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Post by Boogahz »

Jice Virago wrote:Instead, his fear of her has legitimized her.
You lost me there. She has had no valid argument other than that she is the mother of a deceased soldier. She has just been the most vocal. There has not been any valid reason to meet with her beyond what was already done. If meeting with her would have shut her and the news agencies up, I would have been all for it. She's a nutcase who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near any government official, let alone the president. She is no longer acting, not that she was acting it before, the grieving mother. She is now just an activist puppet.
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Post by Nick »

Aye, well if you don't count that the Iraq war is a ridiculous clusterfuck of lies and death then yeah she has no valid argument. :roll:
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Post by Aruman »

Jice Virago wrote:
As far as your Manimal and Dr. Moreau references. I searched the transcription at these URL's:
Neither of them has any such reference, so I wasn't able to even see what context those may have been used in. Are you making stuff up or what?
Obviously you need to watch the Daily Show instead of Faux News. Everyone has been joking about his desire to ban human animal hybrid cloning.

Further, doing more than is required is the very deffinition of grandstanding. Of course, to be fair, W hardly started the practice and would skip it entirely, if Rove let him, given his public speaking ability. The major thing you fail to grasp (and what seperates the SOTU from being just another RNC pep rally speech) is that it is intended to address the electorate, through congress. Its not limited to merely those who agree with you.

Does the fact that your man W is deathly afraid of a crazy old woman with a T-Shirt concern you in a Hamlettesque manner at all? If he had ANY balls, he could have put all this shit to rest long ago just by meeting her in person (at his ranch would have been ideal for him) and just plain be upfront with her. If, after that, she kept on being nutty, then he could have her hauled off and tossed in the loony bin with the rest of the tinfoil hat wearers. Instead, his fear of her has legitimized her.
He already did meet the loon once before.

My man? Sorry, I didn't vore for Lurch or for President Bush this time around.

You are just one of the haters... that's all your tripe amounts to.
"Or else... what?"

"Or else, We will be very, very angry with you, and we will write you a letter telling you how angry we are..."

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Post by Jice Virago »

Boogahz wrote:
Jice Virago wrote:Instead, his fear of her has legitimized her.
You lost me there. She has had no valid argument other than that she is the mother of a deceased soldier. She has just been the most vocal. There has not been any valid reason to meet with her beyond what was already done. If meeting with her would have shut her and the news agencies up, I would have been all for it. She's a nutcase who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near any government official, let alone the president. She is no longer acting, not that she was acting it before, the grieving mother. She is now just an activist puppet.
Thats just it. Say W meets her at his ranch, privately, and is brutally honest with her. He then basically deflates her pre-emtively and the news moves on to other crap. This is how a real straight shooter (dare I say, even his father) would have handled this situation. By presenting the appearance of hiding from her, he is making the situation worse for himself.
War is an option whose time has passed. Peace is the only option for the future. At present we occupy a treacherous no-man's-land between peace and war, a time of growing fear that our military might has expanded beyond our capacity to control it and our political differences widened beyond our ability to bridge them. . . .

Short of changing human nature, therefore, the only way to achieve a practical, livable peace in a world of competing nations is to take the profit out of war.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, represents, in the final analysis, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children."

Dwight Eisenhower
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Post by Nick »

lol someone actually used the word haters.
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