Small town Conservative Newspapers...

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Small town Conservative Newspapers...

Post by Marbus »

When they begin to publish things like this, maybe people will start to wake up... This was written by a political science professor at UALR. ... 0021.shtml
DARRELL K. HUTCHINS: Bush is ruining America

It is time to speak the truth, regardless of political sensitivities.

George W. Bush is the worst president and his administration is the worst government in the history of these United States. The Bush record of destructiveness is unmatched by any previous president, and the longer he stays in power, the greater will be the destruction.

Everything mythical King Midas touched turned to gold. George W. Bush has a similar condition, but everything he touches turns to a much more base substance.

Bold lies, limitless slander, corrupt one-party control of government, and carefully staged PR events, propagated by the corporate media, are the sole reasons why Bush has not yet faced impeachment. If Osama bin Laden had been allowed to install an American leader to bring America down, he could hardly have found a more effective person than George W. Bush.

Bush claimed in 2000 that he was bringing an era of responsibility. The tragic irony for the national security of America is that he immediately inaugurated a regime that functions in secrecy and avoids accepting responsibility, despite frequent monumental failures.

The man in the White House is a combination pathological liar, narcissist, spiteful person and ignoramus. Perhaps he could have made a living cheating little old ladies out of their money.

If so, it would have been the only success in business he ever achieved on his own.

Bush turned the biggest federal surplus into history's biggest deficit, which a nervous global banking community sees as a potential weapon of mass fiscal destruction. Bush has lost more jobs than Herbert Hoover, and has managed to simultaneously collapse the dollar while gutting the industrial infrastructure and running up gargantuan trade deficits. Even conservatives are petrified with fear of a Bush bust that could make the 1930s seem like a time of prosperity.

America can now be brought down at any time by foreign creditors simply calling in their loans and withdrawing their investments.

Under this administration, more than any other in the past 75 years, the rich have gotten richer, the poor have gotten poorer, and the middle class has shrunk.

The massive Republican tax cuts are meant to plunge government into debt, thereby undercutting its ability to fund social programs such as Medicare and Social Security, and to administer public domain that has long belonged to all citizens in common. Thus, the American standard of living, already in modest decline, will likely plummet rapidly in coming years.

The Bush foreign policy is an absolute disaster. His unnecessary and illegal war in Iraq is costing us $6 billion a month with the only real benefactors being Halliburton and other Republican crony capitalist campaign contributors. In the process, many thousands of people have died and the war daily creates a new generation of terrorists to threaten the security of every American.

Once the leader in cutting-edge environmental policies, technologies and awareness, our country has become an impediment to action, not a leader. Instead of leading the world in finding solutions to global environmental crises, the United States has become a recalcitrant naysayer and backslider.

Theodore Roosevelt warned a century ago of the subversive influence of money in politics. He said the central fact in his time was that big business had become so dominant it would chew up democracy and spit it out. The power of corporations, he said, had to be balanced with the interest of the public.

Big corporations (e.g., members of the Business Roundtable, the National Association of Manufacturers, and the American Petroleum Institute) are once again the undisputed overlords of government. The Bush Administration is their wholly owned subsidiary and its policies are producing calamitous consequences for the American people.

How did we come to such a condition? How could so many Americans be so duped? It is time to call on Bush supporters to explain their support. Do they excuse his lying? Do they support him because he claims to be a Christian?

The transcending fact is that irreversible damage has been done. No matter what we do now, tragic times are coming upon us. Realizing this, I weep for my country.
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Post by Arborealus »

Once the leader in cutting-edge environmental policies, technologies and awareness, our country has become an impediment to action, not a leader. Instead of leading the world in finding solutions to global environmental crises, the United States has become a recalcitrant naysayer and backslider.
Hey we are still the world leader in cutting environmental policies! Oh "cutting-edge" nevermind...
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Re: Small town Conservative Newspapers...

Post by Thess »

Marbus wrote:When they begin to publish things like this, maybe people will start to wake up... This was written by a political science professor at UALR.
Only 10% of americans read the newspaper.
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Re: Small town Conservative Newspapers...

Post by miir »

Thess wrote:Only 10% of americans can read the newspaper
I've got 99 problems and I'm not dealing with any of them - Lay-Z
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Re: Small town Conservative Newspapers...

Post by Winnow »

Thess wrote:
Marbus wrote:When they begin to publish things like this, maybe people will start to wake up... This was written by a political science professor at UALR.
Only 10% of americans read the newspaper.
Does reading the online version count? The Arizona Republic pretty much posts all of their articles online each day.

The only reason to get the regular newspaper these days is to check out the Fry's Electronics Ads on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

On a side note, does anyone make good use of RSS feeds? Maxthon has a great built in RSS newsreader integrated into the side panel. It's well organized and notifies you if a page has an RSS newsfeed so you can add it to the category you choose. It's a great way to quickly view a bunch of headlines and even a pop up paragraph or so of info without loading up full pages unless you want to see more.
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