Leaked Class Tree Expansion Infoz?

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Fairweather Pure
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Leaked Class Tree Expansion Infoz?

Post by Fairweather Pure »

Not confirmed in any way, so they may or not be accurate. Food for thought though.



General info:

Fact: Blood elf starting area is damn cool.
Total spell damage bonus is now displayed in the UI.
Frenzied Regeneration now scales with stamina. For Rank 3, each point of rage is now converted to 17 health plus some percentage of your stamina (looks like 1%).
Moonfury's tooltip now reads increases damage to all Balance damage spells, which means it probably is now applied after bonus spell damage effects.
Travel Form model has been changed to a stag.
No word about Stormcrow Form, but I wouldn't rule it out as a level 70 flying mount.

Balance Talents

Tier 5
Gusting Winds: Increases the damage done by your Cyclone and Hurricane spells by 10/20/30%.

Tier 6
Dreamstate: Gives you a 33/66/100% chance to gain the Focused Casting effect that lasts for 6 sec after being the victim of a melee or ranged critical strike. The Focused Casting effect prevents you from losing casting time when taking damage.

Tier 7
Improved Moonkin Form: Requires 1 point in Moonkin Form. Increases all spell damage caused by 1/2/3% and reduces the base mana cost of Moonkin Form by 5/10/15%. Note: This means Moonkin now costs as much as Travel and Aquatic Forms.
Strength of the Moon: Increases spell damage by up to 5/10/15/20/25% of your total intellect.

Tier 8
Empowered Starfire: Your Starfire spell gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus spell damage effects.

Tier 9
Force of Nature (Rank 1): The force of nature radiates from the Druid, silencing enemies within 10 yards for 2 sec. and causing 192-212 Nature damage. Note: 2 minute cooldown.

Feral Combat Talents

Tier 5
Feral Recovery: All healing effects on you are increased by 10/20%. In addition, the act of shapeshifting has a 25/50% chance to remove one harmful effect.

Tier 6
Primal Instinct: Increases your chance to resist stun, charm, and trap effects by 3/6/9/12/15%.

Tier 7
Animal Reflexes: Increases your agility by 2/4/6/8/10% while in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms.
Predatory Will: Reduces the cooldown of Growl and increases the duration of Tigers Fury by 1/2 sec.

Tier 8
Heightened Senses: Increases your attack power by up to 10/20/30/40/50% of your intellect.

Tier 9
Scent of the Pack: Reduces damage taken in Bear Form and Dire Bear Form by 0.4%, and increases damage done in Cat Form by 0.6% for every party or raid member within 45 yards with Mark of the Wild or Gift of the Wild active.


Tier 6
Natural Resilience: Increases your mana regeneration while in all forms by 10/20/30%.

Tier 7
Healing Mastery: Increases the critical effect chance of your healing spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.
Improved Innervate: Reduces the cooldown of Innervate by 20/40/60 sec.

Tier 8
Nature's Reprieve: Gives you a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of your spell after healing a wounded target with Healing Touch, Regrowth, or Swiftmend.

Tier 9
Harmonize: Distributes damage taken by party members within 30 yards between the party while in effect. Note: Its a self cast buff that lasts up to 30 seconds.

New Base Spells

Cyclone (Balance): Throws your target into the air, disorienting the target and causing Nature damage over 3 seconds but making the target immune to other damage during that time.
Mangle (Cat Form): Stuns the enemy and deals damage per combo point.
Feral Strike (Bear Form): An attack that deals damage and converts each extra point of rage into damage and causes a high amount of threat.
Enervate (Restoration): Drains mana, energy, or rage every second for 20 seconds.
Control Beast (Balance): Controls a beast up to level 77 but increases the time between attacks by 25%. Lasts up to 1 min.
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Post by Boogahz »

I've seen a few of the supposedly leaked class info posts, and the mage one is the only one that looks far too overpowered.
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Post by Sargeras »



Attunement (66): Gives the Paladin mana when healed by other friendly targets. The amount of mana gained is equal to 10% of the amount healed.

Blessing of Spell Warding: A targeted party member is protected from all magical attacks for 10 sec, but during that time they are Silenced. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time. Once protected, the target cannot be made invulnerable by Divine Shield, Divine Protection, Blessing of Spell Warding, or Blessing of Protection again for 1 min.
Basically, it's an inverse of Blessing of Protection.

Crusader Aura (64): Increases the mounted speed by 20% for all party members within 40 yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.
This will be huge in PVP.

Seal of Blood (64): All melee attacks deal additional Holy damage equal to 30% of normal weapon damage, but the Paladin loses health equal to 10% of the total damage inflicted. Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 409 to 451 Holy damage at the cost of 136 to 151 health.
Command deals 70% weapon damage in procs, with no health lost. I know this would be a 30% boost for every swing, but I guess it's Blizz's solution to controlled DPS. I wonder what happens with the health loss on judgement crits since crits aren't controllable.

Avenging Wrath (70): Increases all damage caused by 30% for 20 sec. Causes Forebearance.
Sweet! 5 minute cooldown I assume because of Forebearance



Pure of Heart, requires 20, 3 point talent
Increases the paladin's chance to resist curse/disease by 5(10/15?)%
Curse will be nice since we can't cleanse it.

Purifying Power, requires 25, 2 point talent
Reduces the mana cost of Consecration and Cleanse by 5(10?)%, and increases the critical strike chance of Holy Wrath and Exorcism by 10(20?)%
Naxx juicer, and any demon encounter in expansion.

Blessed Life, requires 30, 5 point talent
All attacks against you have a 2(10?)% chance to cause half damage
Don't know why this in the holy tree, sounds more like a prot spec.

Light's Grace, requires 35, 3 point talent
Your Holy Light has a 33(100?)% chance to cause our next Holy Light spell cast within 15 seconds take .5 seconds less casting time.
2 second Holy Light. I wonder if the effect stacks.

Holy Guidance, requires 35, 5 point talent
Your damage/healing is increased by 7(35)% of your Int.
Very nice. The bigger your pool, the bigger the +healing.

Divine Illumination, requires 40, 1 point talent
Reduces mana costs of all spells by 50% for 20 seconds, 2 minute cooldown.
Great for those long chain-healing fights.


Improved Resistance Auras, requires 20 points, 2 point talent
Your resistance auras also reduce spell damage by additional 3(6?)%

Improved Divine Shield, requires 25, 2 point talent
Lowers the cooldown for Divine Shield by 30 (60?) seconds, and lowers the attack speed penalty by 50(100?)%.
Maxed = 12 seconds of me owning and you can't do shit.

Ardent Defender, requires 30, 5 point talent
When your health is below 20(100???)%, reduces all damage against you by 10%
Ed: I have no idea which part scales, but a perma defensive stance doesn't seem hideously out of line, and makes deep prot a whole new level of appealing.

Lasting Defense, requires 35, 3 point talent
When struck by a melee attack, you have a 4(12?)% chance to gain 50% of the damage taken in mana.
Swap this with Blessed Life and it would make sense.

Weapon Expertise, requires 35, 5 point talent
Increases skill iwth all weapons by 2(10?)
Hi shaman talent.

Avenger's Shield, requires 40, 1 point talent
range 8-30 (shooting range), Requires shield, 30 sec cooldown
(Listed are from the talent, it may scale with level, there don't seem to be any ranks on the trainer)
500 mana, 270-330 damage.
Hurls a holy shield at the enemy, dealing listed damage, and then bouncing to additional close targets. Affects 3 targets total.
CAPTAIN AMERICA! But the mana is way too high.


Crusade, requires 20, 3 point talent
Increaes all damage to Humaniod, Undead, Demon and Elemential foes by 1(3?)%
3% is weak. I'd rather see 2/4/6 or 3/6/9.

Improved Sanctity Aura, requires 25 and Sanctity Aura, 2 point talent
The amount of healing done to targets affected by Sanctity Aura is increased by 3(6)%

Divine Purpose, requires 30, 5 point
Decrease the chance that melee and ranged attacks will critically hit you by 1(5?)%.
Decent for PVP, and awesome for tanking.

Empowered Judgement, requires 35, 3 point
Gives your Judgement a 33(100?)% chance to refund 50% of the mana cost of th judged spell
35 pre-req for half a chance to get 60something mana back? No thanks.

Fanaticism, requires 35, 5 point
Increases the critical strike chance of Seal of Command and all damaging Judgements by 2(10)%

Sanctified Crusader, requires 40, 1 point
In addition to the normal effect, your Judgement of the Crusader will increase the critical strike chance of all attacks made vs the judged target by an additional 2%
Scenario: Thor judges Crusader on Nefarian. Now the whole raid has an additional 2% to crit on him.
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Post by cadalano »

Fleet Footed (req 20) 2pt - Increases your chance to resist movement impairing effects by 5% and increases your movement speed by 4%. This does not stack with other movement increasing effects.
PVP must have

Quick Recovery (req 20) 2pt - All healing effects on you are increased by 10%. In addition, your finishing moves cost 40% less Energy when they fail to hit
Healing is pretty negligible... Seal Fate and SS builds will probably benefit nicely from the 80% less energy which is 28 of 35 energy recovered per failed Eviscerate

Master Poisoner (req 25) 2pt - Reduces the chance your poisons will be resisted by 2% and increases your chance to resist Poison effects by an additional 15%
30% poison immunity for 2 talent points? Thats pretty fuckin nice but I still think the points will do more good elsewhere

Deadened Nerves (req 30) 5pt - Decreases all physical damage taken by 1%
5% reduced is negligible even in PVP

Find Weakness (req 35) 5pt - Your finishing moves increase the damage of all offensive abilities by 2% for 10 sec.
This is pretty nice.. Will drastically change CP cycles for SF rogues

Suprise Attack (req 40) 1pt - A strike that deals 100% weapon damage. This attack cannot be blocked, dodged, or parried. Awards 1 combo point.
Eh....... as long as this has the talents to back it up, it'll be useful for DPS.. could give a shit about the block/dodge/parry, though.

Vitality (req 30), 2pt - Increases your total Stamina by 3%
This is decent for PVP and will amount to a few hundred extra HP. PVPers will probably take Riposte before this or Nerves of Steel, though.

Nerves of Steel (req 30), 2 pt - Increases your chance to resist Stun and Fear effects by an additional 5%
Pretty fuckin' hot for PVP. I'd take this as at least one PVP filler, given the choices

Blade Twisting (req 35) 5pt - Gives your Sinister Strike, Backstab, Gouge, and Shiv abilities a 5% chance to Daze the target for 8 sec.
This is pretty interesting. Its honestly not likely to be used in any PVP builds because its so high in combat, but it would be nice for PVE specs to be able to dismount people and have an extra snare proc. I have no idea about whether or not raid mobs can be dazed..

Shadow Strikes (req 40) 1pt - All melee attacks againtt Poisoned or Dazed targets cause additional Shadow damage equal to 10% of weapon damage.
This is pretty nuts and will help to close the now massive gap between SS and BS rogues. I just want to know what can and cant be Dazed.

Enveloping Shadows (req 30) 3pt - Increases your chance to avoid area of effect attacks by an additional 5%
Eh. decent filler for PVP if neccesary. Ultimately pretty useless though. as far as PVE goes, it would be cute for some specific encounters, but yeah.. useless

Cheat Death (req 30) 5pt - You have a 4% chance to completely avoid any damaging attack that would otherwise kill you.
Well this is pretty fuckin pointless

Sinister Calling (req 35) 5pt - Increases your agility by 2%
Just like the AP talent, this will not make up the gap between Sub and the other builds, but it'll make more idiots go apeshit and experiment with Hemo.. which increases my DPS, so hey.

Cloak of Shadows (req 40) 1pt - When activated, you become immune to all spells for 4 sec. This will not remove existing effects, though you will be immune to the effects while Cloak of Shadows is active.
Well this would be very very nice for PVP obviously. It would also be very very nice for PVE, but once again its not worth cutting your balls off from combat/ass to get it.

New skills:

[22:43] : they get an ability called Deadly Throw
[22:43] : which is basically an eviscerate, except it's ranged and does thrown damage + an amount
[22:44] : 5-point DT is thrown damage + 468-564
Seems fairly useless to me because of the combo points.. I mean.. I can do 300-600 just with a gunshot
[22:44] : Mutilate, 60 energy, daggers, instantly attacks with both weapons and gives 2 combo points
This ability sounds pretty hot but it won't outperform Backstab without some talents to support it.
[22:45] : Shiv, instant off-hand attack that gives a 100% chance for the offhand poison to be applied, energy cost depends on weapon speed
actually pretty hot for PVP as long as the energy cost isnt nuts. Poisons have a high proc rate but sometimes you can only expect to get 1 or 2 hits on a target at a time (mage, hunter)

[22:45] : anasthetic poison, 30% chance of reducing threat by a moderate amount, 120 charges
good to carry a stack around for certain fights but unlikely to get much use
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Post by Bubba Grizz »

Is there any shred of proof for these or are people just pulling shit out of their asses in hopes that Blizz likes it?
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Post by cadalano »

I've seen the talents for paladin and rogue myself on the F&F alpha client.. and last night I had the new warrior talents read to me over Vent (Draenei went beta last night)
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Post by Fairweather Pure »

Bubba Grizz wrote:Is there any shred of proof for these or are people just pulling shit out of their asses in hopes that Blizz likes it?
That would be a lot of misinformation to make up just for fun. I think it's genuine insight. I could be wrong, but too many skills and abilities look viable and pretty well thought out for a made up skill tree.

Granted, some of this could change before release, but I think it's a good idea of what we'll be getting.
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Post by Bubba Grizz »

Well remember when the talk about the expansion first started and that whole big thing about the zones changing and what not. That was very detailed as well. I wouldn't put it past folks to fake this shit too. I mean of course people have time on their hands if they are playing Wow.
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Post by cadalano »

is this thing on? the friends & family alpha test is in process right now. people are staring directly at the new talents and skills from their blood elves / draenei as they play them on the official world of warcraft alpha test server. There will be more information coming as they start the 60-70 phase in a couple of weeks, so get over it!
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Post by Raistin »

Mages are far underpowered! I would trade anything for 100% resist warlock fear.
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Post by Sionistic »

Cheat Death (req 30) 5pt - You have a 4% chance to completely avoid any damaging attack that would otherwise kill you.
Well this is pretty fuckin pointless
I dont see how that is pointless. 4% sounds like the first rank, so it might goto 10 or 20%. That is huge against classes like warriors and mages with their huge burst damage.
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Post by cadalano »

execute has no cooldown AFAIK so basically they can just sit there and continue to spam it.. would be OK against mages and hunters i guess but those points would still be better spent elsewhere
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Post by Sionistic »

Now if a rogue avoids an execute, would the warrior still lose his rage? Or maybe they can even *gasp* fix execute.
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Post by cadalano »

they either dont lose any rage, or lose a very small amount of rage
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Post by Kwonryu DragonFist »

Any new stuff fer Shammies?
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Post by Boogahz »

Rumored Shaman Expansion Talents

Enhancement Tree

Tier 7 (30 Points Required)
Dual Wield - 1 Rank - Allows one-hand and off-hand weapons to be equipped in the off-hand
Mental Quickness - 3 Ranks - Reduces the mana cost of your instant cast spells by 2(4/6)%

Tier 8 (35 Points Required)
Dual Wield Specialization - 5 Ranks - Increases your chance to hit while dual wielding by an additional 2(4/6/8/10)%

Tier 9 (40 Points Required)
Shamanistic Rage - 17 mana - 2 min cooldown - Gives your successful melee attacks a chance to regenerate mana equal to 20% of your strength. Lasts 30 seconds.

Restoration Tree

Tier 7 (30 Points Required)
Nature's Guardian - 5 Ranks - Whenever a damaging attack is taken that reduces you below 30% health, you have a 10% chance to heal 10% of your total health and reduce your threat level on that target. 5 second cooldown. (Not sure what number will scale here)

Tier 8 (35 Points Required)
Nature's Blessing - 3 Ranks - Increases your spell damage and healing by an amount equal to 10(20/30)% of your intellect.

Tier 9 (40 Points Required)
Earth Shield - 300 mana - 40 yard range - no cooldown - Protects the target with an earthen shield, giving a 30% chance of ignoring spell interruption when damaged and causing melee attacks to heal the target. This effect can only occur once every few seconds. 10 charges. Lasts 10 min. This shield can only be placed on one target at a time.

Elemental Tree

Tier 5 (20 Points Required)
Unrelenting Storm - 5 Ranks - Regenerate mana equal to 2(4/6/8/10)% of your intellect every 5 seconds, even while casting.

Tier 6 (25 Points Required)
Elemental Precision - Increases your chance to hit with Fire/Frost/Nature spells by 2(4/6)%
Enhancement Tree

Tier 6 (25 Points Required)
Unleashed Rage - 5 Ranks - Causes your critical hits with melee attacks to increase all party members' attack power by 2(4/6/8/10)% if within 20 yards of the shaman. Lasts 10 sec.
Restoration Tree

Tier 5 (20 Points Required)
Focused Mind - 3 Ranks - Increases your chance to resist Silence and Interrupt mechanics by an additional 5(10/15)%

Tier 7 (30 Points Required)
Elemental Shields - 3 Ranks - Reduces the chance you will be critically hit by melee and ranged attacks by 2(4/6)%

Tier 8 (35 Points Required)

Lightning Overload - 5 Ranks - Gives your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells a 1(2/3/4/5)% chance to cast a second identical spell on the same target at no additional cost.

Tier 9 (40 Points Required)
Totem of Wrath - 26 mana - 2 min cooldown - Summons a Totem of Wrath with 5 health at the feet of the caster. The totem increases the chance to critically hit with spells by 10% to all party members within 20 yards. Lasts 20 seconds.

Here are all the new spells I see on the trainer for Shaman.

Wrath of Air Totem - Level 64 - 320 mana - Summons a Wrath Of Air totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster. Party members within 20 yards of the totem have their magical damage from spells and effects increased by up to 101. Lasts 2 minutes.

Heroism (Bloodlust for Alliance) - Level 70 - 750 mana - 10 min cooldown - Increases ranged, melee, and spell casting speed by 35% for all party members. Lasts 1 min.

Water Shield - Level 62 - 50 mana - The caster is surrounded by 3 globes of water. When a spell, melee, or ranged attack hits the caster, 83 mana is restored to the caster. This expends one water globe. Only one globe will activate every few seconds. Lasts 10 min.

Earth Elemental Totem - Level 66 - 705 mana - 20 min cooldown - Summon an elemental totem that calls forth a greater elemental to protect the caster and his allies. Lasts 2 min.

Also the new Mana Tide at level 68 restores 330 every 3 for 12 seconds (previous rank at 58 restores 290 every 3)

Fire Elemental Totem - Level 68 - 680 mana - 20 min cooldown - Summons an elemental totem that calls forth a greater fire elemental to rain destruction on the caster's enemies. Lasts 2 min.
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Post by Kwonryu DragonFist »

Boohg always delivers!

Many thanks!


Heroism (Bloodlust for the Alliance)= Huh?

Is it called Heroism for the Horde and Bloodlust for the hummies and the puny Alliance? I Object!
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Post by murr »

Two things, relating to rogues (and yes those talents/skills are legit):

1) Cheat Death is sweet, I don't know what you're talking about. 20% chance to outright evade a killing blow? Hello mage spell crits, aimed shot, execute...

2) What makes you think Shadow Strikes would close the gap between SS and Backstab builds? Sure, you gain less weapon damage bonus per hit with daggers, but you also hit quite a bit more often... I can't really think of any math to back your statement up.
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Post by cadalano »

*shrug* just my opinion on cheat death. its alright for duels or 1 on 1 i guess, but usually if i'm in that situation its going to take a lot more than a few extra dodges/resists to make a lick of difference :P
i just figure i'd do better spending those points elsewhere in the sub tree

You'll gain more damage per SS, and just like today, SS will swing more often than BS
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Post by Fairweather Pure »

cadalano wrote:*shrug* just my opinion on cheat death. its alright for duels or 1 on 1 i guess, but usually if i'm in that situation its going to take a lot more than a few extra dodges/resists to make a lick of difference :P
i just figure i'd do better spending those points elsewhere in the sub tree

You'll gain more damage per SS, and just like today, SS will swing more often than BS
It seems you kninda mimic my thoughts that situtaional skills, while they may be cool, take a back seat to practical/everyday useful skills. The Druid tree is kinda like that too.
Tier 8
Heightened Senses: Increases your attack power by up to 10/20/30/40/50% of your intellect.
You won't catch me going cat in my caster gear often enough to warrent this skill purchase, but it looks good on paper.
Tier 9
Force of Nature (Rank 1): The force of nature radiates from the Druid, silencing enemies within 10 yards for 2 sec. and causing 192-212 Nature damage. Note: 2 minute cooldown

Hey, at least they were consistant and made the final tier of Balance suck much assholio. As if druids needed further confirmation that Balance was basically a PvP spec. Sure, it can do the most single target dmg faster than any other caster in the game (due basically to casting times), but youhave to be geared in all cloth +dmg gear. I think oomkin will be become even more rare after the expansion.
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