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Anyone still playing?

Posted: July 25, 2007, 1:36 pm
by miir
Just curious.

I hear they shitcan your $9.99 'Founders' rate if you cancel and charge $14.99 if you decide to re-sub.

Re: Anyone still playing?

Posted: July 25, 2007, 2:13 pm
by Boogahz
yeah, but they are very clear about that when you start the Founder's rate and before you cancel.

Oh, I cancelled. I have been too into EQ2 and my 360 to spend any time playing LOTRO.

Re: Anyone still playing?

Posted: July 25, 2007, 2:37 pm
by Kryshade
I'm still going strong, got my Burglar up to level 41 now. Just completed my first legendary trait which has a chance to randomly start a fellowship manuever.

I have al ot of fun with this game, but I think it's because I approach it a bit differently.

I duo with my RL brother who plays a 41 Guardian. A guardian/burglar duo is pretty nasty as he has the surviveability needed, I have the DPS and the tricks/debuffs and with the two of us, we can pull of fellowship manuevers like theres no tomorrow. Being that I now have 4 different ways to start a fellowship manuever, it means we can pull out in a pinch.

I think I've been in a total of 4 full groups. Otherwise I just duo with my brother. We've taken on things that I've seen full groups fail at. Of course, we get in over our heads sometimes, but I've found it's really the only way to keep the game challenging and give me that "edge of the seat" feeling that makes the game a lot more fun.

I'm starting to feel some of the repetitiveness of the game. I'll be the first to admit that it's a watered down, easy, casual mmorpg. I'm not into the hardcore stuff anymore. I've never seen or played WoW and I have no desire too... same with EQ2. Until something better than LOTRO comes along, I'm happy playing this for now. I really enjoy it more for the fact that it's a way for me to hang out with my brother on a daily basis and do something. The ingame VOIP is great, the game is fun and challenging playing it with just the two of us, and we get into enough fun situations to keep us excited.

I don't know what the future holds for the game to be honest. They're doing their best to release content as fast as possible and to make tweaks to the game. I think they'd have to make some hardcore fundamental changes to truly make it one of the better mmorpg's, but i'm still enjoying it none the less.

Re: Anyone still playing?

Posted: July 26, 2007, 1:02 pm
by Trias
i'm enjoying it really casually with some RL friends. 31 champion.

Re: Anyone still playing?

Posted: July 26, 2007, 1:51 pm
by Bubba Grizz
I've been playing every morning before work. I have been toying with which class to play though. I have a 17 guardian and a 17 champion. I tried burglar but for some reason I just can't get into it. I need more survivability when soloing. I am not a big fan of pets though so I am not sure if Captain or Loremaster would appeal to me as much.

Re: Anyone still playing?

Posted: July 26, 2007, 2:36 pm
by Kryshade
Burglar is one of the best solo classes there is! You need to get over lvl 20 to start appreciating their abilities. Debuffs (tricks), self heals, evasion skills. mock feign death (if you play hobbit), hide in plain sight = agro wipe, pretty decent dps, stealth, backstabs, stuns, pickpocketing, mez ability... lets not forget they can also start fellowship moves as well!!! Burglars really do have it all. I'm lvl 41 with about 2100hp, and I can solo an elite with about 6-7k hp's.

The only other solo classes with more survivability are the minstrel and maybe lore master. Lore Master looks like it could be a cool class, but they sometimes have a hard time finding groups. Minstrels never have a hard time finding groups, and from what I hear can actually do moderate dps.

Personally, I wouldn't want to play any other class. Partnering with a guardian makes for some pretty cool strategies, and when I do need to group up, Burglar brings a hell of a lot to a group.

Champions just seem kinda blah to me. Guardian is a good class, but I don't really like playing the "tank" class in games. I prefer the utility role of other classes much more.

Re: Anyone still playing?

Posted: July 27, 2007, 9:53 am
by Bubba Grizz
I think because I haven't made it to level 20 with any characters yet it is tough for me to decide which I like most. I love the hitpoints of the Guardian but also love the damage output by my Champion. I started a Loremaster yesterday so that I can have another crafter. I think I need another 3 or 4 characters to get all the crafting covered. I just hate to see resources go to waste or not be harvested.

At first I was not impressed with the crafting in this game. Having come from VG where crafting was rather incredible in that it was frustrating and satisfying all at the same time. What I like about this game is how it brings you to different areas with a good story to make things make sense.

Which makes me realize what other games are missing overall. Life. When I stroll through a town in WoW the npc's are all pretty much doing nothing but standing around. Don't get me wrong Lotro has this too but what they have that other games don't (that I have seen) is people walking around doing basic chores, playing music, talking amongst themselves and to you as you pass by, having a purpose other than to stand there. It all works towards making you feel as if you are actually part of the world. I like that so far.

Re: Anyone still playing?

Posted: July 27, 2007, 10:24 am
by Moonwynd
I logged in to the game after a mini-break (a month) and my guild was no longer in the guild and I found no one from the small guild I was in playing - looks like most of them took a mini break as well and have not come back... :(

Re: Anyone still playing?

Posted: July 27, 2007, 10:57 am
by Boogahz
Moonwynd wrote:I logged in to the game after a mini-break (a month) and my guild was no longer in the guild and I found no one from the small guild I was in playing - looks like most of them took a mini break as well and have not come back... :(
Yeah, I think that's basically what happened. :?

Re: Anyone still playing?

Posted: July 29, 2007, 5:37 pm
by Xanupox
I pretty much did it all. I have access to "other servers" as well and that isnt enough to keep my excited about the game.

Leveling up, getting the good items and seeing the zones for the first 4-5 times is awesome. Beyond that it just gets boring.
The games loot is not on a scale like EQ, you cannot become 'super strong' as the devs like to put it by having the best gear.

To me though, if you want me to keep repeating the same content there needs to be a reward in place that is worth spending the HOURS of time needed to get those final items. Unfortunately this is not the case in LOTRO at the moment. The devs insistently spew that the game is not 'loot-centric', so they refuse to add the interesting items needed to keep players raiding and repeating the same content currently available.

There are things coming down the pipe, but they are not here yet and well... its boring right now.

So I am planning on trying it up again in mid september when I have more freetime in RL to enjoy it. I will not cancel my sub because I dont want to lose the cheap rate.

Re: Anyone still playing?

Posted: July 30, 2007, 2:22 pm
by Bubba Grizz
I have discovered that I like playing the Minstrel. For some reason he is pretty cool. Especially because he can be a Dwarf. I found that I can solo much more efficiently with him and then when I need a group I don't have much trouble getting one. I'll have to see how this pans out in more group play though.

Re: Anyone still playing?

Posted: July 31, 2007, 12:39 am
by Voronwë
37 Champ, Landroval, Voron

i play a couple days a week, couple hours at a time.

generally i find it entertaining.