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Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 17, 2013, 5:53 pm
by Spang
Aslanna wrote:I guess the point is they don't have to spend as much money doing it? I'm not sure, really!
The point is, advertising is brainwashing.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 17, 2013, 6:17 pm
by Spang
Fairweather Pure wrote:If I can get a better deal on a comparable/better device with a lower monthly subscription plan why the hell wouldn't I?

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 18, 2013, 12:06 am
by Winnow
Funkmasterr wrote: I like the "friends" jab there, being as there is no way anyone publicly associates with you if you act anything like you do here in other parts of your life.
I was thinking you'd have more of a gang, crew or posse.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 18, 2013, 2:51 pm
by Bubba Grizz
I have a Galaxy S III and I enjoy it. Truth be told that if I didn't have to be On-Call and my company didn't actually pay for my phone and subscription, I probably wouldn't have a phone at all. I don't need yet another monthly payment for something I don't have a lot of use for. Are they handy to have? Sure. Do I need to have someone call me no matter where I am or what I am doing? Hell no.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 18, 2013, 5:16 pm
by Zaelath
Bubba Grizz wrote:I have a Galaxy S III and I enjoy it. Truth be told that if I didn't have to be On-Call and my company didn't actually pay for my phone and subscription, I probably wouldn't have a phone at all. I don't need yet another monthly payment for something I don't have a lot of use for. Are they handy to have? Sure. Do I need to have someone call me no matter where I am or what I am doing? Hell no.
+1, if I wasn't in the same kind of situtation I'd just use it as a tiny tablet with emergency call access.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 18, 2013, 6:24 pm
by Funkmasterr
Yeah, but you guys are old 8)

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 18, 2013, 8:24 pm
by Boogahz
I only recently got my Galaxy S3, and I went without a mobile phone for at least four years before getting it. I still don't think that I "need" it. It is a "nice to have," just like my iPod Touch was. Other devices are/were just as capable of performing their tasks, but they were just what I chose at the time. A person has no obligation to buy the next greatest super fantastical rainbow unicorn poopin' device from company X just because they bought another from them previously. Samsung and Apple can share in the lack of my dollars being guaranteed for them the next time I shop.

The Times Square thing was nothing. They obviously had a full launch/announcement event planned based on the stage(s) present. Apple is just as bad with their product placement deals in TV and film, just like how Dell was before them.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 19, 2013, 9:05 pm
by Aabidano
Zaelath wrote:+1, if I wasn't in the same kind of situation I'd just use it as a tiny tablet with emergency call access.
Recently started an unlimited text & data/100 voice minute non-plan. We'll see how it works out.

I wouldn't say I love my Nexus 4, it's just a phone after all. Is pretty handy as a phablet, I don't actually talk on it. The 4.2.2 release broke unofficial LTE support, not a big deal, HSPA is more than good enough for my usage.

I liked the LG Vortex it replaced too, even if it was only on... gasp!, oh noes!, etc... Android 2.3.3.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 20, 2013, 4:31 am
by Dakanaf
I think it would be nice to have no phone too. I recently went into the verizon store to look at the basic phones because I'm tired of paying for data when I don't use it. The person helping me was able to remove my data package and lower my texting package without resetting my contract even though when I bought my phone it required it. 20 dollars off my bill, nice, and I have a plan that isn't available anymore, 300 minutes for 30 dollars. Only had one month where I went over on minutes, normally don't get close. One day it would be nice to not have a phone, don't think I'd miss it at all.

I guess I would have to get a watch again though.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 20, 2013, 10:10 am
by Winnow
If you're worried about limited data plans, help is on the way!
AT&T this week announced plans to launch a new set of shared data plans aimed at businesses and consumers. These shared plans are available in three tiers starting at 30GB and continuing on to 40GB and then 50GB. Obviously, the plans are supposed to be shared out over multiple devices, but the pricing is still pretty steep, ranging from $300 to $500.
It's going to be hard to ever drop my grandfathered unlimited data plan...not that I really use much data on my phone but with the high speed LTE, it's a nice backup to have.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 20, 2013, 3:14 pm
by Funkmasterr
If AT&T provides worthwhile service in your area, that is. It's in an extremely distant last place in MN, that's for sure.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 20, 2013, 4:35 pm
by Winnow
AT&T LTE service is outstanding were I live in the Phoenix Metro Area.

I agree is all depends on where you live, even in the same city.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: March 31, 2013, 2:09 pm
by Mak
If I already had an S3 I'd not consider an S4, but since my almost 2 year old Droid Charge is ready for an upgrade, I'll go for the S4. I am still considering the Note 2 and the HTC One, but something would have to crop up with the S4 to honestly get me to move them up higher on the list.

The Note 2 is just too big for me. I'm a big guy so I have the pocket space for it, and my hands can handle it, but all I could think about when I was "test pocketing" it was snapping the thing in half if I put pressure on it somehow. Also, the whole split screen and stylus aspects are just not something I'd ever use. The HTC One, for all it's impressive specs, is still an HTC, and I worry about market share, 3rd party dev support, and accessories. If an HTC was going to get 3rd party dev support it'll be this one, but still, I'm hesitant.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 6, 2013, 2:30 pm
by Winnow
FORTUNE -- According to the chart above, drawn from comScore data and posted Friday by Asymco's Horace Dediu, sales of Google (GOOG) Android smartphones in the U.S. peaked in December 2011.

Sales of Apple (AAPL) iPhones, by contrast, continue to grow in the U.S. Dediu attributes that to broader distribution (three of the four major U.S. carriers, soon all four), availability of three iPhone models at price points that start at $0, and increasing awareness of the value of the Apple ecosystem.
Well that's kind of troubling for you Android fans. Even wiith a bazillion companies pumping out Android devices, it already peaked in 2011? Apple keeps chugging along, increasing subscribers.
increasing awareness of the value of the Apple ecosystem.
That's no lie. The whining about the "walled garden" has finally died down and people see that the "walled garden" is a humongous garden with higher quality apps. Best SDK, best system for both users and developers.

Meanwhile, Samsung is pumping gobs of advertising money into their Anroid phone while also exploring the possibility of ditching Anrdoid completely by using the Tizen OS.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 6, 2013, 6:25 pm
by Zaelath
Positive growth in both, yeah, real trouble.

Most of the growth comes in "new entrants" to phones, so ... children. Yeah, I might get them a locked down phone I can control too.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 6, 2013, 8:23 pm
by Winnow
Declining positive growth trend except for the gargantuan money Samsung spent recently to get people to buy the S3. A year ago, people here were saying how fast android was growing compared to iOS. Times change, and excuses change along with them. Why is a an OS that is every two-bit $1 special phone declining in growth? You can practically get an Android phone for free as a prize in a cereal box.

Hmmm, must be a reason people stick with Apple products! Maybe it's because they're better. Better made. Better OS. Better Apps. That's a lot of betters! ...but have a 10 foot cell phone screen! who hoo!

Oh and you've got Facebook (maybe, I hear some of the cheap ass Android phones can't handle it...but those cheap ass phones still count for their total!

Maybe Samsung needs to spend even more money on marketing. 20 Billion? That should do it.

Windows phones should be the alternate choice to iOS if they can get enough app support for the platform.
SEOUL | Fri Apr 5, 2013 7:06am EDT

(Reuters) - Samsung Electronics is spending more on marketing than R&D for the first time in at least three years, prompting some pundits to warn that the IT giant is sacrificing innovation at a time when the market is teeming with ever smarter gadgets.
That little kid at the S4 introduction could sure tap dance!

*This post is sponsored by Samsung, maker of all things reverse engineered from Apple and Sony.*

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 6, 2013, 9:10 pm
by Zaelath
Oh, I keep forgetting you're the kind of infinite-growth-economics idiot that thinks "slowing growth" is recession, in a saturating market, and a fraction of the overall market at that.

Besides, Apple adoption is about cachet. There's nothing in stability or quality to differentiate an iPhone from a Nexus 4 (other than LTE which is useful for those with grandfathered unlimited plans and tools that like to post pics of runs, for actual use 3G is every bit fast enough for me)

With moves like T-Mobile to put the cost of the phone in front of the consumer, if it wasn't for little Sally crying that all the cool kids have fruit logos on their phones, parents wouldn't be buying them a $700 phone over a $350 phone.

You're no doubt just still butt hurt that nothing has seemed to stop the APL slide since Jobs' reality distortion field went off-line.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 6, 2013, 9:26 pm
by Winnow
Zaelath wrote:Besides, Apple adoption is about cachet. There's nothing in stability or quality to differentiate an iPhone from a Nexus 4 (other than LTE which is useful for those with grandfathered unlimited plans and tools that like to post pics of runs, for actual use 3G is every bit fast enough for me)

Nothing different? Android Apps are crap compared to iOS. The build quality of Apples phones are better. LTE may not be important for you but speed matters to just about everyone else that actually uses their smart phones (that would be iOS users according to all reports which use their phones to access the internet at a higher rate than Android people).
Oh, I keep forgetting you're the kind of infinite-growth-economics idiot that thinks "slowing growth" is recession, in a saturating market
So why does Apple's user gains keep increasing compared to Androids in this "saturated" market?

You don't have to answer that. I don't want your head to explode.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 6, 2013, 9:33 pm
by Zaelath
Saturating, learn to comprehend.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 6, 2013, 11:14 pm
by Winnow
Zaelath wrote:Saturating, learn to comprehend.
Dude, either way you're still an idiot. iOS is going up in users/Android trending down whether the market is still "saturating" or already "saturated". A bazillion Android phones from a bazillion companies in a bazillion shapes and sizes at a bazillion price points vs one expensive boring small screen phone that keeps increasing users even when just one of those bazillion Android pimping companies alone is outspending Apple on marketing. Look no further than retention stats. like 94% of iOS owners buy iOS again compared to 47% for Android...hmmmm...welcome back people that tried Android! The retention percentage isn't even remotely close for any other mobile OS.
Among existing iPhone users 94% expect to buy another iPhone (6% expect to switch to Android); among existing Android users 47% expect to buy another Android smartphone (42% expect to switch to iPhone)
That quote is from in't it a fucking amazing coincidence that Android peaked in 2011 as well?

Android must rock for almost half the people with it wanting to get the hell away from it.

Twist away.

What version of Android are you on, Honeycomb? Bumble Bee? Grand Master B? Who the fuck knows. The developers sure don't and don't want to program for that 2% that has the lastest version of Android when they know 80% will have the latest version of iOS within a month of release using a much better SDK.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 7, 2013, 1:32 am
by Zaelath
I'm the idiot, and you're quoting replacement stats against an argument about "net user gains". Given replacements are +0, this is fun, what else ya got?

Oh, and I'm on 4.2.2. Apparently this argument is about allowing stupid OS codenames to leak into public usage, didn't Apple patent that?

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 7, 2013, 8:05 am
by Aabidano
Sekrit codenames make them go faster, duh!

They've magically created a naming scheme 15 years ago that Ubuntu copied from them, next one will be called Festering Fanboi.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 7, 2013, 4:54 pm
by Winnow
Get back to me when you find the clock genius.

Replacement stats add to the fact that Android adoption blows any way you look at it since 2011. Whether it's new users or existing users fed up with it and switching to iOS or back to iOS.

-declining new user adoption rate
-declining existing user retention (pathetic retention)
-crap ass SDK/inferior apps, sticky feel to them, poor navigation
-unbelievably pathetic conversion to latest version of OS
-lack of support for latest OS version due to unbelievably poor adoption rate of latest OS
-Samsung, by far the largest of the bazillion companies pimping Android, thinking of switching to their own OS
-Windows phone being actually better than Android as an alternate to iOS except for an even weaker app selection than Android but at least Windows phone apps are well designed.

If the next iPhone is just an iPhone 5"s" and Android still makes no headway this year competing with a teeny tiny single phone from a single company, then it's probably not going to happen. Android's window of opportunity is until around June 2014 when you can expect a new design for iPhone and fully updated iOS. I want real mobile OS competition so lets hope Windows phones catch on.

Android's gimmick was larger and larger screens. They've pretty much tapped that out so introducing a 6" screen isn't going to wow the same people that think more megapixels always means a better camera. Apple has moved from 3.5" to 4" and still blows the crap out of all these Android monster phones...maybe because the phone is actually better...designed better, better non sticky os, better! I wonder why their retention is so high...hmmm. Android's going to lose a shit ton of marketing $$ if Samsung starts using its own OS.

I focused on phones mostly because Android is dogshit on tablets so that's not even a competition.

I'm not a fan of Android because it sucks. I've tried an Android Phone and have an Android Tablet (with the latest version of Android..that me and .001% of other Android devices have). I laughed when I heard how pathetic the speaker sounds on the Nexus 7. I'd much rather use Google tech on an Apple phone which is all pretty much available there already.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 7, 2013, 6:49 pm
by Zaelath
Winnow wrote:Get back to me when you find the clock genius.
That old straw man? Sad.
Replacement stats add to the fact that Android adoption blows any way you look at it since 2011. Whether it's new users or existing users fed up with it and switching to iOS or back to iOS.

-declining new user adoption rate
-declining existing user retention (pathetic retention)
Most businesses would be fine with a 55% retention rate over 2+ years, my only real complaint with your post is the reasoning. You claim it's because a phone they haven't used is "better", I claim it's because the phone all their little friends are using is "cooler". (1 option over the 10s of androids makes it look even more popular). Without the artificial phone subsidy and the stupidity of people that continue to pay out a loan for their phone well out of contract, things may be different. But I don't really care, I have no dog in this fight.
-crap ass SDK/inferior apps, sticky feel to them, poor navigation
This is just an assertion, I find nothing wrong w/ the apps that I use. There's a LOT of shitty apps out there, because the 'store' isn't curated, but that doesn't affect the quality of all apps. Some of the comparison apps are also bad because companies producing them see Android as barely being worth spending development money on; all the rich idiots and children are on the iPhone and that's where the money is.

As to the "crap ass SDK", you've never written a line of code in your life, and just regurgitate whining from iOS devs. It's every bit as convincing as FOX facts.
-unbelievably pathetic conversion to latest version of OS
-lack of support for latest OS version due to unbelievably poor adoption rate of latest OS
-Samsung, by far the largest of the bazillion companies pimping Android, thinking of switching to their own OS
-Windows phone being actually better than Android as an alternate to iOS except for an even weaker app selection than Android but at least Windows phone apps are well designed.
Strangely, carriers who own most of the phones, and hardware companies that have sold the phones already, find little benefit in updating software on something they've already sold, particularly when they sold it for $100.

Conversion and adoption on the Nexus phones is like 100%, and given that's the phone produced by the company behind the OS that's the only one you can compare for OS adoption whining.

More whining followed, again complaining that a device that's half the cost didn't have quite the polish of the "equivalent" Apple offering. I mean... speakers... really? God that's funny.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 1:02 am
by Winnow
Zaelath wrote:
Strangely, carriers who own most of the phones, and hardware companies that have sold the phones already, find little benefit in updating software on something they've already sold, particularly when they sold it for $100.
Strangely, that's not an issue with iOS devices no matter who the carrier is. It's not my problem that most Android devices have carrier/company junkware and skins added to Android that prevent an easy OS upgrade. Developers don't care that "Nexus" is the only phone that gets updated on a regular basis. They'd rather know that the majority of ALL owners of an OS platform upgrade rapidly to take advantage of new releases. Better tools and much better OS new release adoption = better platform for both developers and users. (watch how this unfolds next gen for 720 > PS4 as well)

The problem with Android is that the EXACT same app on both platforms is better on the iOS device. They aren't equal.
You claim it's because a phone they haven't used is "better", I claim it's because the phone all their little friends are using is "cooler".
lol what? Have you turned your TV on in the past year? Samsung has been pumping out mega bucks on commercials non stop telling you how uncool the iPhone is. The fact is that the iPhone is more reliable, better made, easier to use, with better apps and easier upgrades for all phones, not just the "Nexus". On top of that, Android tablets suck ass so it doesn't hurt to stay with the platform that has the best apps for both cell phone and without a doubt for tablets. Google really doesn't give a shit about Android. They care about their software being placed on phones. Creating Android assured them a platform in case Apple started restricting that.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 1:04 am
by Zaelath
Winnow wrote:
lol what? Have you turned your TV on in the past year? Samsung has been pumping out mega bucks on commercials non stop telling you how uncool the iPhone is. The fact is that the iPhone is more reliable, better made, easier to use, with better apps and easier upgrades for all phones, not just the "Nexus". On top of that, Android tablets suck ass so it doesn't hurt to stay with the platform that has the best apps for both cell phone and without a doubt for tablets. Google really doesn't give a shit about Android. They care about their software being placed on phones. Creating Android assured them a platform in case Apple started restricting that.
Yeah, cause kids are drones that are told what's cool, what their friends are doing has no effect on their behaviour, they're too busy listening to their parent's sage advice.

Earth. You should visit it.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 1:25 am
by Winnow

Apple must be pretty fucking amazing to keep people using that little phone even after they try Android! WOW! I'm sure you would have mentioned Steve Jobs name at least 10 times by now if he was still alive. Shame you can't keep riding that short bus rationale eh?

This Tom Cook guy must be even better than Jobs at brainwashing! Whooosh! I take one look at him and think...APPLE...ULTRA COOL!

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 2:37 am
by Canelek
Larry Hagman?

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 7:12 am
by Aabidano
In ~4 years of smartphoning, I'm on my second. Both Android. No complaints at all, nada, worked great. The Android port on my touchpad? No complaints at all there either.

I feel no loss incurred by not having the ability to give Apple a 30% cut of every dollar I spend. Or of having to jailbreak my phone to go outside their box and having to be concerned that I've just shafted myself. Not having to deal with iTunes or the rest of the "ecosystem"? +1 zillion.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 12:53 pm
by Boogahz
Winnow wrote:
Zaelath wrote:
Strangely, carriers who own most of the phones, and hardware companies that have sold the phones already, find little benefit in updating software on something they've already sold, particularly when they sold it for $100.
Strangely, that's not an issue with iOS devices no matter who the carrier is. It's not my problem that most Android devices have carrier/company junkware and skins added to Android that prevent an easy OS upgrade. Developers don't care that "Nexus" is the only phone that gets updated on a regular basis. They'd rather know that the majority of ALL owners of an OS platform upgrade rapidly to take advantage of new releases.
What the fuck kind of retarded bullshit are you trying to spout here? Updating the OS takes one touch in the system settings for an Android phone. I guess one click is too much work for your ass

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 1:40 pm
by Chidoro

there's your iphone clientel. you should be proud

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 1:47 pm
by Winnow
Boogahz wrote: What the fuck kind of retarded bullshit are you trying to spout here? Updating the OS takes one touch in the system settings for an Android phone. I guess one click is too much work for your ass
That's swell. now go look at the latest Android release adoption stats. Tell the (majority) of the people using Android phones that can't upgrade to the latest version because of their carrier's junkware/skins.

iOS 6 after 3 months: 75% of all devices on the new OS

Android Jelly Bean after 3 months: the percentage is so low it's laughable
That is a sad state of Android affairs. No wonder surveys continually show developer interest in iOS as leaps and bounds ahead of Android.
I'll side with the developers. With Android, the developers have to work with Gingerbread with is two generations old to accommodate over half of the Android phones out there. (Sicne then Ice Cream Sandwich, Honeycomb and Jelly Bean have been to be an Android app developer! no wonder Samsung is fed up.



Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 2:40 pm
by Aslanna
Ooo pretty graphs and charts!

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 2:45 pm
by Boogahz
Winnow wrote:
Boogahz wrote: What the fuck kind of retarded bullshit are you trying to spout here? Updating the OS takes one touch in the system settings for an Android phone. I guess one click is too much work for your ass
That's swell. now go look at the latest Android release adoption stats. Tell the (majority) of the people using Android phones that can't upgrade to the latest version because of their carrier's junkware/skins.

iOS 6 after 3 months: 75% of all devices on the new OS
Someday your dumb ass will get it through your head that Apple only has, what, 10 different iOS devices? Counting iPhone and iPod Touch. Being stuck with two Apple devices which could not be upgraded is part of the reason I went with Android. Android devices number in the hundreds, at least. Of course there are going to be hardware variations that prevent certain units from being upgraded, just like that chunk of mush in your head.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 2:46 pm
by Funkmasterr
I have a dream... That one day we can have a technology thread that winnow doesn't douche up repeatedly.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 4:32 pm
by Winnow
Boogahz wrote:
Someday your dumb ass will get it through your head that Apple only has, what, 10 different iOS devices? Counting iPhone and iPod Touch. Being stuck with two Apple devices which could not be upgraded is part of the reason I went with Android. Android devices number in the hundreds, at least. Of course there are going to be hardware variations that prevent certain units from being upgraded, just like that chunk of mush in your head.
That's exactly the point. Android is a scattered mess of various OS versions and devices. It's a HUGE benefit that Apple is able to update it's OS so fast on its devices. I don't give a shit if there's a bazillion Android devices...not my know who's problem it is? The app developers who have to program for Android Operating Systems three versions old with crappy SDKS to boot. It's a horrible mess that creates a poor app environment...and who cares if Android releases a brilliant new OS (it would be a first) if less than 10% of Android uses will have it over the next 6 months while iOS updates are incredibly efficient.

I find it extremely easy to update my Nexus 7 OS after recharging the dead battery from non use. Obviously the percentage of Nexus Android users to non Nexus users is very low considering the new Android OS Adoption rates. The "Walled Garden" of better apps and a better SDK is a very good thing for iOS.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 8, 2013, 6:14 pm
by Winnow
10 Things a developer hates about Android:
1: Software fragmentation

Simply put, there are too many versions of the Android operating system in circulation. This means that developers can’t just focus on the most recent versions of the OS; not everyone has upgraded. It’s not easy for users to upgrade their operating systems, and carriers have little incentive to do so. For example, we bought an Android phone in February 2011 that came equipped with Android 2.1. Version 2.2 had been released way back in July of 2010!

2: Hardware fragmentation

Developing for the iPhone is easy from the hardware perspective. There are currently only five devices running iOS. By contrast, there are at least 170 running Android, with widely varying features, from keyboards (or lack thereof) to cameras to buttons, plus different screen shapes and sizes. It’s a development nightmare.

3: Lack of software/hardware integration

Button A on Handset 1 does Function X. The problem? Button A on Handset 2 does Function Y. Here’s a look at the variety of button configurations. Whoa. So obviously, you can’t design an app that relies on Button A to do the same thing for everyone. Users may grow frustrated and give up on an app that doesn’t perform intuitively.

4: Too many carriers making too many changes to the core OS

Apple is strict when it comes to controlling the features of its phones, Android’s carriers have leeway to modify the OS for their purposes, adding, subtracting, and modifying features and libraries at will. This compounds fragmentation problems.

5: Google’s lack of authority

Google has taken a deliberately hands-off stance when it comes to the Android OS. Open source code provides a low barrier to entry for app developers, which can be a blessing and a curse. A lot of developers (myself included) would like to see Google police the ecosystem better, implementing more rigorous standards and an app review process. If Android provided more universal UI guidelines (and components) like Apple’s, we might see better apps as a result.

6: Security issues

Lack of governance in the Android market has led to a proliferation of malware programs that can masquerade as trusted apps. The openness of Android has made it susceptible to attack. To make matters worse, unlike traditional open source software, fragmentation on Android makes it difficult to roll out fixes, so many devices remain vulnerable. It’s hard to keep customers happy and retain trust when security problems can’t be fixed quickly.

7: Market research cost

As mentioned, understanding your customer is the key to getting an Android app right. This, of course, requires lots of research into how customers use the software and hardware on their phones. And, yes, that takes time and can therefore be an expensive endeavor for developers to undertake.

8: Patent issues

In light of the recent lawsuits, there is a possibility that certain Android features could be declared in violation of patent law. Manufacturers might also be forced to pay licensing fees. If this happens, it could have a huge impact on the Android platform. It’s impossible to guess now how it will turn out, but this litigation is enough to make some people nervous about dedicating development manpower to Android.

9: iPad domination

As of now, Apple’s iPad has effectively cornered the market on tablets. That isn’t to say that we never will see a strong competitor (or many), but it doesn’t exist yet. For a lot of developers, it’s just not worth developing for the Android tablet platform yet.

10: The Android Market search engine

The irony is painful. Google’s Android marketplace just isn’t very searchable. In some cases, even searching for an app by its exact title won’t bring it up. There are a lot of apps in the marketplace, and it’s hard to be sure yours will be found. The marketplace also doesn’t have a recommendation function, forcing customers to choose between apps without any reliable method for separating the wheat from the chaff.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 11, 2013, 1:05 pm
by Winnow ... an-penises

Samsung’s New 6.3-Inch Phone Is Bigger Than 75 Percent of Human Penises

Samsung's Galaxy Mega is pretty big. (You: How big is it?) So big that it's bigger than about 75 percent of the full grown human penises on planet Earth.

Last year, noted penis blogger John Herrman alerted us to the phone-penis size crash course we were on. Smartphones surpassed dicks last summer—a bit ahead of schedule—but the march goes on. The Galaxy mega is 6.3 inches. And by the numbers, that's bigger than so, so many penises.

You'd never guess this, but there is some disagreement about the best way to measure a penis. We're going by the data pulled from LifeStyles condoms' Cancun study data, which has a decent stature in the not-at-all-surprisingly active dick-measuring community. Here's how they break it down:

5.052 inches: 15.9th percentile
5.877 inches: 50th percentile
6.702 inches: 84.1st percentile

By some other data, 6.3 inches could fall around the second or third standard deviation of collected dick measurements. So 75 percent is a safe guesstimate, we think, going by the data analysis we've found, but if you've got a better read, feel free to slap it in the comments.

Just for fun, here are some other items that are smaller than 6.3 inches:

A roll of quarters
A modestly sharpened #2 pencil
Letters E through H of an Encyclopedia Britannica
Most bullfrogs
A lighter
A mouse without its tail
A boxcutter
Any but the most epic joint in the world
A bottle of hotsauce
The Indian in the Cupboard
Two dreidels stacked
A stack of 1,465 dollar bills
500 calories of Philly Cheesesteak at Subway
Again, most of your penises.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 11, 2013, 7:15 pm
by Zaelath
I can see how that would be a concern for you.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 12, 2013, 2:18 am
by Funkmasterr
Zaelath wrote:I can see how that would be a concern for you.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 12, 2013, 10:17 am
by Winnow
Phones? lol. Tablets.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 14, 2013, 9:56 am
by Zaelath ... announced/

7" ... and not the only one.

BTW, are cocks measured on the diagonal?

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 14, 2013, 1:10 pm
by Winnow
Please keep your pre-release iWatch off the internetz Zaelath.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 14, 2013, 2:31 pm
by Winnow
And then there's this:

At the start of 2013, McAfee Labs researchers had counted 36,699 mobile malware samples — and an astounding 95% of those samples only appeared over the course of the previous 12 months. In comparison, McAfee threat researchers gathered just 792 samples of mobile malware in all of 2011. Will 2013 display a similarly amazing climb?

All signs point to yes. The growth of mobile malware shows no sign of slowing and this threat will likely continue to explode as mobile devices remain particularly attractive to cybercriminals and malware authors for the following reasons:

The inherent value of the information that can be found on mobile devices, including passwords and address books

New “business” opportunities that aren’t available on the PC platform, such as Trojans that send SMS messages to premium services that then charge the user for each message

The propensity of some users to “root” their own phones to customize the interface or add functionality, which then allows hackers to exploit the device’s underlying vulnerabilities

The opportunity to quickly create very large mobile botnets

The ability to install malware that blocks software updates from users’ carriers that would remove other previously installed malware

Android Malware: Backdoors, Exploits & Spyware

The Android platform continues to make up the bulk of malware targets, representing 97% of total mobile malware. McAfee Labs researchers are tracking a range of mobile malware targeting these devices, including backdoors that enable attackers to gain control of a smartphone, new mobile exploits, and spyware.
Perhaps not surprisingly, given its growing popularity and vaunted openness, 97% of those samples were designed to attack Google (GOOG) Android. See Mobile Malware Growth Continuing in 2013.

The second, tangentially related report comes from Citrix Systems (CTXS), which estimates the adoption rate of mobile platforms in business by tracking their enrollment in cloud services.

Given what McAfee has discovered about mobile malware, it's perhaps not surprising that some enterprises might think twice about letting their employees conduct business in the cloud with Android devices. According to Citrix, 58% of enterprises worldwide were deploying Apple mobile devices in Q4 2012, up 2 percentage points from the previous quarter. Android, at 35%, lost 2 points. Microsoft (MSFT) Windows mobile was flat at 7%.

In North America and Asia the preference for iOS was even stronger: 62% and 75%, respectively.

In Europe, the Middle East and Africa, by contrast, iOS penetration dropped (to 43% from 56%) and Android increased 11 points to 36%.

But what gave me pause was the Citrix chart (below) that showed mobile platform adoption rates by vertical industry. I can see why the user-friendly iOS platform might be preferred in environments in which mobile users engage customers one-on-one, such retail, restaurants and real estate.

But is it really a good idea to be issuing malware-friendly Android devices to field workers in utilities, healthcare and communication services? Citrix was asking the same thing. See Enterprise Mobility Cloud Report Q4 2012.
More losses for Android. Not surprising considering the malware infested lousy SDK hack job that it is. Gotta love those open platforms!

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 14, 2013, 6:48 pm
by Zaelath
Winnow wrote:And then there's this:

More losses for Android. Not surprising considering the malware infested lousy SDK hack job that it is. Gotta love those open platforms!
Yup, tons of malware. All of which requires some fairly impressive levels of ignorance to install, those people should be on iPhones where those choices are someone else's.

Similarly, America has tons of bad information that you're allowed to repeat at full blast where ever you like, all of which requires some pretty impressive levels of ignorance to believe, those people should go live in China where those choices are someone else's.

Gotta love dictatorships for that warm feeling of superiority through ignorance.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: April 14, 2013, 9:10 pm
by Winnow
Hack away on a home PC, not on a portable media device that you want to be reliable and well built. Most people don't have time to fuck around with their phones and just want them to work well, reliably with smooth UIs and quality apps.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: May 7, 2013, 10:22 am
by Funkmasterr
I got the HTC one on Sunday, I've been really busy with finals so I haven't had a ton of time to mess with it yet, but from what I've seen I'm really loving it.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: May 17, 2013, 9:34 pm
by Funkmasterr
Update: I havent ported my number yet, as I wanted to see how sprints service was round hurr. I've been using the HTC One and my iPhone side by side, and aside from a few apps on ny iPhone I can't find on android - the One wins hands down.

Google play is so fucking sexy that it would be worth getting an android phone solely to use it.

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: May 28, 2013, 9:07 pm
by Funkmasterr

Re: IPhone 5, Galaxy SIII or Other?

Posted: May 28, 2013, 9:26 pm
by Winnow
For Funk - Android’s Market Share Is Literally A Joke

Lengthy article well worth reading. Some highlights:
Question: Company A has 25% market share and 75% profit share. Company Z has 75% market share and 25% profit share. Which company is doing better?

Answer: If you said anything other than company A, then you are dumber than a doorknob. Any intelligent person would take company A’s profit share over that of company Z’s market share.
Take a good hard look at the chart, above, then go back and re-read the headlines I listed at the start of this article. What each and every one of those headlines is contending is that Android is winning and Apple is losing because Apple doesn’t control the green portion of the chart, above.

I mean, honest to goodness, take a look at the total units sold compared to the paltry profits obtained from those green sales. Who in their right mind would even WANT that market share?
Apple’s iPhone 2013 Q1 market share was 18% with 57% profit share. This means that Apple’s iPhone took in a lavish 3.12% ((0.57/0.18) of all profits for each 1% percent of market share it controls.

If Android manufacturers needed to sell 2.4 phones just to gain 1% profit share, they would need to sell a staggering 7.5 units just to match the profits that Apple garnered from the sale of a single iPhone.