Rove threatening Republicans who question Domestic Spying

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Rove threatening Republicans who question Domestic Spying

Post by Kargyle »

I don't know much about Insight, although I read that they tend to be conservative, but that comes from a Fark comment, so take it with a grain of salt. Regardless, I think this could really blow up in the White House's face.
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Post by Marbus »

Not sure about that site, it seem pretty partisian but that still gives me no doubt that Rove is doing this... it's his style. The sad thing is that many are probably going to gave and keep the President from facing justice... Note I'm not saying he is guilty but I do think this warrants an impeachment trial.

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Post by Nick »

He is guilty. That's not something up for reasonable debate. It's whether anyone feels like protecting the integrity of their country that they are deciding upon.

BUT REMEMBER! When the President does it, it's not illegal!
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Post by Boogahz »

Nick wrote:He is guilty. That's not something up for reasonable debate. It's whether anyone feels like protecting the integrity of their country that they are deciding upon.
Unfortunately the "broad powers" granted to him are where the reasonable debate should come. There may not have been enough limitations in the powers granted to him for the "war on terror." This could be seen as using a loophole, or it could be seen as utilizing what was available. Either way, it needs to be included in any future powers granted.

Karl Rove's actions are, and have been, despicable. I wouldn't doubt some of the information in the story linked above, but I really doubt he would have been as blunt about his intentions. He just doesn't strike me as being that stupid.
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Post by Jice Virago »

Considering he got tossed out of Bush 1's administration for the same thing he is being investigated for now, I would not assume that. At the very least, his hubris exceeds his intelligence.

As for the spying issue, FISA is pretty damn specific and its not a real obstacle to someone working within the system. We are not in a state of War declared by Congress. At best, we are in a quasi police action situation, identical to Veitnam where Nixon's actions resulted in FISA's creation in the first place. Even if we were in a state of war, FISA is written in such a clear and concise manner (and pretty damn lenient in supplying warrents), that its power is no less binding. For any branch of government to engage in espionage without oversite is a fairly serious constitutional violation. The fact that he came out and said it was illegal before he got caught and is now trying to justify it in clintonesque bullshit obfuscation is probably worse than the actual crime itself. Personally, I prefered my President with a balanced budget and lying about blowjobs.....
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