Left Hand Turn Lane Poll

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When you're the only car in a left hand turn lane and the left turn green arrow won't activate unless there's more than one car waiting to turn left, do you:

Poll ended at August 17, 2002, 11:17 pm

Sit there and wait for the normal green light and all the cars in the opposite direction to go by before turning left.
Back up one car length so the left hand turn light will activate.
Don't know what the hell I'm talking about.
Red lights only matter if there's Cops around. Run it!
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Left Hand Turn Lane Poll

Post by Winnow »

What do you do? Screw waiting for those oncoming cars I say.
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Post by Searyx »

It's amazing to me how few people know that there is often a pressure plate underneath them when the stoplight has a left turn signal.

If I see the plate, I sit on it.
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Post by Heddyl Et Tuce »


Some lights don't have any sort of detectors. For example, in a large city, the traffic lights may simply operate on timers -- no matter what time of day it is, there is going to be a lot of traffic. In the suburbs and on country roads, however, detectors are common. They may detect when a car arrives at an intersection, when too many cars are stacked up at an intersection (to control the length of the light), or when cars have entered a turn lane (in order to activate the arrow light).

There are all sorts of technologies for detecting cars -- everything from lasers to rubber hoses filled with air! By far the most common technique is the inductive loop. An inductive loop is simply a coil of wire embedded in the road's surface. To install the loop, they lay the asphalt and then come back and cut a groove in the asphalt with a saw. The wire is placed in the groove and sealed with a rubbery compound. You can often see these big rectangular loops cut in the pavement because the compound is obvious.

Hope this explains it better Searyx. "Pressure Plates" do not exist.
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Post by Ebumar »

Is there an option for run the light?
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Post by Joramile »

I used to think they had pressure plates, then I thought of how much of a bitch it would be to maintain those suckers...then I see the little things up there by the light...i figured it was a camera for red-light runners, THEN I noticed that when I went to a different (larger) city...they like notify you when there is a red light "camera"...

kinda defeats the purpose? *shrug*. Anyways yeah I think my city has the like lazer line of sight becuz there's this one light that the left hand turn lane always turns on and then like the rest of them always turn on only if a car is there.

Oh yeah ride a bike! fake getting hit by a car and get some MONEY...oh yeah that's usually a bad idea :)
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Post by Aarinu »

Believe it or not, but some cities like Chicago (aka larger ones) actually use cameras, but they aren't there for tickets. They are there so that people behind a desk can reconfigure them based on the traffic. Not only do they do a single light at a time, but they adjust all the lights in the road to better accomodate the traffic needs. Hard to believe, but someone is sitting there making money while he fucks with us in what he sees as a video game so to speak :P
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Post by masteen »

You need an option for "Run the motherfucker! Fuck tha po-lice!"
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Post by Winnow »

OK, added 4th option for the extreme deviants : )
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Post by Drasta »

aww can i go back and change my vote :(
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Post by Zvenn Eaglefist »

i run red lights all the time so this isnt anythinre new for me
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Post by Winnow »

I think the Taco Bell drive thru has Pressure Plates. I was stuck behind some guy on a scooter and it wasn't heavy enough to trigger their system according to the drive through taco lady. I wanted to mow that guy on the scooter over in the worst way.

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Post by Pubin »

F U adela

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Post by Adela »

because it's got a toilet! good for you pubin!
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Post by Bubba Grizz »

I don't mind the lights as much I can't stand those stupid fucking drivers out there.
Things that bug me most are, in no particular order:
1: Anyone using a cell phone while driving.
2: Assholes who think that because they are in a bigger vehicle that I should move for thier lead footed ass as they tailgate me at 75mph.
Yeah I know you all drive faster and shit but 75 is the difference between a warning and a ticket in my area. And the slow lane is just too slow.
3: People driving 30mph under the speed limit just because it is raining.
4: People who move to the fast lane to make room for the people from the onramp who stay the same slow ass speed and then decide not to move back into the slow lane.
5: There is more but I can't think of it right now. I'll remember as I do my normal 45 minute drive home from work.
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Post by Ebumar »

Bubba, two words...

Rice Rockets...
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Post by Bubba Grizz »

heheh that would be good for the 3 weeks of summer we have but living in Wisconsin we get mostly cold and snow. Not the best combo for a Rice Rocket.
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Post by Hammerstalker PE »

Depending on the time of day I would probably run it!
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Post by Lexien »

Sometimes lights can also have light detection sensors and when you get to the corner just flash your lights and the light will change..

They use that system for emergency vehicules..

ex: a Fire truck engages on a late green light (that fire truck is equiped with a strobe-light on top that makes the light stay green until he passes. it can also change the light from red to green.)

I saw that on a tv show on discovery channel ..
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Post by Bubba Grizz »

I noticed that they are starting to put cameras on our stoplights up here. I guess they are going to start nailing those people who think that a Yellow Light means to floor it.
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