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Post by Winnow »

Man, I don't get it. Israel (and the US) should be blowing the crap out of Iran's military manufacturing and nuclear facilities.

A couple points on Iran.

1. The average citizens of Iran mostly hate their government and were near revolution a year or so ago. I've mentioned it before that I went to school in Switzerland with about 30 kids of Iranian exiles. I learned a lot talking to them that year. Most of the westernized (smart/educated) Iranians fled when the Shah was ousted from power but there are still many in Iran that hate the "Supreme Leader and crazy religious government in place right now. Even this long after fleeing, I'm sure a lot of the educated Iranians that fled the country would return to help rebuild.

2. Iran is not a "threat" in the sense that Israel alone could wipe them out. They are anywhere from weeks to months from obtaining a nuclear bomb according to the spooks and Israel/US have bunker buster bombs that can take out their nuclear facilities.

3. Hitting their military factories helps Ukraine as well as Putin/Russia is using the Shahed Drones from Iran to hit civilian targets in Ukraine...not to mention all the missiles and weapons they provide to all the looney factions in the middle east.

4. When the US took out Iraq, there was a concern that it would leave a power vacuum in the region and Iran would take advantage of it. Well the same isn't the case for Iran. Take out Iran and there is no other powerful country in the middle east to take their place and Russia can't help them. You won't have a large country pumping out munitions for radicals anymore. Sure there will be radicals but not as well armed.

I really don't get it. Everyone is scared of WWIII but Iran can't do shit. they launched biggest drone/missile attack in history against Israel and completely failed. of the 300 drones/missiles launched, a large portion of them failed to even launch or reach Israel (much like Russia's crappy old missiles) The US took out half of Iran's navy in the span of 8 hours in the 1980's. They are a non factor. There has to be some serious corruption going on the the US government for this non action to be happening. Iran is using 1970's and 1980's military tech.

US needs to take a step back and stop worrying about the bribes the politicians get and the military contracts they get, and not worry about the price of gas going up a few pennies and do the right thing. Obliterate Iran's military capabilities and manufacturing and even their oil fields and tankers. Fuck them (The leadership). That will be enough for the people of Iran to rise up and revolt to change the government. It doesn't matter what government replaces it. Highly doubtful it would be as bad as the current one and either way, they would need to start from scratch if they planned to be a military threat instead of focus on their economy.

I really hope Israel does the right thing and doesn't listen to the US's compromised leadership (Biden and his incompetent crew). Maybe after the US approves more military funding for Israel (and Ukraine) tomorrow (April 19) Israel can get to work and do some real damage to Iran. The United States has been an embarrassment regarding funding Ukraine. Our lame politicians use these conflicts as political tools instead of doing the right thing. It fucking pisses me off that the US is telling Ukraine not to hit Russian oil refineries because they are worried about the price of gas. Fuck that. Russia is pounding civilian targets and infrastructure relentlessly in Ukraine. Ukraine has every right to use their own weapons (because the US wont let them use theirs) to take out the refineries. Russia is a joke. They can't defend their own country with conventional forces. If the US let them, Ukraine could literally march right to Moscow as the borders aren't protected.
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Re: Israel/Iran

Post by Spang »

You should volunteer to join the IDF, Winnow! They’re a bunch of fucking fascists like you!
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Re: Israel/Iran

Post by Winnow »

Spang wrote: April 26, 2024, 9:57 am You should volunteer to join the IDF, Winnow! They’re a bunch of fucking fascists like you!
I highly recommend watching Turning Point documentary on Netflix. It's the most non biased look at events in the world from 1945 to present.

The Unites States is no angel in the world. We've done plenty of bad things. A ton of them actually. We still come out on top over Russia and the rest of the gang though in the long run but the documentary is eye opening, especially regarding Putin. Biden and Trump can't hold a candle to his corrupt ass.

As for Iran, I still am 100% behind blasting the hell out of their military infrastructure because I know that a good chunk of the Iranian population doesn't want "The Supreme Leader" and it's oppressive government. They may not swing full west but would be a lot more moderate country if given a chance. Both Russia and the U.S. have fucked with Iran for a long time. I'm sure most of the women would like to stop covering their faces and getting sold off at 14 to some old dude as their "wife".

I am well aware things aren't black and white when it comes to world politics. But even I wouldn't mind having a little tan if it didn't contribute to cancer. Pure white is kind of a pasty look. I'm good with darkies except they fuck up AI face recognition. I'm thinking AI would want to eliminate them because of that. If I was dark skinned I would dedicate my life to improving facial recognition for dark skinned people otherwise risk extinction by our eventual AI overlords. In the meantime, it's nice to see Google pumping out AI black and Indian Nazis in the name of wokeness. Nice job! Changing history for the betterment of all...except for slavery of course, gotta keep them thinking that was the white man's fault for those votes!

In my perfect world humans would no longer have bodies. They are a waste of time and source of pain and distraction. With physical bodies gone, these woke and lazy fucks would have to come up with some other excuse for their uselessness and the democrats would never win another election because they can't buy votes by increasing welfare checks anymore. The ridiculous abortion ban wouldn't matter because I would outlaw all natural pregnancy and make all humans be bred in test tubes until they turned 6 years old or maybe even older. You don't remember jack shit before that age anyway and if you think you have a memory from early childhood there is a 99% chance it's inaccurate.

Final thought. I'm not pro Israel or Pro Iran because they are both religious nutjobs. The only way to save the human race long term might be to kill every non atheist on the planet and start fresh with whatever population we have left. Don't tsk tsk that statement. You know it's probably true. Take a gander at current affairs and also the entire "known" history of the past 6,000 years or so. Fuck these religious idiots. I'd probably have done the same thing that Chinese Scientist did in 3 Body Problem...although they started calling the aliens their "lord" so maybe we're just hopeless as a species.
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Re: Israel/Iran

Post by Aslanna »

Not a lot of thoughts from me other than...

A) I don't think Hamas thought Israel would go so hard in retaliation. As the kids say.. Fuck around and find out.

B) I think Israel has gone a little too hard in retaliation.

All those 'protestors' who were occupying private property can fuck off. That's not protesting that's trespassing. Arrest them all.
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Re: Israel/Iran

Post by Winnow »

Aslanna wrote: June 21, 2024, 8:25 pm Not a lot of thoughts from me other than...

A) I don't think Hamas thought Israel would go so hard in retaliation. As the kids say.. Fuck around and find out.

B) I think Israel has gone a little too hard in retaliation.

All those 'protestors' who were occupying private property can fuck off. That's not protesting that's trespassing. Arrest them all.
I'm wondering what Israel did during that retaliation to Iran's "500 drones/missile" attack. It seemed to have completely shut up Iran. Something happened behind the scenes. I know Israel hit one target to demonstrate that they can hit whatever they want whenever they want in Iran but I'm thinking a little more than that happened because Iran has been so silent. I mean part of that is the embarrassment of 500 drones and missiles doing practically no damage to Israel. They probably now understand they are useless in a direct conflict with Israel but they still supply the region with weapons which is the main problem.

What bothers me is I still think Iran's military and military industrial infrastructure needs to be eliminated. The U.S. is wasting a lot of resources defending against the Houthis which are still using Iranian arms. Russia can't do anything to "help" Iran. Their nuclear facilities, ballistic and drone manufacturing facilities need to be taken out.

I'm not sure what the answer is with Israel/Gaza. I'm definitely on Israel's side. My solution is to take out Iran. It makes the most sense to me. These Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah etc groups all rely on Iran's weapons. It's meaningless to keep hitting those groups if Iran can simply resupply them. Based on thousands of years of history, I don't see anything changing all religious beliefs so the next best thing is to stop them from being able to arm themselves. To be clear, I think all religions are crazy (my position is easily justified on thousand of years of death and destruction in the name of religions/cults) So when it comes to picking sides, I lean toward supporting the less crazy religion that doesn't seem to want to exterminate opposing religions and can live in peace if left alone. On the flip side, the nutjob religions should focus on taking out the United States which they are doing a fine job by keeping liberals in office, creating a destruction from within situation. They've also succeeded in infiltrating our universities filling them with woke loser instructors, pumping out woke loser students that wear masks now at protests.
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Re: Israel/Iran

Post by Spang »

Israel is committing genocide, ethnic cleaning and collective punishment. Only in a world this shitty could anyone consider that to be going a little too hard.

Also, people are more important than property.
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Re: Israel/Iran

Post by Winnow »

Spang wrote: June 23, 2024, 3:38 pm Israel is committing genocide, ethnic cleaning and collective punishment. Only in a world this shitty could anyone consider that to be going a little too hard.

Also, people are more important than property.
Nah, it's time to eliminate the threat. It's them or us! Genocide it is. That's what you get for wanting to exterminate and publicly saying you want to exterminate the religion that isn't yours. I have more sympathy for the Russian people than Palestinians and that's saying something because Russians are absolute morons.

Jews were mass murdered in Europe and then forced to live in the shithole that is the MIddle East. Palestinians can go live in some shithole wasteland designated for them in Africa somewhere. After all, people are more important that property according to Spang.

Fuck all religions but again, I'm going with the side less likely to kill me.
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