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Issue 3 live on the servers

Posted: January 5, 2005, 12:18 pm
Well the COH section here seems a bit dead :cry: ,anyway yesterday coh got one more update issue 3.

This update was supposed to come in december but was postponed because cryptic didn’t wanna release a buggy update.

Prolly the biggest reason for the delay was that the new Epic pool powers needed a lot of testing so with the new archetypes the Kheldians.

So the big new thing in this update is the new Ats the Kheldians and the epic power pools. The epic power pools you can pick up at level 41 then take remaining powers in the pool at lvl43, lvl47.
The new Ats the Kheldians comes in two versions the Warshades and the Peacebringers and you unlock them by getting to level 50.

Because of the many power changes and the epic pools arriving into the game the devs is giving away a free respec to everyone in the game,(this have not been activated yet, hopefully later in the week)

Aaaaa what more?.. Aye a the new zone that is added is a level 20-29 and is quite cool even if its one more hazard zone. Guess I should mention that the 5th column have been removed or at least divided in two different factions, on one side the old 5th and on the other side a group called council.

These two factions are fighting over who is in charge and well if you travel around in paragon city now you will see big masses of council and 5th forces killing each other(aye they are doing dmg to each other and anyone that comes in their way they kill,baddies as heroes :shock: )

Apart from that 5th/council "event" there are some smaller ones in other zones, or maybe shouldn’t call them events, but well for instance in IP and Talos there are now a ghost ship floating around in the water, and in IP there are supposed to be a big gigantic octopus.

Then a winter event is coming not sure when but prolly soon, think snow plus some kind of villain is part of that event.

One more thing is the global chat system that is soon arriving into the game(was delayed)
It has a lot of different functions but I thought it was semi complicated when I tried it on the testserver, but then again people that are more familiar with chat systems like the one in WoW might get a better grip about it.

And this was supposed to be the alliance chat but the devs have said that the alliance chat will come later and will prolly be very user friendly.

This update is maybe not that great for someone that have been in game for along time and most content is aimed for the level 20.-29 levels and of course abit for the level 41 with some new powers (but not much new stuff to do) the level 50s gets a reason to stick around abit longer with the Kheldians.

What I really wish is that issue 4 was here. because that update has the things I want, like new power sets(hopefully) a non-combat system, new costume options and well more diversity in the missions.

The name for the issue 4 is gonna be Colloseum and well sounds like the PVP arena will arrive with it, since the epicpowerpools seems to be a way to even out the differences with the Ats.
So issue 4 should be a great time, to come back to the game since it prolly gonna have much new stuff in it compared to issue 3..

I am still playing CoH and have of course had some up and downs when it comes to the fun factor in game, since its abit repetitive and all that. I have mostly stayed in game because I am still in the same supergroup as in beta, with lots a great people. I think I will hang out till CoV and then see how that develops.

Anyway if anyone plays CoH look me up on the victory server my main toon is Saga :)

Available Now!

Many conflicts in Paragon City rage openly across the streets on a daily basis. These combats can draw the attention of the public and heroes alike away from other battles that are occurring in the shadows. For decades a web of deception has been woven among the ranks of the 5 th Column. For an even longer time an alien race has used earth as a refuge. Now these dangers are surfacing in a violent and explosive way. What’s worse is that they seem to be connected. The heroes of Paragon City must now face these new threats hatched from:

A Council of War

New Zone: Striga Isle (Security Level 20 – 29 recommended)

* Smugglers on Talos Island and Independence Port can secure passage for anyone Security Level 20 or over to Striga Isle, an island just off the coast of the United States in international waters. This criminal haven is rumored to be a stronghold and training center for Council troops.
* Heroes interested in investigating the island are advised to contact Stephanie Peebles near the docks.

New Villain Group: The Council (All Security Levels)

An internal coup d’etat has shattered the 5 th Column, and from their remnants, a new villain group, the Council has emerged. Rumor has it that the Council is not as new as we would be led to believe. Heroes are urged to investigate every aspect of this new group across all Security Levels.

Zone Events

* Dock workers in Independence Port have gone on strike until their security can be ensured (Giant Octopus problem). Also, Independence Port and Talos Island citizens are reporting sightings of ghosts haunting the waterways. (Levels 22 – 29 and 20 -27 respectively).
* The Clockwork King is hard at work on something big in Kings Row.
(Levels 5 – 10)

Epic Archetypes

* Upon attaining level 50, you will unlock the first Epic Archetype available in City of Heroes. The Kheldians are a race of energy beings that have made Earth their new home. Kheldians and their dark cousins, the Nictus, attach to humans and form a symbiotic relationship with them.

* You can play one of two new Archetypes, Peacebringers are the typical Kheldians, while Warshades are reformed Nictus who now fight for good.

* Peacebringers are Natural Origin, while Warshades are Science based.

* Peacebringers and Warshades have only one Primary and one Secondary Powerset to choose from, but these powersets have more powers to choose from than a normal powerset.

* Kheldians and Nictus both have a severe vulnerability to a specific type of energy. Unfortunately sinister forces have made every villain group in Paragon City aware of this, and even supplied some with weapons that can severely hurt Kheldians. Be wary of villains wielding strange weapons, and the mysterious Void Hunters.

Ancillary Power Pools

Upon reaching level 41 , you gain the ability to choose from a new set of Ancillary Power Pools to help round out your character. You can only choose one of these Pools, so make your choice wisely


Cold Mastery

Force Mastery

Flame Mastery

Munitions Mastery


Stone Mastery

Fire Mastery

Ice Mastery

Primal Forces Mastery

Psionic Mastery


Dark Mastery

Power Mastery

Psychic Mastery

Electricity Mastery


Body Mastery

Darkness Mastery

Weapon Mastery


Energy Mastery

Pyre Mastery

Arctic Mastery

Earth Mastery

Posted: January 24, 2005, 7:51 pm
by masteen
Wow, lotta changes since I logged in last, namely the fact that Integration cannot be active at the same time as Instant Healing. I HAEV BEEN TEH NERFED!!!

Posted: January 24, 2005, 8:26 pm
lol no you havent, they rolled back that powerchange and made regen even better :shock: (think they "fixed" mog or well was something more they buffed)

But the stonetank armor have been updated and now looks like a DE bedrock and the darkarmor have gotten a fix so it dosent look like a black cloud plus that the armor now stacks.

Ah btw the Arena the first taste of PvP comes in issue 4 8)

Posted: January 25, 2005, 5:50 am
by Hesten
Hehe, wish i had time for both EQ and CoH at the moment, sounds like a good time to log back in, im still only level 15 blaster :)

Posted: January 25, 2005, 9:45 am
by miir
Heh, they finally gave Wet Ice sleep protection.

Tempted to reactivate my account for a month to check out the changes. :)

Posted: January 25, 2005, 11:55 am
by masteen
Is the rollback on test?

Posted: January 26, 2005, 2:18 pm
Ah apparently regen got some changes to their powers, at first the devs "killed" IH on the test server.
They took away that Integration and IH could be on at same time but this change never got live.(I mean take away regens regen ability that would justbe wierd :roll:
Instead they made a smaller tweak (that’s on live servers now) that still made Integration and IH to act together but not as good as before, think ya need 6slots in both those power to regen as much as you did before and ya will still be a bit less effective then earlier.

But they gave Integration regen ability so the earlier levels will be easier for Regens,and as I said they fixed MoG too, so some use permamog builds now.

So I guess ya got a little nerf :P

Side note: This info might not be 100% accurate since there have been a lot of changes back and forth but I think these are the changes.

Posted: January 26, 2005, 5:24 pm
by masteen
If they actually made Moment worth having, then I will be happy. Having a crappy ultimate power was the suck.