at all.

As a swash that is not even close to fully mastered and in the scout group, I generally do somewhere between 3200-4200 on mobs in the Tier 1 and 2 RoK zones. Tier 3 was sitting about 3000. The big thing for you right now is getting a weapon (or two if you are DW) that are higher delay and with a large damage spread.

and don't fret so much about NT Throne....those bastards have some serious mitigation and were rough for us to put any real DPS on.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 7, 2008, 2:50 pm
by Canelek
Right on man, thanks! :)

As for weapon drops, are there any good ones in RoK group instances? I know there are good raid ones out there, but I figure to not really be involved on tier progression until I can contribute more DPS.... yeah, I know there is still time, but I want to have my shit together as much as possible to mitigate inexperience. ;)

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 10, 2008, 5:27 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
Crypt of Agony, Crypt of Agony, Crypt of Agony, Crypt of Agony, Crypt of Agony, and Crypt of Agony.

That zone drops a weapon that is on par with fabled tier 1 and 2 raid mobs. You want to do that zone until your guidlmates cry and offer you cash to stop running it. There are several things from there I would look to loot. First and foremost is Carotidcutter....ubar weapon. Second would be Earring of Sedition. 3rd would be Assassin's Stud. 4th would be BP of Impetuous Strikes. 5th would be Dagger of Arcane Rites. 6th would be Mishandled Dirk. 7th would be Nathsar Shortsword.

I know there is more there that would be upgrades and good items too....if you could pop out a Carotidcutter and then did the Anaphylaxis quest, you would be set for weapons. Crypt is also the easiest zone to do and you should be fine doing in in the mid 70's if you go with a group. We managed to do the entire zone with me tanking, a necro, an inquis, and my 2 boxed it is not exactly super rough.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 10, 2008, 6:17 pm
by Canelek
So Crypt of Agony? :P

Ok, I will do that often in hopes of getting nice weps and other upgrades. :D

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 17, 2008, 1:30 pm
by Canelek
So as a Brig, should I be timing CAs to maximize autoattack still or should I just time CAs and spam them as they pop up?

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 17, 2008, 2:19 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
You still want to maximize the DPS you get from auto-attack. Just from a pure numbers standpoint to give you a basis for comparison....In Thugga (due to some slackass underperforming casters we have) I decided to see what I parsed purely with auto-attack and without running a single CA or poison etc. I was hitting 1500-1950 on single mobs that had stuns and mez AOE. On mobs that you can reliably hit for a decent percentage, your auto-attack provides a pretty large chunk of damage. On short fights you may not notice any difference in output...but when you are talking about 10-15 minute fights, those delayed hits from auto-attack do add up.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 17, 2008, 2:26 pm
by Canelek
That makes sense. Thanks!

I may be allowed to do Prot Realm when I hit 78 so I do not get as creamed by AoE.

Reminds me, I need to dump a crapload of monies to buy stacks of resist pots. =/

0-4 On Carotidcutter so far, but it is a quick run and pretty easy so I don't mind. I also picked up quest for Anaphalaxis (sp). Will get started on Brig epic when I hit 80. There are enough helpful peeps so I feel like I can get epic without asking too much from folks.

Hey man, where you been at? Everytime I send a tell you are not around. :P

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 17, 2008, 2:32 pm
by Canelek
The mod at eq2flames brig section has the following listed for cast order...will have to try this out to see if it works for me....makes sense to get debuffs done issue is with swing timing, but hope to get that working better...may need to rearrange macros as there are too many CAs to have one per hotbutton. I already team up rukus with HO starter....

Pre-pull if up
Ruthless Cunning

Compromising Thrust
Traumatic Swipe
Blood Rake
Master strike (if applicable)
Battery and Assault
Double Up
Jagged Blade
Hood of Thugs (if up)
Stunning Blow
Torporous Strike
Walk the Plank
Hold Up
Boot Dagger

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 17, 2008, 3:27 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
From what I understand by our raid Brig, he used double up with Dispatch. Not sure the damage on the Brig stuff so much so I would assume it is one of the hardest hitting. I would bump Sinister Strike up on the list....since it lowers mitigation vs physical damage.

With your mirror, I HIGHLY recommed two entirely different setups (depending on what FoH allows...and until they can beat OK and Venril tell them to suck it). First is a pure DPS assbeat raid setup...and the other is the "fuck you clowns I am staying alive" setup. The raid setup I have the STR line at 4-7-4-8-2 AGI line 4-7-4-8-2 INT line 4-7 STA line 4-5 That gives you near max hits from 4 extra attacks, one of which is TS, and the other which drops you into stealth and allows you to bang out whatever your big hitting attack from stealth is called. That attack refreshes faster than the INT line you can then bust it again with hideaway if you desire. I found that hideaway is so slow that I don;t bother with it and just use the INT line one every 30 seconds.

The staying alive setup is the STR 4-5-5-8 AGI 4-7-4-8-2 STA 6-4-8-4-2 That gives you a hot HP bonus and I find myself using it quite often on the Overking for taking care of the adds (this is also the same setup I was in when I parsed the 4900's last night). I also carry around a redwood box just with my different gear sets to swap back and forth for different situations....and knowing what gear to use for certain fights can make a huuuge difference.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 17, 2008, 3:43 pm
by Canelek
Can you hook me up with a mirror? Can't seem to find anyone to make one....I did get a chicken foot last night though! As always, thanks!!

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 17, 2008, 3:45 pm
by Ashur
chicken foot??!

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 17, 2008, 4:24 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
Vyxxen and Rallifane can both make them....I will try to hook you up with one or the other when I see each of you online and able.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 17, 2008, 4:46 pm
by Canelek
Awesome, thx!

Ash - Rliss Chicken foot is a trinket... like +25 str/sta and +50 CA dmg. There are similar ones for casters (wishbone, I think)

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: March 27, 2008, 1:49 pm
by Canelek
Still trying to figure out a casting order that works well for dps. However, I had been mainly trying to get my main debuffs in, as well as timing Dispatched with Shallow....need to pick her brain for brig casting order I suppose.

Now, I got 80 last night, so it will be easier for me to figure out.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 9, 2008, 11:03 am
by Anos
Mind if I jump in here and toss in some 2cp ? I am a friend/guildmate of Pyrella's and a raiding brigand on Antonia Bayle.

Updated: Brigand Raid Advice ;)

Posted: April 9, 2008, 11:08 am
by Ashur
By all means!

P.S. Fuck leather priest loot :D

Re: Updated: Brigand Raid Advice ;)

Posted: April 9, 2008, 11:13 am
by miir
Ashur wrote:P.S. Fuck leather priest loot :D
My healing set has a bunch of leather pieces...

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 9, 2008, 1:04 pm
by Anos
In regards to our (Brig) dps breakdown on raid mobs these are our approximate %'s. 30-40 % from autoattack, 6-10% from poisons 50-64% from CA's. These number are dependent of course on your str,crit,DA and group makeup. As a brig, if you try to time your auto attacks and CA's you will be lowering your dps dramatically. Especially on very long fights (read 10-15minutes). Pre-VP and Pre-SoH your dps should be hitting from 3-4.5k on anything single T1 or T2 with a proper dps group. Multi-boss fights and jousting can really screw with this. There are so many variables anyone who e-peens over a dps parse could still be quite clueless. As long as you aren't a short bus rider, smart CA rotation/debuffing and do your role according to the encounter, dps will happen quite naturally. One of the biggest things is of course to time your debuffs. Especially on multi mob encounters you need to maximize dps on everything you are swapping to (ie...saving those big debuff CA's when OT mob is at 10% so that the next OT'd mob gets the debuffs from the front end of engage) You will find yourself going "god I'm a dumbass" when you pavlovian hit a full debuff rotation and then realize the mob is sub 10% and you have another add still to go.

In regards to Pantz post of his CA rotation on eq2flames. While his order is ok there are some things that are a bit weird to me at least. One thing is that if your raid runs 2 brigs like we do, you will want to stagger your debuffs so that you both aren't overwriting each other at the same time which means they run out at the same time. So simply working out with your other brig either by delaying their engage or starting with other CA's before hitting their debuff rotation. This becomes especially important once you bring in other variables like missing or jousting.

Even though I can do pretty decent dps as a brigand, my first responsibility is to get the boss debuffed ASAP for the rest of the people so that their dps (mine included) is more effective. The dps gained by everyone else because the mob can be hit harder/more efficiently is much greater exponentially then maximizing my dps from the get go. That being said however, we are lucky that most of our debuffs actually are our greatest single shot CA's but with large CD's.

Do not ever underestimate debuffs once you get to T8 stuff. The difference between a successful kill and a wipe can be something as simple as making sure the boss/bosses are kept debuffed not only so that they are easy to hit but that they aren't face fucking your tanks. Perfect example would be the twins when using the "burn" method of killing. The spike damage on either tank but specifically the one being offtanked with a single group in the other hallway, is night and day once he is fully debuffed. IIRC it was an example of 10k hits being reduced to 3k'ish once he was fully debuffed and kept debuffed.

Our dps, like most anyone, of course can be completely controlled by group makeup. Inq,Dirge,Illy give brigands happy pants but you will not always get all, but you should at least get one or you are basically reduced to mediocre dps/debuffer. Never underestimate group makeup because it also can be the difference between a successful pull and a wipe. That includes raid wide group composition (ie MT grp, OT grp, DPS, DPS)

Most trash and instance bosses die so fast of course all of this is pretty much moot in regards to them. Now all of this being said, I have only been playing since November with Pyrella and we are just now getting into challenging content (overking,venril) but from my experience up to this point, this is my "nub infoz" as it were.

Re: Updated: Brigand Raid Advice ;)

Posted: April 9, 2008, 1:18 pm
by Ashur
miir wrote:
Ashur wrote:P.S. Fuck leather priest loot :D
My healing set has a bunch of leather pieces...
As mine is shaping up to be as well.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 9, 2008, 2:49 pm
by Canelek
Right on, thank you, Anos! :D (Same Anos from Veeshan?)

I have sort of noticed this as well, as far as DPS vs. CA timing. thing is, I was a swashie from 54-74 or so, so my DPS was much higher via auto-attck (Hurricane, et al).

What I do now is try and get my debuffs in as efficiently as possible. Now that I am the only brig, I figure that is more important than trying to cockparse.

With that said, I am still relatively new to the game, so appreciate any advice. So you are saying ignore swing-timing or just not focus on it so much?

PS: Move Ixtlan to Guk, Py knows he wants to. :D

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 9, 2008, 3:26 pm
by Anos
So you are saying ignore swing-timing or just not focus on it so much?
Every test/parse I have seen,done, and heard of and from talking to VP/Avatar Brigs, you ignore trying to time your auto attack between CA's. The overall consensus is that the time you spend waiting for an auto attack to hit you are missing times when a CA is up and usable therefore reducing your overall dps due to CD's. Early on I did some extensive testing and parsing and came up with the same conclusion. (I am guessing that this is cause we have 10s,20s,30s and longer CD's on our CA's which theoretically means something is going to be up almost the whole time).

**That being said, if you spec boot dagger you CAN time the best time to use that which is right after an auto attack cause dropping out of combat resets your autoattack timer. So if you are real diligent you can auto/boot/rob&auto for a real fast combo. This is something that I don't personally do cause I am the one usually doing 10 other things at the same time. (timers,joust calls, and telling py to stop sending me naked pictures of him and "Tubesock" his pet nutria...)

Step 1: Grasp your nutria firmly

The other steps are just too disturbing to post and my therapist has suggested I not dwell on them. Anyways I digress...and my lawsuit against Pyrella prevents me from disclosing more or discussing the case in detail.

PS..I started on Tholuxe and ended there before Bertox merge. That being said however, I simply gave him to friends so who knows wtf he ended up at. Troll Shaman

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 9, 2008, 3:36 pm
by Canelek
Ahh. I think I had EQ1 and WoW confused.

Canno from Ixtlan (WoW) :D I remember now!

Thanks for the tips! I will spam me some CAs tonight in Kor-Sha and the new Hate zone and see how that goes. :)

What is your favorite double up combo?

I like Dispatched -> Sinister Strike (if available) -> Blood Rake (deaggro)

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 9, 2008, 4:09 pm
by Anos
Most of the time, do B&A right before Dbl up. This bit of advice only applies when you are not having to joust, cause if you are jousting you are saving your B&A for shortsight as you run out

Rake,Dispatched,Clock,SS,B&A..can fit 2 B&A's in one Dbl Up CD..I highly suggest getting Profit UI as it comes with CD timers for your CA's. This is REALLY nice for thinking ahead and not having to mouse hover and guesstimate your CD's. I seriously added from 400-800 dps just from being able to see my CD's and plan ahead mentally.

Yes I do remember you but did not recognize your eq1 name I guess. Think you were a mage in WoW yes?

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 9, 2008, 4:26 pm
by Canelek
I have ProfitUI, but not the timers--need to find that plugin.

Was a rogue in WoW--had been with Ixtlan since beta, but ended up bailing the game when we started getting into molten core since my comp could not handle. ended up playing again when BC came out, olny to ultimately quite since I had decided to level up a hunter and lost whatever fun was left in the game. :)

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 9, 2008, 5:02 pm
by Ashur
I too was an Ixtlan-ite for a time in EQ1. Good times!

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 9, 2008, 5:10 pm
by Fash
Go outside

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 10, 2008, 12:43 pm
by Canelek
Well damn, the spamming thing seems rather effective. I need to switch a few things around, but my DPS was ok for not having many masters (Thieves Guild, Savy), needing a offhand upgrade (Havoc/Anaphylaxis (sp)) and some random armor upgrades. I was pretty much in the top 5 most of the night, although my max was around 3.5K so can use improvement. If I remember right, group makup was:


Things did switch up a bit since we were in Shard of Hate the whole time after a quick statue kill in Kor Sha.

Also, being the only Brigand (and only rogue for most of time), I was kept busy making sure all my debuffs were on, swiping and dispatching. Still learning though, and trying not to fuck up. :)

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 10, 2008, 1:39 pm
by Anos
glad to hear things workin' out better for ya...ya hang in WW brig channel ? good info there and questions usually answered if it's not something stupid you can go look up in 5 seconds somewhere

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 10, 2008, 1:40 pm
by Canelek
What is the channel? Already have several channels, so why not more? :)

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 10, 2008, 3:37 pm
by Anos
check pantz thread on flames...otherwise have to wait till i can get home and access can do from work

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 15, 2008, 12:21 pm
by *~*stragi*~*
p. sure i was the best swash that game will ever see

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 15, 2008, 1:29 pm
by Canelek
It's true! Stragi used to bullseye wamprats in his T-16.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 17, 2008, 6:14 pm
by Canelek
Got my first server-discovery yesterday while raiding Shard of Hate--was shocked that it had not dropped before given how long the zone has been live!


It has happypants proc and its animation is leaky faucet of blood. :D pew pew pew pew

Best thing is now my wep delays match at 4.0. Was hoping to use it as mainhand wep, but forgot that brig epic is mainhand only. Not really complaining though! :D

--matching delays means I can finally have easier time of getting extra autoattacks in. Made a huge difference! Especially seeing how much I was interrupting my autoattack at the loss of 2-6K per dbl crit attack.

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 17, 2008, 9:15 pm
by Ashur
Grats Inkie!

Now to knock out those last four levels so I can quit being a second-class citizen...

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 21, 2008, 10:53 pm
by Anos
that dag is sick man..grats

Re: Swashie Raid Advice - yer up, K

Posted: April 22, 2008, 12:07 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
Now get your asses into Tier 3!