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Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 23, 2012, 2:33 pm
by Kluden
He's one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. Why can't that be enough? I think Brady would say that's enough. 5 super bowl appearances is an amazing feat, thats for sure. Even without the stats, no QB less than "one of the greatest" gets there that often. I also think he is undefeated in AFC championship games.

So you put him up there with Joe Montana...and no many others...its a nice place to be considered. Tom Brady is one of the best QB's of all time. Its enough.

Also, I just want to use this space to say it sux to see the Harbaugh curse passed to both coaches. I thought the baltimore curse couldn't be transferred with a family hug...apparently it can. But, John has that cool record of having 1 playoff win in his first 4 years! What a choke job...again.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 23, 2012, 3:07 pm
by Leonaerd
Brady needs to win a bowl as QB of the Colts to be considered the greatest.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 23, 2012, 5:49 pm
by Jice Virago
Disappointing to see both games come down to stupid errors when both were such good chess matches. Condiff will be tending bar this time next year after blowing a chipshot. Reffing was not as bad as last week, but still pretty sloppy. I can't believe how much dirty play went on both sides of the Ravens Pats game, but I guess both teams wanted to play that way...

Anyhow, I expect NY to win the SB, since Eli can actually make passes, unlike Flacco.

Tom Brady will never be considered the best QB of all time by the general fan base of the NFL for two major reasons. First, a guy who bangs supermodels on a team that has been constantly stacked with talent does not engender the same sort of connection with the fan base that P. Manning, Joe Montanna, Elway, Favre, or even Brees does. Second, in a lot of people's minds there is basically an asterisk on everything he did prior to Bellecheat getting caught cheating, especially since the Pats have not been anywhere near as invincible since they got busted for it. Its not his fault, at least the second part, but it does influence how people think.

If he ends up playing on another team the last couple years of his career and pulls a Warner or Farve making those teams at least contenders, then I think there is no question that he should go down as the best passer in NFL history. But he is not the kind of leadership presence that some of the other all time greats were and he lacks the rugged toughness, at least publicly, that some of the more celebrated QBs to play the position. As it stands right now, he is like a superior version of Phillip Rivers, a guy who no one likes but admits is really fucking good.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 23, 2012, 6:15 pm
by Sylvus
Kluden wrote:He's one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. Why can't that be enough? I think Brady would say that's enough. 5 super bowl appearances is an amazing feat, thats for sure. Even without the stats, no QB less than "one of the greatest" gets there that often. I also think he is undefeated in AFC championship games.

So you put him up there with Joe Montana...and no many others...its a nice place to be considered. Tom Brady is one of the best QB's of all time. Its enough.
You're just saying that because he's a Wolverine. If the situation were reversed and this were, um... Craig Krenzel? Joe Germaine? that we were talking about, you'd be making the same argument that I am! :P

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 23, 2012, 6:48 pm
by Kluden
I bleed blue and white, mister, please, no OSU you meant the greatness that is Kerry Collins in your post :)

And no, I'm saying the tom brady stuff the way I said it because I'm a steeler fan, the michigan part never entered into it!

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 23, 2012, 7:03 pm
by masteen
Miir, those are some very minor records you just dredged up, which kinda enforces my point.

Another thing is that there's a definite lack of memorable heroics. Yeah, he put in some impressive passing perfomances in high pressure games, but nothing like Favre limping up to the line to hurl a game winner. He never showed that visible toughness that people love and remember.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 23, 2012, 7:36 pm
by Kilmoll the Sexy
Don't forget that most of the fan bases outside NE hate him because he is a whiny pussy who bitches and whines until he gets flags and he completely crumbles against anyone who puts pressure on him. He has managed to rack up a great record while playing in one of the most consistently horrific divisions in football.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 12:24 am
by masteen
Also this:

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 12:29 am
by Aslanna
Yeah. Peyton whines more to the refs than Brady ever did. Not sure what Kilmoll has been smoking but what do you expect from a Steelers fan!

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 12:39 am
by miir
masteen wrote:Miir, those are some very minor records you just dredged up, which kinda enforces my point.
He's got a fuck of a lot more records than Brees, Rogers and Manning... major and minor on whateverthefuck scale you personally use to grade NFL records.

I don't even really like Brady (or the Patriots) and you trying to argue that he's not one of the greatest QBs in the history of the NFL makes you look like a bit of a fucking moron.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 1:23 am
by Sueven
I mean Brady's achievements are enough to get him in the best-ever conversation, no doubt. He's got 5 Super Bowl appearances (ties the record) and might have 4 wins two weeks from now (would also tie the record). Of course, Terry Bradshaw also has 4 Super Bowl wins, and nobody thinks he's the best ever.

So, Brady is in the company of the definitive Super Bowl quarterbacks of all time-- Joe Montana, Terry Bradshaw, Troy Aikman, John Elway, maybe Bart Starr and Otto Graham if we count NFL championships and Super Bowls. Some other guys-- Ben Roethlisberger, Roger Staubach-- aren't too shabby on this front either. And Brady's got a few years left, too.

Brady is a better quarterback than most of those guys. He's definitely better than Terry Bradshaw and Troy Aikman. Montana is probably better than him.

Then there are the quarterbacks who are as good or better than Brady but don't have the postseason record. Peyton Manning, Steve Young, Johnny Unitas. Maybe some people still like Brett Favre enough to argue for him. Maybe you can even argue for Brees, or, in a few years, Rodgers.

So-- he's one of the top handful of all-time winners, and one of the top handful of all-time players. Not many like that. Best ever? I'd probably pick Bart Starr. I'd probably also take Joe Montana over him. And I'd probably take Steve Young at his peak over Brady at his. But he's up there.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 10:10 am
by Kilmoll the Sexy
I would take most of the top QB's of the 70's and 80's over him right now and twice tomorrow. That pussy could not even have played in the 70's and to even discuss him as being the best ever just completely dissolves when you realize that the league itself protects him and receivers to make the passing game out of control.

When Bradshaw played, the DB's were allowed to molest the receivers all over the field and then attempt to murder them once the ball was in their vicinity. This pussy era of football is made for throwing the ball all over. Stats from today are not even close to comparable to the earlier decades. It really makes you wonder what Unitas or Tarkenton could have doen in this pass happy horseshit that we call the NFL.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 10:42 am
by miir
Personally, I'd pick Dan Fouts :)

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 11:01 am
by Kluden
Mel Blount Rule ruined the league! Seriously though, it would be odd to think what those old qb's could have done with that much protection for their receivers going on.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 1:05 pm
by Winnow
Kilmoll the Sexy wrote: When Bradshaw played, the DB's were allowed to molest the receivers all over the field and then attempt to murder them once the ball was in their vicinity.
But those receivers could use stickum goo on their hands!

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 1:09 pm
by Bubba Grizz
I think Brady is easily Hall of Fame material and I don't doubt his ability on the field no matter the talent that surrounds him. He is one of the few QB's I would trust in a pressure situation. I'm a Packer fan through and through and while I am not a Patriots fan, I hope they put a massive beat down on the Giants.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 5:03 pm
by Jice Virago
After getting away with cheating all those years with no real consequence, I am hoping for the reverse actually.

Fuck Bellicheck and his revolving door of free agent vets willing to play for less money to collect a ring. If the Pats lose to the Giants again it will just cement the asterisk on all those wins they racked up prior ro spygate breaking. No offense for the old school pat fans who have been around since the Bledsoe/Parcells era, but fuck all the bandwagoner fans too. As a Pack fan this year, the shear number of retards in Cali who wore Green and Gold right up until they shit the bed against the Giants disgusted me, but nearly the entire Pat fan base are these coat tail riding retards. I wore my packer stuff like I do every monday after the Giant debacle and ate that shit sandwich. Meanwhile, every NE fan I know pretended they never heard of the team when they lost in '07. I am guessing Kilmoll will be right and that the refs will make sure that the only hands allowed on Brady all day will be Bradshaw's hands giving him a reach around while he hands him the trophy.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 6:54 pm
by Canelek
Hey at least you didn't have to deal with the hoards of fans crawling out of the woodwork to cheer for Tebow! And that includes Bayless (still trying to figure out how he got a job).

So yeah, I think the DEN fanbase got shit on way more than the usual bandwagon-hoppers-for-playoffs yearly garbage.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 7:51 pm
by Jice Virago
Well, you got the religious nuts. We got the fair weather douche bags. The Jebus freaks will stick around a lot longer, though. The fair weather fucks bail the moment the team loses and act like that counts for loyalty. Loyalty is not Masteen ejaculating every time Tebow managed to sore his only 7 points of the game to win it in the last two minutes every week. Loyalty is you cheering for Kyle Motherfucking Orton for weeks on end when the Broncs were circling the drain.

California is just full of bandwagon jumpers. I joke all the time that people need reversable sports jerseys so they can change them to whatever team won that week. Its just fucking ridiculous out here.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 24, 2012, 8:20 pm
by Canelek
To be fair, I was harsh on Orton quite a bit. But, I was happy if he did well (2009 for 6 games). Same with Tebow. I cheer for my team. QBs come and go unless there is a draft home run (1983).

And yes, CA is funny as shit when it comes to "fans". A perfect example is the Angels in the early part of last decade, when they got to the World Series. Fuckloads of people bought "rally monkeys" and all had brand new jerseys, hats, etc...


Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 25, 2012, 11:42 am
by masteen
Hey, I been riding Tebow's jock for longer than he's been in the NFL, and not because of his love affair with his imaginary pal Jesus.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: January 25, 2012, 1:00 pm
by Winnow
I've been a Cardinals fan since they moved to the valley in 1987!

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 5, 2012, 11:44 pm
by Aslanna
I hate the Giants so very much!

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 5, 2012, 11:55 pm
by miir
What a fantastic football game

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 6, 2012, 1:35 am
by Spang
I enjoyed the game very much.


Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 6, 2012, 11:40 am
by masteen
No seekrit videotapes = no Super Bowl. :D

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 6, 2012, 12:02 pm
by Aslanna
Video doesn't help you catch passes instead of dropping them. OR DOES IT??!

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 6, 2012, 12:05 pm
by Chidoro
Aslanna wrote:I hate the Giants so very much!
You lose money on them? Unless you like another NFC East team, I don't see the 'hateable' factor or the Giants. They're not smartasses and it's a old school team with long-time fans.
What do I know, I'm a Giants fan so my take on it is probably biased

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 6, 2012, 1:23 pm
by Jice Virago
A lot of Giants fans can be annoying, but thats just because they are New Yorkers, who are annoying in general. Its' a gritty old school team who's most negative player (Buress) in rescent years shot himself in the foot, figuratively and litterally, to end up getting booted off the team. They took one of the arguably hardest paths to a title in the last decade, with wins against SF, GB, and Atlanta in just the playoffs alone. They are not really dirty players, unless you count some of the getting "hurt" to stop the clock shennanigans they are infamous for. Their QB is hardly a showboating ego case, either. Pretty much not a lot to dislike about this team, really.

On the other hand, you have the Pats who really only beat one team with a descent record all year, and that was Baltimore on a couple of fluke chokes in the AFC championship game. So Brady and Bellecheat have an even bigger asterisk after their three SB wins, in my mind, because they have not been able to win a single playoff game outside their home stadium since they got busted. And, oh yeah, having your supermodel wife bag on your team mates after the game is not exactly helping endear Brady to the fanbase much, either. A few Cheatriots fans might be annoyed at having to eat crow today, but it pales compared to the slobbering of Brady and Bellichek's knobs that would have gone on had the Pats won, somehow.

Frankly, I am shocked that the game was that close, even with the officiating the way it was. To his credit, Brady did seem to find a rhythm mid game, but really the Giants were all over him most of the game. If I were a Pats fan I would eat my ration of shit and wait until next season. The lack of real competition (and possibly reliance on home field advantages, legit or otherwise) has rendered the team soft, and their performance reflected that. Even the Packers with their offense sucking balls managed to put up more points on the Gmen. So did the Niners. At least the Pats outscored the Falcons, I guess... But hey, Bellichek is a defensive genius because he figured out the refs would let his guys tackle the Giants recievers to keep the game close!

I am a Packers fan, so I really don't have a dog in this fight, per se, but the Pats fans need to look at the whole season objectively before they start bitching about this game and realize they were lucky to have such a cakewalk to even get into the SB.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 6, 2012, 1:29 pm
by Aslanna
I hate them because they've knocked Green Bay out of the playoffs two times in four years. What's to like about them? Nothing. Fuck the New York Football Giants!

I can't see any Green Bay fan cheering for the Giants to win but when their hate for New England is so strong I guess it makes sense in an illogical way.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 6, 2012, 1:41 pm
by Spang
It's better to get knocked out of the playoffs by the team that wins the Super Bowl, than by a team that gets knocked out themselves a week later.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 6, 2012, 2:09 pm
by Jice Virago
Plus, quite frankly, they deserved to win the game in Lambeau. Coach McCarthy fucked us hard with his sad lack of preperation and motivating the team. The offense came out and took a giant shit in front of the home crowd. The Giants came to play and executed well, without any dirty pool. A real fan of the game (read, not a homer) respects that.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 6, 2012, 2:44 pm
by Canelek
I hate the Giants because of 1986 and their albino QB.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 6, 2012, 7:36 pm
by Wulfran
I thought the game was OK but it was hard for me to get into it. I was happy the Giants won instead of the Evil Empire but it didn't have the same sense of satisfaction as when they did it a couple years back. I think it says some good things about the Giants organization, Tom Coughlin's coaching and the lack of ego by then Giants that although they may not be a "great" team, they were able to pull together and do the things necessary to win it.

Oh well. Here's to hoping the Steelers can fix their line issues and win it next year!

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 6, 2012, 8:02 pm
by Aslanna
While I have started to cheer for New England the past few years my feelings on the Super Bowl were: I'm not so much disappointed that the Patriots lost as I am that the Giants won. I'd have no problems if the 49ers (or the Packers!) had made it instead of the Giants and beat New England. But I really dislike the Giants. Probably on the level as some of you hate New England. But in the end it's all just a game (and big business apparently!) so no need to get so worked up about it. Acknowledge and move on because in the end it doesn't matter much.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 7, 2012, 10:48 am
by Kluden
I thought it was a good superbowl. Nice back and forth...commercial breaks seemed less long than recent years (maybe recession driven?)...and I thought the officiating as a whole was fine, letting the players play. They called the flagrant stupid shit, and let the other stuff go, which I prefer to see.

The only downside I see to the Giants winning, is now all the giants fans I know (the ones who stick around for the bad shit too), will say how much they love eli and coughlin, when midseason they wanted Coughlin fired, and eli traded. Their newspapers wanted the same thing all year too. But now they are all the biggest fans of those two hall of famers, like all those "fire that bum" stuff never happened. But that's football, so I'll get over it! Grats Giants!

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: February 13, 2012, 3:07 pm
by Bubba Grizz
I won $50 so I am ok with a Giants win. Thanks for the Safety. I really did want the Patriots to win but when you don't catch the ball, as seen in the Packers vs Giants game, you tend to lose.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 3, 2012, 4:25 pm
by Tyek
So 2 days ago I get a text from my neice. We treat her like she is our daughter, sweetest girl ever and she is extremely pretty. Already been hit on by a member of the Clippers when they were practicing at her college. She texts us a picture from Cabo Spring break. Matt Leinart appears to have recovered very well... He spent the evening trying to hook up with my neice. I have a photo of him and her on my phone! She said he texted her 3 times the first hour after she left the club. Guess it must be nice being a single millionaire and enjoying spring break with 20 year old ladies.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 5, 2012, 11:10 am
by masteen
Tyek wrote:She said he texted her 3 times the first hour after she left the club. Guess it must be nice being a single millionaire and enjoying spring break with 20 year old ladies.
He's also enjoying Hilton-strain herpes, so make sure your neice stays the fuck away from him. Unless she's really into genital pustules. :D

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 5, 2012, 12:25 pm
by Aslanna
Worst football story ever.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 5, 2012, 2:25 pm
by Tyek
Sorry Aslanna. I thought it was funny.

I don't think she hooked up with him, but then again, I doubt she would tell me about that part.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 19, 2012, 1:25 pm
by Winnow
Ha Ha, what now Tim Tebawl? What now?

Best case scenario (for me)

Pissed off Alex Smith signs with Dolphins

Tebow Traded to 49'ers. Hillarity ensues!

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 19, 2012, 2:14 pm
by Spang
Winnow wrote:Ha Ha, what now Tim Tebawl? What now?

Best case scenario (for me)

Pissed off Alex Smith signs with Dolphins

Tebow Traded to 49'ers. Hillarity ensues!
And the Cardinals still struggle.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 19, 2012, 2:17 pm
by Winnow
Spang wrote: And the Cardinals still struggle.
True, but the Cardinals finished the last 9 games of the season 7-2 and have an improving defense (one of the best in the NFL the 2nd half) with an offense that just needs a QB and maybe and second WR. I like their chances to make the playoffs next year, even if Skelton ends up throwing the ball.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 19, 2012, 2:48 pm
by Aslanna
Winnow wrote:True, but the Cardinals finished the last 9 games of the season 7-2 and have an improving defense (one of the best in the NFL the 2nd half) with an offense that just needs a QB and maybe and second WR.
Isn't that like saying you have an awesome car the only problem is it has three wheels? And no headlights.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 19, 2012, 3:13 pm
by Boogahz
Aslanna wrote:
Winnow wrote:True, but the Cardinals finished the last 9 games of the season 7-2 and have an improving defense (one of the best in the NFL the 2nd half) with an offense that just needs a QB and maybe and second WR.
Isn't that like saying you have an awesome car the only problem is it has three wheels? And no headlights.
and no engine

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 19, 2012, 5:20 pm
by Kluden
Kevin Kolbe cheese will save them yet!

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 19, 2012, 5:33 pm
by Winnow
Aslanna wrote:
Isn't that like saying you have an awesome car the only problem is it has three wheels? And no headlights.
They were 7-2 while missing all of that! (after Kolb went down), imagine the possibilities after a decent draft!

I can see Skelton being the starter quickly if Kolb doesn't perform.

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 19, 2012, 9:00 pm
by Canelek
I'm pretty stoked that all the Tebow fans will by gone from my Broncos. :) It was embarassing that so many Tebow fans with zero football acumen kept talking about him all crazy like.

Elway gone done and did it again! :D

Re: NFL News/Discussion 2011

Posted: March 19, 2012, 11:03 pm
by Wulfran
Canelek wrote:I'm pretty stoked that all the Tebow fans will by gone from my Broncos. :) It was embarassing that so many Tebow fans with zero football acumen kept talking about him all crazy like.

Elway gone done and did it again! :D

Don't congratulate Elway too hard just yet: a lotta Eagle fans were pretty hyped on Vick & Co last year, after their FA moves and look where THAT went. I can't believe the numbers they are throwing around in the rumours of the Bronco-Manning deal... $60 million guaranteed for a guy his age, that is coming off 3 neck surgeries? Big, big, big risk...