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Character Sales :) - Luclin (Veeshan)

Posted: August 10, 2005, 3:41 pm
by Diae Soulmender
I retired from EQ1 in Janurary 2005. Most folks from Veeshan know who I am and either hated me or generally liked me. I wasnt a cocksmoker, dickhead, purposeful trainer or anything like that. Generally speaking I think I had a decent reputation. I played from July 1999 until my retirement in Jan 2005.

I am now playing WoW and have been since Dec 2004. EQ1 no longer holds any interest in me. I never plan on returning the game. EQ1 is a game of the past for me on par with Doom and Duke Nuke 'Em. Fun while it lasted, but its time in my life has passed.

So I am selling off the last vestiages of my EQ Life. I owned 4 accounts 2 of which have already sold to an in-game friend and a real life friend.

I am honest, will never steal them back nor will you ever hear from me again after the purchase unless you read these forums :)

I only accept PayPal or "Cash" if you live in my local area.
I will provide the username, password and OoW Account key after payment is made.

If interested feel free to PM me here on the forums.

Account 1: $150.00 (non-negotiable)
70 Dwarf Cleric -
-Expansions up to and including Omens of War.
-All keys and flags up to and including Plane of Time.
-Decently geared.
-Epic 1.0 completed (no work done on Epic 1.5/2.0)
-2nd account owner (played him myself for 3+ years). No server transfer available.
-Server: Luclin
-Account has been unpaid since Jan 2005.
-Account currently has a 21 Free Access not started yet. Ends in October.

Account 2: $100.00 (non-negotiable)
66 Berserker -
60 Warrior -

-No keys/Flags
-Expansions up to and including Omens of War.

Nothing special about the BER/WAR. They were just my toys I occasionally 4 boxed with. Mostly my Berserker.

Posted: August 10, 2005, 5:46 pm
by Pherr the Dorf
This thread gonna go bye bye

Posted: August 10, 2005, 6:21 pm
by Diae Soulmender
doh! Oh well, didnt think there was a rule against it in forum rules :(

If mods wanna delete it cool by me. Id rather keep them characters around the community with folks who I least had some dealings with in the past then to let them rot in obilivion forever :)

Posted: August 10, 2005, 11:48 pm
by Tinkin Tankem
It's kinda sad to see the borg fall.

Posted: August 11, 2005, 10:28 am
by Nilaman
Who the fuck wants a zerker anyway? You pay me 100 bucks and I might consider logging on and deleting him for you. Then your account might sell faster.

Posted: August 11, 2005, 11:02 am
by Fesuni Chopsui
Nilaman wrote:Who the fuck wants a zerker anyway? You pay me 100 bucks and I might consider logging on and deleting him for you. Then your account might sell faster.
When did you become such an angry person? It's them blizzard bastages I tell ya! :P

*poke Nila*

Posted: August 11, 2005, 1:26 pm
by Diae Soulmender
Tinkin Tankem wrote:It's kinda sad to see the borg fall.
Every dog has his day :)