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Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 2:06 pm
by Aslanna
Funkmasterr wrote:
Nick wrote:But glorifying pimping and murdering people is totally fine right? Worthy of adulation and all that?

I don't really know where you are going with this.
I'm not going anywhere with this dude, it's you that's twisting it around into this, and quite frankly it's starting to really piss me off.

Aslanna you aren't worth the energy it took me to type this, let alone a real reply to you.
I think it's more because you are a moron. Which has been well established in nearly every thread you've posted on. So yeah we don't reallyy need yet another example of it.

Nobody is twisting anything. You're just not able to convey a concise and focused point which leads people to have to fill in the blanks. If you're looking for a place to lay blame start with yourself.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 2:09 pm
by Fash
Despite my disagreement with Funks musical tastes... this thread was pretty innocent. He asked what people like about her, etc... There's no reason for 50 replies bashing him.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 2:18 pm
by Tyek
Making a song about growing up in a bad neighborhood and making a song about being a crackhead and refusing to go to treatment even though people think you should because you think you are above it are two different things.
If you look at the horrible lyrics you hate, the song is about her being a DRUNK that does not want to leave her man. It is not about being a crack head.

As for me being a fool and an idiot, I will leave that up to the others to decide. I simply was pointing out the lyrics of the songs you enjoy. Since you brought up her terrible lyrics, I thought it was valid to the discussion. I am not sure why that was so hard to comprehend.

I will give you credit though. You appear to be the only white, hard line conservative, gangster pimp, video game loving, street cred craving, insult waving, pimp daddy in America.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 2:27 pm
by Spang
Fash wrote:Despite my disagreement with Funks musical tastes... this thread was pretty innocent. He asked what people like about her, etc... There's no reason for 50 replies bashing him.
There is when he says stupid shit.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 2:28 pm
by Funkmasterr
Tyek wrote:
If you look at the horrible lyrics you hate, the song is about her being a DRUNK that does not want to leave her man. It is not about being a crack head.

My bad for the misinterpretation then, however the fact remains that she obviously has a problem, obviously has the means to do something about it, and isn't.

And fash - it's no big deal, I half expected it. Many people just know they can get a rise out of me and get some sense of enjoyment out of it. I also get a sense of enjoyment out of knowing their lives are that fucking pathetic that they get enjoyment out of irritating someone on a message board. It reminds me why I am better than they are.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 2:37 pm
by Nick
Sorry, but you're being ridiculous and getting hysterical. The issue is your inability to objectively analyse vocalists and then demand that your opinion is as valid as anyone elses just because she does crack.

Which is all a bit silly.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 2:41 pm
by Tyek

reread the lyics then. She is not denying the rehab because she has a problem and does not address it. She is ignoring rehab because she loves a guy too much to leave him for 3 months in rehab. It actually is sad, she knows she has a problem and yet lets her love blind her from the help she needs.

Yes she is a crack whore, but who knows if this song proceeded it. Read the lyrics for what they are, not what she has become.

Edit - Fash, I did not join the fray until he pointed out the lyrics and all I said was that someone who loves rap lyrics may not be the best person to judge. If that is picking on him then so be it. I did take a stab at him later, but only after he had been attacking me several times. He does this shit to himself, even if he is better then me (????) he deserved everything he got in this thread.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 6:16 pm
by Sylvus
Does she really even do crack?

I was under the impression that she was riding the horse.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 6:26 pm
by Funkmasterr
Sylvus wrote:Does she really even do crack?

I was under the impression that she was riding the horse.
My understanding was that she was caught on film smoking a crack pipe and that's why the authorities didn't want her going anywhere.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 6:51 pm
by Midnyte_Ragebringer
Amy Whinehouse sucks.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 8:05 pm
by Neziroth
I like the Rehab song, it has a style all of it's own which is getting more and more rare. I don't know if all of her songs are like that, I don't think I've heard any of her other stuff, but if it's all that unique then bravo, she deserved the grammy.

Her voice is solid imo, and the lyrics don't suck by any means.

That's all I can offer.

Oh, I'd probably hit it, but that's irrelevant.

I would though. Probably.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 10:26 pm
by Sartori
Nick wrote:The reality is that rehab is only one of her songs, and a weaker one at that except in regards to the anthemic "i said no no no" bit. Which is fair enough.
She has a decent voice, but I think her voice over the sax-driven main riff caught my attention more. And damn, I would definitely not hit it.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 28, 2008, 11:26 pm
by Aabidano
Neziroth wrote:I like the Rehab song, it has a style all of it's own which is getting more and more rare.
She emulates the old Motown female vocalists as ( I think) someone said, unusual today but pretty common in it's era.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 12:30 am
by noel
A few quick points.

Funk doesn't know how to debate properly, often doesn't know the difference between opinions and facts, doesn't know how to present his opinions, doesn't know how to not take counterpoints personally, and generally leads a very sheltered life that allows him to form various prejudices in an unchecked manner. He could really benefit from an educated individual giving him a large dose of culture and exposure to things he's unfamiliar and uncomfortable with. This has been proven time and time again over the course of various posts dating back to the days of EQvault. When he reads this, he'll assume I'm flaming him simply because he won't like what it says, and won't stop to consider if there's any truth to it. Incoming tantrum.

I own the album, but not based on the Rehab song, which is just 'OK' in my opinion. The album as a whole is a bit to dark and brooding to listen to with any regularity, but it is good for what it is. It's not my normal style, but I do like it, and I definitely see what all the buzz is about. Her voice is incredibly soulful and though not unique in the history of music, relatively unique in the current era. Make no mistake, it's her SOUND not her LYRICS that is turning heads. My favorite song on the album is You Know I'm No Good. Rehab has more of a pop hook so it's not surprise that it was the song that became popular. Oh yeah... she's also a disgusting crack whore. I don't think anyone is disputing that though.

I have extremely diverse (though admittedly immature) musical taste, and I would welcome a lyrical review for anything Funkmasterr would like to write. I would especially like anything you could put together that would be better than Amy Winehouse's album. I certainly think it's possible, because her lyrics aren't the greatest thing ever.

Finally, Drolgin has more musical knowledge in his pinky toe than you will ever have Funkmasterr. It would do you good to attempt to learn from him when he posts about music, instead of whatever it is you call your normal behavior.

I look forward to your lyrical endeavors.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 11:46 am
by Funkmasterr
noel wrote:A few quick points.

Funk doesn't know how to debate properly, often doesn't know the difference between opinions and facts, doesn't know how to present his opinions, doesn't know how to not take counterpoints personally
I am completely aware that they are only my opinions. I am also aware that in my OPINION, anyone who doesn't agree with me is lacking something (in this case, taste in music). I don't care how arrogant that is or whatever else, just clarifying.

And I know how to not take counterpoints personally, but an insult is an insult. When I say something, and someone comes back with "You are a fucking moron, here is why .... you fucking tool" or whatever, it's invalid that they made a point in the middle because they ran their fucking mouth off to me.. I take insults personally, if someone said half the shit to me that is said to me here face to face, I would break their fucking nose, so why should I just brush it off here and not care? Explain that to me.
Also, find me ONE case where what you say is true, if I'm being insulted, I take it that way, Like I have said before, I don't care if "it's vv", I don't feel the need to insult everyone every time I disagree with them. And frankly to me, it makes everyone that does childish, pathetic, and so far under me that I don't know if I even consider them a whole person.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 11:51 am
by noel
noel wrote:...and generally leads a very sheltered life that allows him to form various prejudices in an unchecked manner. He could really benefit from an educated individual giving him a large dose of culture and exposure to things he's unfamiliar and uncomfortable with.
Your response to the above would have been a lot more interesting.

Still looking forward to those lyrics!

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 11:59 am
by Funkmasterr
noel wrote:
noel wrote:...and generally leads a very sheltered life that allows him to form various prejudices in an unchecked manner. He could really benefit from an educated individual giving him a large dose of culture and exposure to things he's unfamiliar and uncomfortable with.
Your response to the above would have been a lot more interesting.

Still looking forward to those lyrics!
Ok, I'll respond to that. How precisely do you know me well enough to say I live a sheltered life? I assure you that you could not possibly be any more wrong. I have seen a lot more, and most likely been in far more dangerous and uncomfortable situations than most people here.

You base what you say about me largely because I don't play the "vv game". I have a bad temper, I don't tolerate disrespect well at all.. I don't tolerate it for a millisecond from even my best friend, so the idea of ignoring it from total strangers just because it's a message board and "thats how vv is" is fucking absurd to me. Maybe if you were so diverse and familiar with these uncomfortable real world situations you talk about, you would realize just how far respect gets you and how fast a lack of it can get you into a world of pain.

But I'm the sheltered one. hah. Seriously, lol.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 12:05 pm
by Aslanna
Why the fuck would anyone respect you? Seriously. All one has to do is read your posts to realize you're not worthy of respect.

Spit on anyone lately? Ha.

(And I use that as simply one example as why you're a useless human being.)

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 12:11 pm
by Funkmasterr
Aslanna wrote:Why the fuck would anyone respect you? Seriously. All one has to do is read your posts to realize you're not worthy of respect.

Spit on anyone lately? Ha.

(And I use that as simply one example as why you're a useless human being.)
You don't get it, that's ok. I am willing to bet money you wouldn't talk to me to my face like you do here, at least I don't think even you are that stupid. I don't act different online to boost my ego. People like you are pathetic, that's why I generally don't bother responding to you anymore.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 12:39 pm
by noel
Funkmasterr wrote:Ok, I'll respond to that. How precisely do you know me well enough to say I live a sheltered life? I assure you that you could not possibly be any more wrong. I have seen a lot more, and most likely been in far more dangerous and uncomfortable situations than most people here.
You answered your own question with your fourth sentence in the above paragraph. You don't even understand what I meant by 'unfamiliar and uncomfortable.'

I'm talking about ART, LITERATURE, OTHER PEOPLE'S CULTURES, DIFFERENT KINDS OF MUSIC, A FUCKING PLAY, AN OPERA. Things you wouldn't normally seek out on your own.
You base what you say about me largely because I don't play the "vv game". I have a bad temper, I don't tolerate disrespect well at all.. I don't tolerate it for a millisecond from even my best friend, so the idea of ignoring it from total strangers just because it's a message board and "thats how vv is" is fucking absurd to me. Maybe if you were so diverse and familiar with these uncomfortable real world situations you talk about, you would realize just how far respect gets you and how fast a lack of it can get you into a world of pain.

But I'm the sheltered one. hah. Seriously, lol.
The above is really stellar information that definitely shows how hard you are, but again, completely misses the point of what I was saying. I'm going to do you the favor of ignoring it since my instinctual response wouldn't be of any help to you.

Edit: Oh and by the way, I'd definitely talk to your face the way I do here.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 12:56 pm
by Funkmasterr
noel wrote:
Funkmasterr wrote:Ok, I'll respond to that. How precisely do you know me well enough to say I live a sheltered life? I assure you that you could not possibly be any more wrong. I have seen a lot more, and most likely been in far more dangerous and uncomfortable situations than most people here.
You answered your own question with your fourth sentence in the above paragraph. You don't even understand what I meant by 'unfamiliar and uncomfortable.'

I'm talking about ART, LITERATURE, OTHER PEOPLE'S CULTURES, DIFFERENT KINDS OF MUSIC, A FUCKING PLAY, AN OPERA. Things you wouldn't normally seek out on your own.
You base what you say about me largely because I don't play the "vv game". I have a bad temper, I don't tolerate disrespect well at all.. I don't tolerate it for a millisecond from even my best friend, so the idea of ignoring it from total strangers just because it's a message board and "thats how vv is" is fucking absurd to me. Maybe if you were so diverse and familiar with these uncomfortable real world situations you talk about, you would realize just how far respect gets you and how fast a lack of it can get you into a world of pain.

But I'm the sheltered one. hah. Seriously, lol.
The above is really stellar information that definitely shows how hard you are, but again, completely misses the point of what I was saying. I'm going to do you the favor of ignoring it since my instinctual response wouldn't be of any help to you.

Edit: Oh and by the way, I'd definitely talk to your face the way I do here.
Again, even if I misjudged what you were talking about - you STILL have no basis for what you are saying. Culture falls right into my response anyhow (of course I could still experience more culture, but so could you and everyone else here, so it's a moot point.) I've been to a variety of plays (my girlfriend and I went to one a month or so ago for her company party, a lot of people seemed to like it but we were bored to shit and left), and it's not my thing, they all bore the shit out of me.
I may not read more than the average person on VV, but overall I read much more than the average person, so I'm not sure where you are going there.

Art is also not my thing (I say that in the painting/drawing/etc kind of art way) - the few times I have been to museums/showings, etc I just don't see what people see in it.. again, bores me.

Music wise I listen to mostly rap, but I also listen to a variety of rock music ranging from the 60's to now, I listen to a lot of old motown type music and a little modern R&B, I even listen to some instrumental music (classic and otherwise), dancehall, raggae, and I have even been messing around with making some beats with cubase and a few other programs I've downloaded recently.. So um.. yeah.

The only hit you have is the opera, I have not been to one, and while I would be willing to give one a shot (which will probably never happen because the only person I've ever known that was into opera is my aunt, who is dead) I don't think it would be my type of thing.

So, I have been to a variety of the things in each category you listed... Again, you based this off of nothing besides my lack of interest in discussing those things with a bunch of people that mostly piss me off.. makes sense.

Edit: And trust me, I would be greatly intimidated by a Lance Armstrong wannabe with shaved legs getting in my face.. I can see it now.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 1:16 pm
by noel
See but everything you just said proves my point. You lack culture. You do not have diverse musical or artistic interests, and the exposures you've had to things out of your comfort-zone haven't been palatable to you. Some people would tell you that it's a horrible thing etc. If that's not your thing, then it's not your thing, but I think if that's your stance, you'd be better off not participating in discussions about the arts/music/etc. because you'll find that you're out of your element.

For the record, I still cycle, but cycling is no longer my focus. The amount of information you don't know about me, I could just about fit in the grand canyon.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 1:29 pm
by Funkmasterr
noel wrote:See but everything you just said proves my point. You lack culture. You do not have diverse musical or artistic interests, and the exposures you've had to things out of your comfort-zone haven't been palatable to you. Some people would tell you that it's a horrible thing etc. If that's not your thing, then it's not your thing, but I think if that's your stance, you'd be better off not participating in discussions about the arts/music/etc. because you'll find that you're out of your element.

For the record, I still cycle, but cycling is no longer my focus. The amount of information you don't know about me, I could just about fit in the grand canyon.
Precisely my point.. But I'm not the one preaching to/judging you based off of those uninformed assumptions, am I.

And to say I shouldn't participate in discussion here (which I rarely do anyhow) because I'm not "artsy fartsy" if you will is absurd. I can see that if I tried to get into a discussion about something more artsy that I don't know anything about.. but that's not the case..

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 4:07 pm
by Nick
The use of the term "artsy fartsy" instantly invalidates your point there .... :?

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 4:25 pm
by Funkmasterr
Nick wrote:The use of the term "artsy fartsy" instantly invalidates your point there .... :?
I couldn't think of the word I wanted to use.. the point remains.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 4:29 pm
by Nick
Yes I suppose it does.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: February 29, 2008, 5:04 pm
by Tyek
Ok Funk, explain to me this respect/disrespect thing. I went to high school in a horribly bad area surrounded by gangs. I was shot at, got into fights, etc. I watched people get shot (our star basketball player while on campus) and I watched idiots go to jail over "disrespect". To be honest with you in most cases they did not even understand the term, what was a simple comment became disrespectful and therefore grounds to injure or maim.

You made some lame ass threat about how people here would not say those things to your face...blah blah blah. First, I would happily say the same thing to you I said. I did not "disrespect" you. I pointed out the lyrics in the music you like probably negate your opinions and I stand by that. Trust me you do not scare me, or I would bet, most of the others on this board. Second, you sound like a baby. You called me a name so now I am going to beat you up...blah blah blah.

I have seen you get "disrespected" on this board, but I have also seen you take valid responses and overreact. I watched this so called disrespect cost people dearly and since it clearly is something you value, explain to me why you would risk jail time, injury or death over some moron calling you a name.

I understand defending oneself in a fight, but to go apeshit over a messageboard or even someone calling you something to your face seems pretty dumb.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 23, 2011, 4:30 pm
by Aslanna
From the "Totally didn't see that coming" file:
Singer Amy Winehouse found dead in London home

Amy Winehouse, the beehived soul-jazz diva whose self-destructive habits overshadowed a distinctive musical talent, was found dead Saturday in her London home, police said. She was 27.
Police confirmed that a 27-year-old female was pronounced dead at the home in Camden Square northern London; the cause of death was not immediately known. London Ambulance Services said Winehouse had died before the two ambulance crews it sent arrived at the scene. An autopsy is scheduled for Sunday, reports.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 24, 2011, 1:16 am
by Winnow
Does she rank up there with the other dead at 27 bunch?

- Singer Janis Joplin who died of an apparent overdose in 1970.
- Rock legend Jimi Hendrix who died of asphyxiation in 1970.
- The Doors lead singer Jim Morrison who died of reported heart failure in1971
- Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain who committed suicide in 1994.

Never heard of Amy Winehouse before today.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 24, 2011, 2:05 am
by Tyek
Winnow wrote:Does she rank up there with the other dead at 27 bunch?

- Singer Janis Joplin who died of an apparent overdose in 1970.
- Rock legend Jimi Hendrix who died of asphyxiation in 1970.
- The Doors lead singer Jim Morrison who died of reported heart failure in1971
- Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain who committed suicide in 1994.

Never heard of Amy Winehouse before today.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 24, 2011, 4:31 am
by Funkmasterr
Should've fuckin stayed in rehab, junkie ho, ho, ho.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 24, 2011, 5:45 pm
by Canelek
Bon Scott (AC/DC) was 27. He was awesome though

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 24, 2011, 5:50 pm
by Aslanna
I figured her dying would make at least one person here happy. That's why I chose this particular thread. Keep staying classy! And predictable.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 25, 2011, 4:13 am
by Funkmasterr
Not happy, but not surprising and I don't feel one bit bad for her.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 25, 2011, 1:31 pm
by Tyek
Funk, So weird to see you mellow! :lol:

That is the response I think most people would have.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 25, 2011, 1:49 pm
by Funkmasterr
I think all the wheelies and riding fast I've been doing has been releasing a lot of tension :D

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 25, 2011, 11:17 pm
by Siji
Filed under "Dont Care".

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 28, 2011, 4:38 pm
by Aslanna
LONDON - Singer Amy Winehouse's family believes she was killed by quitting alcohol, The Sun reported Thursday. They believe the singer's decision to lay off alcohol completely for three weeks was a lethal "shock" for her tiny body.
I know nothing about alcohol addiction, other than to not drink enough to get addicted, but is that even medically possible?

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 28, 2011, 7:30 pm
by Tyek
You can die while detoxing, absolutely. Not very common in alcohol though. Actually never heard of it in alcohol.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 28, 2011, 7:51 pm
by Canelek
I think Delirium Tremens is about the worst that can happen from booze detox, and that is pretty extreme. Death? Hmm, not sure on that...maybe if you were shaking so badly and forgot to check your loaded gun while fumbling with the cleaning kit.

Still, it is better to just keep drinking.


after all, wwjd?

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: July 29, 2011, 5:27 pm
by masteen
It's really hard to die from alcohol detox. Heroin, OTOH...

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: August 5, 2011, 1:46 pm
by Chidoro
Tyek wrote:You can die while detoxing, absolutely. Not very common in alcohol though. Actually never heard of it in alcohol.
You definitely can. Seizures are usually the biggest worry. DT's are common, along with hallucianations and rocketing blood pressure.
Alcohol detox is actually pretty severe

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: August 11, 2011, 5:57 pm
by Siji
Chidoro wrote:DT's are common
Cazic Thule shouts, "AMY WINEHOUSE!"

*boom* dead.

That explains it.

Re: Amy Winehouse

Posted: August 12, 2011, 11:29 am
by Funkmasterr
Siji wrote:
Chidoro wrote:DT's are common
Cazic Thule shouts, "AMY WINEHOUSE!"

*boom* dead.

That explains it.
:lol: :lol: